Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Justin Bieber Shows Up 2.5 Hours Late To Concert - Blows off Fans

Last night in London, Justin Bieber obviously either could not put down one of his new girlfriends, or his pot, or his drank, or just could not believe that he actually hit puberty so kept staring at himself in the mirror. A security guard at the venue claims that when Bieber arrived that he heard him saying that it didn't matter that Justin was late and that his fans would not leave. That Justin could do whatever he wanted and they would stay. The problem is his fans are not a bunch of 20 year olds who don't work. His fans are 9 year old girls who got brought to the concert by their parents. Kids have to go to school and parents have to work and they all have to take the last train which was not possible if they stayed for the whole show. It was supposed to start at 8. It started at 1030p. No one from Bieber's camp has issued a statement so that means it was him being prick-a-licious or they would have said something.


  1. Unprofessional is the kindest thing to say about this.

    The most optimistic thing to say is that the countdown from his 15 minutes has begun!!

  2. He was only late because he can't walk very fast in his diaper pants.

  3. Ohhhh, El Biebo! Who KNOWS what kind of hijinx he was up to that night. Probably out egging houses, or whatever young people do for fun these days....

  4. 2.5 hours is unacceptable, but hasn't he been late to concerts in the past because he went to visit kids with cancer in the hospital and ended up staying later than he planned?

  5. His camp will put out a statement that he was "feeling sick" or something along those lines.

  6. Self entitled little prick. He's such a douchey little brat.

  7. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that women line up to do sexy times with Biebs. Gives me the shudders.

  8. When I was a teen, I had the biggest crush on Taylor Hanson. I could always reason out that Hanson wrote their songs and played instruments and never wore diaper pants. Biebs fans I dont understand :(

  9. You know you got mad street cred when you wear "poopy pants" and ruin a 9 year old girls bedtime. Pretty soon he will be hanging out with Kat Williams and Suge Knight.

  10. Can somebody PLEASE get this kid to google:
    Leif Garrett

    Thank you.

    There are a jillion BAD fame-examples for these twats to learn from, and yet they NEVER DO.

  11. @strongerthancoffee- LOL he already hangs out with Floyd Mayweather Jr. so naturally Suge Knight is the next step.

  12. Madonna was almost 3 hours late in Philly. And, yeah. I would safely say that the majority of the audience needed to go to work the next day. This is why I loathe celebrities.

    Justin Bieber sucks.

  13. lmao @ prick-a-licious. We know you hate the Biebs Enty, and apparently you think that entitles you to make stuff up.

    According to the tickets, Bieber was scheduled to appear at 8:30 PM, but Carly Rae Jepsen didn't finish her set until 9:10 PM, so Justin should have been out at 9:30 PM. He actually came out at 10:15 PM and thus made them wait 45 minutes - not 2 hours.

  14. @phoenix - have you seen a doctor about that bieber fever? Just kidding...

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @phoenix
      If i was one off those parents that had to listen to an hour of Carly Rae Jepsen I would have strangled myself with my shoelaces.

  16. First we make them...then we destroy them once their heads get to big.

    It's a shame. This kid is so talented, but pampered and spoiled rotten...all ego. He's going to be a nobody one day and it will be sad for him. He'll fall into a deep depression and probably turn to drugs and alcohol. There is no positive outcome for him in the end.

  17. lol @ Cathy, nah, not Bieber fan at all. I just find the fiction Enty writes amusing, to make everyone else hate those he hates as much as he does.

    BTW, make that 2 1/2 hours Enty implies Justin made people wait.

    1. @phoenix, I see what you're saying, and it makes sense that he would having an opening act... Doy! 45 mins is still a long time to be sitting there waiting especially with kids involved. Lol the parents must've been thrilled.

  18. @crila - I don't think that's necessarily the case. I think he'll be able to live comfortably for a while and when the money starts to run dry, he'll get a good gig headlining at casinos.

  19. To be fair, phoenix, I read this story reported exactly this way at at least two other sites this morning.
    So Enty is just repeating someone else's bad reporting (if you are correct), is that better I wonder?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. He's a prick yet his blind cult member-ish followers still sending death threat tweets to Olivia Wilde because she dared to criticize that idiot publicly.

  22. He is killing the golden goose.

  23. @libby, Yeah, must be it or he went with the one that appealed the most to him.

    @Lotta, I remember the concerts I attended when I was a teen, and the waiting always, always sucked. A 45 minute wait really isn't uncommon or half bad though. Anything over an hour and I start getting pressed.

  24. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I think he sounds like a jerk, his music sucks, but he did visit Cooks Children's here in Fort Worth without a camera crew or any publicity and spent oodles of time with each child he visited and took pictures and signed autographs. Maybe his ego and poopy pants had the day off. I personally know several nurses there who can verify the story.

  25. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I think he sounds like a jerk, his music sucks, but he did visit Cooks Children's here in Fort Worth without a camera crew or any publicity and spent oodles of time with each child he visited and took pictures and signed autographs. Maybe his ego and poopy pants had the day off. I personally know several nurses there who can verify the story.

  26. I have been to many a concert and rarely do they begin on time. There could be a multitude of reasons why the show started late...not just the headliner being a douche. Again I question the hate for someone who really has no impact at all on any of our lives. Are we not all grown women and men on this site? How can one teen singer get so much hate? I go through my daily life with absolutely no impact by him at all. I don't listen to his music, you couldn't pay me to go to one of his concerts, and my kids are old enough that they are past the teen idol adoration, so I don't have to look at his face from their bedroom walls, and I can't seem to work up much steam at his mere existence. I guess some of you may have a different take on it, but I don't understand exactly why adults feel so strongly about a kid who shouldn't even be a blip on your radar.

  27. It's Chinese whispers at its best - he was scheduled to go on at 2130 and ended up going on at 2210. It's hardly GnR territory now, is it?

  28. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I think its funny that most of the people in the audience are 9 year olds and their mothers! Does anyone know actual adults that listen to his crap? He thinks he's a serious musician but he's playing to one demographic higher than The Wiggles.

    @ Greenmountaingirl shudders is right he's so gross I can't imagine. I'd rather have sex with a bald fat guy than Beiber.

  29. Wait....Am I on an Entertainment Gossip site?

    I think someone is LOST. Nickelodeon will get through your parental filters just fine, probably. As a grown adult, I don't go there, but maybe your mom can help. I hear she's helpful.

    (I feel all Buster Bluth bein' bad today!)

  30. His people will release an excuse/aplogy statement in 3, 2, damage control. It's what they are paid to do.

  31. 'Last night i was scheduled after 3 opening acts to go on stage at 935 not 830 but because of some technical issues i got on at 10:10..so..i was 40 min late to stage. there is no excuse for that and I apologize for anyone we upset. However it was great show and Im proud of that."

    Enty chose the headline instead ;"Justin Bieber is TWO hours late to his own concert forcing parents to take their children ..."


  32. I'd be damned if I had kids that I would shell out $100+ dollars for this tool. Hell no!

    1. @curlyhairslacker- LMFAO!!! As gossip whores, we know the dirty deets and the poor kids don't. Your comment is spot on and hilarious. Oh man, I needed a good laugh. Thanks for that!

  33. I don't follow twitter, but does he tell his fans to knock it the hell off when they go crazy and start attacking someone? I read about something about a girl who tweeted "I'm not a JB fan but his acoustic album was good". He retweeted it and the girl got death threats from da Beliebers.

  34. @Cathy...LOL!!! That's probably true. Forgot about the Casino circuit.

  35. Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, Aaron Carter, Christina Aguilera..... Beiber go take your place with the has beens so I can listen to some decent music on the radio.

  36. You all need to chill out and stop making fun of Justin Bieber OR I WILL COME THROUGH THE SCREEN AND POP A CAP ON YOU BITCHES! He is talented and gorgeous and is worth more than all of you and your houses and cars COMBINED. For you to say something so mean about a truly gifted and talented man makes me want TO COME TO YOUR HOME AND CUT YOUR SKIN WITH HIS CDS! But that would put blood on the golden disks, so I will just HIRE SOMEONE TO COME AND HURT YOU! REALLY BAD! So knock it off!!


    A Belieber

  37. LOL Izzie, thanks for that. <3

  38. So glad my kids are too old to have any interest in him.

    Make him go away.

  39. Justin's downward spiral begins.......now!
    I just don't know what form it will take but it has begun. Mark my words. Muahahahah!

  40. For people writing about Carly Rae going until 9:10pm...she was not scheduled to go that long but because JB had still not arrived, she was instructed to play longer.

  41. @Amanda, adds up. I considered that possibility after commenting. Another thing that happened which I can't believe Enty didn't mention - the Biebs got booed for a bit when he finally did walk on stage due to the whole program running so much later than it was supposed to.

  42. I hope this is the beginning of the end of this tool. He needs to GO and get a BIG dose of humility.

  43. oops, just read Agent's comment and that's correct. Either way, he wasn't nearly as late as implied, it didn't occur because he didn't care, and he apologized profusely for the delays.

  44. No kidding about the GnR reference. I saw them (along with Metallica and Faith No More) at RFK Stadium in DC years ago. FNM and Metallica were on time, Axl made everyone wait 3 HOURS! He didn't get started until 1am and that was after threatening to leave the stage when he first walked out because 'there wasn't enough f****** applause" He made us chant Guns and Roses for 5 minutes straight. At the time (IIRC) the subway only ran until 2am so most of the crowd had to leave early in order to get back to the parking lots (you would park and ride the subway the 5 miles or so to the stadium). Only the hard core fans stayed (I'm sure they looooooooved the 3am exercise of that walk).

  45. Soon that headline is going to be Justin Beiber giving blow jobs,wishing he had fans

  46. Vanilla Ice Jr. without the talent.

  47. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I am going to give Beiber a pass on this one. IMO, he is a 19yo kid who just wants to be 19 at this point. He probably yearns to do the things that ordinary kids his age does. He is responsible for many people getting paid and equally as responsible for the joy of millions of teens. that HAS to be a ton of pressure. He probably cannot afford to take a couple years off as fame is fleeting. He is probably getting feedback that he is not yet in a position to take a few years off and return to his current glory. When I was 19 I had only myself to be concerned about. If i did not go to work, I didnt get paid. There was no added pressure. I partied with friends on my downtime and moved around as I pleased. I dont think he has that luxury. Sometimes money isnt everything, FREEDOM is sometimes beter. He is probably a prisoner of his own fame at this point.


  48. @ fancyscreenname True, but he should be more respectful to his fans since they are the ones who pay his "salary" & they are the main reason those seats are filled. He chose this lifestyle and sure does enjoy the "perks" . He's free to stop touring anytime he wants if he's no longer interested, but in the meantime, he desperately needs to respect his fans...and to grow up! And buy decent pants!!!!

  49. geez even the baddest ass rock bands pull that kind of crap

  50. oh I forgot about Guns n Roses

  51. If the 19 year old kid wants to be a kid, cancel the tour or wait until the tour is done and take time off

  52. Anonymous12:03 PM

    same ol Bieber, but what's up with prick-a licious Enty? Stick with basic put downs, he was being a prick, or prick like, the story says it for you really.
