Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Justin Bieber Shows Up 2.5 Hours Late To Concert - Blows off Fans

Last night in London, Justin Bieber obviously either could not put down one of his new girlfriends, or his pot, or his drank, or just could not believe that he actually hit puberty so kept staring at himself in the mirror. A security guard at the venue claims that when Bieber arrived that he heard him saying that it didn't matter that Justin was late and that his fans would not leave. That Justin could do whatever he wanted and they would stay. The problem is his fans are not a bunch of 20 year olds who don't work. His fans are 9 year old girls who got brought to the concert by their parents. Kids have to go to school and parents have to work and they all have to take the last train which was not possible if they stayed for the whole show. It was supposed to start at 8. It started at 1030p. No one from Bieber's camp has issued a statement so that means it was him being prick-a-licious or they would have said something.


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