Thursday, March 07, 2013

Justin Bieber Is Out Of Control

Justin Bieber and God have a personal relationship and is the only person who can judge him. The rest of us need to back off and stop making up lies about Justin or he is going to tell his mom and then run to his room and have sex with strangers while smoking pot and drinking purple drank.This is kind of what Justin Bieber said in a prolonged Twitter rant yesterday. The kid is 19 and acts 12. That is kind of fitting because he looks 12, but still, he is out of control and the things he says do not match the actions. He says to judge him on his music. Does he really want us to do that? That would not turn out well. He also wants us to judge him on the facts. He was 2 hours late. he lied and said it was 40. There are at least 20 witnesses to his tantrum that night. There are photos of him smoking pot. The city could have charged a fine, but chose not to because he ran late. I'm not sure what facts he wants us to judge because these are sounding really bad for him. He also says he is not dating every girl he stands next to. never said you did. The ones you have brought to your hotel room at 1am and who leave the next morning in the same clothes are probably not your girlfriends considering you have a new person every night. All we are saying is you are having sex with them or your version of it.


  1. Uh, Justin gonna make Fist mad! God's Fist's one and only main man you know!

  2. He is "about the music".


  3. Please, please go away.

  4. Enty I can't believe you're making me defend Beiber, who I do think is a tool. But he doesn't seem out of control at all. He smokes pot? Big deal.

  5. Haha, Enty, you & the Biebs are doing a Shia & Alec on Twitter fight.

  6. Hahaha!! He's feeling desperate! He's not everyone's darling like before

  7. Aww, trouble transitioning into a man Beibs..?

  8. He seems a bit defensive like other kids his age get when called out on something. It's behaviour like this that gives all young people a bad rap.

  9. I don't see how this makes him out of control at all. Can you blame a celeb for getting aggravated when people are constantly attacking them and criticizing their every move? I am not a Bieber fan but I don't see the problem or out of control factor with this.

  10. What did you expect, Justin Bieber's mom thinks he's Jesus

    And the funniest part of that article is he predicted boys would start coming to his concerts when he turned 18.

  11. Anonymous10:43 AM

    apparently he can't get it up either, but lives to serve his lovers orally, no problem with having a salad or little appetizer before dinner, but where's the main course? He's on either serious drugs, like coke/or the purple drank/codeine/promethazine thing that would cause that. He should turn his tweets in to song lyrics. Everyone hates him and he's got the maturity of a ten year old so he doesn't know how to deal with it, and people keep yessing him. trainwreck ahead.

  12. Anonymous10:44 AM

    yeah, judge me by my music. Okay, then you have no business being in the music industry because all of your music is teeny bopper, level one, basic bubblegum pop.

  13. Wait, so because he believe's in God he's out of control? I'm no Beiber fan, and I'm an atheist, but that's no reason to says he's out of control. Especially since he's done a hundred other things to prove he's on a downward spiral.

  14. These tweets don't seem out of control at all. And guess what? He's single and he can grab all the groupies he wants. So common for musicians and singers to get with chicks on the road. Not that I'm a Bieber fan, I have never actually head him sing or see him perform. I just see this as normal behavior for a 19 year old.

  15. Fact: Biebs wears diaper pants.
    Conclusion: Douche.

  16. Bieber is turning into Leif Garrett and we all know that turned out well. Not.

  17. I'd never heard his music until just last week: my b/f and I were on the bridge on the Sound when he cranked the radio, saying, "It's Justin Bieber with Nicki Minaj, but I think it's awesome!" I seriously wanted to jump out of the car or gouge out my one semi-good ear. ;(

    I don't think this kid is THAT bad. Smokes a little, gives head and what else? LOL

  18. Wow, not able to get it up at 19? No wonder he acts like a fool, he must be very sexually frustrated!

  19. I feel comfortable moving Justin up a few slots in the 2013 death pool. I think he's on pace to possibly surpass Lohan.

  20. His one power just phoned in his judgement and ruled Biebs should show up for his concerts on time and sober.

  21. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Someone needs to lock him up in a room full of good books for a month--no music or TV--just food and water. Oh, wait...maybe he's can't read.

  22. He sounds like he is trying to convince HIMSELF of all of his light and goodness.

  23. I read the out of control part as his multiple tweets and thinking people actually give a shit-but I could be wrong. *shrugs*

    I'm so sick of the "dont judge me" crap. People are entitled to their opinions, amirite? Justin, I'm not "judging" you, but I do think you are a big f-ing tool.

  24. I am just SO hoping that this is because something really bad is about to come out about him that he cannot stop. Please?

  25. This is what happens when you forgo education for fame.

  26. Anonymous11:34 AM

    He'll be the lady gaga of 2015 prob - and just as deservingly

  27. I don't know about you guys, but I don't hate on Bieber for smoking pot and fucking around. Why would I? Shit, that's a perfect weekend for me right there.

    The reason I hate this kid is because he's an asshole, plain and simple. He's an entitled little dick who thinks he can jerk people around and that the rules of the universe don't apply to him; he hides behind this sanctimonious persona, as if he can do whatever the fuck he wants as long as he prays at night and thanks The Lord once and a while.

    Us regular people know it doesn't work like that, most of us do anyway. One has to earn the respect of the world, and you'd think that the very least this kid could do is his god damned job. Show up on time to your concerts and don't disrespect your fans. Treat people around you with kindness and respect, and you'll have nothing but love around you - Bieber was an asshole long before he became famous, you know. And if he's tired of being treated like a child, then maybe he should stop acting like one.

    And fine, he's young - I get it. But he hasn't accomplished anything of real value, nor has he tried to earn our respect. Smoke all the weed you want but dude you have pre-teens looking up to you, for the love of god be smart and discreet! Also what kind of asshole would smoke and drive? I don't hate Bieber for doing typical rock star/teen things, I hate that he doesn't seem to have a single redeeming quality. He doesn't deserve our liking or our respect, and that he himself thinks so shows what a nasty person he is. So yeah, he's a bad person and deserves all the shade in the world.

    Fucking Bieber, sending me into a rant, lol. The day his 15 minutes are up will be the best day!

  28. My daughter is 8 and isn't interested in Bieber but some of her friend's older sisters were. Most of them have moved on, so he probably realizes that he is quickly losing his fan base and the younger girls are not interested or prefer One Direction.

    His time is almost up and it won't be pretty. He isn't able to transition into more mature music and he still looks like a little boy.

  29. What Ivs said! Exactly!

  30. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Poor Beibs......

  31. I feel bad for the kid. It's Corey Feldman all over again. As much as people enjoy propping up false teen idols they enjoy ripping them to shreds just a little bit more. The fame has only given him an inflated sense of self and its going to a long way down for him filled with mockery.

  32. This little brat is intolerable. I propose Beiber-free April.

  33. All WE are saying Ent? Ha. Way to fuel the rumors.
    Anyhoo I don't see anything so 'off' about his random all about me tweets. He's an 18 yr old self involved teenage male. I knew plenty when I was that age. Again though, to be fair he was only 45 minutes late and I just can't find it in my heart to be mean to someone who has gone to see children with cancer in the hospital. I'm sorry but I just can't

  34. I'm kind of surprised he's not ten times worse!

    It's a huge no-no to make gay slurs at someone... but for some reason, it's perfectly fine for people to call Bieber a lesbian, Justine, Beaver, f_g, whatever. Grown men and women, calling a 15-16-17yo kid stuff like that.

    As far as his music... I think it sucks (my favorite band did "Radar Love" fyi.) But it doesn't suck more than all the other Top 40. He's unfairly, since he got famous, been the free world's punchline. That's a lot to hang on a 15yo boy.

  35. ABlake, I'm with you on that. Sure he treated Selena poorly until she finally got a clue but overall he still does volunteer at children's hospitals and like Ivs said acts like (horror, gasp) a 19 year old boy. I'm just not seeing the big issue.

    New book out called "Love Song of Jonny Valentine" by Teddy Wayne that seems suspiciously like Biebs except for the age of the kid. Looks to be a very, very good read!

  36. I can't hate the kid totally he seems to be burned out

    Be careful what you wish for or you just may get it, Bieber got what he wanted but it is not always what it is cracked up to be you trade parts of your soul for the goal that you may never get back

    When he is finished this tour, Justin needs to get into rehab, back off the social media totally, take time off and stay away from the internet, totally, and get his head back together

    If you make the mistake of reading all your press and all the crap that is said about you on social media you are going to drive yourself insane

    for all the snarking we do here on people, it is not because we think you are reading this, if you are getting good advice from anyone you shouldn't be

    you pay people to monitor what is going on for PR and security purposes and they'll let you know what you need to know

  37. TMZ is reporting he collapsed backstage tonight.

  38. Is there any doubt left that Bieber's is the tweener who just tried coke and is now hoovering it up?

  39. You take a kid's adolescence away, make him a pop star, put way too much money in his pocket, and what do you think is going to happen?

    Thank God I was hidden away on a college campus when I was 19.

  40. It's not the tweets that make me think he's out of control. There's a photo floating around (TMZ maybe?) of him wearing a gas mask. Like a pap photo, so not staged. That's weird. Like Michael Jackson weird.

    Yeah, he'll be off the rails soon.
