Justin Bieber Is Out Of Control
Justin Bieber and God have a personal relationship and is the only person who can judge him. The rest of us need to back off and stop making up lies about Justin or he is going to tell his mom and then run to his room and have sex with strangers while smoking pot and drinking purple drank.This is kind of what Justin Bieber said in a prolonged Twitter rant yesterday. The kid is 19 and acts 12. That is kind of fitting because he looks 12, but still, he is out of control and the things he says do not match the actions. He says to judge him on his music. Does he really want us to do that? That would not turn out well. He also wants us to judge him on the facts. He was 2 hours late. he lied and said it was 40. There are at least 20 witnesses to his tantrum that night. There are photos of him smoking pot. The city could have charged a fine, but chose not to because he ran late. I'm not sure what facts he wants us to judge because these are sounding really bad for him. He also says he is not dating every girl he stands next to. never said you did. The ones you have brought to your hotel room at 1am and who leave the next morning in the same clothes are probably not your girlfriends considering you have a new person every night. All we are saying is you are having sex with them or your version of it.