Monday, March 11, 2013

Justin Bieber Cancels More Shows - Do You Think He Does Steroids?

Apparently Justin Bieber heard they have some good pot in Portugal or just feels like screwing over his fans once again because he is canceling the second of his two shows in Portugal this week. Not the first, only the second because he knows he will be too tired from partying after the first and the whole working thing is overrated. A long time reader sent his thoughts to me and said he thinks by looking at him that Bieber might be on steroids. I don't know if he is or not. I will say that his body has changed dramatically in the past two years and I'm not sure you can put all that down to just puberty because I am not sure he has actually reached puberty yet. Also, let me ask you this. If Biebs was a guy who was 100 pounds heavier with muscles and was ripped and then started screaming at the pap like that, you would think he was on steroids or HGH right? Just because Biebs is incapable of getting any larger, does not mean that he might not be taking HGH. It could really explain his odd behavior. You would think after his horrific week in London, that he would be trying his best to behave in Portugal. Not going to happen.


  1. I am starting to wonder what Enty is on. This is getting crazy. The kid is a little shit, but this obsession is creepy.

  2. Hahaha. That pic is awesome. Justine looks like a toddler being picked up.

    1. @FSP - is the Nicole Ritchie/Bo Derek Avi a "how not to do it" lesson? Love it.

    2. @Lucas- exactly.

    3. He really does look like a little kid being restrained during a tantrum. Adding to the hilarity: his pants. He is rife for being bent over a knee and spanked for his hissy fit.

  3. I don't like the stink eye he's giving me in that pic.

  4. I'm not worried about him. I only experience him in news stories, as people way over 40 hype whatever his latest foolish miniscandal is. He is absolutely not significant and I can't imagine why adults would want to read about him. He is, in the lovely words of Ochocinco's ex-wife, a nonfactor.

  5. He's starting to behave like Axl

  6. Beiber has fans???

  7. Enty is sounding a bit gay queenish with all the posts on biebs. who cares about this kid? 8-18 yr old girls.
    And enty.
    Poor kids gona self implode and a year ago my eardrums would of appreciated it...but now it just seems..well. Sad.
    I mean, I think JB is as annoying and irritating as possible...but to watch a young man totally lose his shit? Hes a child growing up in an adult(extreme) world. Honestly, if I had women and drugs thrown at me on the regular, Id of self-imploded long ago.

  8. HGH makes a lot of sense. I hadn't thought of that before. Could be. Ditto if he is just starting steroids and he hasn't had time to bulk up enough yet for it to be noticeable.

  9. When I read that he canceled the second of two shows, I just figured that it hadn't sold out and his ego was too big to play for a non-sold out show.

    1. Cathy, reportedly that is exactly what happened.

  10. would explain the rage, wouldn't it?

  11. The pic of him being picked up and put in his car seat is hilarious tho. ha ha ha

  12. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Part of me wonders if the recent death threat/plot has thrown him for a loop. Prior to it, I wouldn't say he was terribly ill-behaved. Legitimate fear + drug use = strange behavior.

  13. I always thought the cure for roid rage was to eat more fiber and sit on cushions, but apparently they were talking about something else.

  14. Barton haha made me laugh out loud, tks

  15. Every time I see a picture of him I want to pull his pants up

  16. Steroids no, Adderall, coke and whatever else he can get YES.

  17. I don't think he's on steroids, but there is some substance abuse going on. In high school many of the guys I knew had bodies like Justin's. They had little body fat, they lifted, and they had muscles to show for it. One thing that was very popular were powders like creatinine and others they used to buy at GNC "health" stores.

  18. Kind of amusing that the little girls are chastising ENTY for picking on Justin Beiber! Beiber's a wretched little tool, perfect for a GOSSIP site.

    I'd say he's taking some kind of enhancement- it's not like he takes breaks from getting wasted to work out.

  19. His body guard is freaking hot!

  20. I thought steroids were supposed to give you a masculine rippled manly body NOT a scrawny pre-pubescent body that looks like a plucked chicken!

  21. ITA Nemesis. His other body guard is even hotter. I'm sure he did the board when they tried to get him back into his car seat.

  22. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I'd believe he's on steroids, an adderall, and coke, and sizurp. He's also just a spoiled brat who needs a time out in the playpen. He was awfully proud of his big boy muscles in the hospital pic, I would believe it.

  23. @FSP, perfect! Like he's being picked up! His hat reads 1994, it pains me to realize this little boy is less than 10 years older than my sons. I will pants the Thor Jrs if I catch them with their britches below their butts.

  24. After watching Justin Timberlake on SNL I have to say I will be happy when Bieber is gone. JT was dressed sharp, had a hot band and oozed class. Unlike diaper boy here.

  25. Adderall can bring about over the top temper tantrums. And Adderall users like to use pot to bring themselves down to get some sleep.

    Steroids bulk you up. He doesn't look bulky to me

  26. Probably! He's disgusting!

  27. He's spoiled and a little classless punk. Money can't buy what he needs.

  28. He's a gorilla juice head!!

  29. He needs help into the car because his pants are so low he can't move his legs!

  30. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Beiber has his issues, but I wouldn't call Timberlake classy. He tends to tell awful jokes then feign ignorance when someone is offended.

    Then again, JT grew to be a normal-sized guy, which is more than Beiber will do.

  31. lol'ing at that pic. that's what it looks like when i'm getting the three year old step-disco out of the car.

  32. Except the three year old has his pants pulled up.

  33. as a canadian im embaressed by him. I honestly didnt like him at all, even though my daughter likes him. Though no she is 7 she doesnt. we have some sort of exhibit at our city's museum with justins birthday card and gift from dad, my girl didnt want to go hahaha. as for the steroids u can see hes getting a weird neck shoulder thing going on. i think its roids

  34. Omg @FSP Totally! Hahaha

  35. He's not canceling the show. The promoters are canceling due to poor sales. I'm all for calling out JB but at least get the f-ing facts straight.

  36. Having known quite a few guys who do steroids, I don't think the Beibs is doping. That crap hits you fast. One guy who I know does this every spring/summer and he is a small guy. But after a few weeks of hitting the gym and taking the roids he is jacked!! And as soon as they quit its like they deflate and the muscle tone just disappears. However they all went through puberty and their nuts actually dropped years ago. I'm not so sure about Beiber.

  37. Okay, he's in the top three on my death pool. Looks like some crazy coke spiral.

  38. believe it or not, there was a time when this kid was incredibly professional and super focused. i've done a handful of his tour a few yrs ago, and worked w/ him again when he guested and popped up on several dates of other touring artists. the kid was amazing. yes, i said amazing. total pro, hard little worker, dedicated, gracious to crew, gracious to media, always kind to fans...but this little biebs of late blows my mind. he's totally dead behind the eyes now and somehow thinks his tween demo won't catch on as to what his gas mask is really for.

    i wish someone would intervene bc this kid is literally a shadow of the former self that actually had a modicum of talent--yeah, i said that. talent. the entire current tour is a complete arena world tour...the most important venues in the most important markets...i won't be surprised if he doesn't make it. it's very grueling...there's a lot of dates left on the the euro leg, and i won't be surprised if a few of those markets fall thru the way protugal did. in the grand scheme of things portugal won't matter and the dates for those weaker markets simply won't be advanced into multiple nights again, BUT he needs to stop, collaborate and listen b/c one s/o night alone at the o2 in london is an HONOR...that's one of the most important venues in the music world--FOUR nights is a downright miracle and his shenanigans need to stop NOW. i will not be surprised if this kid falls apart completely before the u.s. leg begins. it's actually quite sad.

  39. Accusing a gossip writer of being gay queenish is like accusing the person doing voice-overs for movie trailers of being too Godlike. Godlike is the default voice for trailers & gay queenish is the voice of gossip.

    Speaking of which, did anybody see the dance sequence Selena Gomez posted in honor of Justin Bieber, all to the song "Your Boyfriend is a Douchebag". Funny stuff.

    Note the pot smoking hand gestures in the choreography

  40. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Poor Beibs .........


  41. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I remember him as such a nice young man. he fucking up his money with his lil Napoleon complex. his audience will eventually grow up and out. somebody knock some sense into him

  42. It's got to be a lonely position he's in. The Beatles used to say that they were lucky they had each other, because there were 3 other guys who realized what they were going through. One of them speculated that Elvis must have been terribly lonely. All of his friends are on his payroll, there's no safe place to blow off steam.

    Anyway, when you look at what Elvis got up to - women, drugs, etc. - not sure Bieber is that much worse off. Assume Elvis turned up on time for concerts, but that was the days before the Intrawebs, when every misstep was so quickly magnified.

  43. Anonymous9:42 AM

    This is just a comment on steroid use, not of Justin as I am neither a fan nor a hater.

    Taking steroids does not give you a big hard body UNLESS you put the work into it. It makes the results easier and faster to get but you still have to hit the gym hard.

    If he is taking them, maybe it is to help or compensate his energy levels for the shows, which are all aerobic (cardio) and not anaerobic (muscle building).

  44. The kids a mess and he's not getting any support or guidance from his mother. She appears terribly naive and doesn't realize how much trouble he's in. She just thinks he's amazing, Scooter's line of bullshit is amazing, and that Justin will be famous 4 Eva.

    @ Pookie, I must be naive also - wtf is his gas mask for?

  45. Pookie, he seemed like a good kid to me, too, back in the day. He's a prime example of what too much fame (and drugs) can do to you.

  46. he's so sad. like the Britney Spears before him, he's experienced too much fame, too many people saying "YES" to everything and too much attention/creepy stalking from fans/paps. the boy has lost it. I believe Justin Bieber and rational thought parted ways loooong ago. drugs or not, the kid is spun.

  47. Steroids?! Uh, yeah I could see that, because Biebs looks like Arnold Schwartzenegger in that pic.


    Seriously, that the last drug Id suspect him on. Weed we all know about. I would suspect E first, then meth, since Lilo has the entire cocaine market to herself and calls it Blo-Mart.

  48. I wanna know what the gas mask is for also. Is it to hid his stoner eyes or keep the pot inside for a better high?

    I am not a fan, but I don't want to see him totally crash and burn either. Hopefully he can get it together and survive fame.

  49. Enty, not a word about Chris Brown? 2 major gossip events this weekend..stop staring at Jennifer Gimenez and dreaming about a bacon wedding cake:) Re: Biebie, call Justin Timberlake about longevity in the Biz.

  50. He's not all rage-y cuz he's on steroids. gawd. You could tell if he's on steroids, and he's obviously not.

    He's on an ego-trip, on puberty, and weed, and purple drank, and probably coke and sundry other shit. Mostly the ego thang. Equals a shitty douchenozzle rage queen who's going to flame out his career.

  51. I was curious about the gas mask too so I asked the almighty Google. The only thing I found is that they're saying it's a joke between his friends and that they take turns wearing it to throw the paparazzi off. Anyone find anything else?

  52. Do you think he wears the gas mask just so he can say "Luke, come over to the dark side."

  53. If he were on steroids he wouldn't still look like so prepubescent.

  54. I feel for this kid growing up under the microscope. Agree with what Poolie, Mooshkie and Little Jen said.

  55. Oh and that picture of him being taken out of the car like a toddler is priceless.

  56. Anyone else read about Lil' Twist wrecking his Fiskar 3-9???

  57. HGH does not cause rage..roids do. I could believe is doing cycles of roids. Probably why he threw up.

  58. I really hope he won´t cancel in my country. His concerts here are next thursday and saturday and it´s been over a week since a bunch of little girls (with their mums in tow) started sleeping and camping at the main entrance in the stadium, in the cold and under the rain, to get to be first in line.
    That surely would break their little hearts (and understandably infuriate their mums)!

  59. Actually, steroid and HGH is very very common in the music industry and Hollywood and not all steroid usage leads to huge bulk.

    Justin is ripped, 6 pack and obliques and all that. I'd say his level of fitness indicates at least 2 hours of hard cardio 3-4 times a week or HGH use.

    Keep in mind, for most guys, it's impossible to have visible ripped muscle like that. To have the energy to work out for hours a day, you have to eat tons of calories, so you end up with big muscles covered under a layer of walrus blubber.

  60. Saw this Bieber quote on CNN:"[T]oo many blessings to allow the stress in. the press made things look nuts but really I have enjoyed London. The fans are incredible ... so while I have seen some crazy stuff it is all smiles. Im gonna get some rest and keep doing what i love," Bieber tweeted over the weekend. "[L]ove to big man Will Smith for the great talk yesterday. We know the truth and we must stand tall. Love u man! thanks!"

    so Will Smith is giving him guidance- maybe some religious counseling too?

  61. __-__=__, which time? He's crashed that thing 2 or 3 times.

  62. Bad company corrupts good morals. I'm looking at you, Lil Twist. Biebs needs to go away for some quality time with old trusted friends & family & get his head right. That sort of power, fame & money would throw any adult for a loop, much less a teen. I wish him the best, but I think he's self-will run riot at this point.
