Saturday, March 16, 2013

Julianne Hough & Ryan Seacrest Call It Quits

Don't you think it is really interesting that the day after the world finds out that Julianne Hough was visiting a "friend" and her jewelry stolen from her car that Ryan and Julianne split. I'm surprised they lasted this long. Of course since Ryan is such a ladies man it won't take him very long to find someone new. I have to say that I thought they were finished back in January when Julianne went on a vacation with some of those friends I spoke about earlier. Then, Ryan showed up and they pretended to be together for another six weeks. So, if Julianne had three pieces of jewelry valued at $100K, I'm guessing in cash and prizes, she probably received $1M in the two years they dated. That seems like a good estimate doesn't it?


  1. I have been waiting for this post all morning!

  2. I wish Seacrest would just come on out.

    1. Totally. Is there anyone in the world that believes hes straight? Hes been setting off my gaydar (which has a fantastic track record) ever since Bubba was still in the White House.

  3. She can add beard work to her CV.

  4. I wonder if we can get some Blind reveals about them without outing Ryan...

  5. I wonder if Julianne learned from the school of Courtney Love, sell the jewelry on the side and claim it was 'stolen' and cash in on the insurance (allegedly).

    But, seriously, if those two crazy kids can't make it in this world, who can I ask?

  6. So, she got caught moonlighting from her job as 'beard'? Is this what happened, she fucked up her contractual agreement?

    THIS is why I can't tell lies, especially about where I'm going....I'm always afraid I'll get in an accident, or have my shit stolen, or whatever---in a place I wasn't 'sposeda be.

  7. I think it's higher than 1 M. Now Simon C. can make the moves on her. I hope Ryan and Anderson Coop hook up!

  8. I meant 'moonlighting' as in--having heterosexual sex with a non-gay man, btw.

  9. When is he holding beard auditions? I've got some student loans to pay off :)

  10. Call me when you come to your senses, Ryan!!!

  11. VIP----Are you under 5'2"? If so, get yo' ass out to LA---*smacks Vip's buttock*

    1. @Libby I'm 5'4" and I'm already here :)

    2. Sorry, you're probably a full head taller than him.

  12. @timebob - that was my first thought when I heard this. Not like she can sell it legit w/out it being front page news.

  13. I thought these fake romances went out in the 1950's. Hollywood is more conservative than anyone thinks.

  14. Happy St. Paddy's Day from Chicago!!

    Bearding just ain't what it use to be; she should have consulted with K. Holmes or the Queen Bee Preston

  15. Who saw that coming?


  16. Overdue...can't believe she stuck for this Ryan really with her brother ?

  17. Don't forget those unbelievable miscastings in Rock of Ages and Safe Haven, Hmmm, how does a dancer get those parts???

  18. I am not convinced that Ryan is gay. What purpose would it serve for him to have a beard? He's an entertainment reporter and host, so he's not needing to sell a particular hetero image for box office sales. It certainly hasn't hurt My Boo Anderson Cooper by coming out

    1. I have to admit, I've always assumed he was gay, however, something happened not too long ago to make me wonder. I have a new hairdresser and after lots of "do you know so and dos," we ended up on Seacrest because I've met him a few times when he was back home. Seems her sister & Ryan used to hokey pokey at Dunwoody High, on the regular. Then, after Ryan started UGA, the sister was moved off campus and into some apartments in Athens, and was his neighbor. Supposedly, they took up again, but he let her know that he was getting outta the backwoods and heading out to LA, but, if he was ever back in town, he'd like them to get together. So, now Im wondering if he's gay, bi, general ho, or just whatever molds itself to his career. Either way, I've always respected him, because he earns the "hardest working man in H'wood" title.

  19. I'm under 5'2"!

  20. Sunny, maybe she wanted marriage?

  21. I don't think Ryan is gay either. If you are stupid enough to have 100k worth of jewelry laying around in your car, you deserve to have it stolen. I bet Lohan has something to do with it.


  22. thats a easy bloody job, Julianne. Why did ya
    Have to blow it (no pun intended obv.)?

  23. I don't think Ryan is gay either, I have seen that picture of him as a kid he was a big fatty and must have huge self esteem issues.

    He is just very, very vain and takes his appearance very seriously.

    He is just a big 'ol metrosexual.

    1. actually, I think he would be a lil'tiny metrosexual.

  24. @Sunny, take a watch of his Chelsea Lately interview from a few months ago. Might change your view. :)

    $1M to pretend to date Ryan Seacrest, but never actually having to touch the guy? Great! My husband probably would even let me do it, for that money.

  25. I guess being Ryan's 'girlfriend' wasn't enough to make her the next big thing.

  26. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I lived in LA in the 90s. Back then Ruan Seacrest was a radio show host for a middling station. I actually saw him once on a horrible dating show, I think it was Elimidate? That episode has to be out there somewhere.

    Ryan is Dick Clark's protege. Dick Clark was gay and so is Ryan.

  27. Adam Carolla talks about Ryan before he was famous, they were both just radio dj's back then, he said he definately was a ladies man and straight.

  28. Wasn't she the popular guess for a blind about the GF pushing for a raise or a ring?

  29. A friend who works on his radio show swears he isn't, and always talks about what a great guy he is, albeit very, very focused on success. I would be interested to hear what our industry posters think about him. He gives off an asexual vibe to me.

  30. So the blinds were about Julianne in the very beginning of the year, thanks for revealing.

  31. Bwhahaha! I guess this means Ryan and DEREK have broken up? That was another sneaky reveal about her bitching on vacation, BTW.

    I can’t believe Julianne has a shoe line at Nordstrom’s! With all of her music & movie flops Julianne still made out like a bandit on her bearding deal. Let’s see if she can keep her face out there or if she drops-off into oblivion. This jewelry in the car/break-up cover story sounds fishy, I think he and Derek are just done. It's been 2+ years! Seacrest is a workhorse and he's closeted so it will be hard for him to meet someone with his crazy schedule who doesn't mind being invisible. Derek is young and hungry and doesn't have that much to lose if he comes out/gets papped with a guy. Derek got a taste and now he wants to sample some new peen.

    But if the jewelry cover-up thing IS true, Seacrest could get pissy about being publicly humiliated and blackball Julianne around town or say she violated her contract and refuse the final payout, etc. Too bad she doesn't have any talent to carry on w/o him because he gave her a great foundation (name recognition). Oh well, there’s always DWTS Season 35!

  32. I think I've told this story before, but let me tell it again. I worked with Ryan back in the early 90s at K101 in San Francisco. Now this is San Francisco where being gay is not a problem and actually being straight is. Ryan never had any rumors of being gay or having a boyfriend. There were no rumors about tranny sex or any other freaky stuff he could have done. If anything, he was just a workaholic who was a bit asexual to me. I never got a sexual vibe from him. I think the gay rumors in this case are just that. Hough may have been paid to be his girlfriend, but I don't think it's about being a beard.

  33. Wasn't his sugar daddy that got him in the door, Merv Griffin? I believe he got a nice small chunk of chain when he passed away.

  34. Wasn't there a blind about Merv Griffin, and one of his boytoys being pushed through a sliding glass door, and it was commonly thought to be Seacrest? It would certainly explain RC's seemingly easy transition into the business of entertainment - and his "old school" views on (not) coming out.

  35. @EGB
    Yeah, I've only got good things to say about Ryan. He was always kind and hardworking. I really was impressed with his people skills because I never saw him flip out at anyone. I could not say the same for other radio personalities at the time. Alex Bennett I'm looking at you!

  36. I have a friend who knows a girl that "dated" Ryan. Apparently he would never have sex with her but instead would spend hours going down on her. Apparently this is something that women in Hollywood circles seem to know aboit hin. Maybe Ryan and Bieber need to hook up.

  37. So funny, Henriette, my girlfriend says exactly the same thing about Alex, and she was in the radio industry (advertising) in the Bay Area at that same time! I wonder if you know her....

  38. He helped make the Kardashians famous ...little bit of evil in him.

  39. I find him lacking in a lot of people skills. Keep in mind I haven't watched a second of AI since season four, so hopefully he has gotten better with time, but I saw him week after week just being a complete ass about Simon telling someone they weren't doing well, or fawning over the male contestants and being really awkward with the women. He is the same way on red carpet interviews. He has no finesse or polish--just idiotic questions that have stars wanting to avoid him rather than deal with the stupidity.

  40. @Libby. Please never change your pic! Or your acerbic wit!

    1. Serendipity: Libby and the magic armpit must never change!

  41. @audrey
    Those aren't "people skills" but TV skills he lacks. I'm talking about dealing with people in one-on-one interactions. Interactions everyone has every day.

    I was only in the radio business briefly after undergrad college. I was working in the early 90s. Bennett had MAJOR problems with women. He was fine with men, but really couldn't stand women. He would go out of his way to screw over a woman, literally and figuratively. Ask any woman who was unlucky to work with him.

    People always want to know how Howard Stern made a name for himself, but Bennett didn't. I don't know Stern, but from all I've heard, he was a good egg off air. Stern understood he needed the behind the scenes people to get ahead. That was not the case for Bennett. Bennett, for all his liberal standing, was (probably still is) a very bitter misogynist.

  42. The stars must have been aligned for that lucky bandit who just happened upon an unlocked car with $100,000 worth of jewels in it.

  43. It's going to be so awkward when she is A++++ winning Oscars & Ryan has to interview her.

  44. Man I like ryan and for dome odd reason I don't think he gay

  45. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I've never thought Ryan is gay either. But I do think he and Julianne both have sexual issues. She was sexually abused for many years. Don't know about him, but he does come off as asexual. They've always seemed like just friends in pictures and on vacation, nothing sexual between them.

  46. Whatever happened to Brian Dunkleman??

  47. I see Julianne moving on to greener pastures ... knocking on George Clooney's door.

    1. Not if the latest rumor about George is true. If it is, hes gonna have that door padlocked, sealed with Krazy Glue, and boarded up with electric charges rigged thru the doorknob, trust me! Hes gonna have a serious pussy allergy for a long time--like 18 years.

  48. Eeeeeeeeeeeeek! Reading.all these comments, I now know more about Ryan Seacrest than any decent person should. Wheres the nearest Sciento Hall so I can clear my engraim or whatever it is, get my poor little self Travoltized.

  49. I think @Timebob got it right. Jewels for cash and she got caught. Ryan didn't like it.

  50. Anonymous11:41 AM

    He doesn't strike me as gay........

  51. I have always heard Ryan is a really great guy. He takes very good care of the AI kids. I'm also not so sure he's gay. I really like Ryan a lot.

  52. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Mayb he just has the smallest dick in hollywood

  53. So, is she the answer to the Bl about that girl that does crazy things while drunk?

  54. Ha! I don’t think anyone here is saying that Ryan is a horrible person or a meanie to work for. He’s the ultimate professional and extremely career driven. Some of us just feel that he’s misguided with how he chooses to portray his personal life. He shouldn’t have said anything.

    I agree that he never NEEDED to have a fake relationship for the press, that’s ridiculous. He’s not a leading man or carrying a blockbuster franchise (those aren’t good reasons for a beard either, but it’s understandable in his biz). He could’ve easily gone about his business being a confirmed bachelor until the end of time. He might have a few random dates for the paps or Terri Hatcher incidents or round up models for red carpet appearances and never once mentioned his personal life. But…he needed to justify why he would be seen out & about or frolicking on vacation with Derek. THAT’S why he needed Julianne on call 24/7. So…their public relationship is born.

    It was the perfect arrangement. Everybody wins! Image conscious Ryan gets an attractive Stepford Kewpie Doll who knows how to conduct herself at Hollywood functions. Julianne gets her career fast-tracked at the speed of light. Derek gets gifts, fabulous vacations and a boost in name recognition. Just like Enty’s blind “everyone is laughing and singing and dancing all the way to the bank.”

    Until Julianne finally wants some peen on the regular (thanks Josh). Or Derek wants some new peen. It’s Ryan’s bankroll and Ryan’s rules and he just stopped the money train. To everyone who is joking about being his next beard: Do you have a hot BROTHER? One that you could stand to be around 24/7 and on vacation, etc.? If not, fuggedaboutit!

  55. My favourite tweet about this: I bet Hough pulls an Ann Heche and goes back to dating men.

  56. I have a hard time really getting a vibe on Seacrest. As fancy as he is, I'm not 100% sold on him being gay - some of that probably has to do with old footage of him where he's just totally different. He just strikes me as being not into relationships and finding it easier to hire a steady. Whatever floats their boats.

  57. NPH, Anderson Cooper, & others are making being gay in the media more acceptable, but remember all the crap Anna Paquin got when she said she was bi? "She just hasn't figured out which team she wants to play for," etc., etc. Classic bias, only this time from both sides - straight people who don't like homosexuals and homosexuals who believe bisexuals are really just straight people who like to fool around. He may be bi and decided to go the safe route with the ladies.

  58. Payment for bearding is the only thing that explains her movie career. The only thing.

  59. So, I guess Julianne got the Tom Cruise's new wife spot. All that gushing during the Rock of Ages promo really paid off. Upgrade!

  60. Hilarious that there are so many first and second hand accounts attesting to RyRy's heterosexuality. Hope the intern is getting paid well. Some fairly credible/creative testimonials.

  61. I met Ryan about 13 years ago or so, more than 10, less than 15, before he was well-known. He had blonde streaks in his hair, is very short and as a mile-wide smile. He seemed eager if a bit goofy and awkward. But polite. We were at a hotel restaurant bar. He didn't seem gay or straight, just a nervous shy kid trying to be brave and confident and hide his awkwardness. I think he has issues, but he keeps them in check to pursue his dream as a radio and now tv personality. My impression is that the always feels like he doesn't belong and doesn't trust people, because he had a cruel upbringing. He feels and has said he has no talent- he isn't the singer, the musician, the actor, the comedian, the politician, the academic, etc. But, he underestimates his talent immensely- he is the interviewer, and not everyone is good at that, and he has gotten better and better wi time. His very sad self-consciousness is magnified on tv, becaus she is being watched. He is better at radio, because he feels protected. But, again, he has improved incredibly, and he is GREAT at his job. I think he is be of the very best. He annunciates, speaks clearly, speaks mostly properly, while adding youthful street lingo here and there to appeal across boards. He is very smart, and as everyone stated, he works like a dog. I think he is maximizing every opportunity given to him and takes nothing for granted. He is an absolute professional and therefore easy to work with and reliable. He hasn't missed a single taping of any of his shows for over a decade, despite food poisoning, the flu, personal issues, etc. who else can say that?! They haven't missed work or school for any reason?! He is also respectful, affable and generous. I hope one day he can add real happiness to that, because he deserves it. He is a very nice, very good, very sad person, who is doing his best, clearly, and doing a lot of good for a lot of people. I hope he finds happiness and surrounds himself with people who really love him, and he learns to believe and trust them. Sadly, the more money and success he has, the less he believes anyone likes him for him. Julianne was the pretty girl in HS who would have never dated him, but she has her own issues, so they worked for a while with a mutual friendship. She blew that by selling his jewelry. Notice no police report? And dont newer cars lock automatically? Yes, they do. And if you were leaving that much jewelry in your car, even Jessica Simpson would lock it.

  62. Yeah...cause he's gay.

  63. so was "friend: in quotes b/c she was dating a girl the new magazine cover story??
