Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Jon Hamm Told To Wear Underwear During Filming Of Mad Men

According to The NY Daily News, during the most recent filming for Mad men, Jon Hamm was told by producers that he needed to start wearing underwear because they were introducing the fashion style of tight pants. You know that Jon Hamm is not a big fan of anything that keeps him from displaying his most prized asset. He had to agree though or the producers would have spent a lot of extra time editing and were also afraid that there would be unnecessary bulges in the ads and still photos for the show. I think Jon enjoys the attention he gets when he goes commando and so has kind of made it his thing lately.


  1. Noooooo! Don't constrain the Hammaconda! Now let's all sing along to a rousing rendition of Tom Petty's classic, "Free Ballin'" :)

    1. @VIP, ROFL! I love the Jon Hamm posts, always good comments follow

    2. Anonymous9:32 PM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Weren't we all just talking about this on another thread? And if I were more shower than grower I'd free-ball it too.

    1. @Lucas-stay away from Teen Mom thread. Full on spoiler zone.

    2. @ethorne - thanks for the tip!

  3. Boys love their weiners. That's the beginning and end of it. Whether they're 6 months old or 65, it's all about the weiner.

    And libby - hey oooh! You and Enty synching on the goss!

    1. Lol @Frufra-so true

    2. @ethorne - a hubby and two sons later, I've seen all the wiener that I'll ever need to see, thanks :-). Having boys has helped me understand Mr. Frufra better, too - they're all the same, no matter the age. A boy is a boy is a boy. I mean, I adore my boys, but a grown up boy is not too different from a little one. They all need the guidance of the fairer sex :-).

  4. What was that recent blind about the actor who is proud of his peen and lets anyone touch it? Ding ding ding!!

    1. @rcb- I read that as "Dong dong dong!!"

    2. Lotta- if I wasn't so tired, I would have seen the chance for an awesone usage of 'dong'
      I'm such a ding-dong in the mornings!!

  5. I guess Libby beat enty to the punch!

  6. And boys never believe they're " big enough". That Drives me nuts. I can't imagine having a John Holmes sized wiener ... Owwwwwww!

  7. The Hammaconda don't want none, unless you got buns, hun!

    1. @Puggle - bwahahahaha! Although looking at Jennifer Westfeldt I'm not sure about that one.

  8. @PuggleWug, I GOT BUNS!!!!! Jon Hamm, I HAVE BUNS!

  9. Anonymous7:14 AM

    This totally confirms that one blind about the guy who goes to the parties and talks about his dingleberry to score.

  10. He has definitely made it *his thing* lately!

    @PuggleWug, hahaha! Awesome!

  11. I thought dingberries were pieces of poo left over when one does not wipe the bum fully.

    1. Laughed so hard I almost woke up my sick child. Lol and lol

  12. @alicia - look up dingleberry in the urban dictionary. It's NOT a euphemism for penis, afaik. ;)

  13. @VIP - I just started choking on my tea (loud enough that my boss stopped by to see if I was okay.) Now I'm gonna have Tom Petty stuck in my head the rest of the morning. *rofl*

  14. the amazing technicolor mansnake cannot be contained!! free the hammaconda!!!

  15. VIP- I only sing it as 'free ballin' and anyone who sings it correctly is not my friend! Ooh Petty is coming to town in June and I cannot wait.

  16. Anonymous7:43 AM

    @PuggleWuggle - I always called those Klingons.

  17. Sorry, Enty! I thought he wouldn't cover it, for some reason.

    My only excuse--I was bored with the first three stories today...Kneepards, Teen Mom, and somesuch. Big, starts with a K.

    Sorry all!

    Hamm is very healthy, so I hear.

  18. If they want more viewers this is a mistake! Free Hammaconda!

  19. Coincidentally, I suddenly become very healthy when viewing photos of John Hamm. Maybe they should put it in a childproof lid and sell it by prescription only

  20. Don't truss up the Hamm! :( Would they ask Robert Plant to wear underwear in his heyday? I think not!

  21. I just realized I misspelled "Kneepads" in my earlier post^^^, and in way that MAY read as if I'm trying to make a funny using a certain offensive soundalike word.

    I wasn't. It was a typo.

    Sorry if anyone was offended before I noticed just now.

  22. Lindsay Lohan does no jail time and John Hamm has to wear underwear. There truly is no justice in this world.

  23. Caging the HAMMster is just wrong.


  24. This reminds me . . time to order the Easter ham.

  25. That is quite the package...but am I really the only one who finds him decidedly UNattractive?

  26. I would totally have sex with least one time. He's so sexy.

  27. My first thought was free the Hammaconda!! You cannot contain that beast. And sure he shows it a lot..Not any different that a woman wearing a low cut blouse to highlight the girls.

    I showed the great Hammaconda picture to the Opster and he was aghast!

  28. I was talking about this at the courthouse the other day (about his nickname). All of the other women were cracking up. A few men adjusted uncomfortably. A shame someone who is such a scuzz has a big schmickle. Seems like an unjust reward for bad behavior.

  29. Can I volunteer to be sacrificed to the Hammaconda?? I know he's a bad boy but I don't want to marry him just want to make sure it's the real deal.

  30. Everyone knows that the Hammaconda can't be tamed.....

  31. If you haven't read MichaelK's take on this, scurry over there now. I'm pretty sure my cat thinks I'm a barking lunatic laughing at my computer.

    "But really, AMC can try to tame Jon Hamm's Mt. Everest bulge, but it's not going to happen. They can bind it down, they can wrap a frozen condom around it and they can even show it a picture of Kim Kardashian's chocha to make it scurry between Jon Hamm's legs, but eventually it will rise above and be seen."

  32. This totally confirms that one blind about the guy who goes to the parties and talks about his dingleberry to score.

    I am forever reading about posters spewing their drinks at funny posts but OMG Aliciabutterfly, I don't know how I stopped the coffee from coming out of my nose at your comment! I can just picture Jon Hamm schmoozing da ladies talkin' about his dingleberry. Sexy!

  33. Dingleberries are what's left after you wipe..Let's not use that word to describe the Hammbone, kay?

    And I'm more than willing to volunteer as well to make sure it's all good. Come to mama!

  34. Free the Hammaconda! Though I bet Wardrobe will be happy if he puts on some drawers. They have to clean those pants. I had a cycling buddy with a sizable trouser snake. He said that it was embarrassing, but he did leave his bike shorts on a little longer than he had to after a ride or race.

  35. OMG threads like these are why I love this site. You guys rock!

  36. All the willing victims to the Hammaconda have me remembering something I see on Tumblr blogs a lot: a GIF of Jennifer Lawrence at Katniss yelling "I VOLUNTEER!" (And it's usually in the exact same context, albeit about different fellows...)

  37. I know the true story Hammaconda wanted out. He is too famous now. He doesnt want to be zip up all the time. He wanted his time to shine. I mean how would you feel being stick between two legs. It was holding him back.

    Rumor has he is auditioning for Anaconda 3: Spitting viper.

  38. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Free the hammaconda! My hubby and his best friend were both disgusted/impressed that we call him that.
    @sunny freeeballin' thanks I will never hear that Song without getting the tinglelies for Don Draper
