Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Jessica Simpson Was Shocked She Got Pregnant

Jessica Simpson was on Ellen to promote her season long commercial known as Fashion Star. Only on NBC would it get a second season. They need the ad revenue so badly and that thing is one big three month long ad. Anyway, Jessica told Ellen that she was shocked she got pregnant and that apparently unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy even if you are not trying.


  1. Seems like a lot of women assume that it isn't possible to get pregnant while nursing.

  2. "The always pregnant Jessica Simpson."

    LOL. Ellen is hilarious!

  3. Having unprotected sex will often lead to pregnancy. Shocking, isn't it?

  4. Dude. I will totally cut her some slack. I didn't know you could get preggers while breastfeeding until I was all in the midst of it, and my sister was like, "Yeah, jackass. You can totally get prego at this time." I mean, I didn't get my period for like 10 months after birthing my son. Memories....

    1. My friend got snagged that way. Her daughters are 10 and 1/2 months apart!! Crazy!

  5. she is a good interview. I do like that about her. And her bras are amazing for us busty gals.

  6. What Susan said.

  7. She is so fucking dumb. I don't know how anyone can stand talking to her.

  8. I also thought you couldn't get pregnant while nursing.

    1. You can absolutely get pregnant while nursing - you don't know when you'll start ovulating again, so though someone hasn't been getting their period it doesn't mean that they won't soon.

      And why is everyone assuming that Jessica is breastfeeding? Everyone is allowed to decide what's right for themselves of course, but I'd be pretty surprised if she was.

  9. I was wondering why there wasn't more said about this when she announced she was pregnant the second time. I cannot imagine a woman wanting to get pregnant so quickly again by choice, no wonder she is feeling so tired - her body is telling her something.

  10. You mean chicken of the sea isn't chicken? Really!

    And sex causes babies? Well, darn it. How was I supposed to know...

    @Terry - good to know. I need some new chesty girl bras!

  11. She gives dumb bitches a bad name.

  12. I've never been pregnant and have also NEVER heard of this myth. It's so bizarre to me. Can someone tell me where the whole "you can't get pregnant if you're nursing" story comes from?

  13. I've never been pregnant, either, but IIRC, many women who breastfeed do not ovulate. I think. Can someone more in-the-know help me out if I'm wrong?

    1. Extremely obviously you can pregnant while nursing, while standing up, during your period, even if you dont actuslly have sex and are a virgin!- one of the the swimmers can get in there and boom, ya got a baby! So ALWAYS use protection if you dont want to be pregnant! Also if on birth contol pill, and u take an antibiotic, you are NOT protected and can get pregnant!!! Think of this as public service- i worked 8 yrs in obgyn office. Lol

  14. What is it about breastfeeding that makes people think you cannot get pregnant whilst doing it?

    I always assumed that a woman could get pregnant at any time, unless they are currently pregnant or on the rag.

  15. You can get pregnant while nursing. It's a really old wives tale that you can't, a tale that I really wish would die. A lot of unwanted pregnancies have occurred because of this stupid myth. Don't believe me? Ask any OB-GYN.

  16. Do you guys and gals really think she's really as dumb as she portrays herself to be? Or is it just an act??

  17. @rejectedcarebear. Women can get pregnant on their period, too. Best to be safe all the time if surprises aren't wanted.

  18. I went to my main expert, a friend called The Google.

    Apparently breast feeding delays the onset of menstruation, so theoretically the longer you breast feed the longer your body will wait to restart your cycle. However, the body releases an egg two weeks before your menses so... Oopsie! I'm pregnant, if you haven't been using protection.

    Can I get pregnant while breastfeeding

    1. @dia- Thanks! It makes a little bit more sense now why so many believe in this method.

  19. Breast-feeding can reduce the likelihood of getting pregnant again, since many women don't ovulate while they're nursing, but it's definitely not a sure-fire thing, and assuming one doesn't wish to become pregnant again quickly, other precautions should be taken. (My grandmother apparently nursed my aunt for over 3 years in the hopes of not getting pregnant; it worked for quite some time, until it didn' mother is proof of that.) So yeah, it's partly true, but don't rely on it.

  20. - I really don't think she's stupid, no. I think she's actually pretty smart -- didn't she skip a grade or was found to have a gifted IQ or something? -- but I think that her issue is that she just doesn't think sometimes and/or doesn't use her common sense. (I admit...I have the same problem. Very book-smart, gifted IQ...and sometimes I will just say and do the STUPIDEST things, ha ha.)

  21. I think she's playing the dumb blonde role and has been for a long time. Her company is fairly successful and continues to be. That doesn't happen without some light in the bulbs.

    I am also prone to saying some ridic things. Very diarrhea when I'm nervous. Like light in the bulbs! What the hell does that mean ;)

  22. Bwahaha, I actually LIKE "light in the bulbs." I'm going to use that now. ;-)

  23. High Five AKM! I have a lot of dia papaya-isms.

    And that was supposed to say VERBAL diarrhea. What the hell is very diarrhea? Sir, pardon me... I get the very diarrhea when I'm nervous. Please ignore the smell ;)

  24. Well it is Jessica...

  25. She seems happy, runs an insanely successful clothing line and is a bazillionaire simply based on her personality. So, I really don't think she's stupid.

    The irony for me was while breastfeeding, I really wanted no parts of The Husband. Covered in breastmilk, spitup, pee, drool, sweat. Oh, the glamour. LOL. So when I hear of other broads getting knocked up that soon after having a newborn, I think, God bless and thank the Lord it ain't me. Of course, now, I'm feeling so much pressure to have another bambino. Totally thought I was pregnant in February, but alas, it ain't true. My OB wants me to go get some bloodwork. Sigh. I feel like my child is destined to be a one and done. At least he has 9 million cousins.

    1. @Susan - nothing wrong with one and done. My son was the happiest of accidents, I wouldn't trade him for anything. But thankfully we never had another, since his mother and I are now divorced. And at 38 years old I don't feel any compulsion to give up sleeping and adult vacations so I can get peed on. Luckily my GF is a great step-parent and has zero desire for children of her own. She is looking forward to being a grandma to my son's kids someday though.

  26. Even my obgyn told me I couldn't get pregnant while nursing. All the nurses who worked with me for the 3 days after my kid was born said the same. Plus I didn't get another period till kid was 17 months old.
    Luckily I erred on the side of caution despite all that, and still only have one kid. But there are legit reasons people believe the myth, other than "derr she's stupid."

    1. Never, ever go back to that OB.

  27. I think she's like Paris Hilton - she thinks she's pretending to be dumb, but she really isn't as smart as she thinks she is.

  28. She probably just wanted out of her weight watchers contract.

  29. I knew someone who went to high school with her (before she was famous). He said she was really stupid. The teacher asked her to identify some country on the map and she said it was "at the bottom."

  30. Breastfeeding in *some* women can delay menses, and ovulation, for the entire course of nursing which can be years depending on the situation. Many who get their cycle back early on don't actually ovulate for many months, just have a period anyway. Oddly enough, studies have shown that those who get their menses back later (like, after a year) typically *do* ovulate before that first period, so those surprise pregnancies have little to no warning. So there is some credence to this myth (a lot actually) in many circumstances, and anyone who is both TTC and nursing can attest to.

    In my situation, hubby was diagnosed infertile, I was thought to have several fertility issues as well, and I had induced lactation to nurse our sweet son we adopted at birth, so we were in an infertile couple with like a one in a million chance AND I was nursing, and yeah, I got pregnant. Not that I mind at all :) I'm now nursing her, and got an IUD just in case. I wouldn't mind another "surprise" some day, but um, maybe some spacing between them!

  31. Megan that's amazing! I hear so many stories about women who get pregnant after adopting. I also didn't know you could induce lactation. Anyway congrats!

  32. Congrats Megan! I hear the same thing how women miraculously get pregnant once they've adopted and have relaxed about not getting pregnant. Ironic.

    Whatever Chestica may be, Mensa member or dumb broad she's laughing all the way to the bank.

    And it is amazing how the myth of no periods whilst breast feeding still continues even among professionals obviously.

  33. Whether or not you ovulate while nursing depends on the output. It is my understanding that if you breastfeed exclusively and "on demand" you can keep ovulation away for months & months (and in my case with all three pregnancies) 18 months to be exact! Adding cereal in the early months or trying to keep up by "pump and dump" sets other things in motion. I did breast feeding exclusively with my three for the first year (because I was in a position to do so, that's all - and I thought making bottles at 2 am sounded like not so much fun when you could just whip out a boob). So then adding cereals and such at one year of age it took 6 months for ovulation to occur. Again, I'm sure it's case by case. but a lot of young mommies these days try to do the pump and freeze the milk or whatever so this can definitely happen.

    1. You delayed solids until one year?

    2. If so, was that stressful?

  34. I'm not going to watch the video but did she say she's going to get off her ass and start making the malibu skinny jeans again?

    1. @ disco - I love it - you won't let your dream die! Keep the pressure on, maybe she'll start making your jeans again :-).

    2. @ disco - I love it - you won't let your dream die! Keep the pressure on, maybe she'll start making your jeans again :-).

  35. I was charting my temps and mucus (TMI TMI TMI sorry!), which is supposed to be super reliable. Guess what? I ovulated just after my period, and voila, baby number three. When she was born, I had three little ones under the age of four!

  36. Megan- that is awesome, I'm so glad you have two wonderful babes now!

  37. @AKM, love it! My mom used to say, for such an intelligent person, you really aren't very smart. I said I'm the rare person who doesn't have common sense and she just looked at me like, SEE?

    @Megan, woohoo! Congrats!

  38. Yay @Megan. So happy for you! My brother's wife got pregnant after they adopted too!

  39. The first word in the link upthread about getting pregnant while nursing is yes. There's nothing much to say after that.

    Sex education is a valuable thing. Err on the side of caution when it comes to these things was my motto. I'm well past the age where this is an issue btw.

  40. I really hope her 'dim bulb' persona is all an act. Furthermore, I hope those babies get their daddy's IQ

  41. I didn't realize I was pregnant until I had a miscarriage when my first was 4 months old. It happens to the best of us.
    In Italy, at least years ago, mothers breast fed/feed their children until they are 4 or 5 or more partly because it is birth control that is acceptable to the Catholic church.

  42. Ha ha ha, no, Nellie, it was not stressful for me at all. I was married to a control freak who wouldn't let me leave the house anyhow. And then again I did enjoy breastfeeding very much. I was a 36DD in highschool, so after so many years of bullying from jealous girls and groping attempts by stupid boys I was relieved that they finally had a purpose in my life that made me happy!

  43. Good for you, Megan!

  44. FYI- your fertile myrtle after giving birth too. Not that many are in the mood for it!

  45. i am sure Nick Lachey has some stories....and you know weight watchers was telling her ahead of time, sound healthy, slip our name in as much as you can...

  46. Jessica is lying, the pregnancy was planned.

  47. Is it just me, or is her schtick as a dumb ass just plan old and tired? I am serious. It was cuteish when she was with Nick, but now, its sad. You got money, your shoes are cute, you got money, now you are starting to embarrass yourself.

  48. Congratulations, Megan! That is amazing. So happy for you.

    Regarding food while breastfeeding: I started giving my boy oatmeal/rice/bananas/apples around 4/5 months. I also supplemented with formula, because I started working again and it just needed to be done because my son wasn't being satisfied with just breast milk. I breastfed for 10/11 months. The first night he went to sleep with a bottle instead of my boob, I cried like a lunatic. Honestly, I felt so down in the dumps for a good month or so.

    Lucas - Thanks for your kind words. I'm sure your son is awesome. I am totally cool with raising an only child. I think the family expects me to have another. And my husband really wants another. That's why I feel pressure.

  49. I like her for some reason.

  50. She is such a dope, I am a little worried about the babies. Hopefully she has lots of hired help..
