Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Jesse James Is Getting Married Again

I was going to make a joke in the headline about Sandra Bullock not being invited, but you know what, after everything they went through together and her public humiliation, I think Sandra would probably go if she was invited. She has a sense of humor and is best friends with George Lopez even though he cheated on his loving kidney donating wife with hookers so maybe Sandra would go if invited. Jesse is supposed to be marrying Alexis DeJoria at the end of this month. Alexis is filthy stinking rich so the wedding will probably be nice. She is the daughter of billionaire John Paul Dejoria aka Paul Mitchell hair care products. This would be Jesse's fourth marriage and 36th engagement. The invitation says Nazi formal wear is expected.


  1. Gee, that's going to end well...(side eye)

  2. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I think this is one of those " Rich Girl marries Bad Boy to piss off Daddy" Weddings. Let's see if they even get that far. Not only does he like Nazi regalia, but from what I've seen of him on different reality shows, he has a brick for a brain, we're talking serious knuckle dragging territory. That faraway squint he has in that pic is as close to a deep thought as he'll ever get.

  3. She's filthy stinking rich off of ahair product empire and her hair looks like that?!

    I know a lot of people love Miss Sandy, but her judgement reeks. I kinda wonder about her. :/

    ^That coming from someone who has shitty judgement.

  4. Hope she signed a prenup.

  5. HOLD UP! Paul Mitchell is not really Paul Mitchell?

  6. What a waste of a trust fund baby!

    J/k clearly she has no clue what she is getting herself into.

  7. @ethorne. There used to be a Paul Mitchell. He died 15+ years ago. He and John Paul co-founded the company.

    I used to work for a beauty supply wholesaler while in college. Still have more OPI & Paul Mitchell products than the ladies in my family know what to do with.

    1. @Charlie-Ok, thanks. Jealous of your family!

  8. He is so disgusting. I can't believe Sandy was with him for so long. ICK.

    @Charlie - I worked for KMS for a year in college and had product for almost 3 years after that. It was awesome. Do you need my address? :b

  9. I remember this guy John Paul Dejoria from an episode of 20/20. (don't judge me)

    Fun Fact: he is also the man behind Patron Tequila.

    1. Holy Cow!!! I hope her dad makes her sign the prenup to end all prenups!!

    2. @Crazycatlady- seriously, the dad is LOADED. Jesse's cash is a drop in the bucket for him.

  10. I have to say, I have no clue who this hairess (ha ha) is . but i thought it was octo mom at first glance...

    I love sandra! boo to this man!

    Boo indeed

    1. I thought she looked like Biebs' mom

    2. @ethorne, I thought the exact same thing.

    3. I thought she looked like Amy Fisher aka Long Island Lolita.

  11. Let's just pray they don't reproduce.

  12. @Claritysk

    LOL @ "hairess".. that made me smile :)

  13. I nominate Jessie for the people that we need to defame club.

  14. Let's just take a Michael K moment to appreciate her eyebrow situation, shall we?

  15. Good luck to her. I hope she likes hitler mustaches.

  16. what a lucky girl

  17. Man, then why does her hair look so crappy?

  18. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I love KMS products. Don't they do that deep super conditioner? KPak I think it's called?

    1. Nope that would be Joico. was a stylist for 10 years. I was up to my eyeballs in Joico, Biolage, Rusk and Farouk products. Let's just say Christmas and birthdays were taken care of!

  19. I like the fact that he cheated on sAndra. She knew he was racist and used that black baby to revamp her image.on top of the fact of making a racist movie like the "blindside"

  20. She looks nasty. Methy. And seriously, what's up with the hair?

    This from HuffPo:

    When a fan criticized DeJoria, 35, for getting engaged to James after only a month of dating, the drag racer didn't attempt to deny anything, according to USA Today. "Am I supposed to wait till I'm married to sleep with a man too?! Lol! You've been brainwashed into what society says is right," DeJoria replied.

    A month. She's known this goose-stepping clown a month.

  21. Hahahahaha @Mango! This goose-stepping clown! OMG!

  22. @just curious - there used to be a poster on here who goes by the name "M" (she's a lil crazy, to put it mildly). She started her own blog site something like "Former Criminal Prosecutor..." and she has a very interesting take on Sandra Bullock. I tend to believe what was written about Sandy because I always thought something was off about her.

    1. Idk,I just find it hard to believe that a woman with Sandra's resources didn't know jesse's past. Sandra is German-American herself,not saying she's guilty by association but.....
      All the black celebrities who fell from public grace,Sandra never heard Jesse comment on it whether its' oj Simpson,tiger,Vick???

      That black kid she adopted was a scape goat from public scrutiny,she knows.

  23. Jesse James may not spout off Nobel-caliber economic analysis, but he is far from dumb. And I don't much care for him. BUT when Monster Garage came out you could tell he is a very methodical, detail-oriented person who has the ability to not only conceptualize complicated machinery but to also build it from scratch. Still a goose-stepping asshole though.

    1. I've seen it a couple of times,its' very informative for the layman.
      Still I think Jesse and Sandra may have been on the same politically.

  24. Anonymous1:39 PM

    a MONTHHHHHHHHH this bitch smh

  25. I too wonder how much Sandra knew & what she herself was into. Even if the Nazi stuff didn't come out straight away, surely the racism would have been dripping from his tongue. Something hinky there.

  26. I'm inclinedcto believe Sandra is racist. Her mother was from Germany, she's from hillbilly Texas and she married a Neo-Nazi. The adoption of the black baby on the heels of the scandal spoke volumes. People assume she's a good mother from pics of her but she's a very good actress with an EXCELLENT PR team.

    1. Oh yeah, that's right. Because, you know, we are all hillbilly racist assholes in Texas.

    2. Of course not,there are just as many racists in Hollywood.look at the movies they put out: blindside,green mile,dangerous minds,etc

  27. @Crafty, M is NUTS. Seriously, you can't believe a word she says, or writes. Why do you think she comes across as SO believable?! Because she's frigging nuts.

  28. I think Sandra was already going through the process of adopting her son while married to James. I really don't think a racist would raise a black child for 18 years to save face. She could've gone to Africa for charity work, and made sure photos of it were sent to every magazine instead.

    I do have to wonder about her in terms of her judgement. This guy is a major asshat, and I am sure it was apparent long before the cheating and Nazi fascination came out. I also have to give Mila Kunis the side eye for dating Ashton Kutcher.

  29. Good lord have mercy. I cannot believe I read a comment contributing racism to a German American upbringing. And the internet keeps providing nuggets of absurdity......

    1. @warmislandsun
      I was thinking the exact same thing, what a rediculous comment...

  30. I forgot to add - UGH, her hair! How can you be a daughter of the founder of a hair care company with THAT HAIR?

  31. @Just Curious, The Blind Side and Dangerous Minds are true stories. The Green Mile originated as a novel, from the brilliant mind of Steven King.

  32. German Americans are racist? That must mean be why Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Ohio all voted for Obama.

    Oh, wait. No. That doesn't make any sense.

  33. He was obviously bearding for Sandra. They practically lived their own lives except when the cameras were rolling and she was trying to get an oscar for her terrible acting.

  34. Sandra is FROM Virginia. She now LIVES in Austin, among other locations.

    JJ may know something about machines but I'm willing to bet he is not detail oriented. That's just a show. Proposing after knowing her for only a month is common for a guy like him, poor behavioral control and impulsive. He may be charismatic but there is no depth to his personality - glibness and superficial charm. And how many kids has he effectively abandoned? That we know of?? Grandiose sense of self worth - I would say yes. How about lack of realistic long term goals? We know way too much about this guy to think he is in any way a good person. Just continue with the check list. He's bad news.

  35. Enty, I really love how you word stuff sometimes. :)

    This girl is an idiot.

  36. I vote Jesse take her name. Jesse James DeJoria.

  37. He is utterly vomitous.
