Monday, March 25, 2013

Jerry Sandusky Interviewed On The Today Show

In an interview on the Today Show, Jerry Sandusky says that Joe Paterno had no idea that Sandusky was a pedophile and that a key witness in the trial has changed his story so much that he should not be believed.

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  1. I never want to see this sickos name ever again. I hope he rots in hell and gets sodomized daily with a pineapple.

    1. Kpeony, yes. I second this. I can't, and won't read or watch anything on this story. Yuck

  2. I can't believe NBC is this desperate.

  3. Anonymous9:03 AM

    How about J.S has changed his story so many times that he shouldn't be believed?

  4. I can't bring myself to actually watch the interview. Did he really say, "Joe Paterno did not know that I'm a pedophile"? In his prior testimony he said that he wasn't a pedophile and that he was showing the boys love. So I'm just curious if he has changed his opinion of himself.

  5. Penn Status alumnus here.

    Fuck you, Sandusky. Rot in jail, and after you die, rot in hell.

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Also PSU alum, and I share the same sentiments

    2. PSU class of '11 who actually volunteered for the camp that this piece of shit founded. The whole situation is fucked up. Its a huge cover up and the Second mile camp actually banned him for being part of the organization since the late nineties cause they knew he was a molester.

    3. PSU class of '11 who actually volunteered for the camp that this piece of shit founded. The whole situation is fucked up. Its a huge cover up and the Second mile camp actually banned him for being part of the organization since the late nineties cause they knew he was a molester.

  6. A new low. Didn't think that was possible, NBC.

  7. Why is the Today Show dredging up this horrible monster? Stay classy NBC.

  8. Paterno knew. Too many adults let those poor kids down. It's disgusting. Didn't one of the victims grow up to become a pedophile as well? I wonder how much of his past, if any, had to do with it.

  9. News flash Jerry; if you told me water was wet I wouldn't believe you. You're a filthy, revolting and loathesome waste of air.

  10. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

  11. Who wants to hear a damn word this disgusting fuck has to say? It happened, I don't need to hear a thing in regards to his side of it. Hey NBC, why don't you air a special? Casey Anthony can be the first hour & this demon can be the encore. Don't stop at one asshole.

  12. The monster finally admitted he's a pedophile?

  13. Why give him a platform????

  14. @Angus - no, the bastard is still denying it. He's saying that if Paterno had thought Sandusky was a pedo, he wouldn't have let him work there. The transcripts were done by a guy making a film about "the framing" of Joe Paterno. (gag)

  15. I am not interested in anything he has to say. Agree why gv him any air time at all??????

  16. That's a misstatement of what Sandusky said. He said that IF Paterno KNEW that he was a pedophile (and no, he didn't admit it), he absolutely wouldn't have let him continue to work at Penn State. And, for the record, the interview was done by someone who is trying to clear Paterno's name, not Sandusky's. Unfortunately, I think he overestimated everyone's desire to hear another word about or from Sandusky, and wasn't very effective in making his point.

  17. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I can't believe they gave air time to this disgusting old man.

  18. "If he absolutely thought I was, I'd say no," Sandusky said in the audio recording. "If he had a suspicion, I don't know the answer to that."

    As to why they're giving him air time, NBC's ratings are in the toilet. They're desperate.

  19. I guess this gut is a penn state "truther" (I know... Too much) and he says joe Paterno said that Mike Mcqueary(sp)didn't tell him he walked in on a rape, but instead "botched grooming" (with slapping sounds) its so gross, between that and the stuebenville I just can't...

  20. I just cannot watch this. I watched Sandusky's interview with Bob Costas before the trial and was absolutely stunned at how insane this guy is. If he told me the sun rose in the east, I'd still be outside in the morning with a compass. I hate this guy, and I'm not too crazy about his wife, either. She KNEW.

    1. I don't want to hear another word from this psycho sicko! He re-offends every time they give him an opportunity to comment. Thanks NBC and Today for giving him another day of reflecting on and reliving his horrific sick fantasies

  21. Sandusky's wife, Paterno's wife, their parents, their dogs should all be in JAIL! F-them all. And especially F-NBC. Assholes. I hope everyone that still has cable changed the station.

  22. As someone who left a company after 15 years due to an ethics/integrity concern, I wonder how people involved in things like this sleep at night? Not just the interview, but knowing what was going on and still working at Penn State.

    Granted, I had many people at my former company tell me I 'think too much' and need to 'separate your identity from your employer' when I was struggling with whether to stay or go, so maybe that's how...

  23. "Botched grooming": A new instant classic for the lexicon.

  24. On a related topic how many C-Danners think this is another nail in the career coffin of Matt Lauer?

  25. Ellehpee - Good on you for getting out of a bad job! Then they twisted their corruption to make you the bad guy for having principles? Gaslighting assholes!

  26. @Zeeky, actually what I was told was that I was 'too naive' to work for a big corporation. Funny, since I apparently did fine the first 15 years, before the company decided to 'shift direction' (which is code for 'become sleazy')

    Bottom line was I challenged the wrong person (newly-hired CFO) on an ethical issue, and I guess he didn't appreciate being reminded that employees are human and should be treated with some decency. He tried to buy me off by offering me a promotion. Fortunately word got out that I wasn't happy, and I was offered a better position by a smaller company that has morals and integrity - so I left.

    Right now I'm struggling with what to do with the hundreds of company shares I own...leaning toward selling them all, and then sending a letter to the current CEO and Board of Directors explaining why. Not that they'll care, but it will surely annoy that amoral CFO.

    1. Good for you! I am always so happy when Ethics win.

  27. Ellehpee - sounds like that would make you happy to sell and write the letter. Good on you for getting out. Not everyone can.

  28. ellehpee - Don't sell, buy more! Then keep buying until you have a controlling interest, then get the CFO canned! (It's a nice fantasy, if nothing else!)

    I'm glad they didn't go the route most places go and fire you after some trumped-up reason, or get you blacklisted. But I'm more glad you got out, and to something better!

  29. Fuck Sandusky and NBC. The only voice he should have is to petition a court of law, everyone else should turn their backs.

  30. Please don't run me out of CDaN Town with torches & pitchforks re what I'm about to say.

    For the record, Sandusky & his ilk make me physically sick. I hope he rots in Hell.

    While I'm sickened that Sandusky was given, yet another, platform to speak, I want to believe that as long as he's talking, Sandusky is going to, inadvertently, slip up & reveal more info.

    We can choose not to listen (I didn't watch the video nor do I intend to) or change the channel/boycott networks.

    But there are those who tirelessly fight against the abuse/slavery of children & they're listening to his ramblings. I go to bed praying that more info will lead to busting up more criminal child abuse rings.

    Because it didn't just stop with The Second Mile.

    Hope I'm still welcome in CDaN Town.

  31. @cornflowerblue - nah, we keep the crazy whores locked up here on Burrito Whore Island!

    You make a really good point. I was reading a book a couple of weeks ago where the protagonist is talking to a police officer. He's been lying for a long time but is able to tell the truth about something and says something along the lines of he know understands why criminals keep talking and eventually slip up, there's something so freeing in finally being able to tell the truth that you just can't stop.

    Let's hope!!

  32. That would be *NOW. As someone once said, my kingdom for an edit button!

  33. Yet one more reason I hate NBC.

  34. Simply another one who can't or won't watch this video. Why would anyone want to listen to this 'thing'?

    Yes, there are other people out there stronger than me who may be trying to add to the evidence/case against him, and more power to them.

    NBC has fallen further than I thought possible.
