Friday, March 22, 2013

Jennifer Lopez Loves Chris Brown

Nothing is more important to Jennifer Lopez than Jennifer Lopez. Yesterday she posted a photo of herself loving up on Chris Brown who she brought in to help with her next album by providing songs and guest vocals and deciding that battered women come in a distant second to Jennifer making some money selling records and hearing herself on the radio again. I feel like, but am too lazy to look up that Jennifer has spoken out against domestic violence in the past and may have even started a foundation to help battered women. It just goes to show you that when it comes to making money and keeping your fame, you are perfectly willing to pose with the devil. Also comes in Kris Jenner flavor.


  1. She will do anything to have people talk about her.... so is this really surprising?

  2. Hey did you guys see Glee last night? I was so proud. They HAMMERED Chris Brown into the ground! I mean hammered! Ha!

    1. @Reno- what did they say? SPILL!

    2. Glee. Is this the show where they ragged on the overweight black female about her weight only to bring in an overweight black male & say nothing cause he dresses in women's clothing? Pass. Hypocrites. Did they take the time to bring others who have done the same or their sympathizers? No thanks.

  3. Didn't she also star in a movie where she was an abused wife who fought back against her abusive husband? Enough?

    1. Yup, I love when she kicks his ass at the end.

    2. I was just coming on to say that. I freaking love that movie. At least she doesn't have her mouth open in that pic.

  4. Oh, and plus they covered WHAM! That show was alright by me last night I tell ya!

  5. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Nice Mom Jeans JHo.
    She sucks.

  6. I saw it Reno! It was hilarious.

    1. Oh...and everyone knows blondes have superpowers

  7. Can't. Stand. Her. MV.

  8. I am fascinated/horrified at how quickly Chris Brown has been redeemed by the industry. It's like all has been forgotten.

  9. "Lord Tubbington's guilty pleasure is Scientology"

  10. Well what do you expect considering she was with Marc Anthony? Wasn't he rumored to be over-bearing and controlling?

    Enty, I have a request, if you do reach 20K followers on Twitter, I suggest you reveal the MV blind. I have always suspected it to be this lame ass, bland, aging attention whore. Please do us a favor and choose that as the reveal.

    1. @La Descarada, I think he said from the beginning that he would never reveal the MV blind :(

    2. LaDescarada, you have to tweet Enty with that request. I think he should post a pix of the infamous signed Gold record under random photos...

  11. Rape Culture. That is all.


  12. @Reno, I also enjoyed that aspect of GLEE! (And of course, The Spice Girls with an African American cross-dressing young man as Baby Spice. Made me laugh.)

  13. This is so stupid. Tons of people have collaborated with Chris brown. We should also hate adele

    1. I don't like Adele. The Chris Brown thing just confirmed it.

    2. Same here. I havent liked Adele from day one. Her wanting to work with Chrissy vindicated me. :-)

    3. Wasn't the Adele wanting to work with Chris rumor confirmed as not true, though?

  14. I'm on the fence with this Chris Brown thing. Maybe if he had shown an iota of remorse and seeked out some kind of therapy; people would probably have lessen their blows a bit. Instead Chris lives up to his douchebag name tag by acting like a thug wannabe. Somebody mentioned that he has been redeemed by the industry, well that's the music business and as long as this kid can produce hits, he will stay in their good graces.
    The music business is different from Hollywood; ask Mel Gibson. But let's not forget Charlie Sheen was also arrested for abuse and drugs and it seems he never had to be redeemed; people kept right on loving him. He even has a hit show that is doing well. Chris attack on Rihanna remains an embedded memory with us because we saw the pictures of her face. If those pics had never been released most of us wouldn't have known how severe her injuries were. There have been quite a few celebrity couples involved in domestic violence, we just don't get to see the ramifications of their abuse. Take Diane Lang for instance; it was rumored for years that Josh had been physically abusing her but because we saw no evidence of the abuse, he was never crucified in the media the way Chris has been.

    1. You're right on a couple of points -abusive musicians have never been held to much of a standard, Brown's attitude has made this way worse and dragged out, but he was doomed the minute people who've never had their face wrecked, saw that pic. Charlie, Sean P, Josh Brolin, Mel, etc, are actors. Actors have always looked down a bit on musicians, and yes, race does play a part of it. I can loathe many, equally, and I do, but I've had my face bashed in more than once, you need the ladies to come out hard on this, not like Rihanna's interviews, or Diane Lane's dropping Dom Violence charges and saying it was a mistake. Until then...?

    2. So sorry that happen to you no one male or female should ever have to go through that. I agree with what you said.

    3. So sorry that happen to you no one male or female should ever have to go through that. I agree with what you said.

  15. JLo is Stoned. maybe that's her excuse?

  16. There is just everything wrong about JLo. She's a heartless beast. First off...she kills innocent animals for fur for her clothing she's friends with the biggest a-hole and most hated piece of trash in the business. He's a woman beater and he doesn't deserve a 2nd chance, because he's not sorry and he'll do it again. If not to will be someone else.

    I've lost any tiny ounce of respect I had left for JLo. She's a piece of trash...and can't sing to save her life. Her acting is annoying too. She can dance though. That's it.

  17. @rejectedcarebear. Ugh, that was one of the few movies that was so bad I walked out on it. They flashed the title "GET OUT" up on the scream and my friend and I looked at each, took it as a sign and did just that.

  18. I'm so over the Chris Brown bashing. I'm not a fan, I couldn't even name one of his songs. If Rihanna has forgiven him, then you all need to get over it.

    1. Rae Carruth had his baby mama killed while pregnant the kid survived and is severely handicapped being raised by his grandmother. The grandmother has forgiven Rae and the killer.

      So everyone should? Fuck that. If I don't like you then I don't like you.

      Also Fuck Charlie Sheen!

    2. Anonymous12:01 PM

      ^ this

  19. I have to agree with @nevermindthat, he's not the only celebrity who has committed this crime but he is the most hated but only by us, Hollywood has moved on. And JLo is not the only one who has worked with him and sadly she won't be the last. Even Saint Taylor Swift has already given him a pass, there's money to be made after all.

  20. Oh look, two douchebags for the price of one picture.

  21. i know chris brown is a dick and all that but why should people be boycotting his music/ working with him ect? i mean what he done was, yes he made a mistake, a massive mistake but loads of celebrity's have been arrested domestic abuse but don't get the shit he gets.

    i don't like him but i'm over the c brown abuse. oh and also beiber as well. could't care less.

  22. and so soon? wasn't it like 3/4 years ago?

  23. Adele went WAY DOWN in my estimation when she had nothing but praise for Brown. It made me very sad, but I had no choice.

    As somebody else said, if Brown had shown ANY remorse at all and shown that he was sorry and maybe done something to help a battered women's charity, then I wouldn't have a problem with him. However, he repeatedly has public violent outbursts, which makes me wonder how bad he is in private, and says things like men need to keep their women locked down and that they own their women's p***ies.

    He has done nothing but show disgusting behavior again and again and again and again, while acting all entitled and offended that anybody even dare bring up the Rihanna incident. He hasn't shown any humility or remorse about the incident in any way. If anybody can name one nice and generous thing this kid has ever done, I will be hella surprised.

    JLo didn't have much left in my estimation, but now there is nothing, zero, zilch, nada. The music industry can go f*ck itself for forgiving and in effect enabling this douchebag's violent behavior that shows no signs of stopping.

  24. *leaves to watch the new Glee episode*

  25. so if chris browns PR people made him go to a battered women's charity event and just pretended like he was sorry, you'd forgive him? even though you knew it was just a stunt?

    he may be a douche but he's the only one acting themselves in the whole of showbiz.

    Adele shouldn't be attacked because she said she likes his MUSIC! not c brown.

    the only people that should hold a grudge against him for this is Rhianna and all the other woman he's mistreated. IMO

  26. Anonymous9:23 AM

    No Chris Brown is a piece of shit, that beat the crap out of his girlfriend sitting next to him in a car, bashed her head up against a window. Is that normal? Is that just he had a bad day? No f'ing way. He has never shown any remorse, any change, any improvement, at all. All he has done is whine that he's is like Jesus Christ, that he is persecuted and tormented by all the hate, and that only Jesus can understand him, because they are the same! His physical altercation with Frank Ocean over a parking space, things that you and I deal with five times a day, oh that person took my spot, a little annoying but no big deal, look for another one, Chris Brown felt that it would be a good idea to jump out of his car and start beating someone with his fists. Enty is 100% right about his estimation of Jennifer Lopez as a publicity and fame whore, no different from a starfucker. Someone willing to give their heart, body, mind and soul for adulation, acclaim, and attention. Sick sick sick. I hope it keeps you warm at night Jennifer.

  27. Glee not only did Wham! but they shat on Chrissy? Well, Im gonna have to watch that! Never seen the show before in my life but here goes! :-)

  28. Wasn't JLo the blind for the celeb who goes to kids' camps and helps out, no PR or paps?

    BTW, I feel like we should haul out the popcorn and couches and drinks again. CB in da house.

    1. @Izzie-I think that was Mariah.

  29. +1 @nevermind
    +1 @macattack

    Not excusing anyone, but hold people to the same standard.

    Didn't Charlie Sheen take a knife to his former wife in Aspen over Xmas one year? But, he's "just Charlie." Josh Brolin? Sean Penn? Not to say all the ones who hide what is going on...through $, intimidation, promises or PR, etc.

    On the other hand, Chris Brown can't hide things very well. He's young, a hothead, and was raised in a poor, abusive home. He doesn't have a likeable public person so he is now the knee-jerk response and far too easy a target.

  30. The kids were to pick their guilty pleasure to sing and one of the boys picked Chris. The girls all ganged up on him and let him have it. They called him a woman beater and a douche. I'll have to go home and rewatch to give better quotes. It was awesome.

  31. He's going to blow up and end up in prison or dead if he can't learn self control. Charlie lost the highest paying job in TV due to his behaviour. But yes, the recording industry is quite different and certain segments glorify misogyny and violence. My 2 cents.

  32. MV can never be revealed without outing Enty's identity. It will never happen.

  33. enough already! I've worked with chris many times, he is an immature, spoiled, entitled child many in h'wood. the constant stories like this are even too much for me!
    should people who work in film not shoot anymore movies with josh brolin? this decision on hating one abuser more than others is disgusting. and miss me with the "'we saw rihanna's photo" angle as well.
    no more chris brown stories PLEASE!

  34. I just don't like the way he behaves. There are people that have done much more horrible things but don't come off so scummy. I think they fit well together jennifer lopez is also a douche who thinks she is more talented than she is. You can easily replace either of them with a Michael Jackson impersonator or a drag queen from the bronx.

  35. J-Lo IS a battered woman. P Diddy used to beat her endlessly (he still beats Cassie). Marc Anthony is a woman beater as well. J-Lo is accustomed to getting her ass handed to her by the men who claim to love her.

    Chris Brown is an abuser as well. However, he is being raked over the coals in a way that no other celebrity is. Sean Penn used to beat Madonna to a pulp. He beat his last wife too. Josh Brolin is a known woman beater and rumor has it that Bradly Cooper is a closeted homosexual who likes to hit women. Didn't Charlie Sheen shoot a girlfriend years ago, and beats up prostitutes?

    No one is raking those males over the same hot coals. I guess a picture is worth a thousand hates. As long as the abuse is hidden, everyone is ok with it.

  36. JLow will work with Chris Brown if she thinks it will sell some CD's and make her a buck.

    The other night that fine cinematic masterpiece "Honey 2" was on cable (I have no idea why they made that POS when the first one was awful and Jessica Alba sleep walked her way through it) and JLow's SO Casper was in it--with a big ol' head of hair with a blue skunk stripe. There is no doubt about it--the guy is gay. She must keep him around because she gets to call the shots.

  37. Dont like and dont care about any abusive person. You want to work with them, oi right ahead, i dont want anything to do with any of them.

  38. I'd say none of us likes a man who beats women, whether actor or musician. Or a woman who beats a man either for that matter.
    The other men mentioned stay out of the press for awhile or get their people to downplay it or try to make it go away altogether.
    Chris Brown is constantly in everyone's face telling us all how he doesn't care what we think of him.
    He is too macho to apologize or act like he might have done something wrong. I think he delights in having offended a ton of women.
    I've always thought that women beaters were insecure cowards. He has to keep up his "I don't care what you think" attitude or lose his street cred with other scumbags.
    At the end of the day these folks need therapy to deal with their demons, but we know they will never admit to being less than perfect.

  39. @MsPink Kitty

    Co -sign. Have to say you are right it is the PICTURE that circulated around the world that impacted the public's judgement against Chris. Saying that Chris would have a waaay better media image if he was not a complete arrogant, angry douche. There may not of been any more DV incidents that we know of but Chris has had several violent and angry altercations and outburst in the last year or two. It is a reason why many do not think him a changed man. It is actually like he courts the bad press. Strange boy.

    Also you mention Bradley Cooper being a woman beating homosexual. While I don't believe Chris is gay. I do think he may be bi. I know Enty has dropped a couple hints on twitter about Brown's sexuality.

  40. If Chris Brown would freaking STOP getting into altercations with people every few months, maybe there'd be a reason to give him a second (nineteenth?) chance.

    Many people were raised in poor, abusive homes. But there are these people called COUNSELORS and a thing called THERAPY. He could get help today, right now! All of these abusers can. As long as they choose abuse, I'll choose to despise them.

  41. My first thought, looking at that picture was, "That's not lovin', he snapped her neck!"

  42. Good god, Brown continues to act like an asshole with rage issues. We don't see this non stop with Brolin, Sheen, or even Penn. All three are assholes still. Brown has tried to redeem himself by beating people at clubs and in parking lots, threatening others on Twitter, and flying into random rages on live tv. No, I am not "over it", as he continues to show what a piss-ant he is.

    If you don't like seeing the poor guy getting raked over the coals for being an aggressive piece of shit, you should probably skip reading posts about him on here.

  43. From what I remember Ted C. strongly hinted towards JLO as the abused diva, beaten and yelled at by her husband constantly. With Skeletor as the villain.
