Friday, March 29, 2013

Jennifer Lopez is Divalicious Without Talent

You would be surprised to hear that I actually have no problems with someone like Mariah Carey being a diva when it comes to her performance riders. I think she has earned it. I think Mariah and a few select others can be divas if they want. For as long as time has been around, popular singers have been divas so I'm ok with it. What I don't like is when someone who is not a good singer acts like diva. According to the NY Post, Jennifer Lopez was offered a ton of money to perform in India at a cricket tournament. Anyone offering Jennifer money to come perform a concert should probably be fired, but the organizers tired. They tried hard. Jennifer though wanted a private jet at her beck and call and hotel rooms and live chickens sent to her dressing room every fifteen minutes. Well, maybe not the last part, but it was probably something ridiculous like that which pushed the organizers over the edge who hired Pitbull instead who has apparently been a joy to work with.


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