Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Jenna Wolfe Comes Out

This morning on The Today Show, weekend anchor Jenna Wolfe announced to the world that she gay and that she is pregnant with her girlfriend of three years. She said that she decided to come out because she did not want her daughter to be born with her two mothers having to hide who they were and the relationship they have.

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  1. No idea who she is, but snaps for Jenna!!

  2. I thought she already came out.

  3. Sorry, but who???

  4. No idea who she is, but congrats!

  5. I already knew she was playing for the same team; no biggie. She's a news correspondant for NBC for all of you who are wondering who the hell she is.

  6. She's the one that Lester Holt got demoted from Weekend Today.

    1. @Cathy- say what? Please explain. I love hearing about Today Show's mishaps.

    2. What? Why? I love Lester, please tell me he's not another Matt.

  7. Congratulations on your happy news. The Best for all of you.

  8. I hate that people gave to "come out."

  9. Nice, except for the loser sitting next to her.

  10. She is partnered with another NBC correspondent, Stephanie Gosk.

  11. @Lotta - Supposedly Lester didn't want to be partnered with her on the weekends because she's really into extreme sports, exercise, & stuff, & he wanted no part of it. I think Erica Hill is his anchor partner now. Jenna Wolfe still does stories though during the week & weekend on the show. If it's true, Lester should have hung in there because she probably won't be doing any of that stuff for a while.

  12. @Lotta - sorry it isn't clicky:

  13. Don't know her, but I wish them the best...

  14. Thanks ladies. You've refreshed my memory.

  15. I like Lester Holt. Is he on in the weekend mornings? I'm a little confused here. And so what if she's into extreme sports - was she trying to make him do that stuff?

  16. I like her little segments, she was terrible as a co-host. Her timing always seemed just a little off and she was a terrible interviewer. She is used much better in her little segments, although I still find her introductions hard to get through as she seem awkward.

  17. And I am sure it was no small issue for Lester, et al. that she is seriously one of the most annoying people on television. I cannot stand to watch her.

  18. Ashley - ITA..she was a loud obnoxious co-host. I think she just rubbed people the wrong way...except for Stephanie Gosk....whoever that is.

  19. Big whoop.... is it even an announcement anymore?

  20. Hmm something tells me this was done as a ploy to boost the today show ratings

  21. am I the only person on the planet that thought she was the one married to Andrew Shue?

  22. While I'm all for whatever anyone is, if you want equality, where are the men standing up and saying "I prefer vagina" or women standing up and saying "I prefer dick"? While fighting to be accepting and for equality, you are singling yourself out by these announcements, thereby, making yourself not equal. Everyone just needs to start saying "I support everyone" so kids don't get bullied and so people stop thinking it's wrong. But these announcements themselves do nothing for equality.

  23. I think the more it becomes mainstream the less it will cause discrimination. Hiding who you are has got to be hell. If it gives anyone a sense of peace and acceptance I am all for it. But of course it's a personal decision.

    That said I have never heard of this person so I did the wiki thang. Congrats on her pregnancy.

  24. @ Jessica - I think coming out announcements are important if only for the single fact that it can help a gay teen come out and not kill himself because he's scared to come out.

  25. For what it's worth: The real announcement, if you watch the clip, is that she's pregnant, and she almost casually mentions that she's pregnant with her girlfriend of 3 years. So, she doesn't literally say, "Hey, I'm gay!" in an Ellen sort of way. She announces her pregnancy just like any hetero female anchor would, by giving a shout out to her partner.

    They cut to the People Magazine article, which is a little more of a coming-out type announcement, but here, on the Today show, it's much more subtle.

    I think this clip is adorable, and she is clearly nervous but sweet and funny.

    Jessica, we as a society are OBVIOUSLY not at the fantasy "I support everyone" so "kids won't get bullied" stage, so the more people are open about who they are, the more comfortable other people will be around them, as homosexuality becomes less an oddity or exception to the "norm."

    We can't expect gays to hopscotch from the closet over the struggle and arrive silently at acceptance/equality--that's not how society changes or adapts or grows.

  26. She's with her girlfriend and
    She's pregnant but there's no way she's pregnant WITH her girlfriend.
    Hope the daddy isn't a anonymous sperm donor. I know of several offspring from that situation that have serious question about their heritage, medical history etc...

  27. Congratulations to them both. Lovely news :)

  28. No idea who she is, but you go girl. Seems like it's getting easier and easier for lesbians to come out, and that's great, I just wish it were anywhere near as easy for gay men.

  29. should people hide away instead Jessica? If it weren't for brave men and women doing this all over the world we'd still be stuck in the fucking dark ages..

    Since men "preferring vagina" is completely acceptable by society already, there is no need to do such a thing, and quite frankly would be offensive to those WHO ARE FIGHTING FOR EQUALITY WHO ARE NOT READILY ACCEPTED.

  30. saw this, this morning...good for her...and lol @ Enty saying "she gay", now i have a glimpse at how he might talk in real life

  31. Uh, Jessica, you've NEVER seen a heterosexual man or woman announce that they were having a baby with their husband/wife? Ever? Really? You're shitting me, right? Not Matt Lauer, not Elizabeth Hasselbeck or the myriad of straight folks who can marry and talk about their significant others in passing like they're mentioning the weather? Really?

    And is this Warner Wolfe's daughter? If so, I think I remember her from NYU because she dated this obnoxious guy from Rockland County that I detested.

  32. I'd rather have my head filled w/cotton candy vs. watching any kind of news or talk program. That said, hope whoever these folks are, they are happy and have a healthy child.

  33. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Aww that's sweet, glad she came out.

  34. Jessica, I respectfully disagree that people don't have to come out.
    People assume you are straight unless you tell them otherwise, and people coming out, letting others know that we aren't all straight ... that's what opens people's minds.
    The more people know gay people, the more they are open, accepting, and willing to fight for our equality.

  35. And I love Jenna Wolfe. I thought she was a breath of fresh air on the weekends, and I was upset when she got the boot.
