Monday, March 25, 2013

Jared Leto Has Some Strange Fans

Never let it be said that Jared Leto does not have fans who are dedicated. The fact that they can be a little crazy and that at least one is now missing an ear cannot be overstated. Jared was giving a radio interview and he was asked what is the strangest piece of fan mail he has ever received. "Someone cut their ear off once and sent it to me, that was very strange. A whole ear. The Van Gogh move. The note just said, 'Are you listening?' I never knew who it was, who's missing their ear out there." I wonder what the line of thought is before someone cuts off their ear as a tribute to Jared. I also wonder what would happen if he ever ran into that fan face to face. If someone is willing to cut off their own ear because they like you so much, imagine what they want to do to you.


  1. They must find Jared earresistable.

  2. Does Amanda Bynes still have both ears?

    1. ethorne, Lol!

    2. WOW! @ethorne and @FSP - you guys are on fire today!

    3. Lol @ethorne too!!

  3. Maybe the person is in genetics and they just grew the ear on the back of a lab rat.

  4. Uhm Jared, there's something called DNA you could have easily found out who it belonged to. Not to mention if you get an ear in the mail, aren't you supposed to notify the authorities?

  5. Amber - thank you for not letting me have nightmares tonight!

    1. @___. Is that really any better?

    2. Gayeld - just barely. Let me just say that if I ever receive an ear I hope it was processionally amputated off the back of a lab rat and said rat would then be frolicking happily across the country side!

  6. Bats* crazies, unite!

  7. This is the first pic in a long time that I thought Jared Leto looked hot.

    @Montana-What would he compare the ear DNA to?

  8. How do we know that it was the fan's ear?

  9. @ethorne, this is an old photo.

    Everyone loses their shit over Jordan Catalano.

  10. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Well he does look haught in that picture, but getting an ear in the mail would seriously seriously freak me the hell out. I would be calling the police and fbi and everyone else about the crazy man. But when Jared was at his hottest.. he could come murder my vagina anytime..LOL.
    But I will pass on the ass to ass. Thanks though.

  11. Jared Leto will always be hot. The guy does not age.

    I would have called the police if I were him. Maybe it was an ear off a murder victim or something?

  12. @Kimberly-Would you be down for a Columbus Q-tip?

  13. @Gayeld - You think an actual ear cut off a head is less ew?! :P

  14. @ethorne--Unfortunately this pic is at least a few years old. I remember seeing it a while ago and thinking daaaaaaayyyyuuuuuummmmm!

  15. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Only if it's from Jared, or involves getting something very expensive and very sparkly from Jareds. Otherwise leave my ears alone..

    1. Lol @Kimberly-Now I can't stop thinking of the jewelry store jingle- "It could only be Jared..."

  16. I'm almost afraid to ask, and I'm going to have to remember to come back to this thread for the answer, but I've seen the 'ass to ass' inside joke/comment show up a in few threads here lately, can someone give me the context for it. Thanks.

  17. FSP - Ahahahahha!!!!

    Today, FSP is short for Firing Sensational Puns!

  18. Maybe the person worked at a funeral home or morgue. Still ghoulish.

  19. How pissed is James Franco that he never got a Fed-Xed body part?

  20. FS..It's the scene from Requiem for a Dream where the girls do that to pay for their drugs. Drugs are bad, mkay!

    I think VIPBlonde started it and someone translated to Portuguese as Bunga com bunga I think. There are three terms used here and someone used them all in a sentence in the Lindsay post of this morning.

  21. I'm hoping he just left out the part where he called the cops for the sake of brevity.

  22. Yeah he better have called the cops. Not only to get someone badly needed mental help (at best), but he had no idea if the sender of the ear was its actual owner.

  23. That's got to be a lie. Authorities would be involved.

  24. Disturbing but I love how you guys make me laugh anyway

  25. I saw this interview, I'm pretty sure he was joking.
    BTW, I'm listening to 30 Seconds to Mars' unplugged right now. Go figure, I'm obsessed (yes I still have both ears)

  26. Are we sure it was THEIR ear??

  27. Thank you Sherry, I jump around a lot on this site and miss a lot of the cooler discussions. :)

  28. Erika -- I won tickets to that Unplugged for my daughter. She had a blast sitting with Shannon. Apparently the band was a lot of fun between filming -- as long as you knew the words to their songs, lol.

    And yeah, if you o to a Mars show, be ready to sing!

  30. You're welcome FS. It's become a theme, I know, so it helps having the background for reference.

    Also look for Pegging and plam. Google is your friend on those and consider them nasty of course. L

  31. Oops FS is bumba con bumba. I had to go back for the correct term in Portuguese.

  32. Do I want to know what a "Columbus Q-tip" is? Just kiddin', of course I do! Off to urban dictionary I go...

  33. I've only heard one of their songs and it almost made me cut my ear off. Who could blame him/her?

  34. Well, If you've only heard one of their songs and didn't like it, it doesn't mean you won't like other ones. They make it a point to sound different every record.

  35. He was so gorgeous on MSCL. His character, Jordan Catalano, WAS sooo cute but he was sooo STUPID. Angela really should have gone for the dude next door who was kinda cute but smart and who was in love with her. I'm STILL pissed that they cancelled that show after one season.

    Factoid: The girl who played Rayanne (loved her!) married a British lord.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. This is sure some "Blue Velvet" shit right hear. Or should I say "ear?"

  38. Even if that pic is old, I'm sitting here fanning myself. LOVE him (his acting and music). And he really doesn't age. Even recent photos (despite the movie role weight loss) his face looks untouched by time. I just rewatched MSCL recently. Such a shame there was never more of it to watch. :(

  39. Jared Leto would only take 30 seconds to make me orgasm. What a hottie.

  40. Maybe he'll get Bunnys toe from The Big Lebowski next! Oh Jared, you yarn spinner!

    All I have to do is picture JL in Fight Club and how horrid he looks as a blonde to remind me how unattractive he is to me..

    Speaking of fun terms to google try this one ( courtesy of my Australian roommate : blumpkin

  41. Jared has blonde hair and blonde brows in fight club, that's why he looked so weird. When he has blonde hair and brown brows, however...

  42. This sounds like some premium grade A bullshit, to me.
