Thursday, March 07, 2013

Jake Gyllenhaal Found A Girlfriend

After what seems years of looking, Jake Gyllenhaal has found a girlfriend or at least convinced the tabloids he has a girlfriend. According to US Weekly, Jake's new girlfriend is a Sports Illustrated model. Specifically she is 22 year old Emily DiDonato (above). She met Jake in spin class which gave rise to this truly incredible quote. "He'll hop on the instructor bike. He loves the attention from the girls!" That came from an unknown source, but I'm guessing the source was probably Jake. You know, because he is a ladies man. For some reason he just can't ever find a lady. But he has one now and she is a Sports Illustrated model. You know, like Kate Upton but one you have not heard of before. but she is a model! Oh, and the good news is she is not a songwriter.


  1. They met in SPIN CLASS. Enough said. Heh. I kid, I kid. But seriously...

  2. Oh Jake..girls will still love you even if you are gay. I love Jake, he's handsome and a good actor (donnie darko and zodiac are my faves) and I wish he was comfortable enough to be himself.

  3. Holy crap, she's hot!

  4. I'm not entirely convinced that Jake is gay. He's never pinged my gaydar, but who knows. I do like Jake and hope he's happy.

  5. Come out, come out Jake!

  6. He's got his arm out of the closet waving. Just come on out, it's safe out here.

  7. He's never pinged my gaydar either. Gay or straight, he manages to "date" extremely beautiful women.

  8. I believe the rumors. His last steady beard married about a year after their break-up and I believe it was timed to coincide with the holidays to downplay the drama. [Dec '09]

    Reese was hiding her real life relationship and after their contract was up, she was free to finally marry and have kids with him. [Mar '11]

  9. I'll beard for ya, Jake. Wanna go shopping?

  10. Dude needs to shave! Looks like a muppet.

  11. I read somewhere that he was shopping around for a beard. I believe his rquirements were that she must be beautiful, brunette, in the business, and young. She looks that she fits to a T!!

  12. Anonymous7:44 AM

    A model trying to break in to the acting world? Come on, like that's never been done before. Come out toothy! We all know it's you, you're gay, go play, be proud.

  13. Eh I still don't think Dunst would beard for anyone, he might be bi.

  14. I think Jake's not going to be bearding anymore. I mean c'mon, it's been YEARS since Reese (ended 2009) and Taylor Swift has been the only actual girlfriend since. And Swifty lasted what - 2 months? Just long enough for her to get her album worth of hits.

    The only girlfriends Jake ever has anymore are these planted stories in tabloids. It's like bearding without actually having to do it. Keeps his hetero image up but he doesn't have to do anything to earn it.

    And Jake isn't in the closet because he's not comfortable with himself. He's in the closet because he has to be for his career. As much as I wish it were different, there are no leading A-list men in movies who are out, never has been. The risk is HUGE HUGE HUGE. "Liberal Hollywood" retains the biggest, most closed-off closet of all. Ironic, huh?

  15. @msgirl Dunst is bi herself.

  16. I don't take Ted C's word on anything. He is convinced that EVERY attractive actor in Hollywood is gay. Leaving the Buscemi types to us wimmenz. Jake has never pinged my gaydar at all, he just seems to keep his private life just that. Private.

  17. Lila - I didn't know that!

  18. I was never convinced of Jake being gay, either, but I don't care enough to put any effort into it. Like Lila said, though, if he is, he'd never come out. We've got Neil Patrick Harris and Matt Bomer as A+ list TV actors who are openly gay, so hopefully that'll pave the way, but who knows. It'll happen when people stop caring about other people's sexuality.

  19. I hate when really cool hot guy bats for the other team! On the other hand, my chances iof meeting or dating him are slim and next to none, and slim's out of town. Lol

  20. When it comes to making it in Hollywood, regarding Dunst, I don't put anything past anyone, I think slick agents and managers talk their clients into all kinds of bs and if they are getting paid to fake it, even better.

    Why did Reese Witherspoon need to fake it with Jake? I agree she was seeing her agent now husband a long time before the split with Jake was announced.

  21. That's a nice BEARD you're sporting Jake!

  22. She is a very lovely beard for Jakey. I hope he is able to help her with her career...and she's able to help convince people that he's straight.

  23. I think the quote should have been, "He'll hop on the male instructor while he's on the bike.'

  24. yes, because his career is just so fucking stellar right now??

    name a movie Jake has been in since Brokeback? *crickets*

  25. I have heard from someone that they've seen Jake hanging with the boys when he comes to Vancouver. I didn't think he was gay either until she told me that.

    Totally agree Lila and it is sad that people have a hard time with a handsome man being gay and opening a film. Just stupid!

  26. As long as he's not the guy who's secretly dating his sister, I don't care what he does with his free time.

  27. He was in that recent cop movie End of Shift or something like that, which was good. But come on Toothy, we'll love you no matter what!

  28. I liked that movie he was in about time travel a couple of years ago. *shrugs*
    I agree with you @Lotta. It was obvious Reese was seeing her husband well before they broke up. They became public and engaged super quick.

  29. I think Jake and Kirsten were a real couple, but I also think they were both quite young and still figuring themselves out. I don't think Jake met Austin until after he and Kiki broke up. Some people know when they're a kid, some people figure it out later in life (not that they didn't have the "feelings" all along but didn't know what they meant or how to deal with them). Or maybe he is bi, who knows. But I don't think he's been in a REAL relationship with a woman since Kiki and I've definitely heard from more sources than just Ted about his proclivities for men, so I'd go with gay if I had to guess.

    The way his career is going at the moment, I don't think that coming out would hurt it. But I guess he's still hoping for superstardom.

  30. And Jake isn't in the closet because he's not comfortable with himself. He's in the closet because he has to be for his career. As much as I wish it were different, there are no leading A-list men in movies who are out, never has been. The risk is HUGE HUGE HUGE. "Liberal Hollywood" retains the biggest, most closed-off closet of all. Ironic, huh?

    Not ironic at all. Movies sell fantasy. Women look at the men as fantasy lovers. If a man is known to be gay that fantasy doesn't come into play. Men look at leading men as exemplars of masculinity and who they wish they could be. Again, if a man is known to be gay that fantasy doesn't come into play.

    I'm not saying its right, just that it is what it is.

  31. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I haven't met Jake but I did meet his brother in law several times. He was incredibly charming and smart but he definitely pinged my gaydar. Big time.

  32. @GossipMonster you've met Sarsgaard? One of my faves. Feel free to share more....

  33. Anonymous4:28 PM

    @PookieTwo Yes Saarsgard is an amazing actor. An Education was just brilliant. I've met him twice at a show. He's a big music fan. He is very very smart and he seemed very nice. But nice can be hard to judge in that world. I've met utterly charming people that I've heard not so nice things about. I had two 10 minute chats with him about a year apart. I was surprised he remembered me the second time. I am not important. But I am cute and while he was super friendly, great eye contact, witty, I didn't get a true flirt, if that makes any sense. It wasn't a mannerism or way just more a "he seems to generally like me but is definitely not interested in sex with me" feeling that I get around incredibly straight mannered gay men. Again I'm making huge kind of generalizations that I hope don't sound appalling.

  34. Oh, Toothy! Stop bearding. And please show us Baby Tile.

  35. Not appalling at all @gossipmonster thanks for sharing. He seems like an interesting person to talk to beyond movies and the usual stuff I'm sure he's asked about all the time.

    Loved him in An Education as well.

  36. She looks like a young healthy Angelina. However, that picture makes her seem boring. Maybe it is a good thing to date a girl who I am sure would love the publicity plus she gets to date a young good looking actor. Maybe her star can rise like Miranda Kerr's did, if she plays her cards right.
