Monday, March 18, 2013

Jackson Family Suing AEG For $40B

According to a new lawsuit, the children of Michael Jackson think Michael would have made $40B if he had lived a full life. I think they are way off. They claim he would have made $10B just from the tour alone. That would be the most anyone has ever earned for a tour times a bunch. Last year Taylor Swift made $57M. She sells a ton of records and sells out arenas all over the world. That is by far the most anyone made last year in the music industry. If she keeps that up for the next 20 years, that would total a little over $1.1B. I'm not sure where the kids' attorneys got their numbers or are just trying to shock the world. They claim that AEG is responsible for Michael's death because they hired Conrad Murray. There is no way they can ever prove these kinds of amounts.


  1. That's ludicrous.

  2. I feel bad saying this, but I think Michael's estate is making way more now that he's dead than they would be making if he was still alive. I don't know of anyone who would have gone to see him on that last tour.

  3. Unfortunately, I'm with you, Cathy.

    Does Blanket ever smile? Poor kid.

  4. That amount is just greed. Pure, unadulterated greed. WTF have they done with all the money they had?!?! It seems as though they're not satisfied. Mmmmhmmmmhmmmmm...

  5. Anonymous7:08 AM

    There is no way those kids will ever have healthy, happy lives. So sad.

  6. Holy shit. Greed is an ugly monster. I'm sorry the family lost Michael but damn...he made megamillions and still overspent. I think the Jackson family just needs to practice safe and sustainable money management. AEG shouldn't have to pay them a dime.

  7. I'm convinced prince is Corey Feldman's son

  8. Are we really sure the children are asking for that or some other greedy scum just signed their name on the dotted line?

    That's absolutely bonkers.

  9. Michael Jackson is responsible for his own death. The people around him, his family and Dr.Druggie,were enablers. Hope they get zero.

  10. To put it in perspective:

    Sorry! Forgot how to make it clicky.

  11. As timeless as his music is, they will still probably make that in re-releases, anniversary releases, and best ofs, over their lifetime and well into their childrens'. They need Priscilla Presley to step in. She turned Elvis' estate around. My heart just breaks for those kids. MJ was a freak, but I believe he loved them and I venture to say that he would not have wanted them to be a part of this crazy fame train and suing for big bucks on his behalf.

  12. Gypsy, you want scientologists running that show? They tried to gain access to the $$$ with the fake marriage between MJ and her daughter Lisa Marie and it failed. Graceland $$$ go largely to Co$.

    1. Maybe just her financial team. I think anyone would be better than one of the remaining Jacksons.

  13. Agent*it is right - MJ did it himself (although Conrad Murray certainly abetted him). Frankly, these kids need to just go away for around 10 years, get a good education and then start looking at show biz if that's what they want.

  14. amazing what fame whores the two oldest have become since Michael's death.

    1. @rhinovodka

      It's unbelievable and scary at the same time...l

  15. Sorry. They are all fucking delusional.

    I'm with Agent & Susan.

  16. Michaels mother initiated this wrongful death suit, on his estates behalf. His mother and his children are the beneficiaries of the estate so they are the only ones with cause to sue. That's why Joe Jacksons suit was thrown out. The kids aren't the ones suing, its Catherine Jackson.

  17. @ lostathome,

    I never noticed that! He does look like Cory Feldman.

    I dunno, I feel bad for those kids. As strange as was Michael was he seems like he was a good father and kept them pretty well grounded. I think this new found famewhoreness is coming from the "adults" in the family. These kids don't stand a chance now. Look how bad they screwed up Michael's head. He was stuck in a mental time warp. Always trying to get back the childhood he missed out on.

  18. What I've learned in the past few years: even some multi-millionaires and billionaires aren't satisfied with what they have and will always try and find ways to get more money.

  19. The truth is Michael was a grown man who made his own decisions - he only did what he wanted to do, not others.

    This family defines the word leech - there is nothing they won't stoop to in order to get more money. I hope to God a judge has the good sense to not let this move forward.

  20. portlandjewel, I wonder who is "advising" Catherine. Great point you noted. "Follow the Money Trail":)

  21. I smell Detective LaToya advising Catherine.

  22. I just feel bad for his kids, especially blanket. the older two seem quite level headed and mature for their age. but the poor younger one, my heart especially goes out to him.

  23. They're wasting their time and money...

  24. Lawyers, guns and money.

  25. Micheal Jackson is a legend. Taylor is a joke. I'm insulted you even compared the two.

  26. @Lazyday - Love the Warren Zevon qoute!

  27. Lets face it, he wld hv become broke , living on kindness of others. He was in a steep descent. These money amts are way way way off.

  28. According to @Jamie2's link, MJ was making 50 million a year during the 80s and 90s. His income declined after that partly because of the scandals and lawsuits, but those seemed to be pretty much finished.

    A "full life" might be 20 more years or so. 20 times 50 million is one trillion dollars. Also, I think millions of people would have attended that tour. People were psyched about it. The 40 billion estimate may be somewhat inflated, but not outrageous.

  29. Anonymous12:25 PM

    they reaching!

  30. Paula: Your arithmetic is way off.
    20 X $50 million is one billion, not one trillion!

    But even that number is insane as Wacko Jacko had no more than 5 years to live.
    You can be sure that if the judge doesn't just toss this case, the bulk of it will be spent going over his medical history & problems.

    If we're lucky, this will turn into a real life Jarndyce vs. Jarndyce.

  31. Whoa, now I will never unsee the Corey Feldman resemblance. Now if only that kid could get hair that doesn't look like a divorced dad in the 80s. Sooo bad.

    Can't wait to hear what stories Blanket will have when he grows up. I hope he doesn't go the wacko reclusive route a la Joaquin "Bye Good" Phoenix.

  32. Please stop showing pics of Blanket. He frightens me.

  33. But when was the last time MJ even toured? Why would they think he would be likely to do so again? It's nice in concept, but in practice it seemed that he was pretty much in hiding over the last few years of his life.

  34. They need an extra 40 billion to give the rest of the family enough money that they stop bugging them...

  35. @lostathome I've been saying that about the oldest being Corey Feldman's kid for a while. It's uncanny!
