Friday, March 15, 2013

Is Tara Reid The Keith Richards Of The D List Actresses?

Two nights ago, Tara Reid went on a bender for the ages for one of us and what Tara calls a Wednesday. Because the high season in Europe does not start for another six weeks or so, Tara is forced to spend her time here in LA while fielding business calls during the day. Soon, she will be off the to the South of France and parties on yachts with guys who she just always calls baby or hun. You know you are wasted out of your mind when you can't be bothered to even look for your shoes in the club you came out of and also used the club bathroom like that too. You know you are wasted out of your mind when strangers have to carry you out to a cab. Tara Reid is kind of like the Keith Richards or D listers. Lots of booze and drugs and pills. Yes, Keith has talent so that is a minus against Tara. But, Tara does have bigger breasts thanks to several bad boob jobs. Keith? He has some moobs but only because he is older. Money? Keith by far and wouldn't it be funny if Keith once spent time with Tara, you know as her "friend." I don't know what Tara is going to do in another year or two when all the glitter from her fame has been sucked dry and she is forced to actually confront what she has become.


  1. No shoes? No inhibitions? No problem!

  2. Replies
    1. @FSP- or how about Tara WITH Lilo? Can you imagine that? Squeee!

    2. @Lotta- I'm going to have good dreams tonight. Thanks!

  3. Obviously she needs to start a band. That would make everything better. Then she can smash guitars on stage and get whisked off to rehab for reals.

  4. don't insult Keith Richards! he's a legend of music!

    Tara Reid is just like another Lindsay Lohan

  5. What gets me is that she is 37 years old. Isn't it time to hang up the non-stop party hat? Sad.

    1. @Sue- holy crap i thought she was like 30! To think, she could've been Mrs. Carson Daly hahahahahaha

    2. @Lotta I listen to Carson on my way to work in the mornings. Yesterday the topic was "how to tell someone that the person they are dating is totally wrong for them," and Carson was all, "Don't forget, you're talking to the guy that was engaged to Tara Reid! What was I thinking?!" LOL

    3. @VIP- ohhhhhh shizzzzz! LMAO

      he had must have had a thing for the alchi's because wasn't he with Xtina too?

    4. Can't believe this chick was dating Tom brady at one point.

  6. It must be awfully sad to have no friends.

  7. Is this the blind reveal about the chick that passed out in a parking lot & had to be propped up?

  8. Who is the guy steadying her? He looks familiar.

  9. Forgive me, I'm slow on the uptake today from too much wine lol

  10. Does anyone ever wonder if people like Tara or Lindsay read stuff like this about themselves?? What a sad thing to still be somewhat relevant, but this is the only press they get...

  11. Can't she have a kid, and groom her like Dina Lohan did? Sheesh...This trick. She needs to think outside the box.

  12. That's very doubtful J Sara. They both lack any iota of self-awareness. Very sad individuals.

  13. I feel sorry for her. For all of her demons, Tara seems like she would be nice if approached unlike Lindsay.

  14. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Hey, I walked around a casino in Vegas with no shoes and sober. Actually I did start out with shoes but after 7 horrible painful blisters I think I took the shoes off and put them in a trash can on the way to my hotel room.

  15. You'd think she woulda been embarrassed into sobriety by now, but I guess not. Sad.

  16. @Kimberly - I've been in the same boat! I was dancing at Light @ The Bellagio one night, and this cab driver would not take us back to our hotel, because he said it was "across the street". Everyone knows that "across the street" in Vegas is still like 17 miles away. So, I took my shoes off and walked. They were solid black by the time we got back. Hah.

  17. If your feet go black, I thought you couldn't go back, Ambular.

  18. I feel sorry for her. I can see the comparisons with LiLo, but Tara hasn't, AFAIK, had multiple run-ins with the cops, or multiple car crashes, or been accused of theft.

    Tara's just an aging has-been alcoholic. I wish someone would help her.

  19. Kimberly, Vegas tip, bring roll up ballet slippers or regular roll up slippers. I once was at Bellagio, beautiful girl with killer shoes on (literally), in tears. I gave her my new roll ups, her date was so impressed that he "arranged" Van Morrison tix at the Hard Rock, up front ! Turned out he was a connected "roadie".

  20. AT least Tara hasn't been busted for drunk driving and stealing everything she comes across. She is really sad.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. But where is Jedward?!

  23. @Agent**It: You must be talking about something like the Dr. Scholl's "Fast Flats", or, as I like to call them, "shoes for the Walk of Shame". (The first time I saw them at my local Rite Aid, I made that joke w/the pharmacist; it turned out she wasn't actually familiar w/that term. Oops...) I can definitely see how something like that could come in handy in a variety of situations, though; perhaps more actresses on the red carpet circuit ought to think about packing a pair in their evening bags, eh?

  24. @libby - haha they almost didn't. I had to wash them a few times to get them clean. :P

  25. The dude she's with kinda sorta looks like Simon Rex. We all know he's a sucker for a train wreck. Still doesn't keep me from having a dirty feeling crush on him ( oh the shame! )

    On a completely unrelated topic I'm on the Max right now ( Portlands light rail system ) and I'm sitting right next to a Juggalo with a Pennywise clown tattoo on one side of his neck and an ICP clown tattoo on the other side .. Why do I find this so awesome? It must've been count jerkulas comment the other day ..

    1. Me too Alicia!

      Nasty as he wants to be.

    2. Me too Alicia!

      Nasty as he wants to be.

  26. That pic...just gives me the sads.

  27. A much easier solution to the pain of shoes with stilts attached to the heel is to change the fashion. It hurts to look at the shoes actresses wear on the talk shows these days. If a guy looks & sees nothing but the pain you're going through, aren't you losing the main reason for putting up with all that pain? To look better? It's the latest in Masochist Chic.

  28. @Sue-my thoughts exactly. I'm the same age as Tara and I get tired thinking about her late night escapades. Ugh. Poor girl needs help.

    @Agent, that's an awesome story! Lucky you!

  29. But that's just it, as long as she's got drugs, she doesn't have to confront anything. This is going to drag out longer than a couple years. Assuming that she lives.

  30. I'm gonna defend Tara Reid here, she is NOT like Lindsay Lohan. Yes Tara is a practicing alcoholic who sells her body for money but she seems like a sweet girl and she doesn't run around starting fights and stealing things.

    Team Tara! Poor girl.

  31. I would watch a Tara Reid reality show before I would watch a Kartrashian one. I really pisses me off that my spell check recognizes Kardashian.

    Anyway, she goes all over the world and parties. That might be interesting to see. Also, she is tiers above Lilo what with not being a terrible person who is always in trouble with the law.

  32. @Hunter....I couldn't agree more. And if anyone reads the DM article about this she took a cab!! So rare in Hollywood.

    My biggest concern is what happened to her shoes?!? They were Christian Louboutins!!

  33. I agree that Tara is better than Lilo, she's hurting herself not others. It's just so sad because I do think she's a sweet girl who could be doing better than this and it's scary that she's that old and still doing the non stop party thing.

  34. I hope she gets help.

  35. You could buy Flat Out of Heels. I got them once to wear to walk back to work from a conference. Unfortunately, I think they weren't made to walk a couple of miles and I ripped a hole in them. They were red and sparkly, though, and only like $15.

  36. I read this in the DM the other day as well. And like others pointed out, she didn't drive, she hurts only herself and she doesn't go around stealing stuff or claiming to be a major STAR! like Lindsay. I thought at one point she cleaned up her act but no? She could use a little help there.

  37. Okay, if her marketable Yacht Girl time is almost up, surely she could find some lower-end yacht owner, much much older, who would marry her. I'm just thinking in terms of financial planning. ;-)

  38. Oh, and how do you drink that much alcohol and stay so thin? Never eat a bite, I suppose.

  39. @Amber The guy she is with is An21 who is a swedish dj, brother to Steve Angello of Swedish house Mafia fame. I believe he is 21, god she is repugnant.

  40. What Hunter and others said. Other than the substance abuse, she is nothing like Lilo.

    I feel sorry for Tara. She seems lost.

  41. What puzzles me is what guy would actually hire Tara as their Yacht Girl? She's not young anymore and she's a known trainwreck. True she was once upon a time an actress and she can clean up nice but really? That's the trick you're gonna pay for? I bet if you're some multi-millionaire in Europe, you can find some really hot prostitutes, just sayin'.

    I don't get why the Tara Reid's and the Lilo's of the world continue to get so much work. At least Tara is pretty discreet.

  42. I just see a woman with a horrible addiction and no self esteem. Actually painful to see.

  43. Hey, what kind of act do you think Tara & Jedward put on together for their "friends?"

  44. Anonymous12:46 PM

    This would be called slow day by day suicide, that's what she's doing. She can't and won't face what she's done. See also, Lindsay Lohan.

  45. Love tara's pants, wonder where she got them.

  46. Don't be ridiculous, Enty. Comparing her to Keith Richards gives her some kind of cache, which she certainly does not have.

  47. Homegirl ain't got nothing on my mother in law.

  48. you enty but leave Keith out of the D list posts...He deserves better. Even when he was an active junkie he was known to get elegantly wasted.

  49. Watching young girls limp down the strip at 3 am is a show in itself. One poor girl was carrying her shoes and her feet were blistered in the back and black on the bottom and her ass was hanging out the back of a too tight dress but she was too drunk to pull it down. You can't hail a cab on the strip, you have to go to a cab stand in front of a asino but some will pick you up around a corner. I have the roll up flats but still haven't had to use them yet. I would never walk bare foot anywhere.

  50. califblondy - sounds like you're describing Hookers on the Point. It was a documentary on HBO (I think?) years ago about hookers at Kings Point in the Bronx

  51. I have always heard that Tara had money from her real estate investments. She is not supposed to be broke.

  52. I don't get her, does she not get tired
