Monday, March 11, 2013

Holly Madison Is Trying To Toughen Up Her Daughter

Holly Madison is having to defend the choice of naming her daughter Rainbow Aurora. Holly says that she named Rainbow after a child she grew up with who was a perfectly normal, well-adjusted girl unlike Holly who grew up to desire having sex with 80 year old men and sharing that with the world. So, Holly might have a point. Holly says she wants Rainbow to learn to speak up for herself at a young age. So, you gave her the name to toughen her up? I'm pretty sure when the first kid walks into kindergarten and says, "My mom says your mom had sex with old guys and got paid an allowance for it," that Rainbow would toughen up on her own. "Oh, or "Is your dad in jail, because my dad says your dad was going to jail." Or, "In this magazine your mom is naked. And in this one and this one and this one and this one." Why give her the added burden of knowing that people will laugh at her everytime they read her resume.


  1. A name will only toughen you up if you're a boy and your name is Sue

    1. Amen. Love the Johnny Cash reference!

    2. Props to @VIP, you called the middle name.

    3. Thanks @ethorne! I knew there had to be a Disney princess in there somewhere :)

    4. Oh hell yeah!

    5. Oh hell yeah!

  2. So I'm guessing that no endorsement deal came through? Unless she is looking to strike a deal with the cheap clothes store of the same name?

  3. So the leprechauns are sponsoring her?

  4. If Rainbow lives in California, or even Portland or Washington State---No one will even blink. They've heard the name Rainbow before, promise.

    Holly's just milking the name for a 2nd story about her baby.
    You just know Holly hopes somehow she can keep herself and/or her baby in the news every week. UGH.

  5. I can see her future best friends being named Morocco and Monroe

  6. Maybe RainBlo gum wouldn't pony up.

  7. Sadly, a lot of the children of prostitutes are emotionally vulnerable and weak. Having a narcissistic, self-absorbed sex worker for a mother will result in attention when the child is young and cute, then nothing as soon as the first inconvenience of being a mother clouds this Pethouse Plaything's social agenda.

  8. Okay, where does Rotella fit in? First news I heard on her name, it was Rainbow Aurora Rotella?!? I thought she had been defending Rotella. There were a ton of flower children named Rainbow. Aurora - seen that a few times too. Much ado about nothing!

    1. I thought Rotella was the father's last name.? I may be wrong though.....

  9. Rainbow...a good name for a career stripping later in life...a lawyer or a doctor named Rainbow...not so much...way to think that one out Holly.

  10. She expects a name to "toughen" her up? That kid is in trouble.

  11. Rotella is the last name. It's also a brand of heavy duty diesel oil made my Shell

  12. Really glad that my parents thought ahead about what names would be taken seriously for a professional career, but have nicknames that are less frigid. My actual name is Catherine (which I go by at work) but all my friends and family call me Cathy.

  13. Thanks @ Amy in MI!! I thought Rotella was a brand of ricotta thank goodness this kid wasn't names that on purpose...

  14. Rainbow sounds like one of those flaky Hippie names.

  15. Haha, @Libby, truth. I know a gal named Rainbow Brite. (Yep, spelled that way.) She goes by Rain. Portlandia FTW!

    Every time I see a special snowflake name, I just think of Peaches Geldof and start singing "Millions of peaches, peaches for free! Millions of peaches, peaches for me!" and it's allllll good.

    1. Hey Izzie! I know Rain. She's a good friend of mine.

      Oh wait.... You're talking about a different Rainbow Brite in Portland. Haha! Oh Portlandia. The jokes will never end!

  16. Come on people: Rainbow vacuum cleaners!

  17. Rainbow is the name of a company that make bread and stuff. Maybe a rival of dolly Madison?

  18. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Watch her change it to Hellen Jones as soon as she turns 18.

  19. Rainbow Vacs are pricey. A discount would not go unappreciated! I've had mine for 35 years.

  20. Rainbow is also an "urban" type clothing chain around Detroit

  21. Why has no one mentioned :

    BIMBO Brand.

    Cakes, Bread---It's the Mexican Hostess/Wonder....but BIGGER.

    Why is Holly NOT the Bimbo Bread girl, seriously? Now THAT shit would go viral, and she would look cool by 'laughing at herself'.

  22. Rainbow Aurora is hardly the worst or even most unusual name out there. Inspektor Autopilot--now there's a strange name.

    1. Haha..Pilot Inspektor! And how about Audio Science and Moxie Crimefigher?! What selfish and idiotic parents.

  23. Her middle name, Aurora, is cute and can stand as a first name for professional reasons.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. "Supreme Court justice Rainbow Aurora". Doesn’t sound quite right. But in the world this kid was born into, it’s probably right at the baseline for “normal”.

  26. I actually think the name is cute and she could've done much worse. Bunny, or Bambi, or something with a K instead of a C, or an I instead of a Y (or vice versa.)

  27. Don't forget my personal favorite....

    Jermajesty Jackson.

    I WEEP for that guy. He's probably like 20-something. smh....

  28. My favorite celebrity baby name is still Rob Morrow's daughter, Tu. Yep, her name is Tu Morrow. What's not to love?

  29. It really isn't that bad. Rain is a normalish name to use for short.

  30. She would have named that kid 'Pile of Turds' if press coverage required it.

  31. OMG, dia, you just reminded me of SJP's character in "LA Story"...

    'Your name is Sandy?! I was afraid you'd have one of those hippie-dippy names...How do you spell it?'

    'Capital S , small a, capital N , capital D, then two small e's. And a star over the whole thing.'

    I know I got that dialogue wrong, but that whole movie is SO West-Coast perfection!

  32. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Bitch please with that name

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. @libby: Great movie! How many colonics did SanDeE* drag Steve Martin's character to?

  35. @ Libby - OMG the first time I drove behing a BIMBO truck out west I almost wrecked the car from laughing! We didn't have BIMBO in Florida. I mean we had bimbos, but not BIMBO. Something got lost in the translation, I think; they should have had an English speaker when they were going to bring the product north of the border. But putting bimbo Holly Madison on
    their trucks would be a stroke of genius.

  36. I though Holly was going for a Skittles tie-in.

  37. There was a girl at my high school called Rainbow. Come to think if it she never got teased. She also graduated from uni and I'm pretty sure she is now a doctor or lawyer or something great along those lines. In the present world where people are naming their kids #hashtag, I'm sure Holly's little Rainbow will be just fine.

  38. Yes I have my doubts as well that this child will suffer much taunts due to her name. That seems less likely these days due to every other child having an unusual name or the world's multiculturalism.

  39. Dweezil. Moon Unit.

    Rainbow doesn't even rate as a weird name.

  40. Bimbo is actually pronounced Beembo, but the name and little bear still make me laugh. Since I'm SoCal born and raised, I don't think Rainbow is unusual.

  41. Now we know why Hugh wouldn't marry her. 'We'll name our daughter Rainbow" and Hugh bounced.

  42. Seeing as how Holly Madison's name is actually HOLLIN Sue Cullen...I'll give her a break with the Rainbow Aurora name for her daughter. It can't be easy growing up with a name like HOLLIN SUE.
