Monday, March 18, 2013

Gwyneth Paltrow Says She Almost Died - Hints At Marriage Trouble?

When you see a headline like the one above, you pretty much assume that the Goopster almost died because she did not eat anything for three weeks because she felt like she needed to lose a half a pound and went overboard so she could get down to 50 pounds. She does not say much, but says it was the result of a miscarriage and that it was her third child. She does not make clear if the miscarriage happened after her other two kids were born, or if it happened before. All she said in the interview with You Magazine is, "I had a really bad experience when I was pregnant with my third. It didn’t work out and I nearly died. So I am like, Are we good here, or should we go back and try again?"

I realize I may be stretching things here, but in the interview she also says this about her marriage to Chris Martin. “Regardless of what happens in our marriage, I chose the best father." Is she telling us something? Commenting on all those cheating rumors?


  1. How did she almost die? I think she was just trying to compliment Chris and it came out weird.

  2. well she said "third child"--so I would say this was a pregnancy after Moses--women don't refer numerically to pregnancies just randomly. I'm sorry she miscarried, but I still hate the pretentious bitch

  3. I remember when she was hospitalized and her husband was very protective of her. At the time, it was speculated that she miscarried but not confirmed.

  4. Why do we need to know this? Is she not getting enough attention? I mean, it's horrible, but come on.

  5. She is just trying to sell more shitty cook books. Keeping her name in the news. GOOPSTER please go away. Don't believe anything that comes out of her self important gulten free no carb mouth. What a fake!!!!

  6. Don't know about "almost dying" but it was a few years ago there was a photo of Chris wheeling her out of the hospital...

  7. As far as what she's saying about Chris, I think she's simply giving him a very nice compliment -- the best, really -- by saying that he's a good father. Which is a very good thing for one parent to say about the other.

  8. Anonymous6:47 AM

    I do have a friend who had placenta previa (where the placenta grows to the uterine wall) and she started hemoraging and almost bled out because of a misscarrige.. and she was five minutes from a hospital at work when it happened. It does happen. Not often but it does.

  9. Lord I hate this woman, but I don't want her to die. I want her to live, and I will take today to remember that all human beings deserve lot and a chance. Even if they are jerks.

  10. I hate for anyone to have to go through that, but I must be uber jaded to wonder why she is (as a pretentiously private person) now bringing this to the public. Maybe I am a terrible person, but my gut tells me that she realizes how many people hate her and she is trying to garner sympathy, and I find that to be a travesty to the lost child's life and it really makes me think even less of her. Not that my opinion matters, but I hate when women use their wombs as weapons to create emotional responses. I find it quite disgraceful.

  11. @Sunny @Lola Team Goop Unite!

  12. For someone who'd already had a near-death experience, I would imagine the light-headed panic attack from dehydration and malnourishment that led to the writing of the book wouldn't have been so - oh, wait.

  13. I do think that Gwyneth is pretentious as hell, but I find it hard to gather much hate for her. She might be super clingy, but her kids seem really happy. She seems like a good mom.

    When there are celebs like LiLo and Kim Kartrashian running around, I can put up with someone who's out of touch enough to think I'm going to buy a $200 t-shirt.

  14. She probably had an etopic pregnancy, which u can die from. So much drama from her. Seriously.

  15. I like the Goopster. She makes me laugh. I also thinks she's harmless when she insults the masses. I really think she thinks she has their best interest at heart. I don't think she's a malicious person...rather a bit of an ignorant, uneducated one. She is a product of her spoiled, entitled environment, but she means well and unfortunately doesn't know any better and certainly doesn't know how to express it.

  16. I completely agree, Karen. I don't really understand what people get out of hating her so vehemently.

  17. life beats the shit out of everyone. if a room full of moms was polled, probably 1/2 of them lost a child along the way. most keep it private. her pain is not "bigger" because she is famous.

    i don't like the timing of her bringing this up. and, we already have a martha stewart.

  18. Count me among those who think Goopy is harmless...though it's fun to call her Goopy/Goopster/etc.

    When was she hospitalized? I don't remember this...

  19. She was hospitalized Jan 2008

  20. @Me - truer words were never spoken: life does beat the shit out of everyone. Well said. We're all just doing the best that we can.

  21. You missed the best part of her statement about Chris, Enty. She said they were good at "co-parenting," which is the new buzzword for what divorced parents do.

  22. Seems like someone's really trying to firmly situate themselves in a new career. Aside from how damn bland she looks in the Iron Man movies, someone on her team must have realized she is utterly superfluous and is more of a deterrent than a draw for a film.

    After this franchise gets rebooted, she'll fall on the 'Hollywood is awful towards older actresses' angle. There will be no grand dame ala Meryl Streep respoect for her, more like a Faye Dunaway shudder.

    I feel for anyone who goes through fertility issues and/or losing a child at whatever stage, but she is just such a nasty bit of fluff. She's that nasty, looks like 5 other chicks in the office, that you avoid bumping into even in the ladies room. Ugh!

  23. I still think she's pretentious but I would never wish anyone physical harm.

  24. I don't see where anyone has wished her physical harm, including Enty. What is interesting is that she's so private, but she shares this. Something which she knows will arouse the sympathy in most people. Yet, in the same round of press, she makes the warm, down-to-earth comments she's known for.

  25. the house in London is soooo big Chris and Goop never have to see each other and then he bought her the new
    spread in L.A,.....
    I think they have been separated for a while but divorce is another matter...

  26. I like Gwyneth, despite struggling to spell her anme correctly (I looked it up). So what if she is a little pretentious/elitist? She's had that life, it's who she is. And if she wants to share her health scares and how that has affected her, who cares?

    I think Gwyneth has a lot of good ideas about food. I preordered her book.

    1. She has invented allergies & issues for herself and children, out of whole cloth. Her own personal neuroses have caused her to develop long-lasting health disorders, & she is cosigning her children to this same obsession with food. Her diets, ideals, cleanses, & lifestyle is not healthy, just ask doctors and dieticians think about her recipe guides & GOOP-style. She finds these quacky gurus like Tracey Anderson, & they formulate nothing that involves real Science or Nutrition. No one
      Should ne using GOOP as a food model or source.

  27. Boo hoo! You got two kids Gwhiney--shut up!

    1. Meeeh. I kinda see what you mean but I have to disagree. My mother has 5 children and two bonus kids who've been part of our family since -88, but she still can't speak of the son she lost when she was 5 months pregnant. This happened 20 years ago but she cries everytime. My poor mami mourns him still.

    2. My post was directed @scratchy kitty, btw!

  28. in 2011 Xmas Chris Martin gave her as Xmas present an one-week cooking lesson at LenĂ´tre(a famous french pastry chef).Usually it's for professionals but she was able to follow the lessons.She came with Martin and kids in january 2012
    Apparently she was nice and serious,she talked french ,no diva or posh
    It's funny because she was in the class gluten-free and chocolate.
    It was in a documentary on LenĂ´tre this Xmas in France with 2/3 pics with her during the class

  29. Anonymous9:54 AM

    it kills me when these life things happen to celebrities years ago... and they feel the need to talk abt it? why now? oh thats right your promoting your shit. Time to pull a headline out the archives

  30. I think the comment about him being a good father is a good thing, like, it was definitely a compliment. It shows respect, which is really one of the cornerstones of any relationship at all. My parents have been together and broken up and gotten back together for 25 years now, but no matter how pissed they are at each other they always have respected each other. They have their problems and since we are a Latino family who are all up in each other's business we all know about most of them, but my mother has always told us we truly have a great father. And we do!! Though I do see why he drives her crazy sometimes, lol.

  31. OK
    This time I'm only here because I was summoned by RenoBlondee :)

    I can only guess that most of the people that hate her so much don't have whack-a-doodle friends/family/acquaintances like I do. I'm more moderate when it comes to my views, but I'm surrounded by people who are anti-vaccination, who think we are being poisoned by all the GMO/hormones/chemicals being forced into our diets and they handle 99% of their manageable illnesses homeopathically. Maybe that's why I'm not like "What a bitch!!" every time she opens her mouth. If it weren't such an invasion of privacy, I'd cut and paste posts out of my natural mom's Facebook group. It would give everybody tons more fodder :)

    1. I wonder if you are on the same groups I'm on @Sunny

    2. Hi Sarah
      I don't think we've gone international yet! My sister-in-law's good friend started a natural mom's secret group that you have to be invited into by a current member. I think they want people to be "vouched" for because some of the topics can get people riled up (vaccinations, circumcision etc). My sister is the all time natural queen, so I don't spook easily. Ha ha. I have gotten loads of great tips and I just skip over the stuff I find a little too extreme :)

  32. And I agree that the word co-parenting is used by divorced couples, but it's also making a comeback by families where women don't feel they should be thankful when their husband changes a poopy diaper or takes their kids out for the day. I can see her comments being taken both ways

  33. And don't start hating me too - my kids ARE vaccinated!!

  34. My last comment needed a couple smiley faces - I wasn't trying to sound bitchy

    And clearly I'm trying to get this thread caught up to the Lindsay post. I can keep going. . .

    :) :) :)

  35. it's likely, (a fact of life really) that each of us will experience a tragedy in our lives...part of the human experience Goopster, not just exclusive to you...

    Meaning, all of us can share dramatic tragedies/ordeals that we eventually triumphed through but do you recall getting any magazine covers, acclimades from strangers, or new coverate on tv? no...

    perhaps a magazine cover that paid 100K more or less would have helped many of us move on....

  36. Pini, rumor has it she's going to get killed off in the new Iron Man movie, so she may not even have that much longer. I'm bummed, because I really like her as Pepper.

  37. @Pini: I mean I MYSELF would never wish her harm. I did not mean to imply I thought Enty or anyone else here was wishing her harm. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

  38. And for the record I don't hate Goopy. I just think she's out of touch with us regular folk.

  39. When did having a miscarriage become the new way to garner sympathy in the press?

    Goop is taking a page from Bewolf's publicity play book. I find it disgusting and invasive to air this publicly. I'm sorry she miscarried, but no one but her immediate circle needs to know this.

    I do think this is to gain sympathy before the separation and subsequent divorce are announced.

  40. Hold on - calling all BI superstars - could this be the A list actress who is micromanaging the announcement of her divorce? Remember that BI from a few weeks back?? Anybody out there know what I'm talking about?

  41. @Frufra
    Yep, I remember, and I agree.

  42. Ohhhhh,
    Good jobs Detectives Fru, Mooshki and Henriette. That would make sense. Does anyone have a link to that blind? I am on my phone

  43. My first thought was ectopic pregnancy as well. That can certainly kill you if the tube bursts before you catch it. And it is painful, physically and emotionally. Yes, she can be annoying, but I'm all for women sharing their stories bc maybe it can help someone. *shrug*

  44. @sarah
    They main focus is attachment parenting, encouraging each other, sharing healthy food tips and trying to use natural remedies when possible. It's not people arguing over vaccinations. Didn't want to give the wrong impression!
