Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Four More People Set To Testify Against Lindsay Lohan

The clock is ticking for Lindsay Lohan's lawyer to make some kind of deal. If I am the prosecutor in this case, I say forget deals that involve no jail time or no rehab time because they know they are going to win. I would say it is Lindsay's lawyer that is out there spreading the stories of 30 days in rehab and no jail time, but I don't think he is smart enough. Prosecutors have subpoenaed Lindsay's bodyguard who was driving right behind Lindsay when the accident happened.  They have also served subpoenas on hotel staff who saw Lindsay get in the drivers seat of her car. Lindsay has no chance. Her lawyer has no cards to play. He should be taking anything he can get but is probably telling everything will go great just like the last time he was in court and got hammered by the judge and called incompetent.


  1. That PICTURE. Urgh. She looks like the Crypt Keeper.

  2. Which drug cocktail was she on at the time of that picture? And what year was it taken??

  3. At least she'll be popular in prison with all the practice she's had doing ass to ass

  4. Go back to your home on whore island Lohag!

  5. When was that pic taken? She's so alien-like in it.

  6. Good Lord I forgot about this skeletor phase she went through! She looks like how Ali looks today.

  7. What year is that from? Was that when she was friends w/ Paris?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but her assistant will have to testify what was in the bottle, and if he was told to retrieve it, right?

    NOBODY better swoop in at the last second and save this trick from her dumbass lawyer. God works in mysterious ways you see, and I like to see this awful lawyer as a gift straight from heaven to polite society & baby carriages everywhere.

    1. LOL Libby. Polite society and baby carriages thank you!

  8. After the last court date, her lawyer held a press conference. His logic was as follows:

    1. Will not deny or confirm that Lindsay was driving.
    2. Lindsay was not tested for alcohol at the time of the crash
    3. If she wasn't tested, that means the cops didn't think she had been drinking
    4. If she hadn't been drinking, then why would she lie about driving?
    5. Does that mean she wasn't driving? "I can not comment on that."

    Yeah, it'll be real tough to poke holes in that string of logic. I'll be sitting at my desk, with popcorn.

  9. Wow, is that pic photoshopped?

  10. You know if she goes to jail she'll just get in trouble for having Dina sneak in coke & vodka in her ass, or sexing up the guards etc.

  11. Anonymous6:44 AM

    She looks Ana with huge implants and a boble head in that picture.

  12. That's an old photo from when she was trying to out-skinny Nicole Ritchie. I really like that dress. The pockets are cute. Shame it's tainted.

  13. It pains me to say so, but I can see a certain logic to the argument that since she wasn't charged with DWI in the crash case, it's inappropriate to sentence her to rehab.

  14. Maybe she wasn't drinking alcohol, but she was on some type of drug. They couldn't test for that on the scene.

    I can't stand this POS. Please let her rot for at least a year in jail. Any other non-celeb would have gotten their license suspended for years and thrown in jail for at least 6 months. This is Lindsay's like 10th offense for the same thing and they keep letting her get off with a slap on the wrist. WTF??? This girl is a nobody.

  15. I agree that it's inappropriate to sentence her to rehab - what she needs is JAIL!

  16. I'd even be fine with them just suspending her license, since we all know that wouldn't stop her from driving and she'd end up facing even more jail time.

  17. If that pic is when Raisin Face was styling her, then she was hanging out with her BFF Crystal on the regular.

    PS how horrendous is that spray tan? She had money back then - look like it!

  18. It should be a California state law that anytime Lindsay is involved in ANY way with a car incident (even if she's just crossing the street) she should be tested for alcohol.

  19. Yes this is the most terrifying picture I've ever seen. I want to have a HUGE breakfast now!!!

    She should have taken Charlie's "mentoring" deal. She'll never work in HWood again. At least not in the kind of movies she wants. She's like the female MJ with less talent. MJ turned himself into a woman and LL is turning herself into... Shit I don't know, but she looks awful.

  20. *shudder* What an image.

    I went to see Quartet last night. The rest home doctor/administrator is played by an actress named Sheridan Smith, and I'll be damned if she wasn't the spitting image of what a healthy, thirty-something Lindsay Lohan could have become:

    Sheridan Smith.

  21. @Dewie - she looks younger than Lohan, that's for damn sure.

  22. I recall a few weeks ago or so a poster suggesting that LaLohan was 'natural' in the chest area. Umm, not so much..

  23. @urban chaos: Agreed. It's amazing that she lost weight everywhere but her breasticles.

  24. urban chaos---I read an account from a hotel worker somewhere on LI about when LL got her implants. It was published back when she got them---I believe she was only 17, and Michael & Dina were both there caring for LL post-op. It's been awhile since I read it obviously, but it was very credible.
    She said Lilo was a TERROR TO ALL, of course. And in terrible pain for days.

    Also her implants are saline. I had a friend in college get her exact boobs--saline sags and fools more people.

  25. @Amber, seriously. It's amazing what not being a junkie can do to shave years off of one's age. It was kind of depressing to ponder, but La Lohan made her bed and refuses to get out of it.

  26. She looks unstable in that picture. She looks too weak to stand. SICK!

  27. If they were real they would have been affected by the massive weight loss. Those fake boobies are durable!

  28. @Dewie - and everyone else's beds for that matter. :)

  29. Hey, at least she doesn't have a refund gap like Tori Spelling. Now those are some sad sad titty sacs.

    1. @bobbi_1025 - HA! Refund gap! Loves it!

  30. That photo a stick with tits...

  31. That skeletor phase was when she was with Samantha Ronson. There were rumors that they had a joke contest about who could be thinnest or something like that. Apparently Samantha is very anti-fat.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Whoa that is one scary picture of Lindsay.

  34. This won't be funny anymore if she gets off then hits an innocent family and severely hurts or kills someone...I hope the judge and jury take that into consideration!

  35. Anonymous10:07 AM

    That picture.....KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!

  36. Lindsay has always just slept with/got kinky/blackmailed the right people. It would explain her cockiness for never getting in trouble.

  37. That picture freaks me out...

    Enty, I've been meaning to confront you about this for a while but do you have an addiction to Lindsay Lohan? You post about her EVERY DAY! And today's post wasn't really necessary...it was more like a commentary from you about her situation...stop wasting this story space and give us something juicy!

  38. This picture is from around that time Lindsay had gotten out of Cirque Lodge rehab and started hooking up with Samantha Ronson.. I don't remember what year it was, maybe 2008/09? Someone check back in the archives if they feel up to it. Her weight and hair colour match with that timeframe..

    I think it was Amber who originally linked to the article in the NY Times about Mark Heller. I don't have the link but its an easy google and TOTALLY worth the read. If anyone is going to manage sending Lohan to prison, it's Heller! Incompetent is really the best word to describe him with.. Lindsay is a fool for keeping him and she won't realize the mess she's in until the judge sentences her to some real jailtime.

  39. You can't blame all this on the shyster lawyer. Lawyers ultimately do what the client tells them to do or LETS them do. It's likely that Lohan is so delusional at this point that she thinks she's going to skate free again. She's the one telling the lawyer she will take a plea deal.

  40. That picture is from February, 2009. I'm sure that bout with starvation contributed to her premature aging.
