Friday, March 15, 2013

Four For Friday - They All Died

Friday today and it cannot come soon enough. I have a big weekend planned. Golden Girls episodes all weekend long. 8 hours each day. I will find time to blog though and reveals for sure tomorrow from the archives. Lately I have been revealing ones on Sunday too. I would love for you to follow me on Twitter @entylawyer where I will continue into my third weekend of drunk Tweeting late at night. Oh, and if I get 20K followers I will reveal a great blind. I'm thinking The Director's Wife.

This film was huge when it was filmed. Not so much for the amount of money it made, which was not a ton, but it was one of the first films to ever have actual sex and not simulated sex. The director thought it would be a great idea. Now though, much of the cast has died to very strange or unknown circumstances. There is the B list actor in his own country, who died. He comes from a very well known family. I can't make this too easy.  Along with him dying of very strange circumstances, his co-star who he had sex with during the movie and who had her husband leave her shortly after the making of the film died from unknown causes. these are not old people who died. They were young. There are reports that several other members of the cast also are suffering from some of the same ailments, including two who have been in the hospital for months and that crew members from the set have died and that it is all being hushed up because of some of the names involved and who paid for the financing and who is responsible for the virus which is killing them all.


auntliddy said...

How awful!!!

Staple611 said...

I said this last Friday, but hasn't Enty ALREADY revealed The Director's Wife? I thought we had confirmation on Mol.

Jessica said...

..."and who paid for the financing..."
I'm going with Weinstein for that one. He is just a dirty conman, all the way around.

VIPblonde said...

List of films with unsimulated sex

danatestingsite said...

@VIPblonde - was just coming to post the same thing, you beat me to it.

VIPblonde said...

I'm betting on Caligula. Off to make the pieces fit

Gayeld said...

Wow, that list makes me suddenly proud to be 1/4 Danish. I guess there's more to be said for pickled herring than I previously thought.

Pip said...

Is this supposed to be a STD that has killed them all?

Anonymous said...

Can someone link me to directors wife? I'm not familar with it. TIA!!

Kelly said...

That was an interesting list. Thanks @VIP

CJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Izzie said...

@VIP - Caligula! Holy cow, what a mess that was! Can you believe Helen Mirren was in that?

Wiki entry about the debacle

figgy said...

Again Enty, everyone knows that The Director's Wife is Gretchen Mol, no need to hype it.

Pip said...

I have never heard of the movie Caligula until now. All I got from VIP's list is my increased dislike for the word coitus.

figgy said...

So the virus has to be HIV?

Hot Mess said...

The movie is Pola X. The actors are Yekaterina Golubeva and Guillaume

danatestingsite said...

Yeah, Newland Archer got it.

DewieTheBear said...

I think "Caligula" is probably it. Good call, VIP.

LeGrange said...

No St Patricks Day celebration Enty?! Really?! Naaaaaaa! I know you are going to!

parissucksliterally said...

I hope TVland dumps Everybody Loves Raymond for Golden Girls....that show has been on reruns for too long. I love the show, and even I am sick of watching it! I LOVE the commercial for TGG, with the Hot In Cleveland cast. So cute..

I guess I will go read the BI

ablake said...

Reveal MV!

I was thinking the same figgy. You guys are good, at first I thought how Britney Murphy died in a weird way but can't think of any of her co-stars suddenly dying around the same time.

Priscilla said...

Speaking of Caligula, that is the only movie I have ever walked out of, immediately after the castration scene. Hideous.

DewieTheBear said...

Priscilla, you have just guaranteed I will never watch Caligula with that detail :)

VIPblonde said...

Damn, I was wrong. @Newland Archer got it fo shizz. I could only find one person that died young in Caligula. Good job @Newland!!!

Anonymous said...

Newland has it. Pola X has had a couple of people to die.

Baise-Moi may be a contender, as the leader actress died, but that looks like a suicide. I'd go with Pola X.
Guillaume Depardieu is Gerard's son and died of a several viral infection. Sounds like HIV to me.

CJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ino said...

@NewlandArcher You're right, it must be Pola X. After reading Guillaume Depardieu's IMDB page, it sounds like he may have gotten HIV, or some other disease that severely weakened his immune system.

Unknown said...

Its definitely Pola X. My question is, it lists its release date as 1999. Many people are assuming what the causes of death were is AIDS, but for both actors who have died, it is too short of a time to die from AIDS given the medicines that have been around for well over a decade. Especially for Depardieu, whose father's money would have ensured proper care. That being said, it is rare for a 37 year old to die from pneumonia, unless of course, your immune system is otherwise compromised by AIDS.

VIPblonde said...

@paris I read that TV Land is going to do Golden Girls in prime time every weeknight from 7-9pm. I'm excited!!!! Would be more excited if it was 9 to 11 so I could go to sleep to the Golden Girls every night :)

VIPblonde said...

@Dana Great minds :)

Mag said...

Newland Archer, you got it.

Anon said...

Caligula had McDowell and Helen mitten in it. Both are Alive. Penthouse founder bob guccione directed/financed it, he died later in life.

Pip said...

Depardieu died of pneumonia at the age of 37. He was an apparent drug user, including heroin. It is very possible he contracted HIV, got pneumonia, and his immune system was too weak to fight it.

Alicia said...

All I think I when I read this headline is Jim Carrolls " People Who Died " now it's totally stuck in my head

Fijigrrl said...

Am I the only one who has never heard of Pola X? I need a fun easy blind. This time change thing STINKS

Erika said...

My film teacher in high school was fired for watching Caligula in his classroom during a break period. Apparently it wasn't the first time, just the first time he got caught.

crila16 said...

Caligula is the most F-up'd movie I've ever seen. Sooooo disturbing. I'd rather watch a slasher film. I thought Clockwork Orange was disturbing...but not even close compared ot Caligula.

Pip said...

Pola X is a French film, maybe it was popular there? There is no cause of death for the lead actress. She was only 44.

Anna said...

David Carradine and Barbara Hershey in "Boxcar" - Hershey's doing fine and Carradine died but not from a virus. Kris Kristopherson and Sarah Miles in "The Man who Fell from Grace from the Sea" - both alive. Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie in some creepy movie, forgot the name of it.

Anna said...

Cute doggie, PuggleWug.

Unknown said...

Yekaterina Golubeva had a daughter in 2005 who was in a movie last year. That's a pretty big chance to take if one is HIV+

Unknown said...

Why would anybody bother watching Caligula if they're just going to be offended by the content? Did it come as some sort of surprise or something?

FrenchGirl said...

Pola X by leo carax
Guillaume Depardieu(the lead) is died in 2008 because of an iatrogenic disease and a pneumonia
Katerina Golubeva is died (suicide in 2011) :she dropped her husband to become Carax's girlfriend(they have a daughter together)


Anna, that would be "Don't Look Now."

April said...

I agree with Caligula. It was infamous at the time. Now I need to go watch Cinema Snob's review of it. Again.

MISCH said...

Oh wow...I was thinking Last Tango In Paris but that was Brando...and the girl died a few years ago...

FrenchGirl said...

Golubeva 's death is suicide and her daughter is not ill (AIDS or other)

Guillaume Depardieu is not died of AIDS

fuzzygalored said...

the medicines for AIDs only work if the person takes them. They can be in such denial that they don't even bother to get tested for HIV even though health is declining.

crila16 said...

The only problem with Pola X is Yekaterina divorced her husband in the early 1990's and according to the BV she filmed Pola X in 1999. She was already divorced and the BV said her husband left her shortly after the making of the film, not years before.

Mango said...

@ Anna - Don't Look Now by Nicolas Roeg is the Donald Sutherland/Julie Christie movie.

Big Audio Dynamite (Mick Jones' post The Clash band) had an *awesome* song about Nic Roeg's movies E=MC2
and Don't Look Now is at the 1:10 mark

Everyone please tweet or email Enty that if the Director's Wife is Gretchen Mol, we already know that one and please REVEAL ANOTHER ONE!!

FrenchGirl said...

FTN,Catherine Deneuve or Laurent Lucas are not dead

Agent**It said...

Who is Enty JR. talking about when he/she is insinuating that those "who paid for the financing" are "responsible for the virus" ? BTW, Caligula is such a bad film that Gore Vidal had his name removed from it.One must be very stoned to get through it.

Unknown said...

Can someone please give the link for the director's wife blind?

Chicky said...

@zee -just google cdan and the directors wife

Sherry said...

I started watching Caligula and it was so sadistic I couldn't continue. It was such a disturbing film I never finished and never want to revisit it even now being older and more jaded. It's just UGH!

I had no idea that Gerard's son died. How sad. He was so handsome too.

And there is an AIDS pneumonia that doesn't respond well to any meds. My uncle died that way as did a lot of men, women and children during the crisis.

crila16 said...

@ Zee...I believe this is it.

mistang said...

The fact that Caligula was co-financed by Penthouse magazine should give you an idea of what you're getting into. Honestly, though, it's Caligula. He didn't exactly have a good reputation.

Mango said...

@ Staple - to answer your comment from much earlier in the thread, I think that we sometimes think a blind has been answered because we've posted about it so much, and sometimes think we've solved it (sort of like I did in my last reply) but with so many posts and so many (but not enough!!) reveals it gets lost in the mix. Does that make sense?

My brain hurts.

ClaptonsLayla said...

Agreed. Fits all the clues.

Mango said...

@ ClaptonsLayla - You must be on a mobile device. To whom are you replying?

Agent**It said...

But who are the actors from Caligula that died ? Pola X did have 2.

lazyday603 said...

Guillaume I miss you more than all the others
And this post is for you my brother.

mooshki said...

I watch M*A*S*H every day, and all the commercials for the GG marathon have me really excited! I don't care how overexposed she is, I will never stop loving Betty White. I'm also glad they brought back The Cosby Show. I had forgotten how good it is. I could do with a few fewer AARP commercials, though, TVLand. I'm not that old. Yet.

Unknown said...

No, Guillaume Depardieu died from pneumonia, which often is listed as the cause of death for anyone with AIDS.

auntliddy said...

Gerard ill too.

Pip said...

Frenchgirl, it is rare for someone so young to die from pneumonia. One doesn't die from HIV or AIDS, their system cannot protect their body from illnesses, which results in death. Pneumonia is a very common AIDS related cause of death.

Anonymous said...

Caligula. I LOVE Golden Girls!

Anonymous said...

I too thought Directors wife was already revealed as Gretchen Mol?

Agent**It said...

Guillaume had a leg amputated from a crash and had a severe staph infection years before he died. He died very quickly from a virus that lead to pneumonia. Could be hiv related but not definitely. I don't think both components of the blind have been answered. Unless, of course, there is no answer because it's faked.

Anonymous said...

wow aids wiped out a whole crew
you must reveal this one day

Unknown said...

Well, the fact that her daughter doesnt have AIDS doesnt mean anything, as babies don't necessarily get AIDS from their mothers, and there are precautions you can take. On the other hand, perhaps she committed suicide bc she had AIDS. And yes, it is possible Depardieu was in denial and didn't take the cocktail. Can anyone find pictures of him before he died. From what I hear, its usually pretty obvious if someone is advanced enough with AIDS to die of pnemonia.

Izzie said...

@PuggleWug - if we stop saying it, technically, that would be coitus interruptus.

Tippie Hippie said...

The virus was syphllis and obviously the movie was cursed because life imitated art! Creepy as heck!

Momster said...

There's just no way this could be Caligula. First, most of the actors are still living (MCDowell, Mirren, O'Toole) or didn't die under mysterious circumstances (Gielgud). I don't see anyone connected to a well-known family involved. And filming started in 1976, before HIV-transmission was rampant (although possible).

That being said, I have no answer to the blind. :( I've spent the past hour looking at all sorts of movies and can't find one that fits. I think Pola X is the best fit so far.

whocaresnow12 said...

I'm going with Sweet Sweetback. Actors in the film filed for workers comp after an STD was spread amongst the actors and Mario van Pebbles was considered patient zero.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this Director's Wife thing is making me sick. Everybody needs to get off of Gretchen Mol. Weinstein did... BAZINGA!!!

B said...

@VIP - not sure what cable service you get or where you live, but I fall asleep to the Golden Girls every night. It's on the Hallmark channel from 12-2. :D

Hazeldazel said...

Yo, dying from PCP or toxo is code for having AIDS specially back in the day (i.e. you died from the opportunistic diseases rather than AIDS itself and so that was listed as cause of death). So someone saying oh no, he couldn't have died from a STD because he died of pneumonia is like, dead wrong.

Hey, a pun!

He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper said...


Thank you for being a friend.

Sugar said...

Ahh, the Hallmark Channel where Dean McDermit and Katherine Heigl live in harmony with The Brady Bunch!

Unknown said...

What about Pink Flamingos?

Sugar said...

Tippy toes -is your name a Seinfeld reference?

beth said...

I would think the virus could have come from Guillaume Depardieu if this is Pola X, given that he was admittedly a male prostitute and heroin user earlier in his life.

Profetissan said...

I thought the real sex in a movie was Curious Yellow, from like the 60ies? Swedish movie. And then again in the 80ies, Betty Blue from France?

Yee, why do I know this?!

All about Eve said...

@VIP, the Golden Girls are on the Hallmark channel late at night, I used to fall asleep watching :)

AKM said...

I thought that Donald Sutherland finally admitted that the sex scene in DLN WAS, in fact, totally simulated and not real as he and others had led on for years.

There are bad viruses that can kill people that aren't HIV, don't forget.

lzahart said...

just commenting that everyone here is aware that while Caligula may be totally f'd up it is actually history- like these things actually did happen, right? Claudius (of the amazing I, Claudius fame and unlikely ruler of the Roman empire for a second) wrote them all down as he witnessed them along with much of the detailed history we actually know about the Caeser-Nero period. Doesn't make them less gruesome but still just saying its not fiction. American Psycho on the other hand, I did walk out of that, it is fiction and was just too much to watch.

That being said its definitely not Caligula. It sounds like this French one. Sad.

shopgirl said...

Enty don't do us any favors. Unless the director's wife isn't Gretchen Mol skip it.

CrazyCatLady said...

IMDB says the two actors died about ten Ursula after the movie. If they didn't know they were infected I think its plausible.

CrazyCatLady said...

Has "Coke Mom(s)" been revealed or is everyone positive its Debra Messing and Angie Harmon?

All about Eve said...

I think the best fit is Pola X

zeldafitzgerald said...

All I think I when I read this headline is Jim Carrolls " People Who Died " now it's totally stuck in my head


Well, there goes my day

Unknown said...

I rented the film Caligula and I was more offended by the extraordinarily poor camera work, even by porn standards, and bad and confusing script so I stopped watching after 10 minutes. I thought this is a joke right this can't be the final cut of a major motion picture? I still wonder if it was a bootleg copy though. The video did not match the box, LOL. Malcolm McDowell is one of my favorite actors and I was like why Malcolm why?

Angela said...

This is definitely Pola X, but I have to call bullshit on this blind.

Guillaume Depardieu's health issues were well documented at the time the movie was shot. He first had a motorcyle accident, then got a hospital-acquired infection, which left him with much pain in the leg. In the film, he had a limp. A few years later, they had to cut his leg because of the pain, but he never fully recovered. Even if he had AIDS, which is what the BI suggests, the cause of his death is well documented. Nobody would have his leg cut to dismiss rumors of having AIDS.

Katerina Golubeva was married with Lithuanian director Sharunas Bartas. She left him for Pola X director Leos Carax. They had a child together. She committed suicide in 2011.

Then, Golubeva didn't have sex with Depardieu. I've actually seen the film. There's an unsimulated sex scene that's shot in the dark. Golubeva asked for a body double, Depardieu insisted on performing with the body double on camera, even if the faces remain unseen during the scene.

Golubeva actually had issues with nudity on screen. She did a second movie with explicit (but simulated) love scenes, and accused her director of tricking her to shoot her nude while he had previously promised her not to when she signed for the project.

And the movie was far from huge, even if it premiered at Cannes. It was an expensive indie, made with French money (and maybe Japanese, as Carax has many supporters in Japan). The producer is married and got three children with his actress wife.

Agent**It said...

Caligula was simply a horrible film.So how does Pola X fit the financial part of the blind? The director said it took him 7-8 years to raise the money, but I cannot find how he raised it.

Angela said...

Carax' previous film, The Lovers on the Bridge, was basically the French Heaven's Gate (the Cimino movie, not the sect). The costs spiraled out of proportion and it was a huge flop. Carax was dating Juliette Binoche at the time and she left him after the film was finished.

So, Carax had huge trouble finding funds for another project and he had even more trouble after Pola X was released.

Carax also dated Carla Bruni in the '90s.

The Black Cat said...

I seem to feel this is not the AIDS virus but another type of virus, like Hepatitis or Syphilis.

Speakeasy Jane said...

ITA, Mango. Enty's the best thing since rolling papers, but it's kind of a downer when he reveals the BI's everyone has figured out.

OTOH, surprise reveals are probably difficult to come by. There are some regulars on this site who'd put Sherlock to shame.

a non a miss said...

I think Ent described the movie as huge because the unsimulated sex scene made people want to see it.

__-__=__ said...

Tina - ITA. I remember thinking the movie was ridiculous. No wonder Gore Vidal had his name removed!

VIPblonde said...

@B and @All About Eve Thanks for the Hallmark reminder! It comes on from 12-2 where I am too, but I have to wake up at 5am everyday for work. If I'm still up at midnight, it's going to be a rough morning for me!!

Agent**It said...

whocaresnow12 "I'm going with Sweet Sweetback. Actors in the film filed for workers comp after an STD was spread amongst the actors and Mario van Pebbles was considered patient zero."

Interesting as Bill Cosby loaned the money to VanP. to make the film. That would cover the financial hint. Who died?

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I'm obsessed with The Golden Girls. I started watching it when I was a little girl with my grandma. I can watch it all day and never get tired of it! ;-)

b said...

I'm not sure if anyone else has already said this, but since it says that several of the cast and crew members are also sick or have died, I doubt that it is an STD that is taking them out. There would have to be total sexual chaos (or bodily fluids somehow being exchanged) in order to affect so many people. I was thinking it must be Meningitis or something, but who knows.

Agent**It said...

Melvin Van Peebles is very much alive.

Agent**It said...

It's old age taking them out. It's a made up Entwarded blind that is supposed to be "Sweet Sweetback's Baadassss Song". See IMDb and Wiki . The disease was Melvin's case of the clap. Bill Cosby helped finance, It is an important milestone in Black films. So we are to believe that the cast and crew, predominantly Black, could not sexually control themselves and all got the clap and died from it. Way to go, Entities, not cool. Not cool at all. Whocaresnow12 apparently guessed correctly.

Guillaume Depardieu RIP.

LucrativeSnake said...

Got to be Pola X (awesome film). Depardieu died and so did co-star Golubeva :(

Agent**It said...

LucrativeSnake, so what is the financial connection??????? Well?


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