Friday, March 29, 2013

Four For Friday- The Gay Fling That Broke Up A Marriage

It is Friday. Good Friday to be exact. Working on no sleep and not getting the day off from work is making for a very long morning. I have thought about going to sleep on the sofa in my office, but I'm sure the snoring would give away my plan. Somehow I will suck it up and be back again tomorrow and on Easter Sunday. Tomorrow will see some blind item reveals. One or two at least. Maybe more, depending on how easy it is to find some in the archives. I'm getting closer to the 20K followers on Twitter for a very juicy blind item reveal. If you would like to follow me on Twitter I am @entylawyer. There are lots of photos and Tweets on there from my very late night last night. The fact that I made it home alive speaks volumes about my booze tolerance.

This couple is a solid B list. I call them a couple but they split up shortly after a movie was filmed. Not a huge movie by any stretch, but it did feature an Academy Award nominee/winner or two. It starred an A list mostly movie actor. He has always kind of explored both sides of the fence when it comes to relationships, but does not generally hook up with men like this B list mostly movie actor who has a memorable name, but you would be hard pressed to identify all of his movies. They all kind of seem the same. His ex-wife has had a more varied career. Also B list, mostly in movies she has shown a greater range of characters. The wife was on the set and walked into the trailer of her husband and found her husband and the A list actor in full on sex mode. By the time the movie had wrapped, our actress had filed for divorce. Must have not been too big a shock though considering what happened later. I had to look up the movie because I never knew the A list actor had done anything remotely like this movie. Shows you how popular it was.


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