Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Farrah Abraham Busted For DUI

Yes, it is a Teen Mom post, but hey, at least it is not about Jenelle Evans who has been quiet in her attempt to break the celebrity arrest record, currently held by DMX. On Monday night, the 20 year old Farrah, was pulled over by police after she nearly hit a police car. Not a good idea when you have been boozing. She blew almost twice the legal limit outside Omaha. Wasn't she going to bartending school? Maybe she got drunk at the final exam.


  1. Am I the only one here waiting? @Cathy and @ethorne don't leave me hanging! Don't forget the spoiler alert guys.

  2. All I wanna say is that some of us are waiting for new episodes of PLL on Netflix - so please limit spoilers to this thread, which I was gonna ignore anyway. :P

  3. Jk, I have no clue what you are talking about.

  4. @Lucas - you realize that you can watch them on ABC Family's website, right?

  5. I was actually at the other thread to suggest you guys head over to teen mom, for today's 'open post'!

  6. @Lotta - I'm just super annoyed that the writers outright LIED when they said a while back that a certain someone really was evil and hated the girls and wanted revenge. And now they're saying that certain someone was just trying to protect them.

  7. @Cathy - Nope, I didn't. I will have to check that out!

  8. @Lucas - good! Now I suggest you leave :)

  9. OK I'm here. I'm just glad he's not dead & I :m glad they didn't drag out the whole Spencer on the A team thing. But now I'm so confused is there 2 different teams? Team A & Team L

  10. Ok for all who have no idea this is a Pretty Little Liars major SPOILER ALERT!!!

  11. Sorry, thought Lucas was gone!

  12. The Toby thing confused the hell out of me too! I was like no way is he still good, then he goes and helps the girls. I have been majorly pissed about these last few episodes

  13. They never even so mentioned who's body it was that they found in the woods. Wasnt that pretty much the cliffhanger for last episode?

  14. And they bring Jenna back out of nowhere & she's on team L(esbian) with out of nowhere Shawna.

  15. When Toby was first revealed as on the A team and everyone started assuming he was on it just to infiltrate, the writers all insisted that he really was out for revenge for what the girls did to him. It's like they're changing their minds as they go along.

  16. So now there are probably two mysterious dead bodies - the one that was presumed to be Toby and what we assume was a body in the trunk. One has to be Jason. Maybe CeCe for the other?

  17. And that Shauna character came out of nowhere - it just felt like a cop-out!

  18. I don't watch PLL, but I just have to say, y'all are so darn cute! I love it - hiding in a crappy Teen Mom thread to dish. I love my fellow CDaNer's.

  19. Seriously i was like who the fuck is Shana? Is she the girl who worked at that costume shop that one time they went to scope it out with Emily's gf?

    1. Yes @Lotta & she dated Paige. I cracked up when Hannah said, " She flirts with everyone but me."

      And apparently she loves Jenna now. Wtf?

  20. She was in the Pretty Little Secrets webisodes, but pretty much came out of nowhere.

  21. @ethorne- where the heck has Jenna been??? I was trying to remember but couldn't.

    @Fru <3

  22. @Lotta- I think I remember Jenna getting scared about something & leaving town for awhile.

    I think Jason is dead & the other guy is some Brando bc we saw his face & I didn't recognize him.

  23. Oh man, I don't watch the webisodes. Are they still online? So she's not that same girl from the costume shop? I was assuming that was why she didn't leak the info on who bought that dress.

  24. @lotta - she is the girl from the costume shop.

  25. Please tell me I'm not the only Sunday School brat who started singing Farrah Abraham/had many sons/many sons had Farrah Abraham/I am one of them/and so are you....

  26. Can we talk about Melissa's sketchy ass. She really had something to do with it all huh. She looks guiltier and guiltier everytime.

  27. I feel like I need to start watching PLL now! I just finished watching Skins (UK version of course) and I need a new teen drama to become obsessed with!

    1. Rej - I loved the UK Skins! Tried to watch the MTV version. Not even in the same league.

  28. The first dead body they found in the woods was just some random person. But then they found the one that they assumed was Toby. And then there was something shocking in the trunk. So I guess up to three dead bodies, but we already know the first one isn't anyone we know or care about.

  29. @rejected - yes, you do! I'm 28 and it's my guilty pleasure - so glad I'm not the only one!

  30. @Cathy-shit I forgot about the trunk at the end.

    Did they ever recover Ali's body?

  31. Melissa definitely had something to do with it, but I just wonder if the two teams are totally separate or if they're both being manipulated by red coat to go at one another.

  32. @ethorne - they recovered it in the Halloween episode.

  33. I'm starting to think every damn person in the town is an A except the Liars.

  34. In the Halloween episode Ali's bodybag was in the coffin shaped cooler.

  35. I really think CeCe wad in the trunk. But who pulled out the car from the lake?! And left that video playing for the Liars to see

  36. So here's a question that TVLine asked the executive producer this fall and his response:

    TVLINE | I’ve asked you before and I’ll ask you again: Are you absolutely, positively certain that Toby is really that bad of a guy?

    Oh yes! You got it! Very much. We’re going down a path [with Toby] and you need to know that [he] has a lot of strong motivation for wanting to take down these girls. It’s the price [they have] to pay for him taking the fall for a crime he didn’t do. This has always been present, but he’s been very good at hiding it.

    I feel like they just flat-out lied to us.

    1. Thank you! I was looking for this quote because I remembered reading it before so that finale really pissed me off. The writers have no clue what they are doing. They left us with more questions and no answers. I don't know if I can even watch the next season at this point.

  37. @Lotta-How the hell was that computer still working after that shit was submerged for day?

    @Cathy,maybe he is evil & just wanted some poon? Jk I have no clue, they are some liars themselves.

    1. Exactly! Also are we convinced that Caleb wasn't the hacker in the beginning? They sure made it seem like it was him. What was he doing? Getting phone numbers?

  38. @Cathy- who do you think knocked him out in the woods? One of the girls from the L team as ethorne calls them? Are they going to frame him since he picked up that lighter?

  39. @ethorne - stop being so logical; police cameras don't have sound either, but apparently this was some magical one that does :)

  40. @Lotta - that's my guess.

  41. I stopped watching PLL last season, but I've read recaps (until recently--gave up TV for Lent and didn't want to accidentally read spoilers for the shows I DO watch) to keep up. This thread is making me want to go back and start watching again. :)

  42. I know @Cathy. Logic would have me asking why their school days are about 35 hours long & they leave to do errands 6 times a day & still make it to class lol

    1. I was never allowed to leave school and come back whenever I wanted! That was considered cutting class lol

  43. @Lotta - that hacker was Spencer. She said that Mona left her alone in the lair and that's how she tricked Toby into meeting up.

  44. Really? Since when does Spence hack people? As long as it's not Caleb. I have a major crush on him :)

  45. I know @Lotta, I'd be more crushed about Caleb being evil.

  46. @ethorne - they already did that a while back, when he was working with jenna, but then he fell in love with hannah for real

    1. Yeah @Cathy, but he didn't know why he was doing it, he just wanted paid, so not really evil just shady.

  47. Haha no one has mentioned Ezra. I really can't stand him & I thought Aria already broke up with him last week.

  48. I found it hilarious that they baited Spencer with Red Coat to see if she was still one of them. Her reasons for not coming to them weren't good enough for me. Kind of didn't make sense.

    1. @Lotta-Right. Mona's watching her, but she didn't see her chase red coat and follow her in the bathroom?

    2. And Mona hanging with them at the end like she's been BFF this whole time had me cringing!!! I was so mad!

  49. Yeah I was confused by the double Ezria break up. She said "I can't do this anymore" and left. How did that not equal to a break up last episode? And now he can't keep his eyes off of her in his classroom. Lol

  50. I'll still watch next season, but this past season, they really lost a lot of steam. So many random characters dropped in and out.

    1. @Cathy-I know. Lol remember Aria's childhood friend from nowhere that was in a Fight Club?

    2. Don't forget her BROTHER, Mike.

  51. I hope the writing for next season is better and more consistent. That cop guy has skeeved me out from the beginning and I wouldn't doubt he killed Cece to shut her up. But then again, didn't she leave town?

  52. @lotta - she was leaving town; but who knows if she actually managed to leave.

  53. @ethorne - exactly! and when was the last time we even heard anything about aria's brother?

  54. Count me as another who was disappointed by the finale. I basically knew Toby was alive and was waiting for more answers! Ugh. Also, I'm 37 and totally into this show.

  55. I said that to my husband yesterday too! (he won't admit to anyone that he likes it but he's HOOKED) Aria's brother has been MIA for months. Also Spencers parents just love to leave their teenage daughter alone all the time.

  56. @Ethorne- lol i completely forgot about her fight club guy friend. Whatever happened to him? Maybe he'll come back into the picture now that Ezria is finished.

  57. Also, since Toby is "pretty eyes" does that mean he's the one who kidnapped the doctor a couple seasons back? That doesn't seem like it was done to protect Spencer...

    1. @cathy i don't recall dr. sullivan being kidnapped, i think pretty eyes blackmailed her into leaving town. i need to go back and watch my 1 & 2 dvds!

  58. ahh! the finale made me so mad with those cliffhangers! but at least they finally revealed red coat!

  59. @Cathy- I thought she wasn't kidnapped like they thought she was but got blackmailed into leaving town?

    The producers really shouldn't have said anything as to why Toby was doing what he was doing. It is pissing me off the more I read that quote you posted above. Since when do producers confirm or deny plots? They usually keep mum on the whole thing and just let it play out on TV.

  60. You're right - kidnapped wasn't the right word; i meant she was forced out of town. Typing quickly between meetings :)

  61. Exacly, @lotta! I wouldn't have cared if they hadn't said anything about it - I just don't like being lied to. I get that they didn't want everyone guessing correctly so early on, but no need to lie about it. I'm starting to think that maybe they changed their plan partway through on what they wanted to do with Toby.

  62. @jennifer - but they didn't totally reveal red coat. it's either ali (who was alive this whole time) or her twin (if they follow the book).

    1. @cathy true true : ) some people on imdb last night were saying red coat was cece and i was like you could tell point blank that that was sasha!

  63. @Cathy- maybe this finale is throwing us for loop. Since Spencer got to him, he had to play the "I'm doing this for you"card.

    Also, wasn't it pretty f'd up that Spencer knowingly left Toby in the woods without even wondering what happened to him? He never came back! I would've been searching for my bf and dragged my friends to help me!

  64. The recaps on TVgasm crack me up. It's always #where's mike

    We already saw Ali run around town in a red coat as Vivian, not sure what the hell it all means

  65. I don't think Ali is red coat bc how the hell did she get off the plane & pull 4 people out of a burning house before Spencer got there? I think Red Coat lost Spence in the woods & Ali was already there watching.

    I looove the scenes with Ali.

  66. Clearly this show drives me nuts. :)

  67. @Lotta - it seemed like Toby and Spencer had planned for her to leave without him. Before the fire, he said something to her about knowing what she was supposed to do if something went wrong. Maybe those two have a bigger endgame in mind and are playing both the liars and Mona?

  68. It's also interesting that all the liars except for Spencer were in the fire - to me, that makes it more likely that Melissa or Toby could have been involved in setting it (or even Spencer herself).

  69. @ethorne- clearly it drives us nuts too! Look at how many comments we made!

    @Cathy, oooooh that sounds juicy. I like it!

    As for Aria's love life, I'll be up in arms if they make her start dating mini-Fitz.

    1. @Lotta-I'm not convinced mini-Fitz isn't a high-end hooker.

    2. @ethorne- lol he's so cute! Any idea where Paige has been?

  70. @Cathy- that's true but I thought it was Jenna who set it on fire. Simply doing to the liars what they did to her. Another thing, can she see or not? Her conversation with Shauna confused me when she was talking about her doctor.

  71. @Lotta-I wondered about Paige too. She was helping them, now she's gone & Shawna's everywhere randomly calling Emily about Olympic swimmers.

    I guess Jenna can see but her eyes aren't great?

  72. The aircraft though. This episode had so much going on that it's almost too much. Do they trust Mona now that she confessed she doesn't know who red coat is?

  73. Yeah, the whole private plane thing was a little over the top.

  74. Anonymous9:17 AM

    We need a Walking Dead post to discuss Sundays show and especially the season finale.. How about it?

  75. remember the episode from the first part of season 3 where aria meets duncan and he tells her that he taught ali how to fly.

  76. Haha I was like damn 90+ comments on a Teen Mom thread how did that happen

  77. Good point, but where does she get the money to pay for planes? For all the time she spends in Rosewood, she really couldn't just drive in? And speaking of planes, who was it that flew out to get in a car accident with Caleb's mom? I had assumed Toby, but if he's supposed to be good, would he really do that?

  78. @Jennifer- I vaguely remember that now you mention it!

    @Cathy- maybe it was Melissa. She always disappears for no reason.

  79. And Wren has to be involved somehow too, right? I mean, he knew that Melissa called CeCe about Mona.

  80. Thanks for the heads up to another post now..

  81. Wren is shady for sure

  82. Omg I forgot about Wren! He is for sure in cahoots with Melissa and Mona. He barely batted an eyelash when Spencer was in Radley like he expected that to happen or something.

  83. Wren didn't bat a lash when Spencer found Mona's nurse outfit & passes. Melissa probably told him to go after Spencer from the beginning. Remember he was the one helping Melissa out when all her boyfriends were dying?

  84. But is it possible to be in cahoots to Melissa AND Mona? It seems like they're on two separate teams and going against each other?

  85. You guys Shay Mitchel just this to her instagram

    Cool sneak peak at next season!

  86. Wow - and Ashley Benson's wig looks terrible!

  87. I had this idea after the ending where the hand comes out of the ground that maybe they'll kind of follow the books and have the twins both be alive and actually going after anyone who hurt them.

  88. Yeah you're right. Guess just Melissa is the one he's dealing with. How does Melissa manage to screw over her sister again and again?

    Wren tried to seduce Spencer lol and Melissa got super pissed but it may just be a master plan.

  89. @iheartgoes, i forgot about the hand and can't believe we didn't mention that earlier! The hand was shown at the end of another episode too right? Just this time Red Coat was a helping hand?

  90. I think it was a Halloween episode that ended with a flashback of the hand coming out. But this time they also showed a hand helping that hand out. Not sure if it's Red Coat or someone else.

  91. Lol her wig is really bad. I forgot she is a brunette now.

    Here is another pic: this one was posted by Lucy Hale

  92. Haha I saw on I think E where Ashley Benson said she was wearing a wig & it looks real blah blah. I just thought yeah right highly doubtful.

  93. That picture has taught me that Janel Parrish is reeeeeallly short. I googled both Lucy and Janel's heights and they are listed at 5'2" each. Which one is lying? It looks like they have flat shoes on because of the dirt ground but I could be wrong.

  94. @Lotta- Lucy's boots might have a heel & Janel is kinda bending over, maybe that's it?

    Aria's clothes have always been ridic but her & Hannah are killing me lately. They're like Dynasty 2.0

  95. Lol Dynasty 2.0! I really like Spencer's outfits the best! The hand has to be coming out of the construction site where Ali's body was found.

  96. What about Spencer's outfit from when she had that competition thing with Mona? Her brooch was killing me!!!

    1. I forgot about the hand too. Is this Pretty Dead Liars now?

  97. I think Hanna's stuff is overt the top sometimes. The girl will wear 5 inch heels to school.

    Whatever happened to Lucas?

  98. Lucas left after he said Mona was blackmailing him. He was going to be homeschooled.

    New interview with the EP (assuming he didn't lie this time):

    1. @Cathy-The article reminded me of the juvie flashback of Toby in a doo-rag. That was some funny shit.

  99. I don't watch PLL, (not sure why as it seems totally up my alley), but I came here because I think it is hysterical that you turned the teen mom post into this- brilliant!
