Monday, March 18, 2013

Eric Johnson Says Joe Simpson Needs Rehab

In a new article in The Enquirer, there is a source that says that Eric Johnson aka the guy that keeps getting Jessica Simpson pregnant feels like Joe Simpson needs rehab and that if he doesn't go he is liable to kill someone or himself because of his heavy drinking ways. I think Joe should stop drinking just so he can look at himself in the mirror and realize how bad his hair looks. I have never seen a guy turn himself into something so creepy with that hair. I'm sure he thinks he looks cool, but if I saw a guy with that hair near an elementary school, I'm calling the cops.


  1. Like What Not to Wear rehab?

  2. Eric knows to keep his mouth shut so his gravy train won't stop. His allowance is now subject to reduction.

  3. I think hes drinking has to do with him coming out and his family not suporting him on it. Its a hard cituation bcs i can see how the jess n ashbag feel betrayed as well as the mon, but what could the man do he had to be honest with himself.., travolta i hope ur listening.

    1. Over and above joe's being gay, which has nothing to do with anything, hes a jerk, and mb thats why no one likes him.

  4. Like Lizzie said, if he is drinking, it might be because of the stress he is under. Coming out late in life is hard enough, but coming out with the public eye on you laughing and pointing fingers can't make it any easier.

  5. Maybe Eric wants to take over Joe's duties....controlling Jessica'a money...just saying..

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'm sure he had Jessica's blessing to say this - if he were talking honestly about who most needs rehab in that family, wouldn't Ashlee be at the top of the list?

    1. Truer words, but mb he's worse? Yikes

  8. Yeah, that didn't come out right. o_O

  9. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH OMG I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING @"but if I saw a guy with that hair near an elementary school, I'm calling the cops."

    1. Same here!! Too funny. (Yet so very true!)

  10. I'm glad Eric said something. Maybe papa Joe want listening before and this is the wake up call he needs.

  11. I dont think he looks THAT bad----many people mock his style that day and there is way worse

  12. Anonymous11:30 AM

    He is no more or less creepy than the CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch.

  13. This liar could have come out decades ago, like before he bred any spawn, and saved everyone heartache and destruction. Fhim! His wife needs therapy, Jessica and Asslee need therapy, the whole family needs therapy. Great trail of destruction he's left. And let's just hope he hasn't been hanging around elementary schools. I put nothing past this skeez. And I say this having gay family members even older than him that have harmed nobody in their lives the way this guy has, pimping out his daughters not being even the half of it. You know he perved on minors that only wanted to be close to Asslee and Jessica. Fhim! I hope everyone buys him a shot!!

  14. Anonymous11:38 AM

    That answers so many questions. I.e the hair, the outfits, the weight loss, the preacher to john transition, taking out life insurance on Jessica, etc. Plus his skin. No gay man would have skin so red, leathery and alcohol ravaged.

  15. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Papa Joe isn't controlling the gravy train, Jessica plays alot dumber than she actually is. She's been in the game a long time, making good money since she was sixteen, she is nowhere near as controlled and delusional as Britney. Chicken of the Sea isn't going to any mensa meetings, but I doubt she still let's her Dad control the finances in terms of what her husband gets.

  16. Yeah maybe Pimpa Joe is upset because Chestica cut him out of her fashion empire and now that he's come out he certainly cannot go back to preaching. He's got a lot to drink about. (Not that he should mind you.)

  17. Anonymous12:44 PM

    ICK....he just ruined lemonade for me. :-(

  18. I feel bad for him because it can't be easy being in the closet all those years but he did use and lie to a lot of people.

  19. How come celebs with drinking probs still look so thin? If I drink like a fish I look like a puffer fish!

  20. _-_=_: Amen! What a waste!
