Monday, March 18, 2013

Emma Watson Won't Be Starring In 50 Shades Of Grey

Last week, a group of hackers broke into the database of the production company making the movie 50 Shades Of Grey. They deduced from documents they saw that Emma Watson was going to play the lead, Anastasia. Lots of people didn't think that was a very good idea and Emma took to her Twitter over the weekend to say she has no desire to be in the movie and people are silly if she thinks she would ever do a movie like that. I would have said that in the past, but she is in The Bling Ring, so maybe she is trying to branch out. The role might be a career killer though like Showgirls was for Elizabeth Berkley.


  1. In order for the film to be done properly, it needs to be NC-17 and have full frontal. Otherwise, don't bother making it. We already know what it looks like when it's watered down; we've all seen Twilight

    1. VIP, sometimes I'm quiet sure that you must be HILARIOUS in the real world

  2. Even if Emma wants to branch out it shouldn't be in 50 Shades of Grey.
    She may have been approached, but said "No".
    Showgirls was a trashy movie, with trashy production, and was practically designed to ruin the career of anyone in it.

  3. Her unveiled disdain is so refreshing in a world of boring, vanilla, politically correct PR statements.

    1. @europeium Right?! Lol, she's definitely my kind of girl!

  4. You know, based on that tweet, she didn't technically deny it.

  5. the books are shitty and i guess she was in the wishlist of the studio
    AND the blind item on Emma's career was bullshit

  6. you guys are missing the awesome LiLo court live blog in her post for the day!

  7. Maybe she's testing waters. Anyway, I'm over 50 Shades. God awful book.

  8. I've never loved Emma more -- and I love her with a disturbing and age-inappropriate devotion -- than when I saw that tweet.

    I've always thought her doing 50 Shades was extremely unlikely, just because, the novel being famously a piece of "Twilight" fan fiction, it would be widely perceived as two significant steps down for her. (First step down, from Potter to the vastly inferior "Twilight" and the second down the next level from "official Twilight" to "Twilight" fan fiction.)

    Add in that it gets terrible reviews for its story, characters, dialogue and theme -- I recall a couple of years ago, I think in her Freshman year at Brown, she gave an interview in which she dismissed the scripts she was being offered with a line something like, "Offing these to a Literature major? Are they nuts?" -- and that it's been declared deeply offensive by the BDSM community (Yeah, I'm surprised they have a "community," too, but there we are,) which is bad, given that BDSM is the kink the story revolces around, I can't imagine a reason Emma would get within a thousand miles of the project.

  9. Hey The Bling Ring is directed by Sofia Coppola, nothing to sneeze about!

    *trots back to Lindsay thread and TMZ*

  10. Why must we blame the masterpiece that is Showgirls for Elizabeth's demise, maybe it was her acting

  11. actually Showgirls is a great hot mess feminist & mysoginist in same time (almost as entertaining as Strip Tease with Demi Moore)

  12. I like that she made fun of this, I refuse to read any of the books- I heard they were really fucking stupid.

    Speaking of STUPID books, anyone here read "Beautiful Disaster" by Jamie Maguire? OMG, I wanted to punch the lead characters. They were so annoying, and her writing was AWFUL. Yet, THAT crap is being made into a movie too!

    1. @parissucksliterally I totally agree; I wouldn't touch the 50 shades book with a ten foot pole. I kind of feel bad though cause' a lot of people I like have read them and loved it. One of them - this woman who I like in a casual way since I don't know her very well - said once when we were in a group of mutual friends that she loved the 50 shades-series and she recommended everyone to read it. I did a very poor job stifling the snort I let out, and she looked at me with one of her brows raised and asked why I didn't like them, in a very indignant sort of way, and as the elitist bitch I apparently am I answered "because I am an adult".

      Jesus Christ I wish I hadn't said that; one of those moments in life when I hate something so much that I am seemingly unable to locate and stay on the high road. The last time that happened was when my sisters LOVED the movie Mama Mia! Do NOT get me started on that movie, lol.

      So it was a jerk-move but I agree; this books are absolute shit and it's so annoying that people actually like this (no offense to any fellow CDANers though). I'm just very passionate about movies, books, magazines, plays, TV-shows - anything creative and written, really.

    2. They were really fucking dumb. I read MAYBE 35 pages of the 1st book and had to put that shit down. Thankfully I had rented it from the library so I didn't waste my money. But my mother bought me all 3 books for Christmas. I promptly turned them into my local book swap for awesome credit.

  13. Stupid question here: I haven't read the Twilight books or 50 shades, although I'm familiar with the basic premises of both. How does 50 Shades relate to the Twilight books?

    1. @SusanB *****Spoiler Alert******

      It's the same story. 50 Shades is Twilight fan fiction, so it's the same basic plot, minus anything supernatural, and plus a whole lot of sex

  14. Whichever actress gets this part, she will become an icon to the S&M community. So she'll have a lifetime of being approached by the creepiest humans on earth to look forward to. Can't imagine why Emma Watson wouldn't want that to be her life.

    1. Lazy, I disagree. I've read all 3 books. They are house wife erotica. No one, IMO, that's into any actual kink is going to idolize anything from this series.

  15. Sounds like she didn't get the part.

  16. @SusanB: 50 Shades was originally written as what is known as "AU" or Alternate Universe in the fanfiction world. Pretty much, the author took the existing characters and their dynamics and interactions with each other and put it into a different setting/plot. She then switched the characters names. (So instead of Bella & Edward & Jacob, you've got Ana & Christian & her photographer friend who has the hots for her.)

  17. I have read about the Bling Ring quite extensively and can not wait for the movie.

  18. @IVS - yes, yes, and YES!

    Are you in Sweden?

  19. Funny response. I like her.

  20. @ VIP blonde and Gina - thanks for the info.

    Having been in the bdsm community (Not as a submissive, if you catch my drift) I can certainly testify that there are some really nice people involved in it, many of whom you'd never suspect in real life. It's mostly a harmless kink, kind of like crossdressing or preferring blondes to brunettes, etc. True bdsm has people on both sides who are consenting adults who respect boundaries. The people who are stupid and/or reckless tend to be shunned in this community pretty quickly - no one wants to get involved in drama, especially drama that would lead one to be outed or involved in some sort of action that could result in real physical or psychological damage to a person.

  21. @Izzie, yes!! Born and raised, not very swedish-looking though, lol

  22. @SusanB

    No disrespect to you or any other intended by my comment about the community.

    What I've heard/read is that the BDSM in "50 Shades" is treated as a sickness to be fixed. It's something that's deeply wrong with Christian Grey, caused by being abused as a child by his mommy or some such.

    Since it is, as you say, just a personal preference mutually enjoyed among consenting adults who are sharing an extraordinary level of trust and respect, I can indeed understand how deeply offensive that must be to those who partake.

  23. @Ivs For sure! Being a snarky girl myself I would have loved to have been there when you gave your reason for disliking the 50 Shades books. I would have burst out laughing.
    Elitist bitches of the world unite - unite and take over!

  24. @IVs. I'm not sure I would have been able to resist, either. My censor button seems to be broken.

    That being said, I will admit that I LOVED Anne Rice's "Sleeping Beauty" trilogy the first time I read it (early 20s?) ten years later when I read it again I just about sprained my eyes with all the rolling. I'm not sure I finished the second one that time around.

  25. @Europeium: my best friend is one of the mutual friends me and the woman had, and she actually did laugh her ass off! The temperature of the room had sunk though so while laughing she threw me my jacket and said she felt like having a cigarette, lol. Guess that's why she's my bestie!

  26. Gayeld, I had the same experience when re-reading the Twilight books - I LOVED them when they were brand new. I was 15-16 so this was maybe two years before the movie came and it became a phenomenon. And I said I tried to read them just 6 months ago or so, but couldn't get through the first book, even! Suddenly I saw how incredibly weak the writing was, and the story - I mean, fine she's writing about young people but it was written as if the author wasn't older than 16 herself. Very eye roll inducing indeed.

    It's fine though; the books did provide me with an amazing reading experience at the time, and I regretted loving them. It feels good to know I've grown up though!

  27. Jesus Christ, the typos... Obviously I meant to write I never regretted loving them, lol!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Ivs - I am an elitist bitch as well which is why I have never read Twilight, watched The Titanic or owned a pair of Uggs or pants with Juicy written across the bum. Do not regret your moment of well-grounded snark. I raise a glass to you and say, cheers. Now, off to teach my protege how to rock some fab music on the piano. Will check back in tonight for the Photos of the Day, natch. And there better be some RH snark tomorrow. See - I can keep it lowbrow if I want to!

  30. @ Ivs- I have actually gotten into fights on facebook bc I have expressed my disdain for 50 shades and twilight. One of my favorite things to do is read the 1 star reviews on amazon of both trilogy's. It is hilarious.

    I read about 40 pages of the first 50 Shades book. The writing was so horrible, so pathetic, that I did not make it past that point. The only thing I realized by reading those 40 pages was how boring and sad married women's sex lives had become if drivel like that became an international best seller. Because you know that is the main demographic. Bored housewives.

  31. she said that so stank AND I LOVED IT

  32. I am so glad to know that I am not the only one who can't stand 50 Shades and Twatlight, for a minute I thought I was the only one with any taste!

  33. Ah, Emma, you made my day! I absolutely love her comment.

  34. @IVS, shot in the dark, I have a Swedish friend who "talks" just like you. :)

    (Mr is Norwegian, he does the same "blurt, oh, did I say that out loud" & I'm laughing b/c I'm the same way, but I have guilt and he doesn't.)

    I could cite all of the things I find wrong with 50 Shades but blogger would say 50 gazillion characters won't fly, so I'll just link to the best ever reviews of 50 Shades. (Warning: do not read without tissues. You will laugh so hard you will sneeze and it will not be pretty without tissues.)

    Fifty Shades of Grey
    Fifty Shades Darker
    Fifty Shades Freed

  35. @Izzie

    Thank you for that, it made my day! I have only read amazon reviews and it is one of my favorite things but i hadnt seen this yet!

  36. LOL @Izzie, really?! I sound swedish even on the internet?? Damn it!! Haha! Must better my camouflage I guess :)

  37. @IVS, my friend says things out loud and people look at her like "wtw?!" We had lunch one day and she told me that people in Sweden are pretty direct but get pissy if you don't agree with them.

    We were making fox news jokes when this guy walked up and asked why a foreign woman would have any comments on US affairs and she said, "Because I'm an American citizen just like you, a*hole."

  38. @Katie, YW! I still laugh when I read them. :)

    I had to review the 50 Shades trilogy for an article (don't ask, I work hard for my money) so I opted to go the audiobook route. The narrator tries really hard to make it palatable, but you can tell it's a stretch. Triple crap!

  39. Lol @Izzie! She sounds like one of us, that's for sure! Swedes are both shy and direct; it depends on the setting. Most of them would never voice an opinion in a very large crowd, but in smaller, more intimate settings people do tend to speak their mind, and never mince words either haha. Especially Swedish women can be incredibly sharp and cocky! I love that. Sweden in general is an amazing place to live in as a woman.

    And kudos to your friend for not letting that asshole put her down!

  40. Thanks you, Emma Watson. Thank you so much.

    Hating on Fifty Shades! My favorite hobby since hating on Twilight lost its sparkle!

    Parisssucksliterally: "Speaking of STUPID books, anyone here read "Beautiful Disaster" by Jamie Maguire? OMG, I wanted to punch the lead characters. They were so annoying, and her writing was AWFUL. Yet, THAT crap is being made into a movie too!"

    Adding another layer of WTF, that books also originated as a Twilight fanfic.

    lazyday603: "Whichever actress gets this part, she will become an icon to the S&M community. So she'll have a lifetime of being approached by the creepiest humans on earth to look forward to. Can't imagine why Emma Watson wouldn't want that to be her life."

    I don't necessarily think that lifestyle's creepy. I'm not a part of it, but to each his own and all. But the BDSM community thinks this book is awful and could lead young girls that want to explore that lifestyle to predators.

    Ivs: "So it was a jerk-move but I agree; this books are absolute shit and it's so annoying that people actually like this (no offense to any fellow CDANers though). I'm just very passionate about movies, books, magazines, plays, TV-shows - anything creative and written, really."

    I feel similar rage whenever I learn someone liked it. Are they messed up in the head? Is that what good writing looks like to them? Even as fanfiction, it's awful!

    And I like fanfiction. I even write it. And I see no big issue with pulling to publish. I don't knwo if I would do it. I see fic as good practice, but the real thing deserves more work. But when your story deviates enough from the source material and you make significant changes, the maybe. Not so for 50 Shades. Every character can be traced to a similar Twilight character. Also, it was run through software that shows the published work is 89% the same as the fan fiction.

    Sometimes I wish Meyers had been more like Anne Rice and sued this talentless hack's pants off.

    It just offends me in every way. Not even for the kink. Not at all. It's just regular sex with spanking thrown in here and there. It's badly written, glorifies abusive, stalking behavior, is mind bogglingly unrealistic.

    Also, this review is the bets thing ever:

  41. I meant "best thing." Seriously, read it and laugh your ass off.

  42. I've got friends in the BDSM community and they hate that series. These aren't people I'd want pissed at me, subs are much meaner than you think.

  43. Never read those books, never will. I don't understand how they can make it into a movie - what can they actually show w/o threatening the R rating?

  44. An entertainment lawyer who believes that Bling Ring would be a steeping stone to the 50 pile of shit?

  45. God I love Emma. She is fantastic <3

  46. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I'm late to the game here because my boss had the nerve to pile on a shit ton of work, but I want to say how refreshing it is to be around so many like minded people.

    @Izzie: dying! Those are hysterical!

  47. Whatever the current world depicted in these books thinks about 50 Shades of Gray, if the movie is a hit the movie will come to define BDSM. 2 examples from history: Watch any surfing documentary & the tipping point where surfing went from being a hobby of a few beach bums in Hawaii & Southern California to a pop culture phenomenon was the success of the movie "Gidget". And the Mafia wasn't exactly thrilled with the Mario Puzo book "The Godfather". But after the movie became so huge, mobsters all started acting like the characters in The Godfather. They all wanted to be Sonny or Michael. A hit BDSM movie will wind up defining BDSM. Never underestimate the power of pop culture.
