Friday, March 15, 2013

Don't Take Daniel Craig's Photo

If Rachel Weisz had not been with Daniel Craig, Daniel could very well be in jail right now. Well, he would have been arrested. OK, probably just ticketed and then forced to sign autographs for the police who just ticketed him. While shopping at a grocery store in NYC, a fan spotted Daniel. The fan tried to take Daniel's photo with a cell phone. Harmless enough, but Daniel grabbed the phone out of the fan's hand and then started yelling at the fan and said the fan had no right to be taking photos and was about to throw the phone down on the ground when Rachel stepped in and calmed everything down. She did lecture the fan about privacy too before going out and doing a million interviews to promote her latest film so fans will go see it. Yes, she calmed things down, but she is no ray of sunshine so don't ever be fooled.


  1. Ooh, spill about Rachel!!

  2. I find the comments about Rachel more interesting than what Craig did, he's a very private person and a bit of a hot head so no surprise.

  3. Since I live in New York and see so many famous people it's not a biggie...must have been a tourist

  4. It is extremely rude to be photographed without consent. Although there is no reasonable expectation to privacy when in public, it is nevertheless irritating. One should ask first.

    This is why I never feel sorry for "fans" and paparazzi who get chewed out for being jerks.

  5. Spill about Rachel! Who knows what?

  6. Didn't she say most Americans were uneducated?

  7. Yes please don't take Daniel Craig's picture, I'm good.

  8. Never photograph a celeb unless you can safely Kinnear them. I've never done it. I don't like to disturb them when they're in their natural habitat :)

  9. I would take the picture of Daniel Craig just for the six-figure settlement I would get after he smashed my phone and/or assaulted me.

  10. While I think it is rude to take someone's picture in public without their consent, it is more rude to grab someone's phone or camera out of their hand. With all the security cameras, cameras streaming live, and smartphones (essentially mini media production centers) in almost everyone's hands, there is no longer a reasonable expectation of privacy when in public. You wear something stupid to Walmart, and you might end up in a viral video. If you play James Bond then, yeah, people are going to take your picture

    If he doesn't like it, he should retire and stay home.

  11. @Jennifer H. Well said!

  12. as i hate the paps as i think Craig overacted in grabing the cellphone.
    He was able to say "please no pic" because here ,the other guy is not a pap,it's just an unpolite fan.

  13. On the on hand I agree with Jennifer H and on the other I agree with Camembert.

    Think about it this way: When you travel to another country you have to respect their customs. We knew that there were some people in Madagascar who did NOT want pictures taken and you always had to ask. We should look at it that way maybe? Some will be okay and others will not.

    VIP Blondes comment is the funniest though! Natural habitat indeed!

  14. @Jennifer H:
    i enough agree with your point of view

  15. Rachel W has always struck me as a huge cunt. During the Golden Globes when Adele won for Best Song & thanked DC from stage & called him "the best Bond ever" or something like that, RW sat there cold as fucking ice with not a HINT of a smile on her face. In fact she looked like she was NOT amused by Adele flirting with HER MAN.

    They both should have chosen more "private" professions if a fan with a cell phone makes them lose it and lecture others on "privacy." Fuck off.

  16. Poor Daniel Craig. What a cross to bear! How does he go on, suffering as he does?? He deserves our sympathy just as much as others who persevere during such hardships; in fact, he is probably more deserving of our sympathy than others like victims of rape, children living in war zones, and babies born addicted to drugs. Those chumps have no idea what real suffering like that of Daniel Craig-a multimillionaire actor whose picture was taken without his consent!-is!

    What a total and complete tool. I've never found him physically attractive, and it's safe to say I find him completely repulsive now!

  17. Eh, I'm a very private person and I kind of understand - If I was an actor because it was my creative self-expression and I was lucky to find fulfilling work, I would just hate all the fame. It's different when you're promoting a move, you have a job, an unfortunate obligation. So we don't know how bitchy Rachel really was. I could see myself saying something, but in a kind way. It's rude to just go up to a person and get in their face with a camera.

  18. Wasn't Mr. Bond seeing someone and Rachel came on the scene and BAM, they got married? Shrewd comes to mind. Ha, or maybe shrew :)
    I don't know my bond trivia these days (I still think Timothy Dalton was a great one, as was Pierce) so I could be wrong.

    In other news Dr. Who was on earlier and I fell in love with Captain Jack Harkness all over again.

    Oh and when you make your living with other people paying to see you, don't be surprised if someone else actually sees you and wants to capture the moment. Stalking by paps is one thing, this guy just sounds like a fan

  19. geez maybe he was having a bad day. I don't blame him one whit. There are some days where, if someone took my picture, I'd go off too.

  20. I'm sorry, but as an A (or trying to be) list actor/actress, your bread and butter entirely depends upon your relationship with fans.

    When they ask for your photo, you fucking smile and let them take it.

    They want your autograph, put down your booze and sign whatever the fuck they put in front of you.

    Your entire fortune, your entire LIFE, you owe to those fans and at least pretending to be happy to see them and get their attention is absolutely the least fucking thing you can do.

    Fuck you Craig. I hate your version of Bond. If I wanted your "gritty" take on the character, I'd watch one of the Bourne movies.

    You and the producers killed the franchise for me worse than "The World is Not Enough" could every hope to.

  21. Anonymous10:45 AM

    DC is on record as saying that he understand that with being Bond comes loss of privacy, but that it can be a challenge. So while grabbing someone's phone isn't cool, he's not crying poor little 007 or expecting anyone to feel bad for him.

    Sometimes, you just want to tell people to f*ck off. Celebrity or not.

  22. Anonymous10:47 AM

    And no one owes their LIFE to fans. That's indentured servitude if I ever heard of such.

    And we all know some fans won't ever be satisfied with what is given.

    Screwed if you do, f*cked if you don't.

  23. If this were a pattern of behavior, I wouldn't be as forgiving. But he's always seemed pretty low-key. DC and the fan owe each other an apology.

    I don't think that contractually obligated press for a film should be confused with being a media whore. Nor should being out on the awards circuit or shilling products in your spare time. These are things you do for your career/money, not pieces of your soul you sell to the public. There are the people that give heads up to the paps every time they step out for a coffee and they have no right to complain. But then there are the people who try to live their life and would prefer to not have to be "on" just because they're outside of their home. I don't think that's unreasonable.

  24. I would imagine it's irritating as all hell when you're at the grocer or in line for the ATM and someone just takes a random shot of you with their phone (most of the time I doubt celebrities can even tell though, it's easy to look like they're just texting). Must feel like you're a zoo animal or Bigfoot or something.

    If someone did that to me, I'd get really pissed. Then again, I'm nowhere near famous. But still, how much of celebrities' personal lives do we have the right to invade? It's one thing to ask for a picture or an autograph (and if they're a dick about it when they turn you down, sure, you have every right to run to the bloggers and bitch about it), but it just seems rude and creepy to be taking surreptitious photos of people, famous or not.

  25. I was thinking....I guess it would depend on how close the camera was to my face...because I've seen tourists invade an actor's private space ( meaning right in their face) and that's just wrong.

  26. People take photos of me and my fella when we're out because we look a little different. He loves it; I hate it. What the heck are we? Freaks in a zoo? And, Penelope, calling a woman a cunt isn't classy. (By the way, Weisz isn't one: she was one of the few actors I've met and interviewed who didn't come across as a complete tool and who answered questions in a thoughtful and intelligent way.)

  27. DC does not deserve to be accosted by fans when he's taking a piss, nor does he deserve to have his image taken when he's picking out his produce. His craft or job is acting- while he should strive to be somewhat gracious to fans he and every other actor deserve that reciprocated. The problem is now that the majority of people check in everywhere they go on social media and take pics before they drink a coffee, eat a meal or cross the damn street. It's like privacy is a lost art- all around.

  28. Anonymous12:21 PM

    the thought of strange people just walking up and taking your picture and talking to you and touching you freaks me the hell out. I know it comes with the fame and the money BUT i dont think id have guts for it

  29. people do have a right to privacy, even actors who are famous and who seek publicity for their movies. they weren't at paparazzi hotspots, they were shopping.

    its got to be awful to not be able to have and privacy while doing normal everyday things. I don't blame them. alot of the people in the general public are just mindless idiots, sad but true.

    if this happened to a fame whore it would be different.

  30. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Spill! spill! spill! spill!!!!! It would get so old having people coming up fawning squealing blathering at you about ohmygoshiloveyouyourmyfavoritewhatsyournameagainilovedyouinthatmovieyouweren'tinohmygoshwaituntiltinafindsoutimetyoushe'sgoingtobesojealousyou'remynewbestfriendyourhouseinonfireohmygodwellletmefirstgetyourautographandpictureohmyphoneisntworkingwillyouwaitherewhileigobuyadisposablecamerayoumademydayyoursogreatohmygod! times a million every day.

  31. I've never understood why people who can't handle getting their photo taken go into show biz.

    Daniel Craig is a big ol' grouch.

  32. So many of today's actors court publicity but then throw a tantrum when it isn't on their terms. Daniel Craig was in a public place and therefore should realize he has no reasonable expectation of privacy and certainly no more than the average citizen. From the wording of the blind, it sounds like the fan didn't even try to approach him, just snapped the picture from a distance. He probably called more attention to himself with the outburst than if he'd just let the fan snap the picture.

    Mr. Bond sounds like a little bitch.

  33. Dude you're famous, get the fack used to it.

  34. Pointing at someone and saying, "Stop taking my picture, please, I don't like it." is totally different than grabbing their phone. One is fine, the other is assault, and potential destruction of property. Rachel chose wisely, Daniel didn't and he's always got bitchface.

  35. I do think Craig overreacted and yes, he should be used to people taking his picture or asking for an autograph. I don't think Rachel was out of line. She stopped the situation from escalating into something worse, for crying out loud.

  36. I have heard from many sources that Rachel is and always has been an asshole.
