Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Did Jennifer Aniston Already Get Married?

I know this is not what anyone was expecting and Angelina Jolie is probably going at it extra hard on her voodoo doll this morning while Brad tries out some of the new Caribbean blend pot that he hand crafted, but I did hear from one person and one person only that Jennifer Aniston already got married. Two weeks ago. Right before the People magazine cover. I think everyone was expecting helicopters and parades and fireworks and paparazzi getting killed in a wild stampede of Jennifer Aniston frenzy, but what if she is married? What if this person is right? What if there is no spectacle and weeks of magazines devoted to how many seeds were on the sesame seed buns or who made the dress and all the other million things the magazines wanted. This was going to be its very own industry. Again, take it for what it is worth, but apparently it went down when Justin's brother was around. Yeah. He was the best man. This would be the ultimate sneak move. You have to admit. The woman who craves magazine covers giving it all up for a quiet wedding.


  1. Maybe she already got married, but there's no way she won't do the magazines when she admits it. Her whole income is about keeping her personal life in the news.

  2. I know Enty (and many people here) don't like JA, but I don't really think of her as "someone who craves magazine covers."

  3. I hope she did.....I don't doubt Jen has a very private side.

  4. The brother is really cute. And if that's true wouldn't we have gotten some shots of Jen & Courtney or whoever her maid of honor was? I think she'll go for the helicopter frenzy wedding.

  5. It would be such a lovely FU if she did!

  6. I love JA and BP and I gave my last fuck about all this sometime around 2006.

  7. I don't care either, but agree with Staple611 - she craves magazine covers.

  8. idk or care, however, justin is very good looking. so i would love to see him in a tux. :)

  9. This is fairly interesting (to me) if it's true. Think about it: everyone expects Brad and Jenn to have dueling weddings. Who will have the most celebrity guests? Who had the better dress, etc.

    If she has a quiet wedding, then Brange can't one-up her with a huge, star-studded fest because the two weddings would be too different to compare--and Brange would look over the top. If Brange has a quiet wedding, too, no one cares because Jenn already did it first.

    It's brilliant.

  10. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...

  11. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Of course she would do this. As much as she's been in the spotlight, she's always maintained that she's a normal, beachy, boring, vanilla girl that would go for a simple quiet wedding. I've always wondered if Brange didn't already do this too.

  12. But...she and Brad/Ang do the tit for tat thing. I thought she was only getting married to Justin for the attention. Maybe she really does love him for realz ya all.

  13. The only solution is my Big Fat Double Gypsy Wedding idea.

    1. @GemTwist, dude I love that show. I don't understand where it's been all of my life. Those wedding dresses the girls wear are completely insane.

    2. They put Barbie to SHAME! I love everything about them.

  14. I hope hope hope this is true... but I need to see pix! Want to see what Justin wore!

  15. If she did that I would respect her so much more.

  16. Just with Justin for attention.......LOOK AT HIM...she got a winner...and he's actually very smart, not phony smart like Pitt.

  17. Huh. I agree with Staple611. I always thought she seemed like a fairly private person, actually. AS such, this wouldn't surprise me.

    Do they REALLY do the tit-for-tat thing? On her end, other than the "sensitivity chip" thing years ago, it seems to me that she's gone out of her way to just not mention any of that and keep living well as the best revenge.

    Granted, as I've said before, I really like her. I think she probably IS down-to-earth, simple, and private.

    Anyone got any good juicy stories to prove me wrong? I'll gladly read them and adjust my opinion as needed. ;-)

  18. Good for her...she already had the hyped million dollar wedding with Brad, it's time to be have some semblance of normalcy, she's waited very long for the right guy

  19. Maybe she's having a fancier wedding out of the country, but needed to have the legal part done in the US.

  20. Karen #1 is right..It would be pure genius if she did it the quiet way. I would love to see her dress though.

  21. Don't do this to me! I'm still dying because I haven't seen Blake Lively's dress.


  22. @MISCH ... LOL "phony smart like Brad Pitt" love it!!

    Perhaps she WAS planning a big wedding, then all the Brad/Angie wedding crap came out and so she was just like, F it! and did the small, quiet thing.

  23. She craves magazine covers? I think it's more of a matter of she doesn't give a shit anymore. Can you imagine if magazines posted photos of YOU every single month for years and said you were pregnant when you weren't? I would laugh my ass off.
    Oh, and everyone else is starting to report this also -
    An insider close to the pair tells OK! Magazine that “Jennifer and Justin shared a small commitment ‘ceremony’ together over Christmas.” This low-key secret ceremony reportedly “happened at their Bel Air house shortly after their vacation in Mexico.” “It was super top-secret, and they shared it with a handpicked group from their inner circles,” reveals the insider.

  24. Good for them if they did! I don't think she craves magazine covers. I think she's always seemed laid back, and knows she's lucky to have had a good career-not an attention grabber a la Hathaway. She has enough money to vacay in Cabo (or destination of choice) whenever she wants, that seems pretty sweet to me. *shrugs*

  25. If she did it, it would be the ultimate FU to Angelina. It says, "You can't upstage me, because I don't give a fuck."

  26. I agree that she does not crave magazine covers- especially since the Brangelina triangle was all over the mags for ....oh wait, it still is.

  27. I like her and if she married on QT, good for her i dont see her as publicity hound anyway.

  28. I hope it's true. It was such a circus when she married Brad.

  29. If she pulled this off, I may actually start to like her.

  30. It would make me think she actually did chose wisely and they're going to last.

  31. If it's true, I'm sure someone has the exclusive. No doubt.

  32. I highly doubt it she called People magazine to tell them she was engaged before her dear old dad. I really think we will see a whole wedding spread. But if she did that would give me some respect for her.

  33. Exactly, Em. I don't give an eff about Jen's dress. I just love pictures of Justin all sexied up!

  34. Kmg I swear half this crap about Jen being a gossip mag whore is crap.

    I thi her publicist is extremely good at keeping her on the front cover. And Angie's too, because if it wasn't for Jen, I doubt Angie would not be on half those magazine covers.

    I've also read aniston in an interview in a fashion magazine that she and Angie should sit down, and talk about this " huge war" cuz it was a joke. My guess is she doesn't like Angie, and vice versa but they are ot the mortal enemies the gossip rags say they are. They don't even really run in the same circles.

    Good for her getting married,

  35. I think it would be the Eternal Love Triangle's biggest FU to the tabloid world if it turns out they were all married already, in secret. Wouldn't that be cool? And far less exhausting?

  36. I guess I'm that person. I could care less about this woman. She's been riding one role and one hair style for years now. Go away.

  37. All I got from that one is that now I know the blind for which A celebrity has his own island for pot. I seem to remember everyone getting it down to Pitt or Depp. Well, now we know it is Brad Pitt with pot island.

    If he sells that, it would sell out faster than his vino. The five hour sale would become the five minute sale.

  38. @Claritysk,

    "I've also read aniston in an interview in a fashion magazine that she and Angie should sit down, and talk about this " huge war" cuz it was a joke. My guess is she doesn't like Angie, and vice versa but they are ot the mortal enemies the gossip rags say they are. They don't even really run in the same circles."

    That wasn't Jennifer Aniston. It was asked of Angelina Jolie in a "Vanity Fair" interview. The interviewer asked if Angie would ever consider having a face to face talk with Jennifer Aniston. Angie said that she would welcome such a talk.

    And I though the entire world knew by now that Angelina Jolie does not have a Publicist. And please don't kid yourself. Every time you see an article/interview of a celebrity in "People" magazine, the celebrity or the celebrity's PR rep is the source. That's just how they roll at "People," which is why so many folks take what they read in "People" as Gospel.

  39. @pickwickianmom

    Second reveal I've read today that's not titled "reveal"

  40. Anonymous12:48 PM

    If Aniston's already got married, she can upstage a Brangelina wedding by simultaneously revealing the when/where/etc of her own wedding - that announcement will effectively steal a lot of attention from the other event, and the beauty of that plan is that she can play the card at any time...just wait 'em out and then toss the gossip grenade. *BOOM!*

  41. Jennifer already had her big Hollywood wedding with Brad, and she's older now, so it would be fitting for her to do it on the down-low.

    Angelina, on the other hand, has been married more often, but she hasn't had the white-gown/tiered-cake extravaganza, has she? So it would make sense if she did it up.

  42. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Im over this group!
    angelina ruined Brad
    if anyone watches spartacus. Julius ceasar looks JUST like old brad *sigh*

  43. I think most of the Jen/Ang drama is media concocted and generated. Think about it. If your guy dumped you for another woman, you're bound to say something once in awhile to someone about it. If she does, it's all over the papers. Even if she doesn't, it's "alleged" all over the papers.

  44. so does this eliminate him from the blind about going to medical marijuana clubs with the young girl?

    or does he do that when he's off the island? i wonder if it's the "lost" island and that explains everything about that show....

  45. I hope this is true. Her first wedding was a big to-do so something lower key would be more appropriate, IMO.
