Tuesday, March 19, 2013

David Brent Is Back

David Brent has returned. Ricky Gervais filmed this ten minute short for charity. He does this role so well.


  1. He gives me the heebs can you guys keep him over there please??!

  2. Gervais is an atheist, did you know he was an atheist, because he's totally an atheist, ya'll, for reals. He wants the backward puritans in America to never forget he's superior to you and that he is 100% an atheist and doesn't believe in your mythical sky God.
    (Ummm, yeah. We got it the first 9,000 times, no one cares, put a sock in it, Smuggy McSmuggerson.)

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM


      If you can choose to believe what you want to believe, why can't he choose not to believe what you want to believe.

  3. I may be the only one to say it, but I love Ricky Gervais. I think he's hilarious and I find him amusing. Oh well :)

  4. And I thought I was the only one who didn't like him. Both Gervais and Brent.

  5. Yeah, he can be majorly infunny.

  6. @ bri swartley- Ricky is awesome, and yes, he is an outspoken atheist, which I completely support. Why are so many religious people allowed to be outspoken about THEIR beliefs (to the point of influencing laws FOR ALL OF US) but an outspoken atheist is a bad thing? We for the most part are a silent minority who are often crapped on by the religious majority.

  7. @ Alexstrasza...I love him too. I think he's hysterical, and he plays this character brilliantly. He has the same personality with each character he plays...but he tweeks it ever so slightly, that they are all subtly different.

  8. I would buy a David Brent album in a heartbeat. Heartbeat to Hell.

  9. I can't bear The Office. Or him.

  10. Hot Love Highway is one of my all-time favorite songs. I love Ricky.

  11. Bri:

    Well, as an atheist annoyed with evangelical atheists, it's not the message; it's how it's delivered. If you're arrogant, smug and won't shut up about what you believe, then you're an annoying twat, no matter if it's because you think you're "saved" or "enlightened" or a "bright".

    The world would not be a better place if more people believed, or if less people believed, but only if more people cared less about what other people believe.

  12. Oops, the above was directed at pompasaurus...

  13. @ crila - nice to see some other ricky lovers! I agree, I think he's brilliant :)

  14. I don't really see it as him being smug because I don't think he'd be half as vocal about atheism if there weren't so many people against him for it. I think he just finds it entertaining to push the buttons of the people who troll him. But hey, I guess he's not for everyone! :)

  15. I love Ricky Gervais. :)

  16. I think he's hilarious.

  17. I love Ricky. He's an absolute genius. I'm glad he speaks up for us atheists--it's not like we haven't had to suffer through the bible-thumping masses' sh*t judgmental propaganda forever. His smugness doesn't bother me because, one, he does it to get a rise out of people, and two, it *does* get a rise out of them, which is pretty fun to watch. Religion: lol.
