Monday, March 25, 2013

Cold Dead Hand With Jim Carrey


  1. I don't find Jim Carrey fun at all.

  2. Good one Amartel

  3. I cannot see actors in movies after they have cram their political views down my throat. It was the same with Charleston Heston and John Wayne and Jane Fonda (ok I'm old) and this new crop is as stupid as the old. It's called "suspension of disbelief." I can't believe you in a role if you insist on allying yourself with a cause or politician. I remember during the heyday of Bennifer I, that Ben Affleck was NOT pleased when his focus group only discussed Jennifer Lopez instead of his movie. I suppose for minor celebrities, who will never really become stars (Jessica Alba, Eve Longoria, Ashley Judd) it might make sense for visibility in Hollywood, but Gawd, STFU.

  4. The world would be a much more life affirming place if losers like this would concentrate on stabilizing their own mental health issues rather burden us with their epiphanies, political or other.

  5. Jim has plenty of time on his hands obviously...

  6. For those who don't want to sit through the video (ME), the DM has screenshots of some of it, as well as his crazy tweets.

    When celebs use their celebrity to "over-make" a point, they run the risk of becoming irrelevant (side at Jenny "I Cured Autism" McCarthy).

  7. Like Jim Carey or not...the man is incredibly talented. He does a little too much potty humor for my taste...but he's still very talented.

  8. JIm Carrey is not nutzo. He may be an a hole, he may be out of balance. He is probably bi polar or whatever everyone else in Hollywood is....But I lovvvve this keynote he gave for Echart Tolle. Its worth watching.

  9. Sorry: meant to write Eckhart

  10. I will always love Jim Carrey. This may not be as funny as his drunken Twas the Night Before Christmas, but I will always appreciate him.

  11. Hollywood is a bubble. Filled with hypocrisy and hive-mind, or "group- think." With so many celebs lacking education, and/or experience in the real world. They tend to latch onto ideas and causes, in the effort to seem deeper and more caring. Be sure to go see Jim in his up-coming new movie, Kick Ass 2. If you're not familiar, it's about 90 min of Chloe Moretz, and the entire cast, cursing, beating up and shooting people. "But remember, kids, guns and violence are bad!"-Jim Carrey, AKA Jenny McCarthy enabler

  12. Mark my words, left-wing hollywierd nut-job liberal tards like this will be the downfall of our country. They use their access to media and fame to inundate the population at large with their socialist views.

    Meanwhile, conservatives and even moderates in LaLaLand are practically blacklisted if they dare speak their views and opinions openly.

    I know I'll get flamed on here for saying this, but I'm tired of watching uneducated dip$hits spew their vitriol and mock the views held by the majority in the "fly over" states and heartland of America.

    Go back to doing Fire Marshall Bill, Jim Carrey (back when YOU were RELEVANT).

    [Ducks for Cover]

  13. His opinion is irrelevant in the USA, he's Canadian.

  14. Im so disappointed in these stories bc you used to not know how jerky ur favorite actors become after years of drugs and indulgence. It’s almost like no man should have fame and 100 million dollars... and reading about Jim and that he maybe drugs women is unbearable.
