Thursday, March 07, 2013

Chris Brown Threatens Valet With A Beating

Just a day after getting into a fight with his bodyguard in Bermuda, Chris Brown threatened a valet with a beating because the valet had the nerve to charge the valet charge of $10 to Chris. Chris told the valet that he was going to "turn this whole thing out." Somehow I don't think he was referring to coming out. The fact that he threatened a valet for doing his job and did so while standing with four or five of his guys just shows what a an a-hole he is. It is $10. The guy is doing his job. You have no problems spending hundreds of thousands of bucks on booze during a night out, but won't give the valet the $10 and threaten him instead? Oh, the event Chris was at was for charity. They must be thrilled by his participation.


  1. fucking asshole

  2. They need to arrest him and throw him in jail already so he can live out his true life's purpose: being a prison Bottom

  3. Uh oh. Not coming back to this thread later, it's JUST going to get angry ; )

  4. hundreds of THOUSANDS a night in booze? Somehow I think you're exaggerating. Either that or he just got a liver transplant from Lindsay Lohan.

    1. @ABlake...he's probably referring to CB's song where he talks about spending 100s of 1000s on booze.

      (Bleh, that I know about any of CB's songs)

      In other news, I would say that CB is a piece of dog shit but that would be insulting to actual dog shit.

  5. Why, why WHY, do he and Lindsey get a freakin' pass for their horrible behavior? I just don't get it. This will be glossed over, just like the rest of his violence and he will continue to make millions and be respected (??!!) by his peers. Adele lost points with me when she said that she wanted to work with him. Would you want to work with Ike Turner, too? I just can't with this jerkoff anymore.

  6. I love this, and I hope Pussyboy keeps doing it, because at some point, he's going to threaten someone whose closest brush with manhood isn't beating up a hundred pound girl, and it'll be a treat watching him get pounded into the dirt like a tentpole.

    1. I wish we had "like" buttons because I'd be pressing it repeatedly till I broke it. ^_^

    2. Absolutely. Sooner or later he'll f with the wrong damn jack.

  7. He's such a dick and the problem is that he knows he is.

  8. Damn I can't see the video till I get off work but I'm anticipating the predictable @just curious coming through to defend this angry black man, you know, because we're all "white folk."

  9. Ugh, it's "Turn this mutha out", fool. You can't do ANYTHING right!

  10. Ticking time bomb.

  11. That's what the white folk get! Now leave me and my gay luvah, Chris Brown, alone!

  12. And yet people continue to apologize for him and throw money at him. tsk tsk.

  13. The charity invited a known idiot to their event. Eh, I don't feel sorry for them.

  14. We should start a petition to have him euthanised.

  15. cheap idiot. grow up. I dont know why when people get richer, they think they should be stingier

  16. Double lol at JC on a mobile.

  17. @Mikey I was thinking the same thing.

  18. Cannot. Stand. Him.

    Didn't he just drop $65,000 on earrings for his punching bag? And he's going to rage on some valet who won't clear $65,000 in a year? Really?

    Hey, asshole, if you don't want to pay the valet, self park! You'll have a few blocks to work off your entitled rage.

    I just don't think he'll ever get it. It's really sad to say that...I just think he's a waste at this point. Could we get a Chris Brown free month?

  19. What a disgusting piece of shit

  20. Ugh!! I worked in the service industry for years and I will absofuckinglutely judge someone by how they treat us mere mortals. It tells me a lot about what a person is like just watching someone interact with *the help*. That includes wait staff at restaurants, cashiers at convenience stores...all of it.

    This is a big thing with me: treating people with respect. Obviously, I've had my moments with less than stellar behavior, but to routinely treat people like crap chaps my ass.

    1. @Meanie Reese
      THIS! I could go on for days about this but you summed it up perfectly.

  21. What Jonathan Andrew Sheen said.

  22. No, don't make him a prison bottom. With his dancing skills and exquisite leg control, he would make it difficult for those poor criminals to return to regular sex after having him quivering like a pig at a Cuban beach pigroast.

    Apologies to all who accidentally read this. I should have written Not Safe for Innnocent Eyes somewhere on here.

    1. No apologies needed! Best laugh Ive had yet today!

    2. @barton, lmao!!! Cuban beach pig roast!!!!

  23. He's just never going to act right.

  24. Why does he have such a problem being responsible for parking his cars? They are a fact of life in LA, yet he consistently pretends that he can park anywhere for free. Even in handicapped spots and valet parking areas.

  25. Maybe it's because I literally just got home from my daughters school meeting with the dean because my daughter had an older and much bigger girl tell her that she was going to fuck with her everyday because she could, but I REALLY hope he takes a permanent dirt nap soon. Maybe he will learn the same thing my daughters bully just found out. You never know who's dad is a police officer and "uncle" is the school resource officer, so you might want to think before you fuck with somebody. There is ALWAYS someone that will hold you accountable. You might bully a few smaller people, but one day there may be someone big holding that little person up against you.

    1. Isn't great having a cop in the family:)

  26. He's such a butt head!

  27. Thanks Lola:) I don't listen to his music (I liked No Air back in the day, though. That's all I know about Chris Brown music wise. That he lisps)

  28. wow guess those anger management classes were a waste

  29. I fucking hate that guy.

  30. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Guys, if you really want him to go away, then ignore him and his mediocre shit music.

  31. well over a year he likely spends hundreds of thousands of dollars, you go into a nightclub in nowheresville and the VIP service is minimum $4000 you act like the big man in the club and you are picking up the tab for all of VIP and maybe the club

    TMZ showed Drake going into a strip club with 50,000 dollars in a box and just throwing all the money around the club, like it was raining money

    1. Oh yes @Tina, the Drake 50K thing happened here in Charlotte last weekend at the illustrious Daisy Dooks gentle men's club (located in the high rent district next to the airport).

      They had some last on the news (who apparently lives under a rock) who paid $1,800 for a table at the club (for the Drake event) and was extremely angry after they refused to refund her money.

      This was all last weekend during the CIAA tourney.

  32. I heard his big complaint was that he was only at the event for 30minutes. As if that makes any difference to the valet! Parking the car and retrieving the car is the same effort whether it's 10m apart or 3 hrs. Besides, if sensically challenged d$ckhead was not staying long, he could have told the valet tht and to keep the car close- adding. Big fat f$cking tip afterwards for the special accommodation of not having to wait longer for the retrieval. What a tool, mercilessly taunting and bullying a valet for trying to do his job. He was probably worried about getting fired for NOT charging! Or that it'd come out his paycheck, if he so chose to not charge the customers. Any which way you look at it, Chris is a cunt.

  33. This isn't a Black or White thing; this is an asshole thing, and Reese is 100% right--anyone who mistreats service workers is outing themselves as an asshole. (I'm sorry no particular names are coming to mind, but I know I've heard plenty of stories about white people behaving every bit as badly in this regard, and they're also assholes.)

    @bobbi: Good for you! It's always good to hear when some bully is getting called on their crap by someone they can't push around!

  34. He is such a douche I almost can't believe he's real.

  35. PS if Rihanna wants to be with a beater, then I feel empathy she has such low self-esteem and understanding of true love. But, if she chooses to stay with and support someone who treats hardworking people like garbage and bullies underdogs and underlings, threatening violence and demeaning them, well then I have nothing but disgust for her.

  36. You are all ON FIRE here! HAHAHA!

    Who's going to leave the other half of the cow on his doorstep?

  37. $10!!! Over ten fucking dollars! What a little bitch. Good luck with that baby talk rhianna, people with tempers like this are great with kids. Sounds like father material right there.

  38. Umm,hmm..this isn't at all about race.

    It's all about being a self entitled delusional little douche bitch who thinks people should be grateful to be near him! I loathe people who shit on others who can't help their status. His true character is showing again. Opps!

  39. Anonymous9:19 AM

    douches keep on douchin

  40. @urban chaos, jc on a mobile is referring to jc not on a mobile who is an ardent defender of Chris Brown, the poor black guy constantly beaten up by whitefolks.

    1. Izzie, you mean the female Caucasian that is doing research?

    2. The female just doing research who also happens to hate all vanilla note perfumes?

    3. Hold up. What?! You gotta spill Agent.

  41. Okay, who's going to defend him? Let's hear it!

  42. Oh I know all about jc(not on a mobile) Izzy, I suppose my sarcasm was lost via typing..;)
    it was more a general..ummm, hmm..sure because we know the inevitable will occur and the race card will be thrown down. It's just a matter of when.

  43. Ah, gotcha, sorry. I'm off coffee for a while, so my cognitive functioning is at the bottom of a cup of Fogchaser... :)

  44. This is the problem with enablers (and there's someone on the fringe of my life who's also huge on enablers - I kicked them to the curb because I refuse to make excuses for them). They won't stand up to this douche, won't tell him that he's acting like a douche, and keep makng excuses for him (side eye at Rhianna). And people wonder why he keeps getting away with this shit?

  45. @Izzie, as in San Fran Coffee Company's Fogchaser?

    Take a pint of blood from me and you'll find some. :) It's THAT good.

  46. the best part is CB's friends saying "we got the $10 don't worry about it."

    Even your friends are embarrassed by your bullshit.

  47. Agree also with Reeses...I actually had a boyfriend get very snotty with someone at Needless Markup and it totally changed my mind about him.

    This lil bitch though needs to disappear and have no one go looking for him. What a douche.

  48. I on't know this clown for anything other than his unacceptable antics. Not for music, film or whatever it is that he does.

  49. I'm always naively shocked when wealthy people try to stiff average joes/josephines out of money. All I can say is 5 years from now I hope Chris Brown gets in huge trouble with the IRS, goes flat broke and has to work for this valet attendant some day. Karma is a b*tch, Chris Brown, JUST LIKE YOU!!

  50. And people ask why we don't "get over" his beating Rihanna. Well, this would be why. He continues to demonstrate violent tendencies. What really scares me is that Rihanna might actually have a kid with him. It's one thing for her to stay with him, but bringing an innocent child into this is not okay.

  51. Reading the comments it seems to me that @curious has gotten what he wanted. He hasn't even commented yet, and everyone is mentioning race.

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  53. I don't think I understand. How is Chris Brown not aware that there is a charge for valet parking?

  54. CanadianMiss, Curious isn't the only one to talk about race and Chris Brown, he's just craziest. It is a valid point to question whether white folk are more likely to be forgiven their indiscretions. I just don't think it's the case with CB.

  55. Who the fuck still respects this punk asshole for anything?? Our society is going further down the toilet everytime a shitass like this gets away with being a jerk. He's running a close second to Michael Vick for being a worthless pig.

  56. Soo he didn't end up paying the valet?

    I still wouldn't like him even if he didn't beat up Ri. Everything he does reeks of dick. Mouthbreather.

  57. I think we should start a petition on the white house website. "Do not let celebrities off the hook"

  58. @Mooshki
    I totally get it about the racial issues regarding crime. I'm not talking about society as a whole, just CB in specific and @JC rants. I firmly believe that with CB it's all about entitlement and lack of consequences. I've seen it happen with my own brother many times (minus the physical violence) His whole life he's been hand fed excuses for his behaviour by our mother, and now he's come to believe them.
    I was just pointing out that the "troll" doesn't even have to be here to start things going in a nasty direction.

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  60. Ok Rihanna, go ahead and have a baby with him. I'm sure that will fix everything.

  61. A couple of things.

    I think it was here that a blind was posted about "someone" in his native state of Virginia going into a store, throwing clothing on the floor and walking out when he was finished without buying a thing. Most folks guessed it was this jerk.

    Second people like this poor excuse for a man never pick on people "their own size". They pick on store clerks and a guy trying to feed his family working maybe a second gig - or like someone said 100lb females.

    I have no sympathy or respect for Rihanna. All I have to say to her is tick...tick...tick....

  62. I wish that twerp would try that shit in my neighborhood so I could watch him get stomped into the pavement. Only a weak-ass poseur starts shit with people every day. I'd love to see how he acts without that fake-ass crew of wannabes.

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  64. God I hate this punk.

  65. I am so shocked this happened. I'm sure it was a huge misunderstanding since Chris is such a nice guy.

  66. "...and the award for Biggest Douche in a non-conventional Douche scenario goes to....

    Chris Brown!"

  67. Someone taze his sorry ass. Please.
