Saturday, March 30, 2013

Chris Brown & Rihanna Have Split

The reunion didn't last long. Chris Brown told a radio station here in LA that he is single and is not longer dating Rihanna. Two days earlier he told a different radio station that things were going great. I hope they did split because when I see Rihanna with Chris I just say to myself that one day when she is least expecting it, what happened before will happen again and she will be lucky to live.


  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I just find it so difficult to understand what it is about Chris Brown that women...any woman...can be attracted to?

      Link NSFW unless they are ok with douchbag dong.

      Young, rich, def a shower, and an anger management problem that makes all reasonable adults concerned? Isn't that like young woman kryptonite? Totally was mine, ppssibly violent rebel without a cause oooooh baby!

    2. Not me!!!! Who wants to get hit??

    3. @bangbang-I would tell his big rich showing bad-ass to take a seat bc he is fug.

  2. Nah, I hope they still are together. Trash deserves trash. Her dying by his hands would be like a NASCAR driver dying in a crash. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

    1. Agree it pissess me off how people give her a free pass when she was just as abusive with him as she was with her, trust me i was a LA club one night n they were both there got into a fight n she scratch the shit out if his face bcs he was throwing rolls of cash at the waitress.

  3. Start a pool on when they'll announce they've gotten back together. Rihanna's basically at Chris Brown's beckoned call.

    1. That would be "beck and call"

    2. I got into an argument with the partner the other day about this. Can you ever grammar nazi someone without being a condescending asshole? I say yes because you are trying to help someone better themselves partner says never ever. Ever.

    3. I agree! No reason to be a jerk about it, but I will say something if it is way off base. I guess it's all in how it is offered -- unfortunately this platform doesn't allow for much nuance.

    4. I dont like grammar nazi's, its like really? I like my misspelled words it like myself flaws n all and to take time to write a post just correct someone does make one an asshole imediatetly no matter how well intented. IMO

  4. Its no fun when its allowed. They like the drama of it all. I know too many people like that.

  5. I hope she doesn't die one day, but I agree: trash deserves trash. She's no angel and she seems like she has a short fuse herself. Almost like she's trying to do the stand by your man bit ala whitney houston and bobby brown.

  6. Anyone heard from her? She could be lying dead in a ditch from his hands and the breakup is his alibi.

  7. They're young, I'm dealing with that now with a loved one in a similar situation. You can't say anything cause they'll do the opposite to try and price you wrong, you just pray common sense prevails before something bad happens. That being said, I wish"enty" would be equal with their assessments. If Lane Garrison gets back with the woman he was charged with assaulting twice, I hope he has stronger words for that write-up.

  8. Is this forecast a celeb death day? First Lindsay, then Justin, now Rhianna. If I didn't know better, I'd swear someone secretly hopes all three die sooner rather than later.

  9. @phoenix -- If you don't have LILO and Rihanna in your death pool, you have a losing team. Sad but true. Justin, IMHO, is the next Danny Bonaduce. Emphasis on the Douche-e.

  10. @ correy...I agree! I was went through the exact same crap when I was in my early 20's minus the violence...the girl was poison but I couldn't be told any different.

  11. Wonder if Rihanna got the memo regarding their breakup.

  12. Whitney and Bobbbay 2.0. They will get back together soon.

  13. I had an awful boyfriend too, my mother HATED him, so of course I LOOOVEDDD him, but he never hit me. I would've beat his butt. He had this red trans-am, with an awesome firebird on the hood, and t-tops. Damn, I miss that car. *sighs*

  14. Rihanna isn't trash she's just a young damaged girl like so many others out here. She redeems herself in a lot of ways through her interaction with her fans. You guys should check out some of the stories her fans have written about her, very touching.

    1. Yeah that 7/7 tour with her fans on that plane proves this *rolls eyes*

      Fans don't mean shit. 60% of her twitter followers are fake. Wonder how many of those "testimonials" are too

    2. Hi Jay-Z! Hows Beyoutch?

  15. @Seachica, yeah.. it's the chronic substance abuse and they just don't see it.

  16. Jas - how much do you get paid to troll for Rihanna? Seriously, do you expect us to take you seriously when you haven't posted here before, and you don't provide any links to back up your assertion?

  17. Anonymous10:47 AM

    She was already lucky to live. As most of you know, I just left an abusive marriage. Went back to a wonderful ex, who I should have married, and am happy as a clam! For those of you still in any kind of abusive relationship,physical, mental, verbal, emotional, painful, whatever it is. You deserve better, and there is better for you out there, if you only believe you can, once you realise nothings going to change, you're running on a hampster wheel, being treated a way that you don't deserve, it will always be "your" fault, just stop the bullsh#$ and the nonsense, and run away, as fast as you can! Make your move, get away, drop off the key Lee, and get yourself free! Just hop on the bus Gus, make a new plan Stan, don't have to be coy Roy, just set yourself free. Excuse my Paul Simon moment. If you'll be my bodyguard, I can be your long lost pal. I can call you Betty, and Betty, ok I'll stop, sorry guys.

  18. Anonymous10:47 AM

    just had to lighten the Rihanna abuse thread a little there.

  19. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I second Seachica's comment re: Jas

  20. You win this round, Karrueche Tran

  21. Maybe he already did it again and learned from last time not to leave bruises where they can be seen. Would explain the breakup.

  22. There was supposed to be a heart with my comment. LOL. <3

  23. @Anna, I'm so glad to hear you're still doing well & keeping on keeping on! You can call me Betty anytime, Al! :)

  24. I'm curious. How can the same people who seen to wish death on these people send warm thoughts and wishes for others going through a traumatic situation? I ask because there are certain ones who illicit vile responses, then turn around and pray long lives on others not knowing their behind the scenes behavior. I just don't get it. sigh

    1. People have different opinions and judge situations by different circumstances. What I don't get is all the "I don't gets". You have a different opinion. Why are we pretending to be confused? You get it. You just don't like it. Nothing wrong with that.

      In my opinion, celebrities who have money and the resources to get help do incite anger.

    2. These people are paid millions to take it. We aren't. Nor do we feel entitled. If they can't take it then get the fuck out of the spotlight.

    3. I understand that, I hate the hypocritical tones going on here. If she had stayed away from him, did drugs, would many of you approve of her & her lifestyle? As far as getting her life together, don't you think there are more ppl around her taking about how edgy she is than the ones who want her to have a long & healthy life? They're not paid to"take it", she's paid to preform. The behavior & her actions lately (look at how her label treated her during tht-even promoting the knockoff instead of her cd)are more about rebelling against an image the label created.

  25. You just aren't going to let this situation die are you? Rhetorical question. We all know the answer. Just because people do things that you don't believe in does not equate them to trash either. The hate that some of you have for people you don't know or will never meet is astounding. It's also an absolute waste of your time since I'm pretty certain they DGAF.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Agree with fifth sentence. The crap said and hate spewed at friends of mind on here astounds me sometimes. But yet the same people can be so kind. Makes me wonder...

  26. @correy - It's not that we wish death on these people. As for sending warm thoughts to anybody going through a trauma, that's mainly because the trauma happened through no fault of their own. Rhianna received sympathy the world over when she was beat up, because it was through really no fault of hers. Over the past year or so she chose to get back with Chris and then she was all, "fuck y'all - I'ma do what I want." She chose to put herself back in that situation. Nobody is making shitheads like Lindsay or Bieber act the way they are except them themselves. I have some sympathy for Amanda Bynes because nobody knows what is going on there, and she's not really causing any danger to anybody else. Justin's going to ram somebody over with his Ferrari ANY day now and possibly kill them. You just watch. Lindsay almost slashed a woman's face by slinging glasses over a balcony not long ago. I'm sorry, but It's really difficult for me to feel any sympathy for those two.

    1. JBE, all I'm saying is that some of the posters cash be hypocritical. As far as the incident, I didn't feel that way. I felt that she was a contributor. I don't condone violence, but you cannot provoke someone like him & not expect a reaction (not a cb fan). I didn't like how she used it to promote her projects, but I don't hate her. All I'm saying is if sometime you know is in this type of situation irl & continues to stay, they will take their anger & frustration out on Rihanna, just like the serial cheater will get told off via a Tiger Woods post. I'm saying there's nothing wrong with being personally vested in their lives but the response for then being kids & making childish decisions is what gets me. As I said before, the main they're still together is to prove us wrong, like a child to its parents. If you ignore them they'll break up because no one cares.

  27. They are not broken up. Don't believe the hype.

  28. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Lol sugar

  29. Rihanna is trash, those fans at that school the other day must have really appreciated her showing up 4 hours late to do a 15min performance. She revels in the attention she receives from the press and fans about their relationship, it's all a game to her. I have no respect for either of them and I never will.

  30. +1 JBE: Thanks for saying what I was thinking, but couldn't put my thoughts into words.

  31. I'm afraid they will be back again, if this is true. H
    is huge meat hose is like Hamelin's flute to her, and she loves manhood with all her soul.
    Hopefully, all the beatings will be in the S/M practices that she loves and she will survive until her death of overdose.

  32. Didn't Enty post who she's seeing now a few days ago? I could swear I read something about it, but I can't remember what.

    @correy, "wishing death" is usually hyberbole, and also, we don't really know these people. It's a lot different to wish death on someone who is "real." Celebs are mostly a public construct, even though we and they sometimes forget that fact.

    1. @Mooshki, I only bring it up because there are many lurkers on this site, a few who may not be wrapped too tight. I know, we need to keep it in mind.

  33. I feel bad for Amanda Bynes too. She seems to be mostly alone. No friends or family to support her. I feel really bad for mentally ill people surrounded by apathy or indifference.

  34. @Mooshki-She's pegging a comedian, not named. Popular guess-Dane Cook.

  35. Anonymous4:30 PM

    She should really focus on her career. SMH

  36. I'm with Hollywood, dont believe they have broken up at all. Maybe she will kick his ass for saying so.

  37. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I can't with these

  38. Not dating...because they probably got married.

  39. Rhiannas interaction with fans? Poster above said Rhianna is known for her awesome interaction with fans? You mean like the school children who won her silly contest and were kept waiting three hours? Or the ones she passes wearing see through shirts and no bra? Or when she wears "fuck" on her clothing and flips people off. I don't blame celebs for flipping off photogs one bit, but Rihanna is well known to be rude, crass and tacky, and I have never heard a genuine account of her being philanthropic with fans / kids. Still, she is a beautiful girl with a gorgeous voicemail and I wish her help and self esteem and good people, as she apparently has none. Sad.

  40. (p.s. dam autocorrect doesn't know when to quit! Voice! Not voicemail!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. "They're young (...)"

    I strongly dislike when people use that as an excuse. As long as you're not a kid (or a teen, for that matter), it's not an excuse for bad or reckless behaviour. I'm young as well, that does not, however, make me antisocial, irrational or reckless - nor does it make me stupid. Being stupid makes someone stupid.

    There are a lot of explanations and reasons, and even a few excuses, for Rihanna's behaviour. That said, her being young (and a young adult, at that), is certainly not one of them.



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