Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Breaking Bad Script Stolen From Bryan Cranston

Would you like to know what happens on the final season of Breaking Bad? You are not the only one, but plans are underway to prevent that from happening. On March 1, Bryan Cranston reported a theft. Someone broke into his car and took a bag. One of the things in the bag was a script from Breaking Bad. Police have caught the suspect, but have not recovered the script. That means big pieces of the final season are out there.  The man who was caught was done so because he bragged to friends about it and also said he had read the script. The creator and producers are losing their s**t at the thought of it getting out to the public.


  1. I like the person who wrote on twitter "what if walt gets put into witness protection and that's how malcolm in the middle starts.." Or something along those lines

    1. LOL, that would be awesome, like "Newhart" Bob waking up in his "The Bob Newhart Show" bed with Suzanne Pleshette.

  2. This is very very bad and I hope they find it. The writers must be shitting themselves.

  3. The Ultimate Spoiler.

  4. @rcb, that's hilarious!

  5. Well I guess I'm going to avoid all Breaking Bad news from now on. I don't want spoilers!!

  6. RCB - that would explain a lot about Malcolm and his brothers. Hmmm....

    Love this idea!

  7. This is pretty much the definition of a "first world problem." For pity's sake.

  8. rcb---That idea would be GENIUS! And of course, Lois would be exactly the kind of dame to TAME the former bad guy....hahah....like his punishment, having to always behave.
    And those boys! Hilarious!

  9. First off...what a dumb @ss for bragging to all his friends. They apparently threw him under the bus, because he was busted.

    Second...there is no second. The kids was just a dumb @ss.

  10. I saw the original tweet on buzzfeed but my phone hates buzzfeed so I can't look up who actually tweeted that mind blowing fact re: BB

  11. ot: fund raising for Ben's mom continues until March 31


    1. Good news @Agent- I get paid on friday :)

  12. Ugh!! I dont want to know!!!!!!! Also will avoid breaking bad news!!

  13. Haha @rcb, that would be awesome.

    @crila, exactly.

    Holy last minute script changes, Batman!

  14. It is a TV show. Who gives s shit?

  15. who cares, people'll still watch

  16. It should end with him being paid to walk into a restaurant and shoot Tony Soprano. Cut to black.

  17. Or he'll wake up in a church and see all his friends and family there and they'll walk off into the light and ruin 6 YEARS OF MY LIFE!

    Yes, i'm still bitter over Lost.

    1. Ha! Biggest cop-out ending ever.

      Btw- just caught the series ender for Weeds last week. Now Im watching the whole series again. Great show.

    2. Me too! Still can't believe they did that!


  19. We're so behind on BB that this doesn't matter anymore. For some reason we could never get the show because of some issue with Direct TV. I need to buy the whole series for the Opster because he LOVED this show to pieces.

  20. Does this really matter? I mean, I get that they want to surprise people with the ending or whatever but honestly, knowing spoilers never really ruins my enjoyment of a show or a movie. I still like to see how they get there!

  21. I will lose my shit if I hear any BB ending spoilers.

  22. I'll bet Walt is Laura Palmer's real killer.

  23. The script and iPad have been found and the guy was arrested.

  24. "The script and iPad have been found and the guy was arrested. "

    Doesn't matter if he's read it and told a shit ton of people about it. Cat's out of the bag.

  25. RCB - That IS hilarious! I'd pit Lois against the Mexican drug cartel any day of the week.

    I recently started watching the series on Netflix but haven't been watching the past week because my b/f is here and also I badly needed a break from it. It's dark and watching it in marathon sessions was messing with my head.

  26. Anonymous12:17 PM

    those ideas are hilarious!

    even tho i shed a tear durin lost finale im still mad at that shit too

  27. Rcb - I truly am sorry about Lost lol .. I refused to watch that show for years then an old bf got me in to it right before season six - I watched five seasons in five weeks - it was like a roller coaster ride .. Then season six happened and it was like the roller coaster crashed. I was bitterly disappointed but I only lost a few months. I can't imagine losing YEARS.

  28. Sorry but this show jumped the shark a few years ago. I will probably watch the last season though and hope he and Jesse get what they deserve- bullets in the head. Murderous drug dealers. The wife just needs some prison time but won't shed a tear if she has the same fate as her scumbag husband. I don't want to hear from any idiots that they really aren't bad people and they only killed other drugdealers. Oh - the best you can say is he produced really great meth- a wonderful drug.

  29. This is one show I just can't get into. I wish I could but I just can't. Just like with The Simpsons.

  30. @Popnursing - I left Weeds around the middle of the 3rd season (moved, kids, life, yadda-yadda) and I'm catching up on Netflix. Just got to the epi where Andy had to go into boot camp. The kids are on spring break so I can't watch while I work but wow, I forgot how amazing the writing was. The second season annoyed me b/c there wasn't as much Nancy/Celia interaction ("BE MY FRIEND!") but I'm hoping 3rd season picks it back up. Celia a first-class b*, love her.

    We stopped with Lost around the end of Season 3, I think that was when they started the shark jumping. They kept saying, no it's not purgatory, it's not a dream and, oh look. Really expected more from Bad Robot.

    @Erik, I couldn't get into Breaking Bad either, don't know why. There are some shows that just don't "click." Damages was another one that didn't click for me.

  31. Hopefully the media and internet sites just shut down all talk of it.when they hear spoilers from anyone who has it or read it. As a bb fan I don't want to know.
