Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bolshoi Ballet Is An Escort Service

A former ballerina from the Bolshoi ballet says that many of the more attractive dancers were pimped out by the company to wealthy businessmen who sponsored the ballet. Anastasia Volochkova left the ballet in 2003 and says that the dancers were forced to go to parties with the guys who were supporting the ballet with their wallets and were expected to sleep with any men that showed an interest in them. If you did not go along with the program you were fired or demoted. She said that when she stopped sleeping with a billionaire, she was fired for apparently being too fat.


  1. What's up with all the jacked up eyebrows?

  2. You should read this article:

    She may not be a very reliable source.

  3. for a minute I though she was lindsay lohan :P

    As much as this pains me it doesnt surprise me at all :P.
    The bolshoi ballet is amazing, I went to see it once when they came to Madrid on tour and they are beyond

  4. @FSP - you beat me too it. Those brows are mesmorizing!

  5. I think she used one of those stencil kits.

  6. Stupid question warning! Those eyebrows... She has no real eyebrow hair?? My eyebrows are really thinning and I'm getting worried. I don't want to have to paint flat eyebrows on to my face!!! She looks scary like that!

  7. I'm so tired of reading about the fucking patriarchal bullshit day in and day out I could scream. This is why women need to be running things. The old farts have had a few thousand years and have royally screwed things up and made life miserable for anyone who isn't a white male. I'm not saying women wouldn't do a little bit of this stuff, but as an example, Heidi Fleiss never forced her escorts into anything and they were well paid and taken care of as far as benefits, etc. Men need to step aside - they've done quite enough, thank you.

  8. MadLyb for president! You got my vote in 2016 (Y)

    And those eyebrows are amazical! We should all be so lucky to have such a high brow. Haha. Get it?

  9. MadLyb for President! You go girl!

  10. All I notice on people are their brows. I can't stop looking at hers. I want to draw them.

  11. @Ashley thanks for the article! Anastasia does seem to be a piece of work, and the bolshoi a huge highschool

  12. See, you've already got two votes!

    I think sister might be really used to seeing herself in stage makeup, and feel uncomfortable as a normal. My take on the brows.

  13. I thought that was lindsay as well.

  14. Shout it, MadLyb!!! Oh, and vote 3! =)

  15. Thanks Ashley, I'll have to read that after MIL leaves. No Rush quotes yet, so no comments from me re: dookie bubbles. I sure hope she doesn't let me down!!

  16. I worked on that case as it relates to USA based Modeling Agencies run by the Russian mob (NYC).

    MadLyb ,from a registered Independent Voter. I once worked as a volunteer press agent for Gerry Studds. My Mom was a volunteer for JFK Jr. and was in Hyannis Port the night he was elected. You run, I'll do old fashioned coffee klatches in So.Fla and add to it a 'grass roots run' web interface...

  17. I like her lipstick

    1. I have a lipstick that looks just like that...MAC in Snob. However, I stopped wearing it because it would tend to make my teeth look yellow since I'm very fair skinned. (*runs off to find lipstick*)

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  19. Wait a second, this is news? If I'm not mistaken, in historical times, ballet was used extensively as a way to show the athleticism of prostitutes.

    “The connection between prostitution and ballet is true-to-life and born out of the 19th century ballet movement where the reality for young ballerinas coming from working-class families caused them to work and dance and sometimes be taken advantage of physically and financially.”

    From the Encyclopedia of prostitution and sex work.

    So why is it surprising this still happens?

  20. Hey lay off the brows guys! Tweeting and waxing and aging over time makes brows eventually hairless.... She looks like a waxer lol.

    @portlandjewel - you can buy keratin growing formulas for eyelashes but use it on your brows.,. Price indicates quality. I bought some and it's awesome, I am Asian so I have crappy brows...

    1. Hold on. There is keratin treatment for eyelashes?! I have minuscule lashes, so need this. Where can I get it? Does it work? Is it permanent, or am I signing up for a lifetime of maintenance?

  21. Yeah, on her not being a reliable resource. Lots of intrigue there. Very Russian.

  22. I believe they do make more convincing eyebrow colors than that!

    Ashley: Interesting story!

    I wouldn't doubt that part of what she says could be true. Don't doubt it at all.

  23. Another vote for MadLyb here!!

  24. Didn't nobody force these women to do anything,you always have options.
    Paula Kelly turned Clinton down although no one believed her. Posing for Penthouse didn't help her cred either, nice titties ,btw.

    I'm sure Heidi sweet talk those females but came with the muscle if those girls tried to shortchange her or steal her clientele.
    Funny, Fliess was on Stern and said she willfully became a prison bitch to some butch lesbian in order to get protection from other women who wanted to hurt her

  25. I read that New Yorker article too...very interesting.

  26. Could this be the answer to the blind that everyone thought was the Pussycat Dolls? How in the HELL were we ever gonna guess this one? There’s been a lot of sneaky reveals lately…

  27. Sounds just like Vegas and showgirls to me.

  28. "Hello, I would like to have the plastic surgery that makes me look like present day Lindsay Lohan, please and thank you".

  29. Madlyb 4 prez!

    Isn't this the same ballet company where the artistic director was attacked with acid by the principle male dancer? Because he wasn't getting as many leads?

    Professional ballet is like the freakin' mob.

  30. I just spent 5 min studying that picture and trying to decide if it was Lilo or not.

  31. Who in their right mind stops sleeping with a billionaire?! LOL

  32. Another vote for Madlyb - and I'll even go to a fundraiser!

  33. She does resemble a fresher Lilo in a way. And yes, I could see this happening. Anywhere money, power and politics meet there's bound to be some sinister shit going down.

  34. Just curious -- it's not so easy to turn someone down when it will cost you your career, and you don't have other skills.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. In fact she is very scandalous and known in Russia. She likes going to Maldives and posting topless pictures on Twitter from the beaches of the islands. She was fired from Bolshoy because they could not find her a partner. She sued them, but lost the case. If you look at her figure, she does looks like a bodybuilder. She may look like LiLo to you, but in her defence, I will say she is 37 and not 26

  36. yeah madlib, build a company, become a whealty billionaire and let all these women work for you.

    not that such behaviour must be approved in general, but most of them have choices. if you got to dance with bolshoi, you are really, really good. every ensemble would like to have some of them.

    some of them want to get there intentionally to land one of them.

    and on the other side of the coin, if you are starving and eat grass like north corean have to do, you would dream of a little bit better, not even so far that it would be a billionaire.

    spoken from a warm, dry place with a full cup of cocoa in your hand.

  37. The thing that sound suspicious to me in this story is that she said that when she left the Bolshoy she was talking to the girls and the other girls told her this shit is happening. It's like every other dancer did it, but she didn't. She is really not respected and not a reliable source of information. It's not like her allegations could not be true to some extent, but I really doubt that Bolshoy is just big brothel.

  38. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Good Lord, I thought it was a story about a real doll girlfriend. Did anyone see the simpson's episode where homer invents a make up gun? this also reminded me of that.

  39. corea is where korea was, but they ate the l part of the K. looked like grass to them. or maybe it was a typo. :-) choose one...

  40. well, there's Chick Corea, the Co$ jazz pianist...

  41. They have trashy looking people in Russia too? Probably wears vanilla scented perfume ;)

    1. Isn't that a case of pot calling the kettle Black Cat there love. I seem to recall a beady eyed bird with no eyebrows

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  43. This is a surprise to people? Is it any different than Disney or Nick??

  44. She probably read Lainey about the Chinese Film Industry and it being nothing more than pimps for their biggest stars, but the stars are FORCED to do it.

  45. A girl that goes to my daughters high school plucks her eyebrows so that the inner edge starts almost centered over her pupils. Why, why?!? Well, I know why bec I saw a pic of her w her mom, who does the same. Hopefully someone will one day take her aside and tell her what's what.
