Saturday, March 16, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

June 14, 2012

This A list R&B singer is famous for his birthday parties. Not famous publicly so much, but famous for how much he likes the attention. At a recent birthday celebration, our singer held it at a big venue and there were lots and lots of celebrities.

Within this main event, there would be a private party also being held in a separate VIP room for our singer. The staff working the party were told that he would mingle for a short period of time in the main event and work his way to his private party which was supposedly a surprise. Our singer's people told management at the venue that they only wanted females, and they had to be attractive to be providing service to the singer.

The staff were told to not talk to him, do not ask for any autographs, speak only when spoken to - stay out of his way because he can be an a-hole and make sure everyone has what they need before they have to ask for it.

When the singer arrives, he sees his cake - doesn't even bother to feign interest. He has a very tight crew of men around him that are fawning all over him and touching him and he is loving every minute of this attention. They want him bad, and he knows it.

They all end up sitting together on a couch, and they are all about him. He completely ignores all of the other people in the room, they have his attention. All of it. None of the other guests, not the people bringing drinks or food. Just the guys around him.



  1. he seems gross and swarmy anyway

  2. Well there have been rumors for years, finally someone confirming it

  3. You will blow me before cake or hot tub!

  4. Thanks for Bieber, tool.

  5. LMAO! I concur ABlake.

  6. I've always considered him a d-bag; even in the early days.

  7. I mean, look at this guy's ex wife! She was the more masculine one in that relationship.

  8. Woah, didn't we all think this was either Kanye or Diddy?

    1. Those two swing both ways as well. MANY of them do!!

  9. Were Justina Fetus and Chrissy two of the "men?"

  10. I have NEVER found him attractive in any way and his appeal always seemed to be tied into his success.

  11. And this is why karinne steffans has never been sued. She's trashy for sure but when she told the story about usher having gay sex with some dude right in front of her and the sec tape of tameka strapping on and no one gets sued? Please.

  12. I think it was the Hollywood Street King who outed Usher.

  13. Usher has been outed for a long time

  14. Yeah I think everyone did guess Kanye and Diddy. But if he was fixated on the guys why did he request all the women in the VIP room? And again, thanks asshole for the Lesbeaver.

  15. He looks like he likes the attention doesnt give f whether is coming from men or women. Attention whore.

  16. Usher has been gay since the stone ages...I know a few people in the music industry that say it is common knowledge among music biz people that he prefers men! I have a few stories about Will Smith and those dark seedy secret swinging parties he had years ago until people started bringing in phones and taking pictures. His people would call up all the modeling agencies they knew had discreet fellas and ladies (for Jada).

  17. Wow. I thought this was Diddy.

  18. Yes usher is gay! My friend was approached to be one of his "boys"!!!

  19. I love these blinds and reveals because they make me so happy I don't have fame like that. Sooooo screwed up! Now, more money on the other hand......

  20. Interesting!! Great reveal!!

  21. I should have known...Usher is way too gorgeous to be straight. ;-)

  22. he is such a skum..i hope the rumor about tom cruise schmoozing him into CO$ is true...god he deserves to be in that cult...

    and not a surprise that bieber is turning himself into a lil asshole as well!!! he is being mentored by usher, gross.

  23. I refuse to believe it. I like Usher. I've always liked the fact that he dates average women instead of these glamazons. Besides he may be confident enough in himself and his sexuality to not care if some of his friends are gay. Plus he might have been tired/bored.

  24. Isn't he Bieber's benefactor or something? In any case, he can do whatever he wants, as long as it's legal...

    1. Eep! This totally puts the Bieber thing in context. Gross.

  25. Well,this surprised me...Didnt expect Usher to be gay. Or is he bisexual?

  26. I'm gonna say it..


    Maybe this is why the Beibs is going off the rails?!

  27. Maybe he is bi and so what if he is. People get offended when others make racial comments or homophobic comments about everyday people but when they hear that a celeb is bi they say crap like ewww or gross. Why is it gross that Usher likes both men and women if you believe that this is actually true?

  28. Maybe he is bi and so what if he is. People get offended when others make racial comments or homophobic comments about everyday people but when they hear that a celeb is bi they say crap like ewww or gross. Why is it gross that Usher likes both men and women if you believe that this is actually true?

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Pathetic aint it

  29. This makes me wonder if he's the one who likes the really long dongs in his butt that a girl was buying in a sex shop.

  30. He always looked like a turtle without a shell to me. Huhn.

  31. I knew he was gay the minute he married that old hag and made her have his kids ..he should have just gone the Ricky Martin route

  32. @Katie 11:00 Totally agree. Another thing I have heard is about Diddy and Usher allegedly getting close at a nightclub 'secret room'. Someone saw Diddy performing oral sex on Usher few years ago. Disturbing rumor is Diddy had relations going all the way back when Usher was under-age. Obviously hope that shit ain't true but who knows with these industry heathens.

  33. Anonymous7:53 PM

    God so many homophobic ass holes ( heh) on this thread.

  34. Anonymous7:56 PM

    I forgot all gays are paedos! Of course. How stupid of me. Some ppl on here need to get out of their small town brain washed religious uneducated minds for a second.

  35. I really don't care what anyone says.... I just saw him at SXSW last night and he is an amazing performer. His lifestyle is just that - his.

  36. I'm disappointed it's Usher, I was sure it was gonna be diddy whatshisnamethisweek. Usher was good to his ex when her child passed, so no matter what he does with his sex life, I'm thinking he's an ok guy to be good to his ex and his and her kids.

  37. I think all of the he's scum and gross comments are about the way he behaved, not about him being gay. He wouldn't let people speak to him unless spoken to, ignored the cake, ignored the people at the party and loved that men were fawning all over him like a prince. Based on past threads I don't think the posters here are 'grossed out' by people being gay. They are grossed out by Usher bringing Beiber into the world and acting like a douche.

    However, if I am wrong and some are grossed out by him possibly being gay then I'm wrong. That is ridiculous.

  38. Uhhhh....Yeah...continuing his bitter, vindictive custody battle(that he won) and kicking her out the house was treating her real nice. I don't care if he is gay, straight, or bi. The dude is a shitty human being. Stories like these r only shocking to ppl w/o a brain. So many times these celebrities show us exactly who they really are only for it to be ignored/excused/defended by a bunch of dip shits. Dipshits who aren't smart enough to realize a celebrity making "good" music doesn't equate to them being a good person.

    Didn't the shady judge who gave him full custody step down from the case? Wouldn't that make her ruling void anyway?
