Sunday, March 31, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

September 14, 2012

#3 - This actress left the show rather abruptly because her soon to be A list movie actor boyfriend who is now a B- made her leave because he wanted her to be there when he needed her. Her life went downhill from there.

Amy Locane & Brendan Fraser


  1. Cautionary tale ladies never give up your career and independence for a man. You end up getting drunk and murdering someone with your car.

    1. Preach! I barely remembered who she was, seeing this. Well, him too, now. Karma.

  2. This was from a Melrose Place themed Four for Friday

  3. What show? Meleise Place? Her IMDB says she was 'evicted' from that show cause she was so young or something.

  4. I didn't even know these two were together. Did Amy get sentenced for that murder (vehicular homicide, right?)? I forget - she'll always be the Cry Baby betty in my mind.

  5. Ok. First: Melrose. There is no second...

  6. Yeah, well his life ain't so hot these days now.

    Karma beeyotcheees!!

  7. They were in School Ties together which was filmed in '91. I guess this was when she was on MP.

  8. I have no idea who she is, and he sounds like an insecure ass.

    1. I dont know. In this case he just wanted sexual access whenever he was in the mood.

  9. Wait I'm confused .. Is this saying Brenden Fraisure is soon to be A list? I'm seriously missing something .. Namely coffee at this point.

    1. @Alicia Yes, Brendan is the soon to be A list. The blind is circa 1992. It was a vintage Melrose-themed blind day :)

    2. Ahaaaa .. I'm slow these days .. no caffeine, smokes or drinks and my mind goes " a durrrr "

  10. I like branden frazer . :(

  11. @Alicia - I was wondering the same thing. it makes it hard to understand the other blinds if Brendan Fraser is a "Soon to be A List Actor" as of 2012...whaaaa?

  12. The years confused me because Fraser is now broke and nearly homeless.

  13. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I think he means when she left her show (MP) he was soon to be A list. In 2012 he was B-. Now he is C. Fast fall.

  14. I don't think Brendan fraser is even B- now, is he?

  15. Fraser was so hot back in the day. ~sigh~

    Not so much anymore...

  16. Who knows, but he's in tons of stuff this year. He had nothing for a couple of years and this year seems full.

  17. The mummy was on last night.

  18. Excellent cautionary tale for Casper the Mr Jennifer Lopez. Run away boy. It all ends badly for you.

  19. I read somewhere(DM?) that Brendan wife is getting $900,000 a year in child support! Holy shit. He is trying to get it reduced.

  20. Lol for Brendan Fraser?

  21. @Vera, I know.... he was hotness. :/ Sounds like the Karma Hounds had fun with him.

  22. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Here here Mayor Timebob! Cautionary tale indeed. Independence is priceless.

  23. If Locane left MP because Fraser asked her to she was foolish and he was a dick (or possibly jealous of her success).

    Fraser's not a bad actor but he wasn't very selective when it came to roles (Encino Man, George of the Jungle, etc.) If you check IMDB he looks pretty busy; he's got something like five projects in post production and four more in pre-production.

  24. Sounds like a lot but it's alimony n child support and his net worth is allegedly 30 or 40M. Supposedly this is what she walked away with.

  25. Blaming an ex from THAT long ago (she has since had other relationships, children etc.) for her self destructive behaviour and recent reckless living is BS. She cannot be getting her money's worth with her therapist if she truly isn't taking responsibility for her own life at this age.

    1. I think this was merely pointing to the point when whatever behavior, decisions, etc, made became the downfall of her career, not the causation of every future bad decision. You dig?

  26. Thanks VIP for explaining that cause Im so stuffed it has affected my brain.

  27. Fraser asking her to leave Melrose is a possibility. At the time, Melrose was in it's first season and not doing very well in the ratings, so she either left voluntarily, or she was let go so they could bring Heather Locklear in. I'm leaning towards Locane being let go, and probably rewriting history later saying she left on her own because her BF asked her.

  28. How many actors do you know who were able to leave network shows after a few episodes because they didn't like it? Doesn't happen. TV actors have long contracts (now seven, then probably five) that are notoriously hard to get out of - remember Jessica Biel posing naked for Gear in the hope 7th Heaven would fire her? Amy was sacked so the show could be re-tooled and to make way for Heather Locklear.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I thought George of the Jungle was hilarious and it was a big hit. Most actors are jerks, unfortunately. But the biggest tragedy here is the death of the young man that this woman hit. She could have told her stupid boyfriend to fuck off and respect her career too. I don't quite buy the "poor her" angle. He may have been a jerk but that was years ago, and she had plenty of chances to make better choices since then.

  31. Just because he asked does not mean she had to comply. The victim/villain schtick is getting old. She is a sane adult that could have simply said no. When will people start being responsible for their own choices? Society is so fucked up, everyone is always looking for someone to blame for their fuck ups. I don't get the BF hate. I like Silver Shadow.

  32. Man, I used to love Brendan Fraser, especially during School Ties and With Honors (loved Joe Pesci in that movie too). Brendan was very good looking back then and a pretty decent actor. What happened???

  33. Fraser was also good in Blast From the Past with Sissy Spacek, Christopher Walken and Alicia Silverstone. Very enjoyable movie.

  34. Amy Locane lives in NJ and huge huge court case was going on - she killed a person while drunk and on pills. She's in jail now.
