Saturday, March 16, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

November 20, 2012

This B list actor has a severe anger problem and also controls every second of the life of this B- list actress who is his significant other and has A list name recognition. Two days ago they got into a huge fight witnessed by their neighbors while they were in the driveway of their home. They were supposed to go out and evidently she said something to irritate him and he told her to get her as* out of the car and back in the house and she was lucky they had to go somewhere the next day or he would beat the crap out of her. She got out of the car and kept looking behind her at him while she went into the house like he was going to attack her.

Diane Lane & Josh Brolin


  1. Anonymous10:45 AM


  2. so glad Diane finally got away from this piece of scum. Don't look back girl.

  3. Glad she got out. Took her long enough

  4. Hooray for Diane leaving this scum.

  5. I really hope this is false, because if it isn't, that means she raised her daughter around this putz.

    1. I honestly, 100% believe this. I have some low level contacts in Hollywood, and they haaaate him. Say that he is a nasty, nasty piece of work, & that while they've never seen it first hand, makeup people have said they've had to cover a few bruised in odd places on Diane. :( I've lived that life, and I wish JB, Sean P, etc, got the Mel Gibson treatment, and I've heard also, that he talks ugly when angry, but no one has ever seen any evidence of it, that he's just a mean drunk. Time to call 'em all out!

  6. Didn't we KNOW this one?

    I forgot to say 'hi' to you CdaN Saturday folk. I'm never here weekends!


  7. Hey Libby! Welcome to Saturday posts.

    Yeah, we guessed it was this jerk. No woman deserves that sort of treatment. Glad she got away.

    1. Sher and lib- hes a tool alright. But she annoyed me by giving endless interviews about how wonderful he was. Ugh.

  8. Damn, glad she's away from other news, Hi Libby, the Pit is in da hoooooouuuussse. :-D

  9. Cee Kay got it but at first (and I remember reading it and thinking the same) everyone assumed BAG and Megan, which is also a shame. Only because we could see him doing this to her. I'm glad Diane is away from this dirt bag.

  10. Aw, hi y'all. I usually read weekend posts on Monday---IU basketball on today though, so my BF doesn't expect me to talk to him too much. lol.


  11. Hey Libby! Put on your Dancing Shoes bc weekend CDaN can be full on cray.

    Good for you Diane!! And good riddance to the fucktard! Wishing you much happiness and blessings in your new life.

  12. I always see names I don't know on weekends....
    Hi Dia! I know you!!!

  13. I would pay money to see someone, preferably famous, twice his size, beat the crap out him, posted on YouTube

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      @B626: on a related note: Laila Ali was on Fashion Police this week and called out Christ Brown saying she would kick his ass. It was delightful.

    2. @b626, thanks for being harsh. @emp, did she say anything about Josh? No?

    3. I'd pay to see her whup his ass

    4. Anonymous3:02 PM

      @correy: no she didn't, one asshole at a time, apparently. She can't be single-handedly fixing all the problems. Perhaps she can begin a female celebrity justice league of sorts, her, the Williams sisters, they could just go around whupping on all the slime balls so that no one has to feel left out.

    5. Then maybe she shouldn't have said anything. Some people will do or say anything for publicity. She'd better be careful of people will start looking into her legendary father's past & find things that would tarnish his image & legacy.

    6. Anonymous7:27 PM

      @correy: well I'll be sure to let her know at our weekly tea parties that you're onto her and her dad and their dastardly ways?

    7. A young Ali would've called out whitefolks for their treatment of Brown just like he did with VIetnam. Ali was the most hated Black man in America at one point.

    8. Female celebrity justice league??

      Alec Baldwin is known to have a violatile temper, I doubt Tina Fey says anything spiteful towards him.

      Christian Bale,Sean Penn and Alec are known to manhandle women,Lalia Ali wouldn't be in the room by herself with these guys.

    9. Anonymous10:05 PM

      @just curious: really? We're going to play "who would win in a fight? YES! I love this game!!! I would argue that a 5'10 woman, who is an undefeated trained fighter in her mid thirties would beat the hell out of 60-some year old Sean Penn who has spent his life abusing his body. Same w Baldwin. Bale might hold his own for a while, but I still think the training would trump fury.

    10. It's not about training,it's about intimidation.
      I remember when Sean penn would get into fights with the paparazzi. Some men will hit a woman just as quickly as they would a man. They practice little restraint regardless of gender. There's a cripple mofo who shot his girlfriend to death and may get off with it.

    11. As someone said earlier, calling out Chris is one thing,how come no one ever calls out Charlie???

      What woman would step to Charlie for his woman beating or will you ask to take a picture or hang with him instead??

      Christian bale comes across as very intense in person. He looks like the non patronizing type when it comes to females. He won't stand for that whining and crying from women. If a woman can hold her own

    12. Anonymous5:25 AM

      @just curious: exactly, it's about intimidation, not actually being a physically large or strong person. Everyone knows the ragey guy that gets his ass kicked all over the place because he relies on intimidation. When someone who actually knows what's up steps up to him they usually can wreck his world because he's in a blind rage and that's a bad way to fight. There's a big difference between taking a swing at a photographer (although they are, arguably the tougher type of artist, right next to sculptor ;) and coming to a fight with someone who is trained, ready and willing to lay your sorry self out on the ground. And that's why a woman who knows how to handle herself and is slightly larger than the average man (who is 5'9" in the US IIRC) could wail on most of those men listed above. Also: those guys are upper middle aged actors, not exactly a terrifying bunch.

  14. I want to intentionally date this pig so the moment he first puts his hands on me, it will be his last! Good for her but sucks for the next pathetic woman who dates him and stays after getting hit around a few times.

  15. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Hi Libby!! I am still out of my abusive situation, thank God. I'm glad that Diane finally got out. Can anyone tell me though, why are her pupils always so dilated? I pay attention to that kind of stuff, it's a good way to spot drug abuse, small is downers, big is uppers. Maybe she has some kind of eye condition? Just wondered. Not that I'd blame her if she was using some kind of chemicals to deal with that asshat beating her. It's never your fault if someone's yelling at you and or hitting you, it's their fault. Took me a little while to realise. Those of us with low self esteem tend to believe that we deserve the yelling, that they're right, we do have terrible flaws that enrages them, but it's all a lie. No one deserves to be abused. In any way.

    1. AnnaNom
      It makes my heart so happy to hear that you are still put of your abusive sitch. Please stay safe. You are worth it!

    2. AnnaNon, I'm so happy for you and your new freedom! It's hard to get free so now that you are I hope you never look back.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. @ Anna Nonymous : she was hit in the face by a tennis ball, causing permanent dilation of one of her pupils.

  18. My God, that's awful - poor woman. So glad she was strong enough to get out.

    Wonder if Babs and his dad know about his abuse??

  19. Since just curious isn't here to say I'll ask where's the outrage? Oh yeah, he's not Chris Brown. Not an apologist but can't stand the hypocrisy.

    1. I won't watch anything with this asshat in it. The best thing Dianne did was leave but it would of been great if she had of filed charges & had the piece of crap locked up. There are comments wishing he would get beat up etc, how is this not outrage?

    2. Sarah, read the comments here & on postings for people like Lane Garrison, then compare them to the ones for Chris. The vitriol towards him is sad, while comments towards the others are tempered in one way or another. There's also the tendency to justify certain behavior, equally condemn with the same choice & tone of words or don't do it at all. That's what turns me off this site: seems like enty uses certain people like red meat to get desired comments. Example: talk about Lil Wayne & include baby momma, but don't do it towards someone like Mick Jagger, who has more kids & mommas. It's getting old.

  20. That is terrible. Glad she's out.

  21. It's interesting that Enty used significant other to describe Diane. A lot of times people comment on blinds and eliminate married couples when they don't say spouse. In my mind she's also higher than B- since she had an Oscar nom.
    I'm glad she's away from him. It look a long time.

  22. I'm SO glad sh finally got out!

  23. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Diane can handle herself just fine. She's from new York City, where people are very direct and passionate. A big fight means an important fight, not necessarily abuse. Just pull up a chair and watch as long as one gets hurt. It's how things are done in Manhattan quite a bit.

    To the extent Diane lets others do her chores, they might "control" her, but she's her own woman. Any relationship decision she makes is informed, and measured.

    Items like this make me lose respect for the blinds becuase I actually know one of the people involved this time. Went to school with her for three years and crossed paths over holiday dinners. Not exactly a meet-and-greet.

  24. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I mean as long as NO ONE gets hurt.

  25. I'm so glad she's out of that relationship now.

  26. He was doing this to her BEFORE they got married and I'm pretty sure they separated for awhile and then ended up getting back together again. I'm glad she finally said enough is enough and got away from him.

  27. In Spain, if you are a male and insult your female significant other, you can go to jail for 48 hours without a trial, 72 hours if you are arrested on a friday (before weekend, when judges "rest") and this BI makes me think that you can beat the crap out of a woman if you are in the US.

    Too many preposterous against-racism (some racial insult in the middle of a quarrel is way more important than a beating according to US laws, and things like that) legislation and none about couple abuse there, I suppose.

  28. Good for her leaving that cunt.

  29. Good for her! Now she can get back her life and work. I think he has one of those charming Dr. Jekyll and horrible Mr. Hyde personalities especially when he drinks. He probably was on and off the wagon a lot when they were together and she thought he would get better or she could fix him. I believe she truly loved him, which just makes it so much sadder for her.

  30. SOOOO glad for her that she's finally away from him!

    Now she and Zoe Saldana need to become a gorgeous lesbian couple. :-D

  31. correy - I think there would be more outrage if there were photos (as in Rhianna's case). When people can SEE the abuse, I think there a stronger reaction. Not to mention evidence - with DL, we are just taking Enty's and gossips word for it, so maybe there is hesitation, not knowing the extent of the abuse, etc. (even tho we all know ANY abuse is wrong).

    1. Broilin was arrested for battery of Diane in 2004, Diane called 911.
      Brolin is one of the Usual Suspects that folks ignore with Chris Brown's name appears.

  32. The other Goonies hated him.

  33. Brolin's stepmother is Streisand. You think josh learn how to handle women from his father,James?
    Wonder if James gets physical with barbs at times?

  34. What a stand up guy, this woman has fame money and looks why would she put up with this soooooo long

  35. I could see Babs kicking James' ass if he pulled that shit. Not all abusers learn from their father or mother. Brolin is an adult who chose to be a piece of shit by continually beating on his wife. I really hope her child did not witness any of this.

    @it took forever, Rhianna also has fame, money, and looks. It is the cycle of abuse. They believe they see the the true persons personality, the "good" in them. Their self esteem is next to nothing, they go back, things are fine, and then another beating occurs.

    These asshats need to be sent away on their own private island to beat the shit out of each other.

  36. I hope everyone finds out, & he quits getting hired. What a dirty asshole.

  37. I wonder too if father knocks around babs. Father and son both ping my abusive motherboard. Ugh. And why diane stayed with him is beyond me, and always raving about how great he was. How cld she do that to her daughter? I just dont get it.

  38. I find it hard to feel sympathy for Diane Lane. From what I know about her history, she just lives for drama. Well, she found it in spades and stuck around WAY too long to indicate that she has the slightest self-respect whatsoever. So yeah, glad she's out of an abusive situation and all but clearly she was up for it at the time.

  39. I can't believe Christopher Lambert let his daughter around that mess. Highlander should have taken Brolin out sword style.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Stop defending CB and people will stop heaping coals on his head so fervently. He's an abuser, just like Brolin, but no one's jumping in here to say that because Diane said Josh is so awesome, so we're all jumping to conclusions and should totally forgive him.

    A douche is a douche, a beater is a beater.

    1. No one defends Brown's actions,it's the way Blacks are held to a higher moral standard than their White counterparts by Whites in general.

    2. Blacks are not held to a higher moral standard. That is absurd.

  42. STFU about Chris Brown already, seriously. Let's just let him, the K-Klan, and Justin Bieber take a break for awhile.

  43. As far as I can recall, most people here on CDaN have always thought Brolin is a piece of shit, and every time he or Diane are brought up, we've talked about how she needed to get the hell away from him. I don't recall anyone ever saying he should get a pass.

    1. Not true. Folks go hard on Brown more than they do the Usual Suspects.
      Saying DIane should leave Brolin is totally different than wishing death on Brown or hoping he gets violated in prison

      Just compare comments of Brown's posts to the Suspects...totally one-sided.
      But that's White folks for ya'

  44. Bale also consider Streisand his stepmother,consider his issues with females and her being a feminist,makes you wonder what went wrong?? She must be a shitty maternal figure.

  45. wth with this race issue, where is that coming from? no,nobody gets a pass or more or less trash talking. not here, no they don't. on this board, equal hate on abusers.

  46. There's always elements of racism when whitefolks are involved.
    I heard some chick say why can't they select a FEMALE pope...I'm thinking the same reason you'll never see a BLACK queen of England or a BLACK heir to the Throne.
    That's whitefolks patting themselves on the back. You hear white girls complain about the glass ceiling and old men BUT they don't complain when those old white men put them on pedestals (Kate Middleton,Danica,etc)

    1. Anonymous6:37 AM

      That's why institutional racism and sexism are in some ways even more insidious than blatant racism and sexism- bc it's so subtle people don't even recognize its happening.

      People are still extra hard on The Difficult Brown bc he's a spoiled brat. I've never heard Brolin whining about how people won't forgive him for beating up his wife or throwing a tantrum on good morning america. Insanely, I do think that makes the difference in the severity of tone towards the two, although everyone on here as far as I can remember has hated Brolin as well

  47. I heard some chick say why can't they select a FEMALE pope...I'm thinking the same reason you'll never see a BLACK queen of England or a BLACK heir to the Throne.

    Someone's been in the sizzurp.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Just wanted to add another thought-please, please dont judge other women on how they handle their abusive situations! Until you've walked in their particular shoes, (and we can't, everyone's situation is different), then you cannot know what their life is like. As far as Chris Brown goes, I have always called out the Charlie's, James Brown's, Sean P's, Josh B's, with the same level of loathing. An abuser is an abuser is an abuser, no one asks for it, and they all are pieces of sh*t.

  49. Just curious: no lack of outrage for any of these assholes. I don't wish Chris Brown dead. I do wish all of these guys would man up. A real man does not think he can solve things by beating the crap out of people. I am also outraged at the media people who continue to support these jerks, they should stop hiring them. As for my part, I don't do anything that will financially support Chris Brown, Mel Gibson, Roman Polanski, etc. Racism is making an assumption about somebody based on the color of their skin. So I guess it's not unique to "white folks".....
