Sunday, March 31, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

September 14, 2012

The issues that this former A list tweener thinks she is having with her B- list movie actor boyfriend probably have to do with a certain person he met on the set of his last movie and also the fact that the former A list tweener keeps questioning him about it non-stop to the point where he is ready to split. He has already checked out emotionally and says he is only in it for the sex and that he gets a threesome for his birthday.

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth


  1. I think he got a threesome for a fair number of his unbirthdays too

    1. Reminds me of the DM story of Olivia Wilde taking Jason S to a strip club to celebrate their engagement. Huh??? Red flag.

    2. Oh Wendy. Wendy Wendy. Different strokes. Not everyone fits into your strict boxes. Lots of couples do things like enjoy G clubs together.

      But you wrote on Friday that all of us commenters here are too dumb to understand why do you bother with us then?

    3. Wendy Davis 5:21 PM
      Don't waste your time on a site like this. The dummies here aren't capable of high minded thinking like this.

    4. Didn't I say that in defense of the commentor that people were ganging up on? I welcome challenges to my thinking, but don't value people who only dislike me or disagree with me because it hurts their feelings or ego.

    5. Rex, nice try but don't even bother. As I recall everyone stated their opinion and ignored the one dissenting opinion but she felt the need to make this overriding opinion of us all.

    6. I know Sherry. I just can't with the bigotry this week.
      Deep breaths.

  2. Miley! Dump that pretty twat!

    ( I ne'er thought in a million years I'd be a Miley lover.. What has the world come to? )

  3. Who's the costar?

  4. Poor kid, first love its always hardest.

  5. Again i say, they are young, this is typical behavoir- except for 3 somes- so just break uo, no harm no foul.

  6. Yes yes... But who is the person he met on the set of the last movie? I've got nothing... Please save me?
    I have a toothache and I need to know!
    (Boy these drugs are good!!)

  7. He was in some movie called "love and honor" with an aussie actress Teresa Palmer. She looks pretty hot. Has a release date of March 2013.Could be her.

  8. Ah!! Isn't Teresa Palmer the girl who was in Warm Bodies with Nicholas Hoult when he broke up with Jenn Lawrence?

  9. Well, duh! I think we all knew who this was. We're more interested to know the other person. :)

  10. Miley, you are too young to marry this guy anyway. You have tons of money, and you will find someone else.

  11. I thought it was JLaw?

  12. I think this one was pretty easy, I don't understand why they keep holding on to the relationship, they're both young, attractive people who can find other people.

  13. Young couple with hearts for eyes. Miley can go on to have a lot of fun and live her life. Liam can fade into obscurity.

    1. Really? Even though he is on his way to a decent film career and hasn't made even half of the taboo and careerI mistakes as /iley?

    2. "Taboo" and "career mistakes?" Please enlighten. I'm hoping for something good besides, "tattoos, weed, & side boob." Because it's 2013, not 1983, these are called "career enhancers" now. Plus, being 20.

    3. Don't feed the troll

  14. I can see how spending a few months working closely with Theresa Palmer might put a strain on your relationship. What is it with every young beautiful/hot actress being from Australia lately? Off the top of my head:

    Theresa Palmer
    Emily Browning
    Emilie de Ravin
    Rose Byrne
    Abbie Cornish
    Mia Wasikowska

    Then there are the original wave:
    Nicole Kidman
    Cate Blanchett
    Naomi Watts

    1. Australia does turn out some gorgeous women but I thought the original was Olivia Newton John.

  15. Yeah, this one we all guessed right away as well...and the Selene Gomez look alike for the threesome

  16. I sort of feel bad for her. I think she was very into him, and I like her for some reason.

  17. I think everyone guessed Miley and Liam pretty easily, the question is who is the other actress?

  18. January Jonesis the other actress I assumed

  19. He didn't do a movie with January J, though - although it's possible she was on the set for a different reason (maybe dating someone from the movie?) when they met.

    @Wendy, you are the company you keep, dear.

  20. Miley sounds like an insecure and possessive girlfriend. Liam does seem more mature than her.

    1. Anonymous8:48 PM

      Wait, so staying with your fiancee only for sex and a threesome is mature? Wow. Thank you for opening my eyes.

  21. Hey Izzie! Glorious day! ITA ^^

    These two should split and enjoy their twenties. Go play and experience life for awhile!

  22. @dia, oh my goodness, isn't it? Yay for sunshine and blue skies in the City of Roses! I think Portland does spring like New Hampshire does fall. :)

  23. Anonymous2:33 PM

    this was the popular guess

  24. He may have landed Hunger Games, but he's not a good actor and has A LOT less charisma than his older bro, which is saying a lot.

  25. I recall people thinking the other actress was JLaw back when this came out, particularly in light of the Hunger Games blind, but I can't see her bothering with Liam, at least not for more than a one-time thing.

  26. I personally don't think these two have enough brain cells between them to rub together to start a fire. They make a perfect couple. I just hope they don't have any idiot mulett-weilding children.

  27. A threesome, grosser than gross!

    1. Don't knock it til you've tried it! LOL. I understand it's not most people's cuppa but for others ....C'est la vie.

    2. Who was it that said the other day that threesomes would be too much work for them? That cracked me up, so true (for me, anyway). Who's on first? Where are my socks?

  28. Happy Easter CDANers!

    Stop selling yourself short, Miley. If Liam did the nasty with January Jones, no threesome is going to keep him around. Dump his ass already!

  29. I am not sure what the rush was to be engaged. At their age they were better off going out for a while.

  30. Ok all I was bored and did a little digging here to find out who the little lady was.. and it looks like I found a little gem here called Empire state which is still in post production however it was shooting in 2012 a couple months before this blind with none other than miss Emma Watson!! Bingo! I believe it was Emma Watson who was the other woman.. any co-signers?

  31. Well that would explain other blinds that were suggested Emma. Verrrry interesting Amy!

  32. Speaking of, did Enty ever reveal or is ever going to reveal the Hunger Games blind? I'm so curious to see which guesses were correct.

  33. Emma isnt listed in the 'Empire State' cast credits nor is she listed in any of the movies Liam has worked on in the past year. So I dont think its her in this particular case. Plus the lainey blind made no mention of Emma reciprocating Liam's flirting or them leaving together. I think Liam just decided to have a go at Emma and made it too obvious to on-lookers and when he didnt get what he wanted from Emma (maybe he did, who knows?) then he settled for January Jones.

  34. Thats what i get for researching late at night well it is emma roberts in empire state i googled and they did have rumors of possible flirtation on set maybe it is her? Anywho the timeline is correct

  35. Thats what i get for researching late at night well it is emma roberts in empire state i googled and they did have rumors of possible flirtation on set maybe it is her? Anywho the timeline is correct

  36. Its Amber Heard during the filming of Paranoia. The hotel concierge at the hotel in Philly they were staying at had the dubious honor of keeping Miley out while the were doing it.
