Sunday, March 10, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 9, 2012

To get the nose job or not get the nose job. This B list television actress on a very hit network show has met with a plastic surgeon twice in the past month and is deciding whether to get a nose job. She knows what happened to Jennifer Grey, but she also thinks her nose is holding her back from getting movie roles.

Lea Michele


  1. We all knew this one, but don't do it girl!

  2. There's nothing wrong with her nose. It's her PERSONALITY that's holding her back.

  3. This trick is a good singer, but I truly hate her voice. It's like nails down a blackboard for me. Her acting has the same effect.

  4. I remember reading an article where she claimed she would never get a nose job because it would change who she is or something equally hilarious.

    1. Exactly, she always used to talk about the girls from her high school getting nose jobs and basically shat on them for it.

      I totally support nose jobs if you've got a shnoz like Blossom, but it's too risky to get one just to fix an imperfection. It can change your whole face and not for the better.

  5. Well I can't wait til she gets a super obvious nose job & either totally denies Ashley Simpson style, or pulls the old "deviated septum" excuse.

    1. From my days working w/ a few celebs, I can tell you definitively that "deviated septum" surgery is also code for, "I've snorted the nose off my face" surgery. So many have holes the size of your pinkie up in there. And...that's just their noses. I'd hate to see scans of their coke damaged hearts.

  6. Anonymous10:24 AM

    We did all know this one. This is going to be wildly unpopular, but I think she should do it. Just go for the minimal nosejob, so many many many celeb women have had. Blake Lively, Gisele Bundchen, Halle Berry, Beyonce, Natalie Portman, Kate Beckinsale, have all had teeny, tiny, slight, invisible nosejobs, not the original hackjobs from back in the day that Kris Jenner, The Gabor sisters, and the Jackson's all got.

    1. Isn't some of the fear related to singing? I know that was an actual Glee storyline, but I imagine its true in real life. Especially since her family/she come from Broadway roots. Once Glee is done she'll have to head back there unless her attitude gets better

  7. Anonymous10:24 AM

    But yes, it is her personality that's holding her back. Not the nose.

  8. Anonymous10:24 AM

    When you mess w your face, you're asking for trouble.

  9. @Lotta The article I read she compared her nose problems with that of Barbra Streisand - it would change her voice and she didn't want to do that.

    I agree with Christopher Cruz, its not her nose, its her personality. That Diva attitude is what keeps her from movie roles.

    I love her voice, she is by far the better singer on Glee but her bitchiness makes her loathsome.

  10. @hothotheat- maybe that's what she said, IDR it that well but I do remember she emphasized that she was proud to have proved all the agents who told her she wasn't pretty wrong.

  11. here's to the deviated septum. maybe she should watch steve martin's take on cyrano. and then she would realize it isnt about her nose, it is about her personality

  12. anytime I think of Lea I think of the New Years press junket she did with Ashton and was basically salivating over him and he could of cared less.

    Agree with everybody, it's not the nose it's the asshole attached to it.

  13. Meh, she's a harmless bitch.

  14. @anna - Halle may not have the 80's nose per se, but it is completely different than her pageant days.

  15. This trick reminds me of an ex co-worker who blathered on and on to me about how her husband's friends' were always going on about how she was the only good-looking one among her friends. Looked just like her, with a similar glint of delusion in the eye as well.

  16. This girl creeps me out on so many different levels! As a lot of you have already said, No girl it's not your nose - it's your entiteled vapid snotty little brat personality! Gosh..!

  17. "It would change my voice and heaven knows the world can't live without the glory of my voice."


    She has talent, but the diva attitude overpowers it. She needs to take a page from her TV mom on how to do fame.

  18. I have to say, when I see her L'Oreal commercials, and her face is in closeups, I cringe. I understand the shampoo ones, she has beautiful hair. But makeup, yuck.

  19. Agree she could do a less noticable one like Jolie. Isn't that even what doctors call the subtle ones?

  20. @parissucks YES! It also grinds my gears when she says "because you are TOTALLY worth it". Makes me wanna tie her to a chair and slingshot a pile of crap at her.

    1. Hahahahaha! "Grinds my gears".

  21. I feel like the majority of nose jobs end up making people like WORSE. If I were here, I'd leave well enough alone. She's cute and she does have nice hair. She just needs to tone down the attitude. Although the real life Rachel Berry seems to have done OK for herself (AnnE).

  22. HA! I was going to say EXACTLY what Christopher Cruz said. (Except with "attitude" instead of "personality." Same diff.) GMTA.

  23. There are no guarantees in cosmetic surgery. That is especially true when it comes to nose jobs. The first one Tisdale had done was horrible. Angelina's first one also had to be fixed.

    She needs to change herself, but that requires so much more work. Can't buy acting skills and a positive outlook.

  24. Frankly she would be prettier with a significant (non subtle) nose job.

    There I said it.

  25. Not her nose, not her personality, it's her voice. She sucks. She ain't no Streisand. The black girl on "Glee", I'm sorry that I don't remember her name, is a hell of a better singer. It makes the storylines ludicrous.

  26. Since some of you mentioned she had a L'Oreal commercial out I just had to youtube it.. (I live in Europe and we don't always have the same models/commercials it seems?) And O M F G that was just complete cringe from beginning to end!! Guuurl, that face is not easy on the eyes in closeups. I can't find the words, I just can't.. UGH!!

  27. I work at a magazine and we shot her once. An assistant on the shoot said she spoke in third person...which would have been TOTES AMAZE if she was funny or, I dunno, some sort of Seinfeld character, but it just cemented her rep as a total douchebag.

  28. I don't watch Glee and I DVR most shows and I tend to FF during commercials so I just watched the L'Oreal commercial on YouTube and OMG YES, she should totally have the nose job!!

    Kate Hudson
    Natalie Portman
    Kelly Rowland
    Blake Lively
    Gwyneth Paltrow
    Jlow (typo deliberate)
    Angelina Jolie

    have all had really good nose jobs although the latter two have denied ever having plastic surgery. *eye roll*

  29. Oh, and the Olsen twins! They looked like little frogs before they had their eye lid and nose surgery in their teens. Their plastic surgeon did a fabulous job. Hats off to him/her.

  30. Izzie is going to start talking about herself in the third person because that cracks her up.


  31. @Kloie, Agree, but the more radical the nose job, the more likely to leave the person feeling worse (or lost, like Ashlee Simpson).

    But as others have pointed out, many nowadays get very subtle changes that seem to just have positive effects (though it wouldn't be enough without the singing, acting, and personality work).

  32. NO...her annoying, over-dramatic acting is what prevents her from getting work. She's a stage actress, not a screen actress. It's most definitely not her looks. She's actually really cute...just not someone I want to watch onscreen.

  33. "...she spoke in third person..." That is hysterical!!!

    I think she's right, I think her nose is holding her back. That's the way the bizness works.

  34. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I'm glad to see many posters in agreement that it's her attitude holding her back, not her nose. It doesn't help a bit that she plays a diva on Glee, but it's the reports from people who have worked with her that are the most damaging. She needs some pretty serious lessons in humility and how not to come across as pushy in the worst way. Otherwise her career is going to go nowhere after Glee ends, and she'll always wonder why. Streisand could get away with it in the days before Twitter and the Internet, as many reports of Babs' truly horrendous diva behavior didn't come out until decades later. Now, of course, the world knows about a performer's off-putting and potentially career-damaging behavior within hours.



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