Sunday, March 31, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

September 5, 2012

This female celebrity on Dancing With The Stars has been hitting on a dancer from day one. He keeps turning her down. She asked him why and he said it was because she was not famous enough or make enough money for him to be interested.

Bristol Palin and Maksim


  1. I totally guessed this one at the time. Go me!

  2. Give Bristol credit, she gets an A for trying. But to be a fly on the wall when this happened; it had to have been hilarious.

  3. Way to let that heffa down easy, Maks!!

  4. I don't especially care for her, but yeah, that must have hurt. Hopefully she'll start figuring out a better way to make a living and lead her life, because desperately scrambling to stay famous isn't working. As for Maksim, what's the term for a male gold digger? Gigolo? *shakes head*

    On a far cheerier note, I think I've discovered the Official CDAN Sport: Turkish Oil Wrestling!

    I can think of several fellows I'd love to see doing this... ;-)

    1. @Robin the photographer, Oh MY! That is some handsomeness. You know this is the PG version of the victory celebration. ;)

  5. Gotta give it to Maksim for this one!

  6. Even Maskim has standards... good job.

  7. I guess her chin implant didn't bring all the boys to the yard

  8. Both of them - just .. Ew ..

  9. Oh Lets celebrate the gold digging manwhore Maskim for slamming the famewhore legacy Palin!! Both are disgusting.

    1. Yes! He verbally abuses everyone (maybe even physically) regardless of their personality, sex or politics unless they can be used to benefit him somehow.

    2. Cosign this! She's just a naive, not bright, famewhore. He's a nasty and abusive famewhore. I say we quit seeing/hearing from either, again. Yay!!!

  10. Hahaha i hate tht bitch.

  11. Hilarious, I am so missing him this season.

  12. Isn't she a born again virgin? Does anyone remember all that PSA crap she did about abstinence until marriage after she had her kid?

  13. HaHaHa I guessed this one the first time around. Good for Maskim. He's a sleaze but not sleazy enough to stoop to stoop down low enough be with a Palin.

    1. He would have had he considered her useful. Nothing else mattered. But this type of story plays out a thousand times each day in LaLa Land.

  14. Ha ha ha ha.

    Go back to Wasilla.

  15. Lol! They're both trash.

  16. Which would have been better: him doing it this way or if he had screwed her ONE time just to use her and let her know she was a notch on a headboard and nothing more.

  17. Yeah I don't care for her either, but that is still a dick move. I don't watch the show and I only hear bad things about him. Why do people like him? Actually wondering.

    1. Mistang: while I personally don't give a crap, women like him bc he's easy on the eyes, sexy, outspoken, and talented at his chosen profession. That's what mom's bridge club has told me, anyway, and it sounds logical.

      Bristol is the human equivalent of a band making Christian music to cash in. The people buying what she's selling are idiots. She doesn't practice any if what she preaches.

    2. @rex - YEP, all of that.

      I never watched that reality she had (has?) but did see the clip where her three year has a tantrum and calls his aunt a faggot, and then she and the aunt giggle about it while fake-disciplining him.

    3. I completely forgot about that Izzie!


    4. How many typos in that post? YIKES!! *reality show and *three year old

      Yes, that was pretty horrible! I remember reading at the time that someone had said something rude about her mom (Sarah Palin) and she responded with, "Why would you say that? Are you a homosexual?" Apparently, only gay people don't feel the Palin love. The guy was a jerk, sure, but being a jerk doesn't equal being gay - except in their world, apparently.

  18. At least he's not pretending to be something else while she tried to convince us she was a born again virgin who would abstain until marriage

  19. They hired a Palin to fill a celebrity role? That's pathetic. I watched Game Change last week. After Dan Quayle you think they would have learned not to select running mates based on youth & physical attractiveness. Not for that job at least.

  20. OMG! I can't stop laughing! Lol!

  21. Lol there are a million reasons besides lack of money and fame to go out with Bristol. Primary being Shea not attractive.

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  24. Weren't there rumors that she was involved with someone else on that show? And wasn't she really nasty to people involved with the show too?

    If that's the case, he may have been so crushing to give her a smack down from the entire team.

    Oh yeah, thanks Izzie for bringing that up.reminding me of that. It adds ANOTHER angle to him shutting her down hard. I'm sure working in the entertainment industry he has loads of gay friends, and if her 3 year old is saying crap like that TRUST me he gets it from someone close to him. I'm starting have definite warm feelings for this guy. Not enough to watch that show, though.

  25. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Gross, that guy is skeeze walking around in a meatsuit, had to look him up on google, but wish I hadn't.

  26. I adore Maks on DWTS. He is known for his brusque, outrageous manner. I also think he was obviously joking. Better to be rejected for lack of fame and money than ones less than attractive persona. On DWTS, Maks was the epitome of gorgeous manliness and physical perfection. . Bristol was a whiney, bloated, lazy blob with a terrible work ethic and horrible attitude. Bristol couldn't have been anywhere near his league in the girlfriend department. How clueless can you get.

  27. Maks has appeared to be borderline abusive to several of his former dance partners. I was wondering if this was the reason he isn't appearing on this season's DWTS.

  28. Maks can't mess with people that don't have 30k on them at all times.

  29. Why didn't he just go with "because you're Bristol Palin"?

  30. She should have stolen his briefcase of $$ when he wasn't looking.

    Seriously the Palins can go away anytime now. They epitomize low class and unintelligent.

  31. Late to the game, but: Don't forget DWTS had to revamp their computer programming for the online voting when it was revealed on message boards that her fans had figured out how they could each vote for her literally hundreds of times, which is why she ended up lasting as long as she did. "Teen Advocate" my ass!

  32. Game Change was on HBO this morning actually. I still can't get over how insane that whole situation was. "Mrs. Palin, do you know what the Fed is?" Hahahaha

  33. Well, at least he's not a hypocrite. There are worse reasons he could have stated for rejecting her. Maybe it was his way of being kind?

  34. And she was going out with Gino at the time. What a tramp.

  35. Crikey, the Palinutz will be after Maksnutz now!

  36. He's a pustule. No redeeming qualities whatsoever. Only a clod like him could make a Palin seem like a victim.
