Saturday, March 16, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

June 6, 2012

This actress was a solid B lister and for a time even considered an A lister. She had her own movie once or twice even though they were small. That is not how she is best known though. At her peak she made her living be the co-star and like many actresses she fell for her co-stars frequently and to her peril. There was never a time when she got involved with her co-stars that she was not used and thrown aside when the men were finished with her. Her most famous co-star is probably, reluctantly an A lister. He used to have sex with her in the morning and then go out and have sex with other people in the afternoon. There was one time she said that she is pretty sure he called while having sex with another woman, but she always took him back until he found someone more famous and he didn't want to come back. Another co-star who is more celebrity than actor she fell for didn't even pretend to have any feelings for our actress. He would put her down in front of her friends and would send her to the bedroom and tell her to wait while he hung out with his friends and he would go in and have sex and then just come right back out. If he was finished with her for the night he would send her home. She always came back though. Another co-star who actually did treat her right gave up because our actress lost interest to another B list actor who would yell at her and make her cry and she just could not get enough.

Brittany Murphy
Ashton Kutcher


  1. Sorry if I'm wrong, but wasn't this BI previously revealed?

  2. @Tru Leigh:
    i had the same idea

  3. So many people guessed this that I thought it had already been revealed.

  4. and who the third co-star?

  5. First time poster, long time lurker. I think similar shitty things about her life were revealed but not this exact story.

    Brittany thinking so little of herself makes me so sad. I wasn't a huge fan but she was so obviously troubled and it seems like every boyfriend used that rather than tried to help her.

  6. Mila, please read this, and find someone worthy.

  7. It WAS revealed. Last July, I think. Not complaining, I love the bonus reveals on weekends. Beats waiting for July and New Years :)

  8. So who are the other actors?

  9. I read Girl Interrupted years before it became a movie and loved it. She captured her character so well. She should of been Oscar nom'd and not Angelina's over the top, look at me performance.

    1. ITA timebob- she was amazing in that role.

  10. I think people guess right in the beginning with the guy that treated her well and gave up her co-star in little black book.

  11. Other actor could be Ron Livingston? They were costars in Little Black Book in 2004.

  12. Enty, you revealed this on New Years! WTH lol...

  13. How about Mickey Rourke for the actor who yelled at her? Movie was Sin City.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. should be more interesting which regular people here do not guess on blinds entlawyer reveals later.


  16. Yes, this WAS revealed, I think.

    But it WAS so obvious. Easy easy easy.

    Poor Brittany M.

    "Rollin' with my ho-o-mies...."

  17. Who was the nice actor?

  18. Eminem was the costar who did treat her right.
    Wilmer is the one who fucked her and left her.
    Ashton was the ass, like always

  19. @Katie
    Wilmer? I thought Eminem was the celebrity who dissed her in front of her friends?

  20. I'm hoping Eminem was the one that treated her right. But with rappers you never know. :(

  21. Enty seems off his game today. On Twitter he's reposting old bi's and forgetting he posted them.. LOL... He really must be hung over...
    As for Brittany... Such a sad life for this beautiful little gal. I wonder how her mother's doing and if she ever sold that house that Brittany and her husband died in.

  22. Unfortunately, Eminem is more celebrity than actor and I think he was more A list at the time of 8 mile, not B.

  23. Well, that's how this blind item was revealed years ago. Eminem was in love with Brittany and broke up with her when she paid for someithing with a black Amex in Ashton's name and she did it right in front of eminem and he saw it and flipped out.
    This was seriously a blind item revealed about 3 or 4 years ago.

  24. Is someone implying something?

    Imply. Or implode?

  25. @justme- Enty is off his game every day bc it is a new Enty that bought the website and effs up so much stuff. A few days ago, someone provided links about the same blind item that was revealed twice by "Enty" who two different answers. He/she has been sippin on that szzirrupppp

  26. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Timbob said it perfectly! Murphy's performance Girl Interrupted WAS brilliant, while Jolie was lip acting and glaring all over the place like a horny, crazy, landed fish. She acted like the poster girl for the disturbed, sexy, bad girl, mentally unbalanced rebel. So basically, she played herself.

    1. Same for Halle Berry in the movie she won an Oscar for. I certainly didn't think.she deserved that award either. She just acted her crazy self during the sex scene. It was odd to me.

    2. I agree! Monster's Ball was great because of Heath Ledger and Billy Bob Thornton. Halle Berry was too, too much.

  27. @Katie... thx for the heads up... and Yes, the new "ENTY" seems to be szzirruppping it up.....HEH...

  28. Poor lost soul Brittany. And her husband AND mother also treated her badly. God rest her soul.

  29. @Sherry Thank you!

  30. RIP Brittany....some of us truly loved you. :(

  31. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Eminem was the reluctant A-lister, he is almost a recluse and hardly ever does press if he doesn't have a new album. He is so reclusive it is hard to even find recent pictures of his family online.

    Ashton is the one who is more celebrity (Punk'd) than actor.

    1. Either way Eminem is most certainly a jerk with issues. When he was in town for a concert he freaked out violently when my sister looked at him trying to figure out if it was really him. He has emotional issues due to his white trash upbringing. Watch Funny People: he is playing himself in that movie. Ugly, pasty dirtbag.

  32. How sad...poor Brittany. I loved her as "Luanne" on King of the Hill. May she rest in peace.

    1. King of the Hill is one of my favorite shows ever, and I always felt like, perhaps, Brittany's only experience with being cared for may have been in her role as "Luanne."

  33. no eminem is the celebrity more than actor...hello he's a rapper and only done one movie! enty calls ashton a reluctant a-lister b/c enty hates ashton and doesn't like admitting he's a-list. it's listed in order as brittany, ashton & eminem. if it was supposed to be the other way around enty would've listed it as such.

  34. RIP lit up the screen and deserved so much better.

  35. Enty A needs to get together with Enty B and fire Enty C. GeezLouise!

    I hope y'all read Enty's twitter. He/she/it was asking what should be revealed for his /her/its 20k twitter follower. I can read it but I don't know how to tweet.So 20th century am I.

    1. @Agent I read it.something about a tweener.

  36. I think Eminem actually loved her and treated her well. I think the last actor not mentioned was Wimer V.

    As a side note, if you want to learn more about him his staff spills their guts here: Eminem Gossip

  37. My daughter and I watch 'Uptown Girls' with Brittney and Dakota all the time. She was a true light in this world. It makes me sad that she didn't think she was worthy of love that doesn't hurt.
    Brittney, rest in peace honey.

  38. Totally agree, she owned that role in Girl, Interrupted. So sad.

  39. I've thought for years that Eminem's extremely bitter song "Spend some time" (his parts, not 50s) were about Brittany. I've never had balls enough to ask him but the timing is right.

  40. @Just me- Brittany's mom died last year- think they finally figure that house had black mold problem which probably contributed to Brittany's death and her "husband"'s.

  41. Kim, do you know him? (you aren't THE Kim, are you?)

  42. What has Ashton done to deserve a A list ranking given other actors who are consider A- or B+ by Enty have far more recent film successes or do all this camera ads make him A list or being the ex of Demi. He hasn't done a decent film role yet. Oh yeah I forgot he is in Two and a Half Men. I have only watched snippets but sorry Ashton you are no Charlie Sheen at least in the comedic acting departement.

    If there was a God, man hos like Ashton should have their dicks fall off, in their prime, shocked it doesn't happnen more often

  43. This one was definitely revealed.

    Enty revealed it on Reveal Day by linking to it on Twitter.

  44. Brittany's mom died, too?

  45. I want to know who the normal guy was?

  46. i wanna say i read where eminem was into her, but that her dramatics and antics were so bad he had to cut her lose. If i remember right she was already addicted to pills at that point and would either fake being sick or stupid shit like that for attention and he just couldn't deal.

  47. Back in the day Eminem was asked who his worst hook-up was, and he replied "Brittany Murphy". He was not the one who treated her well.
