Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Blind Item #6

This former almost A list singer who never gets along with anyone is currently being investigated for laundering money for a cartel. Apparently when she travels to different countries, she is bringing large sums of money with her and then passes it along to another member of the cartel who entered the country on the same flights as our singer.


  1. Never gets along with anyone sounds like Diana Ross or some Diva like that.

    1. Miss Ross being almost A-list??? Former A-list,I can see.
      That Rubio chick or Shakira? Christina Millian?

  2. "former almost A list" hmmmmm....

    MontanaMarriott has a good point but Diana Ross wouldn't be "almost" A list, who else?

  3. Could this be Falcor?

    1. So that's why she's always in Cabo! I thought it was just for the bikini shots.

  4. It's funny but I thought Paulina Rubio too but almost A list would be a stretch for her. Thalia maybe?

  5. I don't think a drug cartel would trust Liza Minnelli to walk across the street with their money, considering her alcohol problem.

    I thought of Beyonce but she's definitely A, dammit.

  6. Liza gets along with people... doesn't she?

  7. She is crazy for even speaking to a cartel member. No amount of money is worth getting mixed up with that kind of danger.

    1. If she does it for the danger-rush, I would guess Rianna....

    2. You're right .Jenny Rivera was killed because she refused to cooperate with them. Dangerous people

  8. Sinead O'Conner doesn't get along with anyone.

  9. It would be a person that takes commercial flights, not private planes.

  10. Former almost A list, so someone who is not currently as successful as before? Maybe the cartel is funding something for the singer who wants to make a comeback. Sounds like another Jenni Rivera.

  11. Nicki Minaj. Almost A list for being an American Idol judge.

  12. Enty, You Bugging. I hope they dont read this blog and come after your ass.

  13. I agree with Nikki. She built her career on feuds

  14. Didn't a latin/mexican singer just get arrested for this same thing?

  15. Selena Gomez... now that she isnt with bieber shes not a+

    plus shes so innocent know would would guess ehr either... oh wait i guess she is friends with tay-tay

  16. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Wasn't their a famous Latina singer that was sued by her assistant for a phone throwing incident or the like? She went into a rage because she wasn't booked in first class?
    Also last year on a trip to Cabo, we were waiting t baggage claim and I saw them bring out a dog to sniff the luggage. I asked our porter if they were looking for drugs and he just laughed and laughed, oh ho ho ho, ha ha ha, why would you smuggle drugs INTO Mexico? Then he got very serious and his tone changes and he said, No they are looking for money. I got the impression this was a serious issue. I'm not at all surprised this would happen.

  17. I'm gonna go with M.I.A.
    She seems to have alienated everyone she's ever worked with and has connections to revolutionary groups that use drug money as a source of funding.

  18. Rihanna is A list, not almost former, plus she usually charters her flights. This is someone who almost became a music superstar but is now fading and flies commercial. Because theres no telling who is reading this Im not gonna say whom Im thinking but Ive got a good idea who it probably is. Not Nicki Minaj either, shes stil A, and I wish it were that nasty J Ho but it aint. Think someone who blew up big about a decade ago, then faded pretty quickly, someone with a squeaky clean image but attracted to danger and with no red flags that could cause trouble (like alcoholism so rule out Liza, or mental issues so rule out Britney before anyone even thinks her.) Like i said, Ive got a good idea, but I aint sayong cause I believe I might be right.

  19. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Her name is Paulina Rubio, here is the link:

    I would totally sign on to the MIA guess if she hasn't married someone REALLY rich.

  20. How about Ricky Martin?

  21. GossipMonster:

    But wouldn't that just be the perfect cover? Billionaire bling buys a lot of black market AK-47s, and M.I.A. seems to take that insurrectionist chic seriously rather than having it just be a pose.

  22. Christina Aguilar

  23. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Taylor Swift!!

  24. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Spike: I just read that she and Bronfman split. Now I'm totally onboard. It makes perfect sense. She is also arrogant enough to think she would get away with it.

  25. This sounds like the plot for the next Jason Statham movie. WTF?

  26. Please let this be Jennifer Lopez!

  27. Anonymous1:21 PM

    M.I.A. fits this really well. She really was very close to A list there for awhile until she pissed off just about every one. I think Spike Gomes has this one called.

  28. Anonymous1:36 PM

    but MIA couldnt travel to a bunch different countries cuz of passport issues right?

    i dont know abt this one

  29. Anonymous1:40 PM

    What about Nicole Scherzinger (im sure i just butchered her last name). with the Pussycat Dolls.

  30. This sounds like JLo to me

  31. I live near a small, regional airport here in FL. I've heard stories about who and what comes in and out of that airport on private jets. If she is moving money, that is the kind of airport the singer would fly in and out of. Trust.

  32. @ScratchyKitty. OMG, it's Debbie Gibson.

  33. New here! How about Kesha? She was almost A for about a minute!

  34. Sorry, I don't know how to have a name and not be "unknown"~ my name is Laura.

  35. Nicki Minaj sounds like a really good guess. I hope it is her and she gets caught really soon. I can't watch Idol cause she annoys the hell out of me just looking at her Fraggle Rock face and hair. And I love me some Keith Urban so I want her to go away.

  36. Private airports in FL have so many red flags in place that the drones that now cover the state have all data needed to monitor them. Interesting.

  37. Hi @Laura! I always like a fellow Laura.

  38. Agent**It: The government is just trying to cut down on outside competition!

  39. One of the Spices, cinnamon, ginger, old-spice.

  40. @ scratchy kitty - I'm going to post this on all the blinds now: "I think I know the answer to this, but I'm not gonna say!" :P

    @ Spike - I *LOVE* your guess!

  41. Laura: It could be coming up "Unknown" because you have your profile set to "private", and/or you didn't specify a display name when you set up your profile. Try clicking on your own name (currently "Unknown") in the comments and check your profile settings. Hope that helps!

  42. (Oops, left this out: Once you click on your name and are taken to your profile page, click the "Edit Profile" button to check your settings.)

  43. I agree with Spike..Would be funny if her ass was busted. Imagine how many people would be celebrating that!

  44. I like the Li'l Kim guess...and throw in Foxy Brown as well. Both were almost-A and always fightin'. This is someone who needs $$, not Nicki, who is gettin' PAID at the moment through Idol and her music career. Gotta be a faded star. Or M.I.A.

    BTW...when you think of "Laura" (aka "Unknown")...laugh, don't cry, I know she'd want it that way!

  45. Anonymous10:55 AM

    former almost A List who never gets along with anyone..... J Lo isn't a bad guess, but does she really not get along with anyone? Diana Ross doesn't seem like a terrible guess, she's be hard up for money. Or maybe even Paulina Rubio?


  46. Diana Ross and Liza Minelli were most definitely both an A list back in their day. They're actually both legendary status. This is about an ALMOST A lister.

    Lauren Hill and Avril are 2 great guesses.

    JLo may be a Diva, but she's not known for not getting along with people. She's also was/is an A lister.

  47. "Diana Ross and Liza Minelli were most definitely both an A list back in their day. They're actually both legendary status."


    Diana Ross and Liza are permanent A-list. This is not them.

    I found this on Paulina Rubio


    She was initially denied a U.S. Passport due to a positive drug test but was eventually granted one. One would think that would make her think twice before getting involved in some drug laundering foolery. But Idk, could be her. Who knows?

  48. @VeryUnseemly No Sinead O'Connor is very well thought of in the music scene. She agreed to put down vocals for an Ian Brown track a few days after having a baby. She may be a bit nutty, but she seems a genuine person.
