Friday, March 29, 2013

Blind Item #6

This month marks the 9th anniversary for this gay couple. 9 years that this B list mostly television actor who is one of the very few actors to continue having a career after this hit network teen type show went off the air a few years back has hid his boyfriend. That is a long, long time.


  1. Someone from Bev 9er or Saved by The Bell or Dawson's Creek?

  2. This is supposed be Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka.

  3. Oh wait, nevermind. Totally misread.

  4. someone from degrassi?

  5. Someone from the OC?

  6. I'm going with the OC/Homeland guy. He doesn't seem to date anyone.

  7. Sorry - not Homeland. Southland.

  8. James Van Der Beek

  9. Grey Goose and Toothy Tile 4-ever!

  10. Can't be Dawson's Creek, it says the show was in a network, CW is not network.

  11. Wentworth Miller is widely presumed to be gay, but was Prison Break a teen-type show?

  12. Could it be Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Seth Green as the working actor?

  13. I like the Ben Mckenzie guess, no information about any love interests and he's one of the only OC actors still working.

  14. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I'm kind of liking Van Der Beek or Gosselaar for this one.

  15. NOT Ben Mckenzie! That man is fine, I can't lose him to the other side!

  16. Jensen Ackles (Smallville, Dawson's Creek, Dark Angel, etc.)
    Jared Padalecki (Gilmore Girls)

    The Supernatural pilot was filmed in March 2005.

    Was The WB considered a real network before it became The CW?

    1. Jensen and Jared are both married with kids. If one of them had a boyfriend I think it would be juicier than this post! :)

    2. @adriannk I think you're missing the point.

      That's why it's called keeping it a secret.

    3. I agree with adriannk that it would be a much juicier blind if J2 were the answers. Mentions of the wives and kids would be made.

      That said, I've seen enough chatter to be convinced something is going on there. And I remember Ted's twitter throw down with Daneel fondly.

      I think you're right, just not for this specific blind.

  17. Benjamin Mckenzie...I know people that went to college with him, and this doesn't sound too far off base from what I've heard...

  18. I agree with camembert - Neil Patrick Harris.

  19. Dawson's Creek was on the WB

    The OC premiered in 2003 I believe around the same time as One Tree Hill

    I think its Ben McKenzie who's on Southland and the new pilot The Advocates

  20. oops. also misread.

  21. Can't be NPH, he doesn't hide David Burtka, they're married with a kid.

  22. @GossipFan, the CW and WB are not network shows, so it wouldn't be either of them. Also, the blind would specify if they were both actors.

  23. I don't know anything about a 9 year long boyfriend - but I have no problem believing this to be the extremely nice person that is BMcK.
    Saw him coming out of a room with another male at a party a few years ago. Unzipped pants, and a huuuuuuge
    smile on his face. ;-)
    I truly hope that he continues to get work for a long time, as my personal experience was that he was always nice to work with...
    Down to Earth person in my opinion.

    1. @Xander, thanks for sharing, I've always liked Ben too, it's good to hear he's a nice guy.

  24. I hate the hypocrisy of the Hollywood machine. Pretend to be supportive of gay rights, but shove all their actors deeply into the closet.

    1. Damn skippy Basil! And BTW haven't seen you in a while. Nice you're here.

    2. I have never thought about that, you are so completely 100 percent on the nose on that. Very true!!!

    3. Thank you! It would be nice if this guy could live his life in the open. The Hollywood-Powers-That-Be think we audience members can't watch a gay man in a straight role. I have to wonder, have they not seen Matt Bomer? 'Cuz dayum.

    4. excellent point Basil!

  25. Supernatural is still on the air so it's not Jensen and Jared even tho Ted C will always believe they are a couple. Supernatural is my new obsession.

    I like the Ben M guess. OC was a teen show for sure.

  26. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Xander you have a treasure chest of stories!
    I am on board with Ben MacKenzie. Glad his career is still on going he seemed so above the OC shennanigans. I think he's from Austin too...

  27. Austin Nichols fits perfectly except One Tree Hill was not on a major network.

  28. This is a ridiculous BI. It's NPH and David Burka's 9 year anniversary. They've been together since 2004

  29. Can't be NPH, it reads that the teen type show went off the air a few years back. Doogie ended in 1993, that's not a few years that's a lot of years. And they are as out as they come.

  30. LOL @ Xander!

    I thought it was NPH but David is defn not his boyfriend. They are so freaking cute together and their kids are adorable.

  31. Guy from Buffy that is in the cop show w/ Zoooooey's sister.

  32. Glad to hear Ben is nice. I'm gonna miss Southland, such a great show.

  33. I don't like the posts about people not out, unless they deserve it. Says something about society and not his character that he feels the need to hide someone he loves or lose his career.

  34. What is the point of these blinds if Enty doesn't out people?

    I guess your conscious is clear if someone else guesses correctly.

  35. NPH is an A list TV star. Everyone knows he's out and has a boyfriend.

    Sounds more like the Ben MacKenzie.

  36. Would it be the OC though? As for the actors still working: Samaire Armstrong seems to get consistent recurring roles (The Mentalist, that 666 Park Avenue show if I'm not mistaken), Rachel Bilson is on Hart of Dixie, Ben does Southland, and Adam Brody at least did Jennifer's Body and a few other things. It's really only Mischa that isn't working (and Luke) if you're counting the teen stars.

    It sounds like a larger cast to me - though it's not Greek, a show like Greek. Was the OC really a hit, too? I thought it was moreso a cult hit.

  37. @Sherry Thanks. I've been hear, but I only post if I think I have something to add that hasn't been said, or post just so I can click on email follow-ups. LOL

    As for this blind I feel bad for these guys. 90 percent of Hollywood (and the world for that matter) gets to shout to all the world about how happy they are with their boyfriend or girlfriend, sell stories about their weddings and babies, but gay actors simply aren't allowed to do it. It just isn't fair or equal.


  38. Easy..........Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka. Their annivesary is April 1st or April 2nd.

    The teen type show was Doggie Howser.

    From last year

  39. The blind is saying he hid his boyfriend a long, long time ago. Not now.

  40. No, it says "9 years that his his boyfriend. HE'S HIDING HIS BOYFRIEND! NOT NPH!

  41. *has hid his boyfriend. Aaargh!

  42. I thought the gossip on Ben McKenzie was that he was sleeping with the OC mom during filming?

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. NPH is very out. He regularly is seen with his longterm partner and their children (who happen to be absolutely adorable!).

  45. Ben Mackenzie is an excellent guess...and Enty please chill with these damn ads, I can only come to the site once a day!

  46. Neil and David aren't married, just engaged. I think they are waiting for Federal recognition, not just California. They have two kids, Harper and Gideon.

    Hit teen type show on ABC, CBS, NBC, or FOX, a few years back. How long ago was My So Called Life?

  47. Benjamin McKenzie/O.C ?

  48. WAit, What?? I have always thought that Mario Lopez's secretly gay!

  49. Fred Savage.

    NPH was totally pissed off that Savage buckled to his family's wishes and got married. NPH, although I love him, was very lucky that he got the HIMYM gig because he pissed away his Doogie Howser money on drugs and partying. Savage's conservative parents looked out for him and put away his money in a trust.

  50. For the NPH- guesses:

    Doogie Howser ended in 1993, that is 19/20 years ago.
    He is not hiding a bf, he is openly gay, he has been out since 2006.
    He is engaged; so no bf.

    Doesn't fit.

    I am guessing someone who isn't out of the closet.

  51. What about someone from Buffy/Angel?
    Ended in 2003/2004.
    First guess was Nicholas Brendon, he pings my gaydar. Same for Seth Green.

  52. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I dated Ben McKenzie's brother years ago and got to know him pretty well. Definitely not him.

  53. Lisa! Scoop the goods girl. Untapped gossip resource
