Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Blind Item #6

This married B- list actress is on a hit television show. Very hit. Network. Her male co-star is helping her cheat by being her alibi when she goes out at night. They would never be an item, but he seems to be ok with helping.


  1. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Julie Bowen?

  2. If she's using a guy as her alibi, then I'm guessing maybe he's gay (or else her husband would be suspicious of them spending so much time together), so maybe someone from HIMYM, with NPH as the alibi?

  3. Julie Bowen and Tyler Ferguson from Modern Family.

  4. Oooh, Julie Bowen is a good guess too, Jesse Tyler Ferguson for the alibi!

  5. My first thought was Julie.

  6. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I also wanted to add that I wish Julie would eat a cheseburger. She looks painfully thin on that show, it's distracting.

    1. Yes! If you watch the first season, right after her babies were born, she looks much much healthier! She's got bony cleavage now - ick

  7. Julie has 3 very young kids, including three-year-old twins. If I were in her situation, even if I had nannies galore, I'd rather spend my free time SLEEPING than cheating!

    How about someone from HIMYM?

  8. Allison Hannigan and Neil Patrick Harris is the male co-star

  9. I hate bone cleavage, she's so pretty too. Eat Julie, eat!!

  10. Alison with Neal helping out.

  11. I hope not, but I agree with Alyson and NPH. I believe her husband is currently doing a lot of promo for Much Ado About Nothing.

  12. Didn't Blossom just separate from her husband not too long ago?? (big bang theory) Wonder if was her?

  13. yeah I would say this sounds like Mayim Bialnik before she split from her husband because Jim Parsons is gay but would definitley help her out if she asked. They are BFF.

  14. She better not be cheating on my Wesley Wyndam-Pryce. I hope by cheating they meant CARBS. not the carbs she is losing while doing it.

  15. Julianna Marguiles and Alan Cummings.

  16. My husband and I caught Happy Gilmore on cable the other day and he couldn't believe Julie Bowen was the same woman from Modern Family. She was at a normal weight when she did that movie and she was almost unrecognizable.

  17. Robyn Sherbatsky from HIMYM and NPH.

  18. Robyn Sherbatsky from HIMYM and NPH.

  19. Definitely not Mayim Bialik. Definitely not. SO not her style.

  20. @Murphy: "because Jim Parsons is gay but would definitley help her out if she asked. They are BFF."

    No. just no. and he's not her best friend. Don't believe everything you see in interviews.

    1. Jim is BFF with Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny.

  21. Michelle Williams looks homeless in that picture. LOL @ "speaking of arrangements" - Enty you're so bad!

  22. I agree that Julie Bowen is scary thin but can I just say that as a woman who is definitely healthy, within my healthy weight range and a not too bad rack of C's that I also sport a boney chest. I have also been ten pounds overweight before and still had those damn chest bones sticking out. So, I just have to put it out there that boney chests do not always mean that somebody is too thin. Some people just really do have big bones and when that happens the bones stick out until the person becomes visibly overweight.

    Sorry, but whenever I hear people talk about how bad boney chests look, it makes me hella insecure. So, have some heart for those of us who actually eat but still have bones sticking out.

    Thank you for your consideration. :)

  23. Annie I wish I had a bony chest!!! I'll trade ya :) :)

  24. Linda Hunt, who is gayelle.

  25. There are only two reasons to help someone cheat (1.) You are evil hoping to burn in hell for all eternity and want to see little kids cry and be traumatized when their parents break up or (2) the person is married to a dangerous physical or sexual abuser/cultist - but on second thoughts, call the police instead.

  26. She's lucky...most guys would'nt do that with all the bros' before hoes b.s

  27. NPH, Jesse Tyler F and Jim Parsons are all in relationships (actually, not sure if all are). Anyhoo...I don't think they would be aiding and abetting a cheater given they all publically support gay marriage and talk about their partners, etc. Who knows though. What I do know is that Julie Bowen is too skinny and has TERRIBLE fake tits.

  28. Whoa.. wait a minute.. Julie Bowen is in Happy Gilmore? I just rewatched that recently and did not recognize her in it!

  29. Einstein DeGeneres, I hope your comment about Jim Parsons and Mayim Bialek so not being best friends does not mean that either of them is a meanie. Cuz I loves them and their characters both so much!

  30. @ figgy -

    no. not meanies :-)

    just saying that Mayim has a whole life apart from the show, with her own friends and such, and that she is just not the kind of person to be deceitful and underhanded. she is a truly kind and genuine and humble person.

  31. bflogurl -- your picture is too funny!

  32. I don't think this is Julie Bowen. Julie has won 2 Emmys for her role in Modern Family. Surely, that would have to qualify her for something higher than B- list.
