Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blind Item #6

This immensely popular good ole boy show has a cast who all seem to be raging heterosexuals. Not so for one of the cast members who, despite having a gorgeous wife, also has a man he sees on the side when he travels to various industry conventions.


  1. I feel like this screams duck dynasty though I have no idea who it would be.

  2. Duck Dynasty? Jase?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Juicy! Yeah gotta be Duck Dynasty..Guess someone is putting the nasty in Dynasty. (Couldn't help it!)

    1. Anonymous2:20 AM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. football? Fox news?

  6. So Honey Boo Boo has been replaced as America's favorite Redneck Freakshow already? I wonder if Andy Warhol had the Beverly Hillbillies in mind when he came up with the 15 minutes of fame comment.

    1. Dang, what's w/the Boo Boo family hate? They are nice people who actually love each other, unlike the KKK Klan, or the Housewife groups.

    2. And I would like to add they support gay rights. They can't be bad in my eyes. Still ain't gonna watch the human thumb though.

    3. @Lazy You leave my Honey Boo Boo alone

  7. Noooooo!! Noooo! I refuse to believe this.

    Yet sadly, Duck Dynasty was the first show to come to mind.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. SOA, cable or Hawaii Five Oh, network.

  10. "Industry conventions" makes me believe it's Duck Dynasty.

    1. Anonymous2:21 AM

      Seriously- are there? I don't watch the show z

  11. Lazyday 603: I wonder what's with all the redneck shows lately,too?

  12. My vote is for Jeo too...maybe Godwin?

  13. I first thought of "Mudcats." They are definitely a bunch of good ole boys.

    One of those custom car or motorcycle shows would fit, too.

    My only issue with this being a Duck Dynasty fellow is they have no ability to "blend" and secrecy would be key here. With those beards, even around other rednecks, they'd stand out.

  14. You've totally tainted my beloved show Enty. I seriously don't get the gay vibe from ANY of the Duck Dynasty crew except maybe Uncle Si but his wife isn't "gorgeous". Damn you Enty.

  15. Don't mess with my Duck men!!! I love this show! It is sacred to me! I don't watch Honey Boo Boo, the KK Klan, any housewives show or other show that features families, rednecks or teenagers. But Duck Dynasty is everything to me. I also live in the gay community and have for 15 years...my gaydar is fine-tuned. No Duck man would cheat on his woman with another dude. Just not gonna happen.

  16. Ahh....Duck Dynasty is my one secret redneck guilty pleasure. I could see it being Jeb or Willie before Jase....then again Jase is my one secret redneck crush.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I had no idea there was a show on about the Klan. Ew! Maybe it's Swamp People? Because really, what self-respecting gay dude would go out with any of those hairy, West Monroe hicktards on Duck Dynasty? Pfft. No.

  19. I LOVE the Duck men! I categorically refuse to believe that any of them are batting for the other team... not that there's anything wrong with that. Jase is my favorite TV crush, and I just don't want to have change my view of him and his whole clan.

    There are so many red-neck shows on. Surely there must be some other candidate for the show in question???

  20. I was thinking Swamp People. Maybe Pawn Stars.

  21. Jep. Jase and Willie won't swing that way, but Jep as the baby might. Plus, his wife is the "gorgeous" one.

  22. @Pogue Mahone You can thank The Walking Dead & Daryl Dixon for the redneck revolution on tv.

  23. Jenn- Don't let the DD guys' lifestyle and southern accents fool you. They're educated and pretty damn intelligent. And lots of gay guys want to date a bear.

  24. True, O'Reilly, but not MY bears!!!

  25. Willie's wife is the gorgeous one, IMO

    But here's the thing. If you look at the schedule of appearances on the DD site, all the men are appearing with their wives. Every time Willie posts a picture from an event, Korie is with him. Jase and Missy appear together at everything.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. @Sherry: they do? When did you hear that? Phil struck me as a little impatient with the photographer and real estate agent, both of whom came off as real flamers.

  28. Lol Uncle Si hahahahaha

  29. Not famill w/ the Duck Dynasty boys, but after googling all in question, I'd vote Jep as well since a) his wife is a babe, b) he looks kind of sweet and sensitive, and c) he's the ONLY one I'd consider doing as a gay dude.

  30. All the guys on DD have wives that are babes. I don't believe this is any of them and that's mostly because I live in the same town as they do.

  31. As much as I *LOVE* Duck Dynasty, Jep was my very first thought for this.

  32. And we're not "Hicktards" dickhead.

  33. Andy - I believe Sherry was replying to a comment regarding all the Honey BooBoo slamming.

  34. Amy Scott - My sister was born in West Monroe and I was born in Monroe. I've got lots of love for my Louisiana roots and if you don't think it's any of the DD boys, I'll tend to believe you. Not much stays quiet around there.

  35. Never in my LIFE would I have ever thought that I would crush on a redneck with a ZZ Top beard, but dammit if Jase didn't get me. I LOVE this show with a fiery passion and I just hope that if this blind is any of my boys that the wife knows about it and that this won't end with huge heartbreak. :( Sigh, I know it will, though. I just hope it isn't Jase.

    BTW, the KKK Klan is referring to the Kardashians. I think somebody up above me got confused about that.

  36. The only one of the Robertsons clan who doesn't have a college degree is Si. They're definitely rednecks (I am, too), but they're not hicks. I believe Phil has at least one MBA.

    I love DD, too. It's a very funny, very witty show for people who understand dry southern humor.

  37. OT: who do you guys think January Jones kid looks like? I used to think M Vaughn but now he's favoring J Sudeikis... she seems like a nutball to me for what it's worth

  38. I hate to say it but I think it's Duck Dynasty and it HAS to be Jep...his wife is the HOTTEST!

  39. jep has a ton of kids tho. i bet it's the pastor brother that doesn't get much airtime....

  40. Love me some Duck Dynasty boys. I was SHOCKED to find out that Papa Phil was a huge college football star - he was replaced as quarterback by TERRY BRADSHAW who was a year or two behind him! I'm not really feeling the DD boys for this - there's a lot of redneck shows to pick from these days, maybe one of the Gator Boys?

  41. Im thinking it's Pawn Stars, and the guy is Rick- cant get their names straight in my mind, but he would be the one who is they call big hoss.

  42. @O'Really... I'm cool with the Duck dudes, and know they're smart, and all went to college, the youngest went with my cousin, actually. Plus, they put a lot of local businesses and products, on their show. Awesome!!

    But ALL rednecks do goofy things at some point, and are therefore hicktards. (This is a word I made up to describe my brother when he was about 10). After all, the 4 most dangerous words in Redneckian are: Hey, y'all watch this! Followed closely by: Hold my beer, darlin'.

    My earlier post was really a dig at West Monroe mostly because I live like 20 minutes from there, and this being the deep south, there's a long-standing football rivalry between our schools. Gotta keep that hate goin on,ya know. Grr!!! But, they do have the Chili's. Damn, I'm so torn.

  43. What about Justified? It's a cop show based in Appalachia. All the male characters are good ole boy hetero types.

  44. Not Duck Dynasty! Sorry! I will never, ever, ever believe it. :)

  45. I hate to be "that guy" on this but its really ok if this guys gay. It's really a bummer that he cheats on his wife though.

  46. What about Top Gear?

  47. @ crazycatladyx6 - I was hoping someone would mention January Jones in this thread. The baby looks alot like Jason Sudekis but I thought Enty had a blind that most thought it was January stalking Jason and sending him pics of the baby all day and showing up at his house unannounced which was freaking out Olivia Wilde.

  48. I saw my first DD show on Sunday, the channel was running a marathon, I tend not to watch reality TV except for Amazing Race..buy now..I love the Duck guys, funny, witty and good looking.
