Monday, March 18, 2013

Blind Item #6

This B- list mostly movie actor who got his big fame from a hit cable show was confronted by a woman he has been dating a month who told him she was pregnant and that he needed to start providing for her. Our actor asked her to take a pregnancy test, which she did. Positive. Our actor then told her she is f**ked, because it is not his child and handed her his own paper which shows that he is sterile and unable to make babies. She has tried this game with other actors before and gets a huge paycheck and then takes care of the pregnancy.


Anonymous said...

There's a special place for that woman.

L said...

poor unborn babies...

auntliddy said...

Jesus, lady, get a job and stop concieving for profit. Souless nitwit.

All about Eve said...

Disgusting, glad she didn't get away with idea for the actor.

Ari said...

dirty slut

Ivs said...

Wow. That is actually horrible. Hollywood stars are incredibly entitled at times and some of them are full time jerks but nobody should have to take that! Geez lady get a job.

As for the actor - I was thinking Jason Bateman, but that was Fox, right? And I'm thinking that it can't be something that's still on the air or the guy wouldn't be labeled mostly movies...

Sherry said...
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Sherry said...

What a total lying bitch..I hope this is revealed and I hope the actor starts telling everyone her MO!

msgirl said...

I agree with Sherry, this needs to be made public. I mean I'm all for pro-choice, but this situation does amount to being murderer.

jza1218 said...


wahoo said...

This happened to Chris Rock a couple of years ago:

Snapdragon said...

Ugh, repulsive (and I am as pro-choice as they come).

As for the actor, I feel like it's right on the tip of my tongue.... Mostly movie but big fame from a cable show...?

Pink Picklegoo said...

I didn't know people like this existed. Damn. I hope she becomes sterile.

Nosey Parker said...

Lindsay got 90 days in rehab.

crila16 said...

I know women like this who trick guys into getting them pregnant so the guy will marry and take care of them.

crila16 said...

I actually like the Jeremy Piven guess.

Jeneral said...

James Gandolfini came to mind.

WareCat said...

This, made my jaw drop.

ablake said...

I know women like that as well crila.
Sadly, it often works. Almost like the 'we're having problems so let's have a BABY' types.

Charis said...

This makes no sense. Even if he wasn't sterile but had been with her, a DNA test would show whether he was or wasn't the father. If he wasn't, she wouldn't get anything.

ablake said...

I thought Piven as well, I think it's because I like the thought that he can't reproduce, though ;)

ablake said...

Well Charis, it's also fishy because he was only with her a month according to the blind. So how can she tell that she's pregnant so quickly? Cycles can be off due to many reasons. Stress/diet/illness etc. She saw her chance and took it. Neither seem that bright.

Frufra said...

Guys, I know I'm a huge Debbie Downer, but it has to be said: I worked in a private adoption agency when I was in college, and there are people out there who support their families by having babies and putting them up for private adoption. In my state, it is legal for the adoptive parents to pay all kinds of living expenses during the pregnancy, and there are women and couples who do this on the regular, usually to help support the children they already have.

I know that's not this situation, but it's pretty damn close. People are the worst. If you can think it up, there's someone out there doing it for a buck.

ms snarky said...

steve carell!

The Real Dragon said...

This shit is funny. Well she tried lol

DIXIECHICK (but not the hated kind) said...

What about Bill Paxton?

sandybrook said...

The guy from the show Jackass I forget his name.

DIXIECHICK (but not the hated kind) said...

Never mind, for some reason I didn't think Bill Paxton was married.

Gypsy said...

@Frufra--I imagine that is true, but there is a huge difference between being a surrogate and being a psychotic pathological blackmailing baby making/killer. I am pro choice, but anti abuse. This woman should be hung by her womb.

ms snarky said...

@sandybrook - I like johnny knoxville for this, he's been on howard stern and has lots of problems with his privates as a result of all the stunts.

Frufra said...

@Gypsy - ITA with you - the actions described in the BI are indeed pathological and awful.

And to clarify, the people I encountered weren't surrogates per se - they just kept getting pregnant and placing the resultant babies for adoption.

amanda_jf said...

I don't think she ever planned on giving birth from what the blind says. It just sounds as though she falls pregnant and demands a pay off to have an abortion.

kgirl said...

I don't care who the actor is but why don't people wear condoms? Sterile or not, you're not immune to disease. You know someone a month and let them get it in bareback, you're asking for all types of crap. Ugh, people can be such dirty mcfloozies.

amanda_jf said...

Unless johnny Knoxville had the snip, he had a child in 2011 after all those Jackass stunts.

portlandjewel said...

I am going to make my first guess on a blind! I think its Michael C Hall. He had to go thru chemo and radiation and that can cause sterility. He probably was advised to put some on ice before he began his treatments.

portlandjewel said...

Crap, bad guess... Idk about any movies, I think he got his fame from 6 feet under and Dexter...

AKM said...

kgirl is right. Condoms aren't 100% effective, but damn if they're not a wise idea.

Agent**It said...

I am investing money in the morning after pill. They should be for free and dispensed with ease. If I was a guy, I'd get them and keep them right next to my condoms.

crila16 said...

@ABlake. One of my friends wanted her bf to marry her after knowing her less than a year. He was 10 years younger than her and wasn't ready for marriage. 2 months later, she was pregnant (on purpose)...a week later married by the JP. They've been married 5 years...and they are both miserable. He's told her on many occasions that he doesn't think they're going to make it much longer. It's so sad, but that's what you get when you trick someone.

Maximus said...

Filthy hag. Abortions are not for sport.

Della said...

Do these actors put their d!cks in everything? You would think they would be extra conscious.

Anonymous said...

Michael Pitt?

Pookie said...

crilla16, i know some too. hoors.

sylmarillion said...

that's just evil. I'm all for choice, but not like this.

Mark said...

I can easily picture Rip Torn (Larry Sanders Show) at 82 still telling a trick she's f**ked.

AngieEatACheeseburger said...

Nasty woman, hopefully karma doesn't miss her.

lazyday603 said...

The guy sounds like Chazz Bono. He's all man, but probably has a hard time fertilizing eggs.

Borg Queen said...

OMG I was on train and I heard this young man tell his youngish mom about some girl who had repeated abortions. THE MOTHER SAID "SO WHAT? SHE CAN HAVE AS MANY ABORTIONS AS SHE WANTS." The son replied "No she cant. She wont be able to carry a child if she has too many".

I was in shock the total train ride home. Imagine if the mom is that ignorant, I was secretly happy that the son corrected mother.

cricket said...

Sounds like Jeremy Piven to me. I hope he warns everyone he knows about this this sleazy gold digging bitch.
Bitches like this give women a bad name.

Anonymous said...

i like piven for this

amanda_jf said...

Michael C Hall isn't mostly movies.

Angela said...

Can't be Piven. How could he date anyone for a month?

So, it must be an actor who was in a hit cable show and who's now in the movies, and who's single.
Adrian Grenier would be a better guess.

MISCH said...

This happened to a friend of my uncles...he said no it's not my kid I'm sterile...then he got married and had a kid....soooooo

jbeebs said...

Gross! This happened to my ex husband. After we divorced, he starting seeing this trampy girl(early 20's). After a month or so, she claimed she was pregnant and needed $750 for an abortion. He told her he had a vasectomy(true).

jbeebs said...

And he never heard from her again!

Gabby said...

It can't be Jason Bateman or Steve Carell, as they both have children that look like them and are therefore not sterile. No idea who it is, though, but I'm sick of these gold-digging bitches trying to sleep with celebrities just to have their babies and be financially secure for the rest of their lives. Ugh it makes me sick.

hollywood dime said...

stop sleeping with strangers with no condom!!! this scam wouldn't be so easy to try!

Tru Leigh said...

My mother had a friend who was dating a much younger woman. She told him she was pregnant. He said he had a vascestomy. She said "What's that?"

OKay said...

Disgusting. But no, NOT "poor unborn babies". What it would be is "poor babies" if she ever did give birth.

Squeezebox said...

It costs about $250 a year to store sperm at a sperm bank. So I can't feel any sympathy for rich guys who have unprotected sex and find themselves oopsed. If they really, truly, did not want to knock women up, they'd bank a few dozen sperm samples then get themselves snipped.

Are there cold, conniving women out there who calculatedly conceive for profit? You bet - but there are also guys out there who get a sexual charge out of the idea of knocking women up. Between the ones who want to have that happen, and the ones who don't care if it happens, and the ones who are careless, the cold conniving women have no trouble playing their kids-for-cash game.

Anonymous said...

Who knows someone for a MONTH and feels comfortable not using a condom andnot pulling out? The Guy sounds suspect as well. Sounds like he knew her reputation and pulled some drama queen stunt for whatever reason. She's disgusting bit he may not be any better.

Anonymous said...

* Let me just note that I know that you can get pregnant even if the guy pulls out

Agent**It said...

and the guy should slip her the morning after pill ...

Jenn said...

Depending on when he had a vasectomy (or if he did) he can also start making little swimmers again. It's possible, but unlikely. More likely, she is a lying ho.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

I just don't get people sometimes... *sigh* I'd rant for a while, but the rest of you have pretty much said everything I'm thinking.

Unknown said...

Justin Bateman got semi-famous in 1982 on NBC's Silver Spoons, & his huge break was NBC's The Hogan Family in 1986. A good 2 decades before Arrested Development was a thing.

Celebs who are sterile or had severe difficulty in conceiving: Penn Gillette, Tom Arnold, David Arquette, LeVar Burton Tim Burton, Hugh Jackman, Dennis Quaid, Antonio Banderas, Christopher Guest, Christopher Meloni, DeNiro, Tom Cruise, had a vasectomy,-Dr. Phil, Louis CK, widely rumored to have had a vasectomy-Clooney, Sean Connery, Eddie Cibrian, Russell Brand, Eddie Murphy, Jeremy Pivert, Topher Grace, Ashton Kutcher, Dont know if that helps any...

__-__=__ said...

Jeneral - I thought Gandolfini as well. I truly wish people who didn't want babies would quit making babies.

Izzie said...

@Borg, WTW? That is sad. Yes, she "can" have as many abortions as she wants, but that doesn't mean she should. Abortion isn't a contraceptive FFS.

Slightly OT, has anyone read Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn?


I read it the first time and then a friend mentioned another character was an equal nut-job and I read it again to see if that character rang the nut-job bells. Yep, the bells were ringing. Gillian Flynn totally sets you up.

Volvican said...

And he would ask for a pregnancy test why??

AKM said...

Whoa, bri, how would you even know that?! That's an interesting list.

Unknown said...

Lindsay Lohan?


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