Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Blind Item #6

This B list celebrity couple who only achieve such a lofty place together. Separately they are C listers barely hanging on to his past fame. Married. Kid/s. She thought they were going to be together forever. He thinks she is trying to grab any speck of fame she can and wants someone who will just be quiet and do what she is told and she promised fame was not what she wanted. Fights that have caused him to live with family members recently. Screaming. She puts a happy face on everything and I did not realize she was that good of an actress. I can't believe the police have not been called to their house, the fights are that bad. They both hate bad publicity though, so maybe they realize what would happen if the police were called.


  1. OT: White smoke, new Pope.

  2. @Agent oh shit really

  3. Lisa Rinna, Harry Hamlin

  4. Let's also do a pope blind item! I'm guessing Scola!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Nick and Vanessa?

  7. tealily, agree. My in laws live in Rome. They are sending me pix from that crowd. Fascinating.

  8. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I think the Brazilian Cardinal is the new Pope. Their biggest base is still Latin America and they need to energize their base right quick.

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Also being that quick he has to be a non controversial pick.

  9. I think an African Pope would be cool esp. since the faith is growing the most there and the majority of new priests are now coming from there.

  10. Guys Great News I have been Elected to be the new Pope. I'm so Honored. FREE BI Reveals for everyone.

  11. Any chance we can talk about this blind?

  12. It says that they are trying to hang on to HIS past fame. Most of these guesses are with the female part more famous than the male part
    Not that I have a guess......

  13. Nick and Vanessa are the best guess thus far

  14. I'm pretty much an agnostic, so I don't really have a stake in this. But, I'm going to make a pick anyway. I'm hoping for Turkson or Schonborg. My preference is based purely on their smiles in their pictures (and the fact that they're both been Cardinals longer than the other two with nice smiles.)

  15. Rinna and Hamlin are a great guess...

  16. @kris. I have no guess for this blind. *shrug* I suck at these, so I'm going to waiting for someone else to figure it out.

  17. I lean towards Kelsey Grammer and his wife but he in no way is a C list without her. He's probably and A or B permanent. A nut job still but these clues don't fit them.

    I go with Nick and Vanessa.

  18. Anonymous11:55 AM

    AS much as we'd like Bag and Fox to divorce, I think this is fits Nick Lachey and Vanilla Manesso to a T. They are barely hanging on to any list, based on his past weak fame, what ten-fifteen years ago, as the second to weakest boy band. Shame, because he has nice looks, body, and a decent voice, with a seemingly good attitude. I bet he's been living off the MTV/Jessica money for a looong time.

  19. Didn't Rinna and Hamlin have a reality show? That doesn't sound like a guy who is surprised his wife wants fame. I like the Nick/Vanessa guess because he probably got really tired of all the craziness being married to Jessica Simpson.

  20. Oh, I like Nick & Vanessa for this. She seems like she takes anything that comes her way in order to get/stay famous. He's really close to his family, so I can see him staying with them vs. a buddy.

  21. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Yay, a Pope. A new person to deny that the church allowed and made it easier for priests to sexually molest children. by moving known child abusers to new and unsuspecting parishes. Great! Go Pope!

  22. Anna, have a little hope. From a Buddhist raised Catholic.:)

  23. I quit my job today. A new pope was elected today. Coincidence? I think not

    1. @seachica- wow that must've been liberating

    2. @Seachica, at least yours was voluntary. My office was closed today. Hope good things are coming your way!

    3. Thanks. I'm a bit freaked out, but I'm going to try something new. I am fortunate to live in a hot market and have in demand skills, so I can afford to take some time off. I want to do something that I'm passionate about, not just a job.

      Yodelay, I hope for good things for you! I'm a firm believer that tough times are also the greatest opportunities

    4. Great things ahead Seachica!

    5. Thanks Seachica. I'm keeping a positive attitude and am certain it will be a good transition, even if its not easy.

  24. Cardinal Bergoglio from Argentina is the new Pope !

    1. Agent I thought that said Begooglio. Like a fancy way to say google.

    2. @dia- LMAO, I'm dying over here! I'm so saying begooglio instead of google from now on.

  25. If dragon is pope, does that mean that she/he no longer designates sargeants, but cardinals instead? I want to be a CDAN cardinal.

    1. I wanted to be the first female priest when I was growing up.

  26. I was thinking Tori & Dean, the ol' standby.

    He's Pope Francis. The first Francis.

  27. libby, St. Francis was cool. He loved animals and hung out with St. Clare. That's all I got:)

  28. ^^Really? Did you go to Catholic school? That cured me of even wanting to be Catholic.

    1. mikey, yes. For me it was a positive experience. I guess I was the exception.

  29. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Argentinan new Pope. I think this blind is Nick and Vanessa

  30. I read this the entire way as Nick and Vanessa, from the first clause of the first sentence.

  31. Rebecca Gayheart and that guy from Greys Anatomy

  32. I only know Nick and Vanessa, so I vote for them.
    anna nonymous, Catholic Church is not BBC (Jimmy Saville and the rest) or American Sesame Street for example, pedophiles/delinquents in general are a little minority.

  33. I think this is the Married to Jonas people. I'm not sure which Jonas it is and I don't know the wife's name.

  34. @ AGENT **IT. I went Catholic grammar school and Catholic all girl high school. I do think it was good experience. It gave me strong morals and strong belief in God.

    I do have a problem with the Church's silence on child molestation so I dont tithe or anything like that. I probably would if I knew my $ wasnt giving a priest a lavish lifestyle. My old church had a pastor who did not take a vow of poverty and loved to throw lavish parties.

  35. I agree with the Lisa and Harry guess. I remember on their show, Harry got offered an acting part and he was SO happy about it, like winning the lottery. She had that annoying fake enthusiasm for him "you go!" - and I remember him trying to do a stand-up act. Pretty much looked like he was desperate.

  36. I went to Catholic school also and felt it was a good experience. Good morals etc and also nuns make you want to spell well!

  37. I thought of Ryan and Blake although the rating doesn't fit them as does the kid(s) part. Vanilla and Nick seem truly happy but then they do have a kid and the Jonas couple does not. Also she isn't an actress.
    My deduction leads me to Benjie and Nicole.

    Congrats Seachica!Hope all work out for you. heart is with you dear. I'm unemployed myself and cannot seem to motivate to look for a new job. Sad sad...

    1. Thanks Sherry. I wouldn't mind a month or two off to take care of some projects around the house, but I hope I find a good fit somewhere relatively soon.

  38. YoMismo said...
    anna nonymous, Catholic Church is not BBC (Jimmy Saville and the rest) or American Sesame Street for example, pedophiles/delinquents in general are a little minority.
    Really? You must have missed this:
    Cardinal Keith O'Brien was long-standing friend of Savile

  39. Jessica, you seriously put the bbc and sesame street with the catholic church?

  40. The writer of this BI is not a native speaker of English. Please post it in your native language so we can run it through Google translate.

  41. I don't give a fuck about Catholic news. Please stop posting it.

  42. Why not, @Upside? They're all institutions that exist to make money, after all...

    As to Catholic school, I didn't go but DH did. Yep, it cured him of his Catholicism too. Interesting about the learning morals and values, etc. I got mine from my parents. Also, in my hometown growing up there was only Catholic school until Grade 10 and after that the Catholic kids had to come to a regular high school. Every year, without fail, those kids were the absolute worst.

  43. I'm not interested in the Pope unless he is going to sell all of the Catholic Church's booty and use the money to feed the poor.

  44. How about Sarah Jessica Parker and Ferris Bueller?

  45. @Agent**It - I thought it was Francis for St. Francis Xavier, since he's a Jesuit. Both were pretty cool, though. F of Assisi is my favorite saint, I think...focus on simplicity, peace, and animals! :-)

    1. AKM, you are correct. I forgot about the Jesuit angle:)

  46. And for this BI...I thought of SJP and Ferris at first, too, but she might be more famous than him at this point, do we think? So I dunno.

  47. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I thought I would get a twofer on this one but was one country off! Doh! They picked an Argentinian instead of Brazilian. But damn. I was close.

  48. They need to find a pope who has the guts to reinstate marriage as permissible for priests. Doubt they found one.

  49. Since Bergoglio was rebuked by the Argentinian president for saying that gays adopting children is a form of discrimination against those children (wtf? like they don't get a 'normal' nuclear family? whatever). And according to the news is highly conservative, I wouldn't hold my breath for any progressive reforms. I think he's going to be Benedict 2.0 but without all the Nazi and molestation scandals.

  50. Thank you all for posting all the updates on the new head of the kiddie fuckers. I could not have found this information anywhere else.

  51. Have some respect. A lot of these men have devoted their lives to God and they have not all molested children. God Bless the new Pope and all who follow him. And I'm not Catholic. I enjoyed the pomp and circumstance immensely and so did millions of others.

  52. There are Pope reports all over the internet - you don't have to come to CDAN to discuss the news. It's about the only place to go to get away from the news.

  53. Anonymous3:39 PM

    loving the nick and vanessa guess

  54. Nick and Vanessa fit.

    OT--I'm not even Christian and I DO have a problem with the church's mishandling (to put it mildly) of the molestation of children. However, @Flora is way out of line. Aside from everything else OT discussions go on here all the time.

  55. @Flora Goforth My thoughts exactly. The whole world isn't catholic. It's all over CNN MSNBC, we don't need it here.

    This is Nick and Vanessa. Its says Celebrity couple so that rules out actors.

  56. Lynette these guys have been given a free ride on my tax dime to molest countless children for centuries. Go look take a look in your mirror and ask yourself why.

    Btw there are no new nunneries. Since women have been able to make a living on their own none have been signing up to be "brides of my imaginary husband".

  57. I love F of Assisi, he was a good guy. The only one that I like.

    I hope it's not Nick and Vanessa, they just had a baby.

  58. @Flora Goforth - any hot trending news item is usually discussed here. Please give us all your email address so we can seek your approval first on a topic before we discuss it.

    And FWIW, I couldn't care less; I was raised catholic but I'm atheist now--what does that tell you?? If you don't like the topic, PICK ANOTHER THREAD.

  59. @ Agent - Did you marry an Eyetalian?

    1. Mango, yep , and he was born in Italy !

  60. I like how even when they pick a non-traditional, South American that they still manage to pick a white, Italian guy.

    (I know, I know...South Americans can be any one of several ethnicities...but they could have picked a guy of Hispanic descent- and yes I also know that many Hispanics are white.)

  61. @ Agent - My dad's parents were from the old country (well, Italy and Sicily). I'd love to be able to live there.

    1. Mango, we still have a little hope left that it might happen. We are going next year for a couple of weeks, fingers crossed.

      Lola, lol. First thing my husband said was an Italian from Argentina is Pope? Jesuit, that will be interesting. My Uncle was a Jesuit, dropped out of the seminary (the Irish shame!!) and went on to have 5 kids and teach at Notre Dame.

  62. @Lola - Hilarious comment. So true.

  63. I was thinking Travolta & Kelly Preston.

  64. Now, now children, let's play nice. I will bet that Enty will most likely introduce the new Pope so we'll all have time to input there. But I'll just skip over the Pope posts for now since it's of no interest. Sometimes ya just gotta do that.

  65. Isn't nick on tour now with his boy band? That means he's on the road, not staying with family.

  66. Mango and all I tired to delete that comment but could not. It's not my usual. Go about your business. Nothing to see here.

    1. I know it's not PC but the kiddie comment made me laugh Fora. (Ducks and runs for cover.)

  67. Ya I think tori & dean too

  68. My dad was sent to a Catholic boarding school in India, and now he hates nuns and priests. I don't think he was molested. I just think they revelled in the corporal punishment.

  69. Alyson Hannigan & Husband.

  70. @Me, I think you're right! I remember seeing the tour date hit my city (Toronto) on my birthday while I was booking tickets for another concert. I just googled 98 Degrees and the tour doesn't start until May 28. So he could be staying with family right now. This fits Nick and Vanessa to the teee. Ding ding I think we have a winner!

    (By the way, I totally wouldn't mind going to their tour. NKOTB is headlining, and Boyz II Men is also there too. Oh the 90s.....
