Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Blind Item #6

Surprisingly, it was not his not being sober that caused this couple to breakup. The reason this C list reality star (B+ name recognition) called it quits with this D list celebrity with B+ name recognition called it quits was she didn't get the job she thought she might with her last ditch effort at publicity. Plus, after a few months he was wondering why they still had not had sex.


  1. Maloof. She never had sex with her husband, why would he get some?

  2. I thought she made him Nair his hairy balls?

  3. I talked to my SIL in Sacramento last night and asked if she'd ever heard of the Maloofs. Oh my did I get an earful!! I thought there was controversy around our JailBlazers!

    1. Izzie, I was hoping you'd post the conversation with your relative in Sacramento. The Maloofs are *despised* there for how they have treated the city. I think any Maloof would need armed guards if they dared visit.

      Paul Nassif is looking better and better, isn't he?

    2. @Izzie. LOL! Are your ears still burning? Whatever people may feel about the Mayor, the proposed stadium, the Kings, one thing is universal, we all hate the Maloofs.

  4. She thought Sean Stewart would keep her on Housewives?! Bwahahaha

  5. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  6. I found Sean very endearing on Celebrity Rehab, but it was very maternal.

    The thought of Adrienne, who is a few years older then me, wanting him for sex made me think so much less of her. I"m almost glad she was using him for fame and not sex.

    That would totally creep me out. I guess I'm not cougar material.

  7. I have no idea who they are and I hope to keep it that way. Reality stars disgust me.

  8. Who would date Maloof on purpose? She's plastic, shallow, self absorbed...and a liar. She's gross.

  9. Anonymous1:17 PM

    This one is Easy Easy. A lot of these today are much easier than usual.
    I can't stand Adrienne glad she's gone. Funny she was loving up on him in front of the cameras but not giving it up! Ha! Stupid boy.

  10. Switch routines Kym. This one is no longer selling tickets.

  11. Go away, Kym...nobody here actually gives a rat's ass.

  12. What is Kim saying that is wrong? The blind items are literally word for word.

  13. And the answers are soooo very different

  14. Someone posted this link to a picture of Adrienne's real face.

    Doesn't even look like the same person.


    and...it's over with Sean


  15. What @Kym is saying is that last year the blind about the supposedly sober person was revealed to be Brandon Davis, and then a few days ago it was "revealed" to be Jonathan Rhys Myers.

    That IS weird!?

  16. Yeah, we get *what* Kym is saying, it's just that it's being repeated on every BI like we're supposed to now know that all BIs are fake.

    {shrug} I don't believe every BI. Most of them are like short pieces of fanfic limerick, a kernel of truth buried in a mountain of hyperbole.

  17. Entertainment folks, just entertainment. I don't get why people are so hard pressed to prove blinds are fake or real. If you have that much time to try and disprove everything then maybe you need a new hobby.

  18. I give Enty a pass on occasional blind item confusion. It can't be easy to remember the answer to hundreds of blinds, especially those that are a year old or older. And a lot of these blinds can easily apply to more than one person

  19. God forbid someone points out that the Emperor has no clothes. I just have a thing about lying. And slander. Maybe I should go seek professional help because I have a problem with the Enty machine accusing anybody and everybody of drug abuse, child molestation, cheating, being in the closet, etc., regardless of the validity of such accusations. It's one thing to make shit up to make money. It's another to pin that made up shit on people. It can't be both of them, so was it Johnathan or Brandon that got thrown under the gossip bus?

    1. Couldn't it be both? Maybe Enty forgot which one he meant but both are obnoxious drunks, so he put in Brandon once and then, a few years later put on Jonathan's name. Enty, contrary to many's beliefs, is only human, after all.

  20. Wake up, Adrienne, I think I have something to say to you. It's late September and I really should be back in school. I know I keep you amused but I feel I'm being used....the morning sun when it's in your face really shows your age. Oh Adrienne I couldn't have tried any more.

    And yes, even those of us who eschew sports hate the Maloofs here. It's a city past tme to loathe them.

  21. Wake up, Adrienne, I think I have something to say to you. It's late September and I really should be back in school. I know I keep you amused but I feel I'm being used....the morning sun when it's in your face really shows your age. Oh Adrienne I couldn't have tried any more.

    And yes, even those of us who eschew sports hate the Maloofs here. It's a city past tme to loathe them.

  22. @Seachica & Gayeld - OMG! Then my BIL got involved in the background. I thought the phone was going to explode! One thing I thought was really interesting was she that tix was were super expensive even though the team couldn't even make it to the championships, and they refused to let the public transportation anywhere near the stadium so people would have to pay the $20 parking fee. I'm thinking, how can someone tell the city where they're going to lay their public transportation lines? (Duh, Izzie, money talks. And parks.) She also said they owe the city something like $270mil and are in talks to sell the team to Seattle for $500mil and they're in debt for some hotel they bought into in Vegas.

    I'd be p*ed, too!

  23. Kympossible, why so hellbent? You have posted this repeatedly,... Why? This is a time suck entertainment blog for fun with a disclaimer at the bottom. Regardless, It seems fairly lost on you that BOTH - or either - JRM.and BD fit that blind. so, Enty revealed both at diff times. It's a generic blind... Like who cheated on their wife with the extra, promising her a role... Um, who didn't is a shorter list... As is who is actually sober and well mannered. Speaking of sober, I am glad to hear Sean Stewart still is. Good for him. I hope JRM and BD get there, too.

  24. WHY are they called "Reality Stars"?
    Nothing about them is real, and they are not stars.

  25. If the same assertions/accusations/lies were being posted about your friends and loved ones (in a public forum, no less), would you feel differently? I certainly hope you would. Why then, is it perfectly acceptable to do it to someone else, regardless of their fame? Yes. There is a disclaimer. But I see most of the people here take whatever Enty says as the gospel truth. It's irresponsible, cheap, unethical, and immoral. And for no other reason than to make a buck. Enty is a phony and a cheat, and not even an 'entertainment lawyer', just a low level attorney who works in the wills and probate department.

  26. Taylor swift and harry what's his name

  27. No one gives a shit, kympossible. Stop spamming.

  28. @kym, you have such energy and passion (and outrage)...why don't you direct it toward something that actually matters? You could fight to save the whales...fight global warming...protest for peace in Syria...stop the genocide in (name one of several African countries)...bring clean water to poverty stricken nations...join the NBA in supplying mosquito nets to 3rd world nations...fight illiteracy here in the USA...clean up a river or stream near you...help homeless veterans...help the stop the pet overpopulation problem...friend a child that doesn't have a parent...

    There are so many causes that are truly worthy of your time and outrage, if you would like to be hooked up with any of these (and more) let me know. You obviously need a cause you can channel your energy into and there are many, many organizations would be thrilled to take advantage.

  29. Ugh, a few weeks ago, I Googled the pregnant Barbie doll from back in the day, on my phone. Whenever I come to this site on mobile, there is a pregnant Barbie hovering over the top with a price next to it.

    On topic (sorta), I was shocked when I saw the before pictures of Adrienne. Did anyone know she is half Lebanese? She erased every sign of her heritage with her god awful surgery.

  30. Kympossible - We don't care. If it mattered that much to us we wouldn't be here. Get it?? This is what pulls a worker through a tough work day. This is what pulls a sick home bound person to the next day. This is what makes us laugh. You are not helping.

    We believe Enty has been married 5 times, lives in his mother's basement and loves bacon. There is no harm in that.

    You've had your say multiple times in multiple threads on multiple days. Enough. Go away. Nobody cares. And have a nice day.

  31. Well, since all of you put it that way... No. I get off exposing liars. All of you must be in that select group that donated money for that radio show. That one, single radio show. Wonder how much money he took you guys for with that one?

  32. @kym...







  33. Expose the real atrocities in our world.

  34. AWESOME! Just as soon as I get done yanking this eel out of his cave, I'll get right on that!

  35. "I get off exposing liars." Congrats, job well done! I hope it was good for you! But wait, now you're all horny again, I can tell. Maybe you should see a sex therapist? Your choice of sexual satisfaction doesn't seem to be holding you for very long. :( Maybe it's like porn, where you need a bigger and better thrill each time? In that case, may I suggest stopping by Fox News? They have a bottomless pit of lies for you to expose!

  36. Kympossible, meet b. profane. B. profane, meet Kympossible when you're back from you're rage-induced hiatus.

    If ever there were two Cdan commenters made for one another....

  37. Moosh, good call. Can I have the number to yours? I know you've been seeing one ever since you came to the realization that Enty wasn't going to accept your marriage proposal (so proud of you for getting past that, btw).

  38. gosh, Kym, can't you go away? We like nice neighbors at the party. Your rant is kind of boring.

  39. Sheesh what a crappy end to a crappy day,Kym would you like to meet my husband? You bastards seem to have a lot in common and most probably would make a lovely pair......of trolls.

  40. Aww, I didn't think you cared! ♥

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. The eloquence! The profundity! Sigh... now that I'm "past" Enty, may I please have a crush on you?

  43. Nice neighbors tell you you're being served a plate of horse shit instead of steak at the party.

  44. As if you didn't already. Although I'm flattered, I'm afraid I'm overqualified for the entry-level position you're offering. Or should I say 'Enty-level'. But hey--you still have that signed Amber Tamblyn book, right?

  45. call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me! I had fond memories of that show but now...now...not so much.

  46. Sorry, darling, I'm too sleepy to continue with this delightful flirting. Sweet dreams to you!

  47. Anytime, beautiful. Whenever I can stir up enough truth in here to get a response from you, the pleasure is all mine.

  48. Why is this Kym person even on here? Wayyyyyy too much time on your hands and too few real-life friends if any

  49. @ Kym - you like exposing liars? Washington's in THAT direction *points east* and they make a lot more than Enty does and no I never sent him one red cent for his radio show or anything else.

    Enty's not reading this. You're not annoying him, you're annoying other posters. I suggest you write Enty a sternly worded email.

    Anyhooser, back to the blind: So if this is about Adrienne, what job did she think she would get? And I knew there was no way she was sleeping with him; it was highly doubtful that she was sleeping with Paul. I thought the only reason she was dating Sean was that he was young (to tick off Paul), easily bought, would do as he was told and wouldn't push the sexual aspect of their relationship.

  50. @kym this shit is for fun. You seem very much like an attention whore. Doesn't Libdsay need an assistant? Apply!

  51. Is this broad for real?

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I loved that this site was troll free... Enty's not doing anything that tabloids, magazines, and tv shows do everyday. hollywood and everyone in it lie every day. To themselves, to the public, to EVERYONE.

    Kym, you're not saying anything new. It's old and tiresome. If you can out and expose Enty, do it already. Stop trolling his blog comment threads. Or if you are so outraged, why not attack the paps that violate moral and personal boundaries? Or the tabloids that lie for much more money? If you think we're going to feel sorry for these so-called celebrities with their fame and money, you're in the wrong place.

  54. And will it still be so much fun when it's your child's name who is on the receiving end of such adjectives as "whorish", "cheap", "junkie", "on-call", "boot licker".

  55. I tried to post this last night and I wasn't able...NEVER reply to those people..Seriously, just ignore it. They cannot have an argument with themselves. Once everyone learns that then they will go away. Don't let them bait you. It's much more effective and more polite to not say anything in response. When will you guys learn this? Please I beg you.

  56. Oh Sherry, a lecture? From you?!

    You're usually so nice and not condescending.

  57. Dear LORD! Kympossible! Sweetheart, you need help! Get some air. Count to ten. Breathe. Bless your heart, you are so full of angst and venom! On a gossip site! Sheesh! Calm down, sweetie. You're going to blow a fuse over tinker toys. Play nice in the sandbox, Hon, or get the f*ck outta dodge. I don't know that I have ever read from someone so in need of a f*cking life and anger management counseling. Good god, Sugar, you're toxic and so very, very pathetic. Sign of the cross and a necklace of garlic...
