Monday, March 11, 2013

Blind Item #6

This former A+ list mostly movie actress is still always going to be an A even if she does not work any longer. She might not be able to work any longer if she keeps sucking down the meth. She weighs barely 100 pounds and has burned the tips of her fingers so much that she does not even feel the pain anymore. She might end up dead. If you see her in person she is shaking and trembling and is in truly awful condition.


  1. Damn Demi, should've stuck to whip-its.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Angie is all movie (TV movies count as movie).

    I think ethorne's right with Demi. Wasn't she on a soap when she was younger?

  4. Squinty? Has Renee done any TV?

    1. Wasn't she just at Oscar's holding an envelope(she refused to read)? They usually zoom on envelope, her fingers seemed intact from what I recall.. lol

  5. Yes, just a little, but yes. So I'm going with Renee Zellweger (sp?)

  6. Damn Ashton must have done a real number on this chick to get her now on Meth OR Demi cannot be the answer to ever BI about a former A list actress who is on drugs now.

  7. Demi played Jackie Templeton on general hospital for a couple of years...I remember from when I was a kid...

  8. Demi played Jackie Templeton on general hospital for a couple of years...I remember from when I was a kid...

  9. I don't think it's Renee. She looks curvier and healthier than she used to. (I don't mean to single out anyone, but if you look at other Scandinavians with Sami heritage they too have the 'squinty' look. I wish people would lay off of Renee for that.)

    Demi used to be on General Hospital back in the day (I watched it then).

  10. Would Renee or Demi always be A even if they never did another movie? Were either one ever A+?

  11. Ahh, nevermind. I was too consumed with the meth that I ignorned the other clues, e.g. A list. My bad.

  12. Yeah, I don't think Demi is still A, much less will always be A.

  13. this is my ignorance talking (writing?) but I thought meth was a poor person's drug of choice why not opt for coke/heroin?

  14. Hi Pink Picklegoo - I know where you're coming from but really meth is anyone's drug who wants it (see: crack). It's a very different high than either coke or heroin as well.

    Coke hits you in short blasts & then you have to re-up again. Heroin puts you kinda in a woozy sugary sleep, meth makes you ALL CRACKED OUT AND IT'S DIFFERENT!!! GET ALL THE THINGS DONE!!!

    Would love for someone else to weigh in on this.

    1. Hi hunter! I totally forgot about Whitney "crack is wack" Houston and It make smore sense that people use certain drugs to achieve a certain state of mind, thanks for the break down! I 'm glad I asked!

      with that, I say this sounds like Demi "I'm alive and young" Moore.

    2. You are absolutly right hunter. Meth is a whole different ballgame.

  15. Anonymous12:09 PM

    i think demi will always be A list even if shes not doing anything A worthy. Such a shame. Great voice great eyes great face... and disturbed i really thought when she went to raise her kids everything was just fine with that one. Years later shes a freaking fiend.

  16. Waayyy back in the day, I recall one time being knee-walking drunk, partying late-night at a river house and someone gave me a pinky-fingernail full of crank (which I hear is the same as today's meth) and you'd have thought i was stone-cold sober after that little bump! We skinny dipped all night long after than and had THE best time, actually!

    So I guess it wakes you the hell UP but that is all I really remember. Oh--and it hurt like hell going up that one nostril.

  17. Not Renee she is in a loved up relationship. I have no idea, I don't think of Demi as being permanent A+, she's no legend. But other than that I got nothing.

  18. Demi was on GH when she was 19. I think this is Angie.

  19. Renee Z. looked God awful at the Oscars this year. I barely recognized her.

  20. At one point, Demi Moore was the highest paid actress in Hollywood. I think that qualifies her for permanent A status.

    Unfortunately, she was a victim of the fucked-up system -- it wasn't really because of her that her movies made so much money, and then afterwards, it wasn't her fault that her string of failures did so badly. Films don't succeed or fail purely because of the star, but H'wood still thinks that's the formula.

  21. Angie has her demons, but she seems like a good mother and is very hands on ... I don't think she would get to this point, especially with the kids.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. My guess is Meg Ryan. She looks scary.

  24. It says MOSTLY movie, not ALL movie.

  25. We have figured out before that "mostly movie actress" could also mean that they do other things like produce and direct. I say Angie for this one, too.

  26. Anonymous12:49 PM


  27. I was thinking Angie for this, but as someone said she has all those kids to look after. Oh, I know she has lots of help, but I would like to think she would be responsible enough not to get blissed out like this.

  28. hunter - Thanks for the mini-tutorial. If it's not pot or hash - my college indulgences - then I have no clue what drug takes you on what trip.

  29. This article says former A+. Angie is A+. This is Demi.

  30. I don't see this as Angie for two reasons. As Unknown says, she's still A+ and probably is for life. Second, her drug of choice has always been heroin. Meth would make her hyper, right? I just don't see her that way.

  31. I think you burn yor fingers on a crack pipe,not a meth pipe. Unless your a dumbass.

  32. The latest pics of Angie show her AT LEAST 15-20 pounds heavier through the middle, than she was a few years ago.
    PROMISE. This is NOT Angie. i have been heartened at how relatively 'thick' she's been looking lately.

    Her limbs are always bony. Google-up her latest appearances, you'll see she's actually heavier than before.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Again OT but after looking at a picture of Nicole Richie it linked to a blog about someone who claimed to be an actress/model in NYC/LA and she was also an active anorexic. What stood out to me about this blog was A. When she got a job her agent would tell her we start shooting in X Weeks, better start loosing weight now without even seeing her(because the thinner the better for modeling work) and her final post
    B. Show business is like a corset. It just keeps squeezing you tighter and tighter until you can no longer breathe. It really made me think that fame makes you and destroys you as well.

  35. Actually, it has been rumored for some time that Angie's drug of choice is fentanyl not heroin. (Which is not to say that she didn't used to be a heroin user.)

  36. Yeah Hunter is correct. Meth is a different high altogether and when you DON'T have any you crash for like 3 days. And meth freaks I knew were just spinning their broken gears. A lot of started but never ended projects. And you CAN smoke it but she must have a bad pipe to be burning her fingers unless it's from the lighter and the bowl's too deep. I'm sorry I even know this. Really I am.

  37. I have never done heroin but I take "legal meth" (aka Adderall, which really isn't meth but you get the joke) and yeah, it hypes you big time if you don't have ADD.

    It focuses me but if I take too much, holy cow, my normally somewhat OCD habits turn me into Martha Stewart on meth. Add coffee into the mix and I'm the freaking Tasmanian devil. So, yeah, I could see how the celebs under tons of pressure would find it that a good thing.

    But like Sherry said, the crash is awful. It feels like a hangover with panic attacks and fever. Not fun.

    1. Sometimes I take my adderall w/coffee just so I'll get all my laundry done. *shame*

    2. No shame. I do it too!

    3. I believe that's called withdrawal when you feel like it's almost a flu. Sneezing, feverish, heebie geebies, etc. Baaad feeling. BTDT too many times and will have to do it again.

  38. well, whomever it is, it is sad.

    demi was actually really good in margin call, which was a terrific movie. I guess that was among the last things she's done.

    hollywood allows men to star in movies into their middle age and beyond. with women, the big career is mostly over by 30 w/a few exceptions.

    note that oscar winners jennifer lawrence and anne hathaway are still in their 20's. daniel day lewis is in his 50's and christoph waltz is 56.

    so, I was a bit surprised by everyone calling seth mcfarland sexist when the movie industry is sexism industrified.

  39. @annabella: Hear, hear.

  40. I always remember this rule: what goes up, must come down. No matter how tempting a high might be, always be prepared to pay the price. There's no such thing as a high "blissfully wearing off"--and the crash is usually twice or 3 times as long as the high and higher you go the harder you fall. Yuck, not worth it anymore.

    1. Pure LSD wears off smoothly. Not crappy gel tab raver $5 a hit LSD. The stuff that's not sold. The muscle/neck cramps and lockjaw you get coming down off street acid is due to other crap that's put into it. Pure LSD is amazing and feels, well, pure.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. From what I heard, a long and dreadlocked time ago...

    4. Pure LSD wears off smoothly. Not crappy gel tab raver $5 a hit LSD. The stuff that's not sold. The muscle/neck cramps and lockjaw you get coming down off street acid is due to other crap that's put into it. Pure LSD is amazing and feels, well, pure.

  41. Izzie - I spent the last hour making a list of "spring cleaning" chores, and another list of supplies I'll be needing. Was very tempted to add that "Tasmanian Devil" combo to the supplies list for a minute there... then you described the "hangover". So I guess I'll pass, but thanks for the descriptions. Having not used any of these drugs, it's helpful to hear from those with some knowledge.

    1. obviously everyone's different, but I've never experienced an adderall hangover. The worst side effect I have is not being able to get to sleep if I take too much. I've always felt fine the next day.

    2. @Gem, me either (ritalin, not adderall) But as Izzie said, if you have ADD, it affects you differently...even if you initially get buzzy from it. Caffeine could "bump" it for me but I never got the high that non ADD people can get from it.

  42. You got it right, Hunter.

    Angie was working not that long ago on "Maleficent" so I don't think this is her. She def looks on something though.

    Demi Moore was all over the place in the 90s. Wasn't she the highest paid actress in Hollywood at one point? Anyways, so sad. I pray she or whoever this is gets help and can get off it. That sh*t is so nasty but so hard to get off of.

  43. annabella

    McFarlane's song was sexist because it only talked about women. IMO, he could have gotten off the hook for that if he'd had a second verse on the theme "We saw your junk," and had named some male stars who had gotten nude in movies.

  44. Demi. She's been all over the place, acting weird & pretending she's not hurt over Ashton. People abuse drugs when they are afraid to feel something. I think Ashton's infidelities behind her back coupled with his quick rebound to Mila is devastating to Demi emotionally. So, easy way to act like she's "fine" & not feel or show how hurt she is is to do drugs, & meth takes you to a whole other level. It gives you energy & makes you feel 10 ft tall & bulletproof. But as has been said, coming off it is a hell that isn't worth the high.

  45. I don't believe this is Demi. Frankly, she still looks too good. I think this person is someone more reclusive and off the radar.

  46. This is definitely Liza.

  47. (I liked the boobs song)

  48. This is a real sad one. : ( Meth is EVIL.
    Always be Alist leaves a small list I think. Hope it isn't Ally Sheedy.

  49. I really, really, REALLY hope it isn't Liza. :(

  50. @ Izzie - No, TV movies are TELEVISION movies. You wouldn't consider Tori Spelling or any other of those Lifetime Women in Peril "ingenues" motion pictures actresses (as in go stand in line and buy a ticket) although they are desperate to cross over. Two different kettles of fish.

    Tori has done a couple of motion pictures but she's primarily a Television actress.

  51. This is Faye Dunaway--she is a legend but has hit rough times please see the pictures of her oscar weekend with weird gloves on her hands!

  52. she has also been known lately not only for her bad plastic surgery but her odd behavior.
    However as someone who has played in some of the most memorable roles i.e. bonnie & clyde, network, mommie dearest, she can be described as a list

    and these are not fashion gloves these are literally rubber gloves people

  53. No doubt in my mind this is about Kristen Stewart.
