Friday, March 15, 2013

Blind Item #6 - They Don't Get Any Easier

This nobody has hit the lottery. He actually could be making for or asking for a whole lot more money than he is currently getting paid to be the boyfriend of this A list celebrity. She loves having a boyfriend and the only way she is going to meet someone who does not work for her is if someone arranges it. A few introductory meetings and a a coffee and then dates paid unknowingly by her. He gets paid $1000 a week which is twice as much as he was making at his last job. He is not supposed to have sex with her, but no one says no to her without a fight so it probably has happened or will. Does this make him a gigolo?


  1. Awww, someone pays him to be with her and she doesn't even know it? That's kinda shitty.


  2. Anonymous11:31 AM


  3. Definitely Brit Brit. So sad.

  4. Why do i think Jlo...homegirl cant be alone for two seconds.

  5. I thought of Britney too because of the not supposed to have sex but she will fight about it, like someone is making the decisions for her.

  6. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Sounds like Britney.

  7. I like jalapenos.

  8. Aww Britney =(

    It felt like a huge set up the second she was spotted with him. Especially because he's supposed to be "normal" so how the heck would shed meet him? He's her new Jason.

  9. I like jalapenos too FSP! One of the favorite Mexican places I went to as a kid had 2 kinds of dip. 1 was regular fresh salsa and the other was sour cream+jalapenos that they put in the blender.
    It was yummy :)

    Yeah this is Britney. I really wish she would wise up.

  10. Kickstarter fund to save britney y' special style pf course.

  11. I must have been hiding under my favorite rock again, because I had no idea Brit had a new boy.

  12. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Oh Britters...given her returns to crazy 90's outfits, and her gawdawful dirty unwashed, unbrushed weave, I'd say that these kinds of measures are sensible. Let her date, but in a controlled way. I don't see the problem. Unless she finds out about it, and by now she's probably got alot of paranoia and suspicion about her life, rightfully so. Probably just adds to the feeling that she's crazy though.

  13. This is just so sad. Who orchestrates this? Her father? My God, is there nothing in her entire life that she gets to control? That alone would drive me batsh*t. I know Jaime is a savior of sorts, And I actually think he still let's her perform not for the money (the income he draws is surprisingly modest), but to give her a purpose to keep her going. Still, you have to wonder if she were to get a team of proper help, far away, whether she could rebuild a quiet life some where with a different self fulfilling purpose, so she could actually be happy and not just on drug induced auto pilot compliant. Then again, no matter where she goes, she will always be Britney Spears, and people don't leave her alone :(

  14. I was going to say what, is this woman developmentally delayed or something? Then I saw the comments saying Britney and though, oh right, duh. IS she dd? Or mentally ill? Anyone know which it is? Both?

  15. And yes this makes him a gigolo, but let's call a spade a spade and call him a prostitute. Pretty much the definition of.

  16. So manipulative and self serving. Poor whoever it is. Reminds me of francis farmer.

  17. @Anna, Outfits from the 90s indicate need for receivership? Now I'm getting paranoid!

  18. I wanted it to be JLo but I know she knows shes paying that homo to be with her so it has to be Brittney because she is stupid. Btw Id let her be with me at my beach for free just leave the kids with KFed. :)

  19. She's mentally ill.

  20. Well, they ARE adults. It really would be suspicious if he didn't have sex with her. What's he supposed to say, "I'm saving myself"?

  21. Asking if Britney is developmentally disabled is just insulting. She is obviously not.
    Outside of her casing - she is a normal girl suffering from a history of abuse that has been justified by celebrity status and gobs of money. She was used as a sex slave for the industry since she was 17 people. It is not even fair the way she is judged now because of what she was thrown into as a child. Mental illness does not happen over night and it certainly won't get better over night. She's still surrounded by people that use her in some way or another.

    Just maybe this blind is 100% FALSE and based on assumption, considering that everyone is well aware of the circumstance. I hope so, because if it is true, it is incredibly sad.

  22. @jme i dont know whether or not she was a sex slave. but i agree with everything else you said.

    that said, i was thinking the new guy was her bodyguard. its the media who's making this out to be a new boyfriend.

    meaning, i dont believe this blind.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. lol... I tend to take things to the extreme.

  25. "...and A COFFEE"

    it's Brit

  26. So she's unknowingly paying him? Then why the comment about no one says no to her without a fight? Wouldn't she just pursue it like a normal relationship? Maybe he said he was part of that renewed virginity thing. All the cool people are doing it.

  27. Poor Britney. I knew something was up when she started back with the no undies in public.

  28. Why Britney? My first thought was JLo. Of the two, JLo seems more like the "no one says 'no' to her without a fight.'"-type.

  29. Anonymous1:43 PM

    oh britney smh

    why must all these child stars go bat shit crazy?

  30. @jme not really a "sex slave," but, like most child stars, (and Brit was a bread winner before puberty, not 17), they have so much pressure put upon them to act & work as an adult, in a adult world, yet somehow, retain this youthful, carefree image, of a regular kid. Then, you have the goofy parents who are stupid enough to go along with all this media created, "role model" crap. Selena, Miley, Demi, Justin, Britney, etc., are not role models. They are professional performers. Their job is to provide income for all the people who work in the company called "____,Inc" that stage and manager the tours, ghostwrite the books, sell the memorabilia, make the lunchboxes, film the movies, etc...there are thousands and thousands of people out of work, if Justin Bieber loses his sh*t and his image is totally destroyed. But, that's the game, build them up as high you can, then beat them like a piƱata, all the way down. Tell them they are special, never let them hear the word "no," and then yank it all away. That's why they all go bat shit crazy, @nudibelle. And it's a shameful process, every step of the way.

    1. And may I add that the parents don't encourage their kids to go to college and think of studying for another career at a time when they can use the down time to transition from child star to grown up. Also it's at the time that, by law, they should get the money disbursed from the trust set up from their acting work.

      I believe a lot of stage parents don't do this because THEY don't have another career except their kids. I wouldn't be surprised if SAG institutes some rules to ensure these child stars are protected.

  31. My Friday wish -- a blind I understood and could solve!

    I do feel badly for Britney. I wonder how many (IF any) people she has in her life really care about *her* not about the $$.

  32. @Anna Nonymous, I agree. I know everyone says, "Britney should be able to make her own decisions!" but obviously, she can't. And if she can't, that means someone else has to make them for her.

    I also don't see what is "insulting" about asking if Britney is developmentally disabled. It's not as if anyone can help being that way or not.

    The "boyfriend" is lousy to go along with this shit though, even if Britney doesn't know any better. It's just an icky thing to do.

  33. First thought, Britney S. Been seeing alot of her and some guy.

  34. @bri swartley great analysis. Maybe not a literal sex slave (though that still can't be discounted what with the "casting couch" that actors AND musicians often endure), but certainly sexually exploited. Britney and Xtina always wore revealing outfits and performed in extremely provocative videos as teenagers. Xtina recently spoke out about the pressure to be "skinny" too.

  35. I wish her handlers would have an OUNCE of compassion and send her back to Louisiana, even for just a few years. It seems like she'd be so much better off there - no pressure to stay fit or dress up, and she'd definitely meet some normal guys. Jamie lynn seems to have done really well for herself back home - she just got engaged. It'd be best, and then if she wanted to have a comeback in a few years it'd be a major success.

  36. I second, third fourth, whatever..he's Brittany's biiitchhh. I think I finally got one, happy for me, sad for her.

  37. If the guy is given the money to wine and dine Britney, her father/conservator would have to sign off on this pathetic arrangement since I think he has complete control of her finances.

    I'm thinking it's not Britney.

  38. I think Paris (amongst others!) - something is off about that for sure. I too dont understand the unknowingly comment - which does sound like it's Brit's dad making her look and feel good.

  39. I was reading this as Madonna.

  40. Sorry, didn't mean to offend with "developmentally delayed," it's actually a serious question. Some people function pretty well overall with a very low IQ, wondering if that's her situation or if she's normally intelligent but mentally ill. Probably the latter.

    GREAT summary @Bri Swartley! So well put. Poor things. :-(

  41. figgy, i'm thinking i have read that she is bi-polar. if so, it is my understanding that that condition is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain..........someone please correct me if i am wrong, i am too lazy today to google it. so, probably a condition she was born with and not caused by her environment, though environmental issues could certainly have made it worse.

  42. She's so heavily drugged she probably actually believes that she met him "coincidentally" and that he "really likes her for herself."

    Yeah, this is pretty sad, particularly because it's so obvious. I'll bet her dad never lets her read any gossip sites either.

  43. Britney really just is a puppet on a string. What a shame.

  44. I am gonna pop in here. Britney and I at one point went to the same psychiatrist. We exchanged words a few times in passing. She goes to a doctor outside of California, in a place where no one bothers her and there are no paps. She is a sweet, otherwise normal person. She isn't stupid at all, and didnt seem "developmentally disabled" to me at any point. She is bipolar, and I am too. Funnily enough we both lost our shit around 2007, so I can relate to her. I hope she isn't who this blind is about, but I think she may be. She seemed so shy and sweet, which surprised me. Seems like she's had a very rough life.

  45. @Lyn L, that is a nice thing to share. Thank you, and blessings on your healing.

  46. Yall' are just plain RETARDED!! How much more bullshit can you believe??? Even if this IS supposedly written about Brit, we all know it's NOT true! Britney isn't stupid and her father and managers wouldn't do that to her. They aren't asses.

    He is friend's with Jamie, her father, and Jason was her former agent. She doesn't just find random ass people to date.

    You have no idea about the situation so don't judge! Yall are so blind.

  47. @Lyn L I don't believe you for ONE SECOND! Why would she talk to some random person she doesn't even know??? And she goes to a psychatrist out of CA? Ya suuuure. The only time she's been out of CA is for tours and vacation. And the entire time she was having her "meltdown" (which wasn't even what it was) she was in CA. Brit is NOT bi polar. My crazy ass ex bf is bi polar NOT Brit. Sorry but you are wrong and just asking for attention.
