Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Blind Item #5

She is barely out of her teens. She is also the reason that this C+ reality star is now getting a divorce. Her husband found someone younger and someone who doesn't have a desire to be on television and someone who will worship the ground he walks on. Also, the barely out of her teens woman has another quality that he has never had before in a relationship. He is in lust with that quality. It kind of blurs the line between male and female if you know what I mean.


  1. Porsha Stewart and Cordell

    1. And the quality he is in lust with maybe the "she" is really a "he"...he's had been surrounded by gay rumors since his Steeler days

  2. Kordell omg for sure

  3. Yep, RHOA's Porsha and Cordell Stewart. So, Enty is hinting that Cordell enjoys the art of pegging, and this new "girlfriend" may have a permanent peg of her own?

    1. For anyone that hasn't already heard: Kordell and Porsha Divorcing

      Thanks @Onyx for breaking the news!!

  4. Kordell omg for sure

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i dont know, maybe he just likes to stick it in a girls butt?

    nothing gay about that.

  7. No clue who Cordell is, but I thought of Courtney Stodden and the creep she's married to.

  8. How can this be Porsha and Cordell? Porsha does worship the ground he walks on.

  9. I thought Stodden, too.

  10. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Porsha and Kordell, had to look them up, but it definitely seems to fit. Nice job CDAN sleuths.

  11. Speaking of Stodden, go check out Amanda Bynes Twitter. She got implants and is morphing into Courtney!

  12. Sorry I'm just an old married lady but what does pegging mean?

  13. Def Porsha and Kordell.

  14. GatorGirl, it's when a woman uses an adult "toy" to have anal sex with a man.

    1. So is her quality that she enjoys doing that I wonder or does she actually have something down there like that wrestler lady that supposedly has more than she should

  15. I said from jump he is gay! Wow

  16. Wow that's shocking to me, how did i miss the gay rumors on him?! I thought it was something dumb like shit went down at the reunion or something.

  17. This isn't even a BI


  18. Portia isn't "barely out of her teens". She's late 20s, early 30s. I think this is likely Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchinson.

  19. Kordell and a college tranny EPIC!

  20. It cant be Courtney Stoddardbecause she wants to be extremely famous.

  21. Well they are from Atlanta the "down low capital" of America

  22. She must be a hermaphrodite.

  23. @MontanaMarriott - BINGO!

    @Crilla 16 That's what I'm getting from this blind too.

    1. I also thought the same thing.

  24. The new girl is barely out of her teens not the reality star.

  25. Yes, I also take this as Cordell and Porsha, with her replacement being a hermaphrodite. It's pretty obvious he likes them young and dumb, so it looks like he found someone younger and dumber!

  26. @crila and @anon
    The correct term is intersexed. The term you used is ancient and offensive.

    I am intersexed and I am not a freak. Nor are any other intersexed individuals. They are your neighbors, likely friends, relatives, they are famous and not famous, rich, poor, all races, all ages, all socio-economic statuses and all sexual preferences.

    Most are silent, however, because of the awful stereotype put on them by society, as if they did something wrong for simply being born with a birth defect.

    I went into semi-retirement for a while, just checking in from time to time and saw this and I couldn't not respond.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      @ice angel: not trying to be snarky, but why is "hermaphridite" offensive? It's a medical term, widely used from what I can tell ( it's routinely used in my university classes). I legitimately don't follow

  27. @Ice Angel: thank you for taking the time to inform. =)

  28. Thank you, @Ice Angel! I was hoping for a knowledgeable followup. ♥

  29. Cool. Now who wants to ask the obvious questions first???

  30. Doug and Courtney? What does MK call her? Makes me laugh every time. Iguana-something.

  31. @ Raving - if you are referring to my post-fire away - I only ask that you be respectful - I am always looking to educate and share.

  32. Anonymous2:14 PM


  33. Honestly I don't think it's a big deal. I'm betting the woman he was married to was not that surprised. As long as everyone is of age, then who cares really?

  34. Also, I never knew that hermaphrodite was considered offensive.

    Now I know, and knowing is half the battle.

  35. @Empress-sadly, you are correct that it is a term used to this day in some places-"hermaphroditism" is used only in animals. "Intersexed" is the appropriate medical terminilogy and has been for quite some time.

    Basically, no one technically will have 2 complete sets of organs. When you are first conceived, there are actually 2 sets of sex organs internally-male and female. The male "Y" chromosome is a trigger that tells the male sex organs to take over and replace the female organs. Masculinity then insues and the person grows male characteristics, such as a penis, testicles, and through puberty, adult male characteristics. With the absence of a Y chromosome and no "switch" the male sex organs disintegrate and the body "defaults" to a female body-forming a vagina, cervix, uterus, and ultimately female features such as breasts, etc...

  36. @ ice angel - What Empress and mistang said... It might be ancient terminology (sort of like using oriental instead of Asian) but it's not vulgar or meant to be disrespectful, so please don't take it that way. :)

  37. This happens in the first 6 weeks of an embryo's growth. Most people's fetal growth goes along these lines. However, there are a great number of different conditions that can affect this line of development, including what I have: Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome-basically I have "Complete AIS" which means my body cannot "read" male hormones. So even though my chromosome is XY, my body didn't "hear" the "Y" and my body developed as the default female. My "maleness" was unable to develop. The problem, in this instance is that the undeveloped female sex organs, i.e. uterus and ovaries were "killed off by the Y" but the male organs couldn't develop. So what I ended up with were undeveloped, undescended testicles that were in my abdomen and a vagina that leads to a "dead end" as there is no cervix and no uterus.

  38. I am therefore unable to bear children and have 3 beautiful adopted children. There are different kinds of AIS. I am Complete, meaning, I can't "hear" any male hormones. I am completely female. Born female. Birth certificate female. Never knew about my XY until I grew up and had never entered puberty and had tests done. That said, I am even more "female" than anyone I know, as most females can "read" male hormones. There is also partial AIS, where the body can read some male hormones but not all. These folks generally have more "abiguous genitalia." They may have a partial vagina and a partial penis.

  39. Anonymous3:05 PM

    I wonder why people feel the need to use a different term for the same situation just because it's referring to a human as opposed to another animal? Strange how we do that. Also strange how what can one day be the appropriate term can shortly thereafter become an inappropriate term. Well, now I know (at least what the correct term is, if not why it's that way)

  40. When babies are born with ambiguous genetalia, often times doctors convinced parents to "fix" them. A friend of mine was "fixed" when she was a baby. They removed her undeveloped "penis" and made her a girl. Unfortunately, that undeveloped penis was actually her clitorus. She has no sexual feeling in that area any longer. That said, she is now a healthy adult who is married to her female partner. She considers herself a lesbian woman.

  41. There are so many other forms of intersexed conditions and I don't claim to be an expert-even on my own!!! I know what I need to know for health reasons, but basically just move on with my life as anyone else and don't think a whole lot about it. It is just one aspect of who I am. I spend a lot more of my energies on being a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, a daughter, and hopefully, a good person. It has taught me however, not to judge people on their physical characteristics. The beauty of life is that we are all so different. Unless you are an identical twin, there is no one else on earth just like you-and even identical twins have a lot of differences as well! But we are people and do have feelings, and when we hear of jokes, made on mainstream programs, and websites and even casual conversation, it is hurtful. So whenever I feel safe enough, I do speak out to try to raise some awareness so that those younger than I am can avoid things like ridicule, doctors lying to them, parents being convinced into genital mutilation surgery, etc... The more information I can offer, hopefully, the less those that come after me will suffer.

  42. If you are looking for further information, Wikipedia has a great site. Just search for "intersex."

    Also, even better, this is a great site as well:
    www.isna.org (Intersex Society of North America)

    Thanks for listening!

  43. @Mango @ Empress - I certainly didn't think you meant it to be cruel or derogatory-you are right-the term is used a lot. I am just trying to "educate" as I realize you aren't looking to hurt anyone. If I thought you were, I wouldn't even respond to you. I know you are both good people, which is why I am sharing this with you both and others. I hope you didn't take my words harshly or accusatory.

    Wikipedia has a good take on why the word hermaphrodite is not just distasteful, but also incorrect:

    The word intersex has come into preferred usage for humans, since the word hermaphrodite is considered to be misleading and stigmatizing,[3] as well as "scientifically specious and clinically problematic".[4]

    The point is that we aren't animals, and deserve to be called what we wish to be called, especially if it is clinically correct. Also, there is a long history of doctors lying to us as children and encouraging our parents to lie to us as well. When we grow up, and dig deeper, we are astonished to learn of the lies (for our own good) as it just further establishes that there is something so wrong with us, that even we must not know of it. The truth is that there is nothing to be ashamed of. Certainly, it is personal and private information, but it is OUR information. So the more we can educate, the more we can move away from being treated as freaks by the medical community (oh-you should hear some stories-taking naked photos of little children-I had a team called into look at me naked on a table, etc...) and by society, the better.

    I am an adult now and have moved past the horrors of my childhood and the lies. I don't forget them and I hope that my words and actions enable the younger intersexed people (of which there will always be more) navigate through life just a little easier and focus on being the person they want to be and not the person others tell them they "should" be.

  44. @ Empress-in regards to the human vs. animal (now I may be wrong, as I am not a scientist by any means!) I believe the differentiation is that in some species of animals, there is true hermaphroditism. In other words, some animals do have both sets of reproductive organs and are both functional. In humans, this is not possible (from what I understand.) In other words, one person can't become a "mother" and a "father" bioligically.

    I even think some animals can impregnate themselves, if I am not mistaken.

    So...very different from humans. I hope that helps and maybe not scientifically perfectly accurate, I am confident that this is the gist.

    1. Thank you infinitely. You have answered the questions honestly and thoroughly. I'm sure it isn't easy hearing ignorant remarks. Kudos to you for taking the time to inform us. It was said that Jamie Lee Curtis was intersexed, not sure how true it is but she is no freak, actually, the exact opposite...she's hot!

  45. @Ice Angel: Thank you for coming forward and giving us all some personal insight on being intersexed. I know the popular rumor for years has been that Jamie Lee Curtis is intersexed to some degree (AIS is the usual diagnosis), although she's never stated either way (and really doesn't have to, when you get down to it; if she is, some doctor or nurse somewhere violated her privacy most egregiously). It sounds as if you're doing very well, so good for you!

  46. Ice Angel: Thank you so much for sharing with us! I worked with an intersexed gal about 15 years ago, but she hadn't come to terms with it and didn't share too much about it. Again, thanks for sharing with all of us. Much love and peace to you! <3

  47. @ice angel, thank you for opening up and sharing with us. Very informative! Come out of the shadows and comment more; most of us are very nice here :) :)

  48. 1993 was when the word intersex began to be recognized. I know this because I looked it up the last time ice angel posted:)

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I learned something today, Thank You.

  51. You guys all rock!

  52. The word hermaphrodite might be used by some university professors for organisms that have functional male and female parts (at the same time or over their lifespan). As a Biology professor, I do use it for non-humans, for example earthworms, eels, and some plants.

    As IceAngel mentioned, for humans the correct term is Intersex, which is NOT being functioning male and female. There are so many causes and outcomes for a person to be intersex, Some are due to too many sex chromosomes or too few. Some are due to genes that regulate primary and secondary characteristics not functioning as they often do. When I teach these conditions, my students almost always refer to them as hermaphrodites. I correct them. Just like Mongolism and Retardism are not terms used anymore for Down's Syndrome. Hermaphrodism is not used to describe human conditions anymore. By they by, many hermaphrodites can even have sex with themselves.

  53. I meant functioning male and female sex organs. I was not referring to gender. Sorry for leaving that out.

  54. Thank you very much, Ice Angel and others, for the info. I had no idea that intersexed term even existed and I went to nursing school!

  55. Thank you Ice Angel. Well done!

  56. Wow, I consider myself well educated, but I honestly never heard the term "intersex" before. Thanks Ice Age for the info and for putting a human face on this condition.

  57. Ice Angel, thank you for sharing and your willingness to educate others. I learned a lot. Life and the world at large is comprised of so many layers and complexities, which for me is what keeps it interesting. As an aside, I'm grateful for the CDAN community because it's filled with many open minded, compassionate people.

  58. @Ice Angel, thank you for sharing all that info. Some of it I knew a bit about and some was new, but it was all helpful in gaining better understanding. It's always good to try to understand and know a bit more about all sorts of different people so we can be more accepting and open and less insensitive.

  59. Ice Angel, you informed without being angry, had the grace to answer questions thoughtfully, and taught any of us (me for sure) something new today that I won't forget. Brava, dear, and thank you.

  60. Thank you IceAngel for sharing I would like to add that my friend who is "intersexed" calls herself hermaphrodite because she feels like people can understand that better. ( Woman in a man's body -raised as- with both female and male genitalia)I applaud you for sharing with us all this knowledge. It's so very helpful and you have been so very kind about it as well. Thank you.

    Not to sound patronizing but the book "Middlesex" (Jeffery Eugenindes)was really eye opening. At least from this females perspective. But it was well written.

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  62. Thanks so much for all of the positive feedback guys! As an aside-I posted on BG on the April Fool's joke that I found it offensive, but was very cordial about it, as I was here. I was sad that Ace never posted my comment. I also e-mailed him separately and never received a response. :(

    It's little things like that (from a supposedly open and accepting forum) that really hurt people and continue to keep the stygma alive. I'm glad I was able to share my story with a few people and make a difference.

    Thanks again for all of the feedback!

  63. Re: KORDELL...There was an article on nbc.com that said an NFL player was "strongly considering" coming out and resuming his career...hmmmm

  64. Thanks Ice Angel. you are very brave. you go Grrrl!
